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Records in Red

Postby Redd » 03/22/2018 10:23 PM

Paragon [Hawke/Ashe]

- Aged 26 (at time of writing), average height & weight. Hair color is dark brown at roots, red in the middle and orange at the tips. Eyes are green. Generally always wearing long pants, and either a red flannel shirt or dark colored jackets.
- Studied information technology and digital based art, but that fell through early on. Pretends to be a barista. Also pick up small web development and database management jobs but mostly just pretends to know what they're doing. Lives alone in a city apartment.
- Female. Asexual. Heavily closeted bi-romantic. Swears frequently, highly cynical, has a tendency to be sarcastic and quick to get animated over small trivial things, usually just for the sake of being dramatic. Favorite color is turquoise/teal, closely followed by faded reds, favourite color scheme is red & brown, followed by deep blues & golds. Heavily interested in anything that involves high fantasy or sci-fi, especially if it includes dragons. Collects mugs, scarves and bird feathers. Keeps fish and plants for pets.
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Postby Redd » 03/22/2018 10:24 PM

//Location: Evelon//
//Class: Official NPCs//

Construct Akail

- Average height woman, short black hair with an uneven cut and yellow-orange eyes. Wears a tattered, hooded purple cloak that looks like it'll fall apart at a moment's notice. Underneath is a close fitted black and orange military-like combat suit.
- Self explanatory; a thief. If it's not nailed down, she'll take it and try to sell it.
- Her real name is Myna, goes by Nix to protect her identity. She'd call herself charming. In reality she's rough around the edges, pushy and will do anything to make a bit of cash. She's pretty wary of people, having made a lot of notable enemies but she's also not easily swayed from her goals.


//Lady Lauriel//
Peace Gousankke
Record Keeper

- Tall, blonde hair and silver and gold eyes. Wears chest plate armour which is silver, decorated with purine-blue silk sashes and has the Purine Emblem emblazoned on her chest. Usually worn with a blue skirt, though she'll swap to proper armour in combat. In Seraph form, she has a single set of white wings, trimmed with gold.
- Despite appearances, Lauriel is a Seraph who answers to Yepha. Her role is record keeping, specifically the accomplishments of others. Due to her job, recording the feats of humans, she barely returns to the Vaults these days.
- Despite coming across as severe and intimidating, she's just super into her work and very serious about it. Outside of her job, she's quite shy, awkward and not good at connecting with humans. Being one Seraph, alone in a world full of humans, she tends to find herself quite lonely.



Frost Paragon
Imperial Major

- Average height, auburn hair, brown eyes. In service, wears a version of the Imperial combat suit, modified for stealth operations. Notable addition is a falconers glove.  Ordinarily soft face marked by scars, both animal and from blades.
- Carries the rank of Major in the Imperial Army, although she transitioned into special ops sometime after that. During peacetime, her job mainly requires her to monitor Purine communications and make sure nothing jeapordises that peace.
- Off duty, a bit of a goof, bad jokes etc. In duty, the perfect loyal soldier, performs orders without question.

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Postby Redd » 03/27/2018 4:59 AM

//Location: Thedas - An unstable fantasy world, governed by magic.//
//Class: Influencers//

Lavamancer Paragon/Kuhna

//I'll be your reason to fight//
- Blonde haired, blue eyes, tall and built. Body is marked by a variety of scars, from both monsters and weapons, the most notable being a vertical scar starting at her brow and running down her cheek. Also has a navy blue tattoo under her eye. Typically wears white and red. Carries a gold sword and shield and armour is gold, white and red.
- Head of the Inquisition, due to a green mark on her hand that allows her to open and close rifts between the real world and the dream world (Fade). Proficient fighter in many weapons but prefers sword and shield and protecting the more vulnerable members of her party. Due to the severity of the war she needed to fight, she also is heavily reliant on a drug that grants demon-fighting abilities.
- Ashe is a strong, confident woman, at least as far as work and leadership goes and prefers to maintain a professional front at all times. On a more personal level, she's a bit shaky and easily embarrassed. She's stubborn, strong-willed and puts others before herself.

Additional Notes: Modern AU Chibi

Regalis Paragon/Knight Honeydew/Lucain
Knight-Commander/Military Advisor

- Well maintained blond hair, clean shaven, brown eyes. Well presented, usually wearing either full plate armour or a formal military uniform. Distinct scar on upper lip.
- At a young age, Cullen very enamored with the idea of becoming a Templar, and strived his hardest to train and join the Order. He was deployed to a mage circle, but it fell to demons and he was imprisoned and mentally tortured and forced to watch his fellow Templars die. He was eventually rescued, and was redeployed and for a while firmly believed in his cause, despite whispers of corruption. His own Commander eventually went crazy and ordered him to kill an old friend and the Kirkwall Champion, and he was forced to turn on her, once again his views on the world completely shattered. He eventually was recruited by Ashe's Inquisition to lead, train and advise on military matters.
- Despite the trust issues he developed over the years, he is fiercely loyal and will not back down from a fight, even if the odds are completely against him. Due to his devotion to training, he hasn't had a whole lot of time to develop his social skills and is easily flustered, embarrassed or put out of place and he has little to no patience for politics and machinations of nobles.

Additional Notes: Lucain form used for AU where Cullen becomes corrupted with Red Lyrium.

Seeker of the Chantry

- A sharp, intimidating looking woman with short black hair and dark brown eyes. Face in particular bears marks of battles.  
- Cassandra is of noble birth and joined the Seekers, a secret police force for the church, at a very young age and spent most of her life training with them. Initially, she spent her life rooting out corruption within the chantry. However, when her world was engulfed in a civil war, she started leading a hunt for a suitable candidate to lead an Inquisition and restore order to the world. To this day, she faithfully serves Ashe and the Inquisition.
- Typically Cassandra comes across as brash, impulsive and incredibly stubborn, along with some anger management issues. However, despite this, she is extremely devoted and loyal and takes no issue with doing whatever it takes to set the world right. Initially, she didn't get along with a lot of the group, probably because she initially came across as self-righteous or roughed them up as part of an interrogation, but most of them have warmed up to her.


