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Postby Redd » 04/05/2018 9:40 PM

//Location: Deep Space//
//Class: Scavengers//


- Average in almost every aspect of his appearance. Short messy, sandy blond hair, brown eyes. Tends towards unremarkable clothing.
- Skilled pilot, in both planetary and interstellar aviation. Works on a privately owned trawler, collecting and sorting scrap for resale. Resents the term 'scavenger' but that's technically what he is.
- Real name is Jack Harley. Tends to be a bit of a goofball who has extreme pride in his flying ability and ego to match. Follows the belief that if you want it done properly, do it yourself and tends to have trust issues in regards to letting others into his personal life or 'touching his stuff'. Has a strained relationship with Eve.


Agender [Feminine Voice]
Artificial Intelligence

- Doesn't possess a physical body due to being an AI. She's installed in a trawler class spaceship but can remotely control a variety of land vehicles when given access, the most notable of which is an android modelled after a female human. The android is a fairly convincing replica of a human woman, save for the eyes.
- Eve is a sentient AI built from a brainscan of a female pilot & shares her memories. The intent was to develop a program that could assist pilots and remove the potential for human error.
- Despite being built from a human, Eve still struggles to understand a vast amount of human interactions, especially those built from a cultural context and in particular, humour. Still she tries, believing the method of trial and error to be the most effective way of learning. So she can be prone to making off color jokes at times. Her priority is her crew first and foremost and will do anything for them.


Bounty Hunter

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Bounty Hunter

- Blond haired male in his mid-thirties, blue eyes. Carries a laser pistol & knife. Wears blue armour. Noticeable burn marks on cheek/neck and sleeve tattoos on both arms
- A bounty hunter who’s somehow managed winding up on a space ship piloted by a scavenger.
- Generally cold and unfriendly, keeps people at arms length. Only really talks to his work partner. He has no qualms about shooting first and asking questions later. Dislikes killing, all considered.

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Postby Redd » 04/05/2018 10:02 PM

//Location: Earth//
//Class: Mafia//

Lucain [Byrne/Roanoke]
Cartel Boss

//This is who I am when, when I don't know myself anymore
And this is what I choose when it's all left up to me

- A fierce looking woman with bright shoulder length hair, piercing green eyes and usually dressed in scruffy, dark clothing. Always keeps a pistol under her shirt and a knife in her boots.
- Red used to be a knife wielding vigilante from a medieval world, until she was unwittingly thrown through a portal into the future. Despite being a quick learner, without any contacts or help, she eventually crumbled, turning back to old habits such as petty theft and hitman contracts in low-income parts of town to get by. Eventually took the wrong job from the wrong gang and instead convinced them to let her join, eventually seducing her way to the top, killing off the leader, framing it on a rival and taking control of the gang.
- There’s not much left of the good heart that Red used to have, after being beaten and broken by this world. She’s had to learn to be ruthless and even violent to keep her men in line. She’s sarcastic, sassy and doesn’t put up with anyone who doesn’t fall in line. That said, she still has zero idea on how regular civilians live and the thought of living a regular life fills her with fear, and she can be quite awkward and clumsy when trying to fit in.

Additional Notes: Modern-ish AU of Hawke and can swap forms with either Paragon or Kuhna

Common Bruma

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Industrial Draculi

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Tanuki Tali
Information Dealer

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Postby Redd » 04/05/2018 10:17 PM

//Location: Origin System - Sometime in the future after humanity has made contact with alien species & joined the intergalactic council.//
//Class: Spectres//

Sailfin Paragon [Jormundde x Ignatte]