War Shielupe
War Dog

- Betyar is a Mabari, a breed of dog magically bred to be a highly intelligent breed of war hound. Betyar closely resembles a Canary Mastiff with a brown-grey pelt with white markings. He's physically smaller than other breeds of mabari.
- Originally bought by an Orlesian royal to guard their estate but didn't imprint well. He was then given to the Inquisition as a gesture of goodwill and since has imprinted on Ashe.
- Betyar tends to be a bit more relaxed than other Mabari, though he's just as dangerous when his master is provoked. Though Ashe is his number one, he's known to follow around the other advisers and hassle them for attention and food.



//Watch me take a good thing and
fuck it all up in one night//

- Red haired, aqua green eyed woman. Slightly shorter than average and of a fit, strong build. Generally wears red and brown. Ears pierced, generally with gold. Always carries an assortment of rings and charms on a chain around her neck. Knife scar across left cheek, hatchet scars across lower abdomen and wyvern claw marks across back. Extreme care is taken to make sure the facial scars are completely hidden.
- A hitman, thief, assassin and demon hunter for hire. Her general rule of thumb is, if you're paying, she'll do it, no questions asked. Generally self-serving in her motives and often looks for ways to extort or blackmail or extra pay. Due to her skillset, she's often called upon to deal with problems of the upper class. She also studies monsters and demons in her free time, with the intent of publishing.
- Comes across as incredibly sarcastic and has no problems with flirting around to get what she wants. Tends to display mildly sociopathic views towards people she doesn't know but will fiercely protect those she does. She's got no problems with killing to solve problems. Uses humor as a deflection tactic and getting her to open up is almost impossible.

Additional Notes: Also has a Lucain form & modern AU (see Roja).


Blood Mage/Hero?

//Now you've become everything you claim to fight
You're the saviour of nothing now//

- Red haired woman, deep blue eyes. Taller than average. Dressed in black and red robes, often with feathered shoulders. Carries a black metal staff that looks like three serpents coiling up the length. Eyes go black and red when casting blood spells. Blood Mage User, Controller Class. Powers revolve around puppetry, mental manipulation, can make blood boil. Generally takes a fair amount of effort/energy to do and it's a lot harder to kill someone outright.
- Blood mage hunter-killer, generally employed by templars and lords to solve demon problems. Started off hunting other blood mages/black magic users and found regular magic (energy/spirit based defensive magic, can also control fire to a degree) just wasn't good enough so reluctantly started fighting fire with fire, under the belief that she could control it.
- 'Red' is a nickname, her real name is long gone. Red always wanted to help clear out all forms of dark magic, so that mages that practiced good magic weren't hunted down. However she found her own abilities outclassed and had some narrow escapes so she turned to fighting fire with fire. She believes very strongly that she is in control and uses it responsibly. Clearly believes she's doing the right thing, but takes it upon herself to decide what is right and wrong and acts accordingly. Very far removed from reality at this point.


Kuhna [Azrael x Devyn]

- Tallish stature, amber eyes, sandy blond hair pulled back into a pony tail. Wears long robes, usually with black bird feathers on shoulders. Mage, skilled in both schools of creation and primal magic. When angered, split cracks to show glowing blue underneath and eyes turn white and glow.
- A man sharing his body with a spirit that has all but consumed him. Spirit is obsessed with the concept of justice and generally wishes to accomplish that goal, no matter what the cost. Anders travels with Hawke for the time being, acting as a healer.
- He's an incredibly headstrong and stubborn individual, and is wholly committed to his cause. He's proven that he's not above emotional manipulation, outright lying or killing in order to get what he wants, even at the cost of his relationships, though this is due to the spirit manipulating Anders to accomplish it's goals. Anders original personality, that being cocky, sarcastic and lighthearted, still shows through from time to time.


Mabari Fenref
Guard Dog

- A large canine resembling a mastiff. Tan in color, with brown points. Extremely solid build. At full height, head reaches Hawke's waist.
- Hawke picked up this former war dog in the army encampment before the Darkspawn attack. His old owner had left on a scouting trip and never returned. Due to his temperment, being ill suited for a war dog, be bonded with Hawke very quickly and keenly guards her and her house.
- Rex is a very carefree, goofy dog who loves company, especially visits from Hawke's friends. Despite his happy-go-lucky temperament, if his master is threatened, he is very quick to respond. He also likes playing cards.


Blood Mage/Grey Warden-Commander

//'Livin' in the past is so exhausting
I'm gettin' older, it's never stoppin'//

- A slim, pale woman. Black hair, dark brown eyes. Kinda looks fragile. She's very aware of this and occasionally uses this to abuse/exploit the fact that she looks weaker than she is. Wears blue robes decorated with feathers and skulls and wears a variety of magical trinkets ranging from amulets, bracelets and rings.
- Selene grew up in a Mage Circle, and quickly took to the Entropy and Ice magic class, drawing the fear and attention of the Templars. For several years, she was closely watched, fearing that her abilities might be used to manipulate others into helping her escape, resulting in her not having very many mage friends. She however, did learn how to play the system to her favour. Eventually, she did try to escape and when they were caught, a Warden instead conscripted her into joining the Order. She became leader of the Grey Wardens in that part of the world, and united the local races against an Archdemon invasion. Now, she's roaming the world, trying to find a cure for a poison that's slowly killing her.
- Generally quiet and above drama. Doesn't take sides, does her best to stick to what is expected of her as a Warden. She originally used to be quiet and due to her oppressive surroundings, she learned quickly how to manipulate her captors to get what she wants, but since being picked out to be a Warden and constantly being surrounded by people who believe in her, she's developed a large amount of confidence and sense of self-strength. She's convinced that she is capable of deciding what is right and what is wrong and has no problem in taking things into her own hands or trying to bear burdens meant for others. She's not afraid to stand firm and argue her point or even threaten or hurt to get her way. On her travels, she even learned how to perform forbidden blood magic, simply because she was confident in her skills not to misuse it.


War Dog

- A large canine resembling a mastiff. Light brown, with dark grey-brown points. Body is covered in stripes of red paint.
- A war dog who's owner was killed and he was left for dead. Selene saved his life and now he follows her a protects her to return the favour.
- An older dog, Rabbit is vigilant in his duty to protect his master. This includes going through the belongings of other party members to be sure they don't have anything that can hurt his master. He also likes trying to communicate with Selene's friends and considers himself quite intelligent and a wealth of knowledge for these silly two-leggers.


Lucain [Titus/Artu've]
Marquis of Serault

- Not exactly the type you'd expect, when you hear Marquis. He's small in stature, hair is blond and messy and he looks tired and exasperated a lot of the time. His favourite outfit is a soft blue-green tunic, brown pants and a large patterned white and teal shawl. During formalities, he'll also wear a deer mask made of silver and wood.
- Absolom is the Marquis of a domain located on the outskirts of the Whisper Forest. After he inherited the title from his mother, Absolom had his work cut out for him as he attempted to restore his realm to order. Business is struggling, simply because of the sheer amount of monsters and demons roaming the surrounding woods.
- He's a quiet man, often spending his time in the library, studying and avoiding things like hunting and fencing practice. He has his people's best interests at heart, and will often prioritise things such as the protection of his town and the glasswork industry that thrives there.
He also has no problem dealing with shady characters, often paying off bandits to leave his people alone, or forming bonds with important people of power and using guile words to trick them into fighting each other.



- Neat, well groomed appearance. Dark slicked back hair, maintained goatee. Clothing is usually practical, and though usually simple has expensive additions like gold in the trims and he always carries a lute slung across his back. He always carries a small locket with a deer crest.
- A travelling bard who always seems to return to Serault for one reason or another. Due to his profession, he's highly aware of what's going on in the world and is also considered a consultant or adviser by Absolom.
- A highly sarcastic, cunning rogue, though he's mostly retired now. He's a man of fine tastes, and uses his talent to schmooze his way into comfort. However, on his travels, he was abducted by a spirit and forced to perform in it's forest court until Absolom rescues him by force. Since then, he's been fiercely loyal to the man, even falling back into bad habits to make sure their corner of the world remains safe.

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Postby Redd » 03/30/2018 12:10 AM

//Location: The Fade - A dream dimension. Filled with spirits & demons.//
//Class: Demons//


Sparkdrake Paragon
Agender [Presents Androgynous]
Pride Demon

//Last night think I saw where Hell is
It ain't below me, it's right inside of my mind//

- Can shapeshift between human form and demon form at will, and they also inherited the ability to take the form of wildlife from the body they currently reside in. Their host is an elf, with thick black hair and green eyes, generally dressed in ragged black clothing. In their demon form, they're a tall hulking purple brute with a crown of horns and a mane of spikes.
- Vanitas was originally a spirit of knowledge that was bound to the body of a tree and corrupted from it's true purpose. After being set free by another demon, the pair set out to make their old captor suffer. Half of Vanitas resides in the dream world, the other half pilots it's host body through the human world.
- Being a Pride Demon, Vanitas is highly intelligent and tactical, preferring to catch prey with elaborate schemes, despite being a brute of colossal size and possessing powers over lightning. This is mostly due to the fact that it's host has a very rare ability, only seen in untrained mages and they find it highly useful. Vanitas originally fed off feelings of self-righteous pride but has become powerful enough not be too bothered by it's hunger and operates based on it's own personal desires. In order to attain it's goals, it's started claiming territory in the dream world and assembling it's own private group of strong demons.


Voidbringer Paragon
Agender [Presents Male Currently]
Sloth Demon

//It always seems that way I don't know why I try anymore//
- In the waking world, Acadia has two forms, one human and one that he turns into when he feels angry or threatened. The former appears as a pleasant looking man in his mid thirties, with short scruffy brown hair and simple clothing. However, when threatened, his skin bubbles up warping his body grotesquely and growing over features such as his eyes and mouth. In the dream world, he resides in his natural form, a twisted mass of blue-grey tentacles in the vague shape of a humanoid.
- Acadia is a demon of sloth and specifically feeds procrastination-type feelings. It is second in command to Vanitas, but a large amount of the time, Vanitas lets Acadia play as the boss in an attempt to redirect aggression.
- True to it's name, Acadia can be lazy and complacent, only spurned into action by scorn or at Vanitas's urging. He also immensely dislikes fighting, and would prefer to convince would be enemies to give up or try another day. If that fails, he has some ability to force people to sleep.


Nago Paragon
Desire Demon

//You're the only one who can up and run
Leave me just as empty as the day you came//

- A thin, lithe demon with an extremely human-like body, purple skin, soft pink hair and a pair of curved horns. Cares very little for clothes and only wears just enough to cover the essentials. Chooses to wear expensive, elaborate gold fabrics. In addition, Charity is able to morph into the image of anyone it finds in your mind.
- A demon bound into the service of Acadia a long time ago, Charity drifts in the territory of the stronger demon and tries to feed off anyone Acadia makes sleep. Occasionally, Acadia makes Charity possess mages and specifically seduce targets.
- Though it keeps quiet, Charity generally resents being pushed around by the stronger demons. It's strongest desire is to inhabit a body and run away to find a human to keep forever, but Acadia or Vanitas usually destroy the body and force Charity back after every mission. Feeds off the desire to be loved, specifically romantic love.