- A tall woman of athletic build in her late thirties/early forties. Often wearing protective black, red and white combat armour, designed to stop both biotic and ballistic weapons. Carries an assault rifle and a shotgun. If being deployed to planets without a breathable atmosphere, she'll also wear a fully enclosed helmet. Auburn hair, blue eyes. Red cybernetic implants are visible in eyes, any injuries that break the skin appear red and glowing.
- Initially Alex joined the military as a way off the streets and out of poverty, however due to her upbringing, she was quite inventive and extremely ruthless in her approach, earning her the attention of the higher ups. She received training with a variety of different weapons and possesses biotic abilities which generally manifest in the form of telekinetic powers. Eventually, she was nominated to be a Spectre, an elite group of species from across the galaxy who's only goal is to preserve galactic stability. There, she's proven that humankind is capable of both handling both galactic diplomatic and military missions.
- Alex used to be reckless to a fault, and it ended up getting one of her first squads completely destroyed. Despite the fact that it was paraded as a highly strategical move and a military victory, she still carries a large amount of guilt around with her. Now, her crew comes first and foremost and despite treating most of them as personal friend, she'll pull rank to make sure their needs are met. She's not a personal person at all, often deflecting and avoiding anything of a personal nature.
Though she prefers being diplomatic and forging alliances, she's not below intimidation, and swapping to violence if it's going to get the job done. And she always gets the job done.


Lavamancer Paragon [Reynard/Maech]

- Woman in her early 20's, short brown hair and brown eyes. In the field, she wears a full set of brown, tan and aqua armour, along with a jetpack and carries both a light submachine gun and a sniper rifle. Otherwise, she's fond of wearing hoodies and pants when she's off duty.
- Part of a select group of humans sent off into the universe to discover and colonise new planets. After her father died, she inherited the role as Pathfinder, and became primarily in control of the project, much to the ire of the other leaders. In her past life, she was part of the Alliance military, primarily deployed to watch over Prothean digs.
- Maya didn't necessarily want to be in charge of the Pathfinder Initiative and despite not being well trained as a tactician, she still tries her best, even if that means just improvising on the spot and hoping for the best. She's easy going, casual, empathetic and light-hearted, though she's unintentionally quick to dismiss advice from any stiff or hard to deal with authority figures, which tends to get her in frequent trouble. She's better suited to field work, where her impulsiveness works to her favour. Likes puns and is bad at jokes, though it doesn't stop her from trying. Firmly believes she's cursed with bad luck.

Nago Paragon [Groot/Kayle]
Smuggler/Outlaw Leader

- Appearance.
- Publicly, a smuggler and information broker, and a prominent figure in Kadara's underworld. Privately, the anonymous leader of a shadow organisation that runs Kadara port.
- Highly charismatic, but manipulative. Appears to be upfront & honest, but usually has a self-serving agenda hidden behind it.

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Postby Redd » 04/06/2018 3:53 AM

//Location: Runeterra//
//Class: Champions//

Regalis Paragon

//Lowlifes are a dime a dozen out here, and I'm all out of change.//
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//I'm just an ordinary girl. An ordinary girl with an infinite supply of death quills.//
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//Gnar gada!//
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Re: Lost Wanderers [WIP]

Postby Redd » 04/06/2018 3:57 AM

//Location: Andromeda & The Milky Way//
//Class: Earth's Protectors//

Thief/Guardian of the Galaxy

- blond hair, blue eyes, above average height. Generally wears a red leather jacket or long red coat over casual clothes. Also has a retractable alien helmet that allows him to survive in the vacuum of space. Never seen without his walkman. Carries two pistols.
- Originally a member of the Ravagers, a spacefaring group of raiders and mercenaries, though he generally ended up with scavenging and thieving work, though was never a very good criminal. Due to the course of his work, he ended up in the middle of a conflict between an alien warlord and an intergalactic police task force. Flies a blue and orange M-Ship and is a skilled pilot.
- Generally has a good sense of humour, can be sly and despite being mostly laid-back, has a fragile ego that is easily upset. Also can be a bit of a womaniser. Despite his upbringing, he’s loyal to his friends and would even sacrifice himself to save them.