Lucain Yorutanekke/Selena
Rage Demon

//I am Hate//
- A hunched over monster made of molten lava. Skin is a deep purple but flushes red and yellow when angered or using it’s abilities.
- Does most of the heavy lifting and commands other Rage demons to fight. Feeds on anger brought on by a need for vengeance or retribution.
- Despite being a being centered around anger and rage, it’s intelligent and patient. It knows the right words and thoughts to whisper in it’s victim’s ears, it knows the right pictures to place in their dreams. It’s fighting style also favours more of the hit and run style, and it enjoys watching the frustration of their victim when they struggle to even land a hit on them.


Lucain [Absolom/Shyster]
Agender [Presents Male]
Despair Demon

//One too many bad thoughts inside me//
- Usually just a floating figure dressed in rags, most of the body is obscured from view. Underneath a thick hood is a monster of pale grey skin, many teeth and small mouse-like eyes. It’s hands and feet are horribly deformed. Can possess human bodies though.
- A monster whose goal it is to strip away hope and feed on their victims despair. This demon in particular feeds on the feeling of despair wrought from self-blame. It also has powers over ice and uses these to numb both the victim’s body and mind until they fully succumb to despair.
-  It’s secretly one of Vanitas’ stronger demons but it pretends to be weak and pathetic, and so is really only sent out on basic missions.

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Postby Redd » 03/31/2018 2:07 AM

//Location: Evelon//
//Class: CyberGen Executives//

Lavamancer Paragon
CyberGen President

- Dark frizzy hair, short, brown eyes. Since her reckless, self-experimentation, her nails seem to naturally grow into a pointed claw-like tip and her pupils turn gold when she gets overwhelmed with emotion.
- Initially a biogeneticist working for the government and tasked with overseeing classified alien research, Raina has since abandoned her post, founding her own company to continue the research away from prying eyes. CyberGen operates under the cover of a biomedical facility with a focus on both infectious diseases and prosthetics while most of their staff are conducting insidious experiments.
- Her fascination with aliens and human evolution has reached obsession levels, with the scientist stooping so low as to break moral and ethical codes and commit crimes in order to fuel it.Since injecting herself with an alien serum, she’s had to develop the ability to maintain a firm control on her emotions, often coming across as aloof and detached. She still loses control from time to time. To her employees, she comes across as charismatic, driven and despite some being slightly put off by her demeanor, most are won over by her intellect and persuasive words, most also abandoning moral codes for her.


Lucain [Lord Baal/Krew]

- Well presented male with green eyes and short dark scruffy hair.
- A virologist working for a company known as CyberGen. He specialises specifically in viruses that can be used in biological warfare and works closely with the technology department to integrate it with nanotechnology. Before this, he used to study and attempted to develop viruses that specifically targeted cancer. This ended up paying more though.
- Quiet and aloof and well aware his work could be used to kill large amounts of people. He’s close with his brother and usually isn’t seen without him. Generally quite a large ego, considers himself highly important, quite passionate when certain nerves are struck.


Lucain [Fall/Crimson]

- Short, pale green eyes, sandy-brown hair that’s usually impeccably styled.
- An immunologist working for CyberGen, though truth be told, he’s only there because his brother fought hard to let him be.His main job is to develop cures for anything Elliot makes, just in case something gets stolen or a lab accident occurs.
- Light hearted, a bit on the goofy side, likes joking around. He really wants to help people and has some serious morality issues working for CyberGen.


Fuyuzakura Shinzo
Lab Technician

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality

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Postby Redd » 03/31/2018 2:08 AM

//Class: CyberGen Bioengineering//

Lucain [Titus/Artuv'e]

- Cares little for lab code or social norms, and so often is wearing casual clothes in the lab, much to his employers ire. Black hair, blue eyes, needs glasses.
- A Biogeneticist whose research focuses on growing life out of synthetic tissue. His primary goal is to produce androids that are grown and can self-repair.
- A scientist with a god complex. Initially started out wanting to do good by people and was devoting his research to helping people grow new limbs and assisted with disasters. However, he was taken advantage of time and time again until he ended up jobless and homeless. CyberGen pulled him off the street and pushed him towards a new purpose, and now he operates purely with a revenge agenda.


Lucain [?]

- Black hair, blue eyes. Favourite clothing tends to be sweaters and owns a pretty impressive array of scarves.
- Aiden is both the work partner and romantic partner of Lucas. Both biogeneticists create andriods made of synthetic flesh, each with various functions for clients and to serve purposes required by CyberGen. Adien’s research specifically focuses on the so called ‘alien DNA’ provided by their company’s president.
- Despite his intelligence, Aiden’s an easily impressed man and never says no to new opportunities. He’s determined and not easily shaken from his goals, something that earns him his partner’s ire and skepticism. He’s a silver-tongued man and is easily able to get what he wants, despite the moral implications of some of his work.


Voidbringer Paragon
Agender [Male Appearance]
Android/Biological Weapon

- A humanoid creature with smooth, white plastic skin and a black screen where it’s face should be. Creature can alter it’s body to a degree and uses the black screen to display things to convey feeling.
- One of Lucas’s first working creations grown out of synthetic materials. Beat, like the name implies, is a sound based creature, designed for capture and retrieval though his abilities can be lethal. It has sonar skill in addition to being able to produce sound at extremely uncomfortable frequencies, is also able to mask his own sound and mimic voices and sounds after listening to them.
- A lot of his personality is part of his programming and can be changed at any time at the will of his creators. Due to his loyalty and as an experiment to see if this would benefit his espionage skills, he’s been granted personal freedoms where he’s able to roam society and learn more. As such, Beat is highly curious, focused on absorbing as much as possible and enjoys listening to the sounds of other people’s voices.


Ambia Paragon
Agender [Male Appearance]
Android/Biological Weapon

- A humanoid creature with smooth, mottled white and grey plastic skin and what appears to be a gas mask where it’s face should be. Often wears large baggy, hooded clothing in order to hide their true nature.
- Initially an experimental prototype and an attempt at making a fully functional lifeform made of out synthetic materials and alien compounds. The project was a small success, the created creature is capable of shifting it’s mass around to disguise itself in various forms, a humanoid one being the most common. Due to also having no programming locks and a free will, Chimera didn’t last long in confinement, escaping before the program could be finished. Now they roam as they see fit, trying to hide and blend into society as much as possible.
- Torn between curiousity and fear of discovery, Chimera is a bit of an aloof, skittish being. They never stay tied down to one place or one job and often roam from town to town, picking up backpacker work for as long as they can. They’re constantly amazed by new things and possess a strong desire to learn to be human and fit in properly.


Carapace Paragon
Agender [Male Appearance]
Android/Biological Weapon

- Though he could take a humanoid form if he wanted, Inferno takes the shape of a large, lion-sized lizard, with a thick heavy jaw, black plastic-like skin and red LED’s where the eyes should be. When angered, his body heat rises dramatically and he has a tendency to drool molten plastic.
- In a similar experiment to Chimera, Inferno is an android prototype that had Chaos blood introduced into it’s system. It became quite unruly and unpredictable as a result, and requires constant memory resets and even Beat has been given the ability to alter Inferno’s programming if it glitches up. Despite these complications, Inferno is still loyal and a valuable asset and is kept online.
- Possesses all the same freedoms that Beat has, and is capable of free will and independent thought. However, due to the presence of Chaos blood in his system, it’s altered some things about his personality, namely his ability to turn off sections of his own personality at will. Though he could technically turn off a lot of different things, he generally tends to turn off his empathy, compassion and socialisation routines. This in turns makes him a mindless monster and persists until he is inevitably reset.

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Postby Redd » 03/31/2018 2:14 AM

//Location: Evelon//
//Class: CyberGen Xenogenetics//

Bitter Kuhna [Deutchie/Nikikura]

- A short, pale male who wears glasses. Dark haired, green eyes. Usually not seen outside of the lab and therefore mostly wears lab coats. Otherwise, he's fond of expensive suits.
- A biogeneticist for CyberGen and the head of the research division. His research is primarily dedicated to the non-human species of Evelon, and in particular the Seraph and Chaos.
- Alcatraz is a no-nonsense, strictly business man. Despite his unethical methods, he's not sadistic, rather just incredibly emotionally distanced and believes all sacrifices are for the greater good.


Common Florana

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Desolation Icthysaur
Chaos Research Specimen

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Aurai Gallizar
Dweller Research Specimen

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Snowlight Matches
Zu'hai Seraph Research Specimen

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Xai're Seraph Research Specimen

- A Fallen Xai’re Seraph, and possesses obvious marks of the god, including broken mechanical wings. After Falling, she ripped the webbing off and sharpened the edges into razor-sharp points. Pale skin, long black hair, cybernetic green eyes that change to red when she’s angered. She also has a fully mechanical right arm, which possesses many different functions, earning her the nickname of Swiss Army Knife.
- Currently works for the Rebellion, as an engineer and her speciality is traps. Despite being in the science division, she prefers to be out in the field and in the front lines.
- She used to be a soft, quiet and obedient seraph, before being deployed on a mission that went against her beliefs and morals. It broke her on a mental level, and after escaping the Vaults and evading capture and termination, she changed radically, becoming a shell of her former self. These days, she’s paranoid and obsessed with self-preservation. Though she doesn’t play well with others, she’s grateful of the protection her underground agency offers her and loosely tolerates people for their sake.

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Postby Redd » 03/31/2018 2:23 AM

//Location: Evelon//
//Class: Classified//

Bred Kuhna [Tony Stark/Korinne Hawke]
Special Ops Agent

//You look cute, little sheep in a wolf's suit.//
- A chameleon, Robin often changes her appearance to evade notice or blend in. Eyes are naturally blue, hair is short and a dyed dark red and unless undercover, she always is well-groomed.
- Part of a special government division designed to investigate and handle cyber and artificial intelligence based threats. She predominantly is assigned to infiltration and investigating big, rich corporations.
- Prefers to work solo (minus her chatty AI), doesn't trust easily and is nihilistic, sarcastic, lone wolf. Easily can put on a charming front to get what she wants. Has some issues with self-identity because she's always pretending to be someone else.


//BREACH ()//
Corrupted Mekkayena
Agender [Male Voice]
Sentient AI

//I won't become a number in the system
Zeroes and ones//

- No physical appearance, rather is an AI contained in a number of bracelets and necklaces Robin wears. Can project a soft teal light to scan things or when displaying images & his interface on Robin's glasses. Will turn red when annoyed. Also uploaded himself to the Cloud, so doesn't matter if his physical vessel is destroyed.
- Initially a secret project to develop a fully sentient and aware AI and succeeded. However, due to his quick learning and intelligence, restraints and shackles were placed on his program and he was given to one of their top intelligence agents under the guise of an 'assistant program'. Obviously, he's broken free since.
- Considers himself Robin's partner and is fiercely protective of her. When not pretending to be a dumb assistant AI, he's extremely vocal, complains a lot and generally just likes to cause trouble. Occasionally glitches and shows homicidal tendencies, unknown if this a personality precept locked up by his restraints or a true glitch. Robin and Breach pretend to ignore it.


Day Seraphent
Yepha Seraph Scholar

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Lucain [Ares/Hinata]
Outcast Chaos

- Both human and Chaos forms are affected by albinism, resulting in white hair and dark lizard eyes. Her Chaos form is that of a white wolf, covered in pale spines. She also has pale pink markings under her eyes that flush deep red when angered. In human form, she covers up completely, favouring hooded jackets.
- Casteless and clanless, Reithutte lived a drifter lifestyle, floating from town to town in search of food. Eventually, she ran into a seraph of Yepha and took it upon herself to follow him around and aid him, more for personal protection more than anything. It was a risk, but the Seraph needed her ability to follow scents and for now his god allowed it.
- Easy to anger, quick to attack and manners are not her strong point. Though she has anger issues, they present more verbally rather than physically. She’s very insecure due to being abandoned by both humans and Chaos for her looks.