Carapace Paragon
Intergalactic Criminal/Guardian of the Galaxy

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Sparkdrake Paragon
Criminal 'Hacktivist'/Agent of Shield

- A woman in her late twenties/early thirties, dark hair, brown eyes. Almost always wearing silver wrist braces. Wears a black SHIELD uniform made up of a jacket and pants with yellow piping and grey detailing.
- A hacker taken in by SHIELD. During her time working in the organisation, she’s since learned she’s also an Inhuman, a human who’s DNA has been tampered with by an alien race in order to give them abilities. Daisy’s powers manifest as the ability of controlling vibrations, namely making shockwaves and earthquakes. In addition to the hacking and thieving skills, she’s been trained by SHIELD in espionage, marksmanship and martial arts.
- Other names include Skye and Quake. Generally Daisy is a headstrong, confident woman who is witty and highly charismatic. Though she’s a good leader, and is highly mindful of respecting people’s autonomy, she doesn’t do well in positions of utmost authority and is easily stressed out by it.


Sparkdrake Paragon
Double Agent/Agent of Shield/Ancient Inhuman

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Engineer/Agent of Shield

- Male in his late twenties, curly dark blond hair and blue eyes. Tends towards sweaters, overcoats and jackets, with jeans.
- A brilliant engineer, graduated the Academy at the top of his class and was assigned to a special team and has the freedom to develop equipment without the restrictions imposed in a lab-based environment. Though his initial assignment was exclusively lab work, he’s developed exceptional combat skills and far more confident about being deployed in the field.
- Comes across as socially awkward but puts a lot of faith in humanity and thinks the best of people. When he’s comfortable around people, he can also be quite witty and cheerful. However after a traumatic series of events, he was left with both, permanent brain damage (though he’s recovered significantly) and a much darker outlook, often blaming himself for things that happen to his team.


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Postby Redd » 05/31/2018 11:08 PM

//Location: Treasure Town//
//Class: Rescue Team//


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Postby Redd » 06/04/2018 10:05 AM

//Location: The Origin System//
//Class: Void Warriors//

Sparkdrake Paragon

- A teenager, with short black hair dyed with red accents and teal eyes.. Wears armour made up of cloth, metal and alien bone.
- Part of an intergalactic force known as the Tenno, whose primary goal is to maintain balance between warring factions. Their primary missions involve either espionage, sabotage, or extermination of one or more factions. They are also trained in marksmanship, martial arts and melee weapons. Due to exposure to the Void, Zeroh and the other Tenno have powers, though they need to be channeled either through specialised amps or an array of biomechanical armor suits called Warframes which have specialised purposes.
- Zeroh's headstrong and stubborn, believing no task is too hard or too much for her. Most of her life has been spent in cryogenic statis, as she remotely controlled her Warframe, and because she's only recently woken up, she's driven to experience life hands on, rather than through her frame.



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Phage Hydrolisk

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Oilspill Barghest

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Primed Velix

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Lunar Eclipse Ipinox

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Postby Redd » 06/04/2018 10:12 AM

//Location: The Old World - An ancient world with delicate ecosystems balanced by huge and dangerous monters.//
//Class: Monster Hunters//

Monster Hunter

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Monster Hunter

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Litchi Kuhna Arkaros/Aesiriria
Monster Hunter

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Lavamancer Paragon
Wild Monster

- A large bipedal, winged dragon-like monster, covered in a spiny armoured hide and moss-like fur. Tail is long and thick and ends with a heavy club and is tipped with poison.
- Rathian is a terrestrial monsters, equipped with strong legs, poisonous tails and the ability to spit fireballs. Though she possesses wings capable of flight, she’s capable of running at high speeds and prefers this method of hunting.
- An overly aggressive and grizzled individual, she barely tolerates the company of the local species of bird wyverns and sometimes goes out of her way to kill them out of spite. The monster initially used to be a lot more friendly, however, due to being attacked by another Rathalos, infected with the frenzy virus, she tried to help, she has little trust for both, hunters and other monsters.