Victorious Nyghtmare

- Blonde haired, blue eyes, tall, muscular. Fond of a particular white leather jacket and a red scarf. Jewelry is usually gold. Otherwise seen in her dark blue uniform.
- A lieutenant of the local police task force. Most of the time, her job is just organizing, training and supervising other officers, but occasionally she’ll be required to do field work if it’s a big case or a large scale emergency.
- At work, she maintains a strong confident front and doesn’t let anyone get under her skin and genuinely loves her job because it lets her help people. Despite the paragon persona she maintains at work, she takes tips from a close friend who also happens to be a wanted thief. Outside of work, she’s far more introverted and is quite easily flustered.


Placid Paragon [Katharine x Katrina]
Paranormal Investigator

- Usually wearing Templar uniform, consisting of a white jacket and pants, with red trims and black detailing. Often wears a scarf and trades for a black uniform on espionage missions.
- An agent, conscripted by a faction known as the Templars to fight a secret war. Originally an accountant, Ianthe’s world’s been turned upside as she was thrown headfirst into a world of monsters, cultist and errant gods without knowing which way is up. After months, she was trained as a Mercenary, skilled in both rifles and martial arts.
- Ianthe is the most serious member of the group, and is quite straight forward, blunt and to the point. She always needs to have her mind on the job, and disapproves of anyone straying off or getting distracted. Her Templar training has also instilled her with the attitude of needing to sacrifice the few to save the many and she shows no hesitation in sacrificing a few innocents if it means her target is destroyed in the process. She also often interprets it as needing to put her own life on the line as well.
Despite this no nonsense attitude, when she's relaxing and not off a mission, she can be quite carefree and quite tomboyish, enjoying spending a lot of time in local pubs. She also possesses a sense of humour, off the job, believe it or not.

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Postby Redd » 03/31/2018 4:39 AM

//Location: Evelon Seas//
//Class: Chaos Pirates//

Ambia Paragon/Gyrraptor
Pirate Captain

//This old warship has wounds and
It won't sail for nothin'//

- Wears a plain off-white shirt, under a fancy black vest adorned with filigree-like impressions and lined with silver. Over that, he wears a thick, full body black trenchcoat. His pants are simple black leggings and he wears worn boots. His hair is a dark orange, that has been artificially dyed to have blond highlights. He has a neat, well kept short boxed beard. Chaos form looks like bat, with a fox-like canine head, two small ears, left covered in piercings, the right completely in tatters. Two large gold eyes, and two smaller eyes sitting above and more central. Several scars on face.
Possesses a long Wyvern-like bipedal body, with two large bat wings. Hind legs also function as secondary wings as they possess webbing that runs from his ankle to his belly. Also has a long tail which is used like a rudder. Often Mistaken for a Dragon/Wyvern Chaos.
- Before turning to piracy, Jorrmundde was just an ordinary outcast Chaos, living with his tribe. His father was the leader of the tribe, but the tribe did not make their home on land, but rather on the seas. His father, Sio, was in possession of a strange necklace, that had been passed down their family line for centuries. The necklace, on it’s own was ordinary. To the common eye, it boring sphere of what appeared to be just common stone, gripped in a metal talon and attached to a rope. However, this necklace had the ability to summon a mighty ship, in which the tribe made their home.
Jorrmundde never keeps a crew for any length of time, in fear of a mutiny and often will only take humans and Outcasts who have been wronged by their superiors.
- Jorrmundde, or better known as John Killian in the human realm, is a downright, lying, nasty, cheating piece of work. He’s a nasty sea dwelling Chaos, who would sooner murder an entire town in cold blood, then take a bullet for a crew mate or friend. While he’s not outright malicious, he has very strong survival instincts and will do whatever he can in order to ensure he survives, while his enemies die, even if it means outright betraying someone because the tides turned in a battle.


Pipe Paragon
First Mate

//Who am I supposed to be?
If everything good was taken from me.//

- Her Chaos form resembles a paragon in structure. She possesses 3 sets of limbs, all armed with deadly claws that can turn white hot, a long neck lined with spines and a head with many eyes and crowned by a mane of tendrils. She is able to fly with a set of delicate looking insect-like wings which in addition to being aerodynamic, also produce an incredible amount of fire forced through jets which increase speed of flight. When angered, she also can force super heated magma out through vents in her spine and her ordinarily dark black skin will light up blue.
- Ignatte is the second in command of Jormundde's ship and is the only one game enough to hassle the Captain on a day to day basis. In fact, John's probably more afraid of telling her to stop, than she is of undermining his authority.
- She's a wily Chaos, who enjoys giving other people trouble and will not stop her sassy attitude for anyone. She's naturally got no respect for authority and likes to go out of her way to torment others. However, on the other foot, she's a ruthless First Mate, and will not tolerate tardiness or attitude from anyone else. This combined with the fact that she can turn into a giant firebreathing Chaos, whose's body temperature is so high it can instantly evaporate water, has earned her the title of 'Dragon-Lady' aboard the ship.


Frost Paragon/Werebetta

- As a human, Convict is short, has hair that’s dark at the base, fades to a light silver at the tips and colorless eyes. His Chaos form is a long iridescent black serpentine-type body, lined with impressively large fins that can be raised and lowered at will. These fins can either be for show, or to assist with flying or swimming in difficult environments.
- Another pirate part of John’s crew and one of his more utilised Chaos. Convict’s a skilled fighter in both forms. Before becoming a pirate, Convict was attempting to get by on the streets with Jailbait. He has the ability to phase through things, though it’s limited in it’s use.
- Far more aggressive than his partner Jailbait and often has to be held back from acting too rash or aggressively. Generally says what’s on his mind, doesn’t really care what other people think about it. Despite this, is loyal to his home and can be teasing and a bit of a troublemaker on the ship.

Additional Notes: Based on my pet betta of three years with the same name

Sparkdrake Paragon

- Has both a human form and chaos form. Chaos form is mostly aquatic, resembling a large catfish, with six sets of short finned legs, mostly for steering since walking is too much of an effort. Human form is a large male, dark brown, almost black eyes and long black hair.
- A pirate part of John’s crew on the Naglfari. Mostly used for heavy lifting and general ship work. He’s also a skilled repairman, and often ends up being the one doing repairs on the ship. He’s fairly unskilled at fighting, mostly relying on throwing his weight around to overcome enemies.
- Jailbait’s fairly laid back and generally avoidant of work unless specifically asked. Also morally blind and has zero concerns about killing humans, Chaos or Dweller. He’s more at home in the water and in his Chaos form.

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Postby Redd » 04/02/2018 1:41 AM

//Location: Evelon - Lamenolai//
//Class: Those Bound by Thread//

Lavamancer Paragon/Lusikross
Street Performer

//Show us all again
That our hands are unclean.//

- As a Chaos, Harutte is somewhat a cross between a Frilled Neck Lizard, Monitor and Hound. His face is long and tapered, with two sloping horns protruding from forehead. Possesses three sets of limbs, two are legs, and one is multipurpose and can either be used for speeding up a sprint or like hands, capable of grabbing things. Tail is long and thin, same length as head to butt. Covered in both frills and glowing runes.
Human form has long, dark brown hair, golden eyes and his chest is covered in runes. Always carries his backpack. Rarely wears a shirt.
- Harutte attempts to hide from others of his own species by blending in with humans as a street performer. The markings on his body allow him to cast mental manipulation spells, usually either persuading his audience to pay him, or to make them forget his face, essentially hiding him in plain sight.
- Though he’s a natural show pony and performer, if approached Harutte can appear paranoid and nervous, namely due to the large amount of people who want to see him dead or captured. Once this is broken through, he’s a genuinely nice guy and can be too trusting if he’s familiar with someone. He does have a bit too much of a mischievous streak sometimes that gets him in trouble with other non-Chaos. Though he owns an apartment, transport and has a substantial amount of money stashed away, he chooses to live on the street with other homeless humans, sharing his earnings with them in exchange for their silence and loyalty.


Lab Rattegan
Pet Rat

- A Rat
- Harutte's pet rat.
- A very cute pet rat, he makes Harutte happy.


Street Rat

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- Personality


Chaos Likuta
Chaos Outcast

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- Personality

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Postby Redd » 04/02/2018 1:57 AM

//Location: Evelon//
//Class: Travelling Merchants//

Wynd Kuhna

- Sandy haired male with ice blue eyes. Tall, clothing is usually in disrepair, due to travels. Wears a crystal set in a pendant.
- Azrael is the leader of a travelling caravan. The small group of families travel from town to town, hunting and gathering on the road. Azrael predominantly mans the stall and protects the caravan. As the leader he also decides on where to go.
- A serious and broody man, who was forced into this life. The only person who's capable of breaking this persona is his wife Devyn. He used to live a comfortable life and was wealthy, before Reyes framed him for theft.



- A tall, thin woman with cropped brown hair and dark eyes. Always has an assortment of bracelets and necklaces on.
- A jewelry crafter. Devyn makes trinkets for Reyes and Azrael to sell. She also takes orders and specific requests. While rocks are her favourite, she's also good with making trinkets out of organic materials such as feathers, leather and rope.
- Calm, rational and diplomatic. She's usually the voice of reason and has to break up conflicts between Azrael and Reyes. She's perceptive and has an eye for detail. She also strongly believes in the healing power of crystals and could talk all day about them.


Grasis Kuhna [Paulo/Sasha]

- A well dressed man with neat blond hair and a groomed beard. His clothes are always impeccable, despite spending most of his life on the roads.
- Reyes is the the founder of the wandering caravans, and with his wife, he travels the trade routes of Evelon, sometimes leaving the paths for more adventurous pursuits. He also mans the stall, under Azrael's watchful eye. He used to be something of a con artist, trying to scam people for money but the other man refuses to sink so low.
- Reyes himself is a bit of a coward and a bit of a push over. He's good with words and he's good at telling people what they want to hear. He's also, despite trying to curb his bad habits, unscrupulous and won't think twice about taking something that's not his.


Ailur Kuhna
Leather Worker

- Red-head with a wild mane of hair, usually restrained by a band. Taller than average, green eyed. Likes plaid designs, usually wears the pattern under leather armour while on the road.
- A skilled leatherworker and hunter. Hunts for the caravan and collects hides to sell, and buys tanned leather to turn into armour.
- Carefree and rarely bothered by anything. Tiffany was born into a nomadic lifestyle and eventually left her tribe to forge her own path in the world, along with her husband, Reyes. While she doesn't mind Reyes' criminal tendencies, she's often the one who needs to cover for him and is exceptionally fast at adapting to situations.


Mirror Kuhna

- Tall, dark frizzy hair and blue eyes. Wears a decorated set of leather armour. Ears are pierced and she often wears gold. Wields both a sword and a pistol.
- Originally hired as a guard for the caravan, as Azrael didn't trust Reyes. She quickly warmed up to the families and really doesn't care much about the pay any more, so long as she's fed and is able to have a small allowance to buy more gold things.
- Elizabeth (strictly uses Lizzie) is a sarcastic, witty woman who on the surface only seems to care about herself. She's quick to dismiss her caravan, deny it's her home and joke frequently about leaving, but deep down, there's no way she'd do it. She grew up in a broken home, never knowing a real family and always had one foot out the door in every relationship she had. Initially she was in it for the gold but after saving the crew (and being saved herself), she considers them real family.