Lavamancer Paragon
Wild Monster

- A large bipedal, winged dragon-like monster, covered in a spiny armoured hide. Tail is long and thick and ends with a heavy club. Scales are a shiny, reflective silver and Rathalos is decorated in black markings.
- Silver Rathalos is an aggressive monster, though it rarely strays far from it’s tower nest. He’s capable of shooting fireballs and both his tail and claws possess a strong toxin.
- Due to his isolation, Silver Rathalos is highly aggressive and territorial, treating every incursion as a threat. He doesn’t travel far from his nest, primarily because he’s not mated and doesn’t want to risk losing his territory and for fear of the unknown.


Windgill Paragon
Wild Monster

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Carapace Paragon
Wild Monster

- An Elder Dragon covered in glittering scales.Quadrupedal and possesses prehensile clawed wings are used for running, grabbing and maintaining stability.  When extended, it’s wings form a star shape. Despite it’s holy appearance, it’s constantly leaking a black and purple viral substance that can drive it’s victims mad.
- Once thought to be a myth, Shagaru Magala is a monster that is an asymptomatic carrier of a highly potent pathogen called the Frenzy Virus. It consciously can weaponise this virus to fight other monsters, protect itself or claim territory. Untreated infection almost always results in death, though in rare situations it can be overcome, providing immunity and heightened strength.
- Despite the calm, intelligent front Shagaru Magala can maintain, this creature is always consumed by rage. It considers everything to be a threat and it’s true brutal, feral nature shows when it attacks, not stopping or tiring until it’s target is dead.

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Postby Redd » 04/21/2019 8:36 AM

//Location: The 3rd District - Sometime in the future, everything's cyber and neon. Also there's demons.//
//Class: Bar Staff & Patrons//

Custom Kuhna

- Two forms, one monster/demon & one human. Monster form resembles a black bipedal lion, with purple eyes, silver stripes. Human form is a well dressed male with short black hair, a neat well-groomed beard and purple eyes.
- Runs a trap house & illegal robot fighting ring underneath a bar and is the owner. Actually quite successful and has managed to evade law enforcement for a very long time. Clientele used to be exclusively monsters but has eventually opened doors to humans.
- Sort of stuffy, acts pretentious and probably should be working in more of an exclusive location than an underground drug house/fighting ring. Gets very exasperated at his staff. Very cautious.


Nago Paragon

- Two forms, one monster, one human. Monster form is bipedal, covered in soft black fur, with a bright mop of dyed hair that covers both of his eyes. Large paws for hands and feet. Often braids it and threads white flowers through his hair. As a human, hair is also dyed a mix of blue, purple, yellow and green. Usually covers his green eyes, though he doesn't seem to notice too much. Usually has flowers stuck in his clothes.
- By day, Toby's an enthusiastic florist and by night, he manages the bar and the drug side of Erebus's club, both providing some of the more organic products and handling sales. Though he's mostly known as the dopey high kid, he knows all of the regular clients well and is very skilled at handling medical emergencies.
- Though he seems aloof, lazy and on a permanent high, Toby's extremely hard working, managing two jobs. He's driven by the desire to just make people happy and is often seen floating about Erebus's bar handing out flowers and glowsticks on dance nights. Has a bad habit of consuming the trap house's stock.



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Psychedelic Fenref
Robot Fighter

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Nonbinary [They/Them]

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Re: Records in Red

Postby Redd » 05/07/2020 12:23 AM

//Location: Evelon - Vast Plains//
//Class: Spirits//

Kuhna/Common Tavil/Rufus Rabbot

- Shapeshifter, takes a variety of animal based pet forms. Most common is Kuhna, but has been seen in an Insonia form as well as Tavil and Rabbot. Also can take the appearance of a tall man with dark hair and crocodile-like eyes. Body is generally covered in paint in all forms.
- Durrin is a trickster-class spirit and inhabits a space of the Vast Plains. While protecting the plains is it's first and foremost duty, it still tends to be self-serving in it's motives.
- Comes across as lighthearted and humorous with a carefree attitude. Always has some sort of hidden agenda and takes no problem with manipulating humans to it's own ends.



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All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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