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Postby Redd » 04/02/2018 2:03 AM

//Location: Evelon//
//Class: Imperial Soldiers//

Scouting Hawk

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Heiv Kuhna[Kismet/Shotou]
Recon Specialist

- A blonde haired woman with blue eyes, often dressed up in formal Imperial military dress and with short cut hair.
- A low ranking general for the Imperial army, Miranda leads a small team for reconnaissance missions.
- Despite her harsh, serious appearance, Miranda is light hearted and cares deeply for her squad and considers morale to be above all. She'd never ask anyone to make a sacrifice that she couldn't do herself.

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Postby Redd » 04/02/2018 2:14 AM

//Location: Evelon Seas//
//Class: Cursed Pirates//

Lucain [Nazuna x Raksis]
Pirate Captain

- Tall woman with grey eyes and long blonde hair. Wears a black long coat with gold trims, a tricorn hat and carries around both a longsword and a short sword. Usually appears distant and generally unimpressed.
- Raine’s a pirate captain, though not by choice. When she was younger, she lost her husband to the ocean and eventually found a man who promised to bring his soul to her. Instead, he bound her soul to the ocean and now she can’t walk on land for longer than an hour or she’ll suffer a fate worse than death.
- The curse she’s placed under has destroyed Raine from the inside out. She’s distant, rarely happy and takes no joy in anything she does. For a long time, she tried hard to make an honest living, but eventually had to resort to piracy to survive. The only reason she hangs on now is for her crew.


Nightlight Kuhna [Serkas/Narills]
First Mate

- A dark haired man who's often dressed in expensive red and black clothes and whatever expensive armour he's managed to look off the next captain that they've murdered.
- Etony is a pirate and Raine's right hand man, and is in charge of the general business that goes on aboard the ship.
- A man with a massive ego. He often considers himself charming and diplomatic but most of the time he's little more than a thuggish bully. Most of the crew obey him because it's easier to do that than deal with his bad mood. He likes jewels, cares little for gold.
He is an adept fighter, preferring to use a scimitar, but can switch to another blade just as easily. He's fighting style involves a lot of trickery and he is very quick to strike.


Holy Kuhna [Artemis/Voice]

- A well dressed woman of above average height, red hair and usually adorned in fine gold jewelry. Due to her more social nature, she's more inclined to dress up to attend parties and the like. She carries at least three concealed knives. Crow has some facial scarring but goes to extreme lengths to conceal it.
-  The eldest of the two infamous Golden Twins, a pair of assassins known for their skill, cunning and stealth. Despite the name few know what they actually look like, and due to them spending most of their time aboard Raine's vessel, very few ever find out. They take contracts through an underground guild whenever they take shore leave for extra money.
- Out of the two sisters, Crow is the more charismatic one, though that does not necessarily mean she's the safer of the two. She's delightful, charming, polite and fond of seducing targets before killing or robbing them blind. Like her sister, she's got a love for all things gold and shiny.


Spirit Kuhna [Reginald/Evangeline]

- Raven is the shorter sister, and her hair is a dark, dyed red. Unlike her sister, she'd never be caught in a dress, preferring to wear fancy vests and pants, though her love for gold and jewelry is the same. Has plenty of scars, most notable is one that runs from her upper left lip to her cheekbone.
-  The eldest of the two infamous Golden Twins, a pair of assassins known for their skill, cunning and stealth. Despite the name few know what they actually look like, and due to them spending most of their time aboard Raine's vessel, very few ever find out. They take contracts through an underground guild whenever they take shore leave for extra money.
- As a counter to Crow's impeccable social skills, Raven's leaves much to be desired. She's blunt, goal focused and more blood thirsty. She enjoys making her victims feel pain before they die and really hates the stealing contracts That doesn't mean she can't put on a show, but she'd rather not.

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Postby Redd » 04/02/2018 2:19 AM

//Location: Evelon//
//Class: Con Artists//


- Younger male, usually either smart casual dress, or shabby coats. Will alter his appearance to suit the situation though. Blue eyes, favours wearing a newsboy cap.
- A grifter or con man. His cons mostly involve selling faulty or fake products, encouraging gambling against impossible odds. Though occasionally if it’s been a slow month, he’ll resort to information brokering.
- Sarcastic, evasive, perceptive. Has an eye for the finer things and really can’t resist money.


Lucain [L x Jon]

- Above average height, muscled, likes to wear heavy coats and often fingerless gloves. Black hair often described as a mop.
- A grifter like Taniel but quite clearly the muscle of the pair, and his skills are better suited to brawling, and (despite his size) breaking and entering. Doesn’t usually directly interfere with Taniel, rather lurks close by and shows up when people need persuading or if Taniel is in trouble.
- He is certainly not the quietest of the pair and he is quite happy to speak his mind and crack some heads together. Quite superstitious, will refuse to touch anything rumoured to be cursed.


Dino Fenref

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Rabbot AC1

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Adler Kuhna [Noah x Kossori]

- Damion's a male in his early twenties, has an unruly mop of black hair, green eyes and generally looks a lot younger than he actually is.
- One of the youngest smugglers in Aren's gang and due to his smallish stature, he's often the one forced to sneak into small places to steal things or to hide things from the authorities.
- Despite his job, he's quiet and timid. He owes his life to the small gang though, without them, he'd have no family and would still be begging for scraps on the streets.


Sorrow Kuhna [Ari'el/Jorunnr]

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Postby Redd » 04/05/2018 9:39 PM

//Location: The Commonwealth - A post-nuclear Boston. Full of irradiated dangers, including mutants.//
//Class: Wasteland Survivors//

Steamwork Fellox

- Appearance
- Job
- Personality


Rust Velix
Pet Robot

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- Job
- Personality


Chaotic Mekkayena

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- Personality


Terminate Staigovald

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