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Boredum's Menagerie

Postby Boredum » 02/16/2009 7:54 PM

The new zoo was on a hill, surrounded by a dark, cold fence. It clearly meant, "Stay Out." No sun seemed to peek into the animals' pens, nor the small hut which accompanied the cages. All was gloomy, dark, and rather spooky. Of course, there were almost no animals that could be seen. However, as the time dragged by, flames were seen from certain corners, along with the eerie glow of red and blue. The quietness that hung around the zoo was ever-lasting, only broken from a slight ruffle of leaves or a lone howl. Dare you venture alone into this eerie place? The gate seems unlocked, as if the owner was daring you to come inside. Should you turn back, or should you cautiously go into the hellish area?
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Re: Boredum's Menagerie

Postby Boredum » 02/16/2009 8:02 PM

As you decide to walk in, the first thing you seem to notice is a lone Kasuga, it's glowing eyes locked on your approaching figure. However, as you walk over, the undead equine seems to be quite friendly, actually. Taking a few dainty steps over, the male would pause, turning his head slightly. It was as if he was posing just for you!The cursed thing suddenly turned completely sideways, the grin on his face suddenly scaring you. His fiery tails would twitch as you ran off.


Name: Gaceve (Gay-Seeve)
Gender: Male
Personality: Gaceve is really just a lonely Kasuga, with no visible emotion. His quiet personality and low confidence usually pushes people away; mentally, of course. The equine has a certain spark, however, when it comes to relationships of any sort or when battling. This can be seen when he fights, for the flames from his hooves increase visibly. Gace's voice also gets a bit higher, but it's often rare for him to get that excited. Kasuga is also quite full of himself, and always expects the best from his partner and owner.
History; He was taken under Boredum's wing in a serious mistake. Gaceve was given to the lady when he was only a foal. Although the owner tried everything to keep the Kasuga from being... Well, dangerous and rude. She failed. Terribly. Now, Gace is one of the meanest animals in the castle.
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 15
Exploration: 15
Endurance: 15
Intelligence: 5
Righteousness: 5
Darkness: 6
Fame: 9
Passive Traits: Undead, Human Form, Perfect Reflection, Malevolence
Battle Traits: Disease Immunity, Spectral Strike, Staggering Strike
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Re: Boredum's Menagerie

Postby Boredum » 03/20/2009 9:42 PM

Scurrying off in fear of the Kasuga, a small, petite feline gazed up at you. A venom Draculi, with startling pink eyes looked over. He held a gaze of uttermost depression, staring longingly over to where a small shack stood. Curious? The building looked worn down, though it was quite warm and friendly. Standing up, the feminine feline rubbed gently against your leg, hissing gently. The Toxic Draculi spat, trotting off, it's tail held in a horizontal position.


Name: Killanoia (Kill-ah-noy-ah)
Sex: Male
Age: Unknown, but takes the human form of a 17 year old
Personality: Shy yet loud, smart yet dumb, kind yet cruel. ;D (More, trust me xD)
History: (To come also. When I has time..)
Species: Draculi (S)
Element: Dark/Acid
Loyalty: 2
Toughness: 6
Exploration: 6
Endurance: 5
Intelligence: 7
Righteousness: 1
Darkness: 7
Fame: 5
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Passive Traits: Shape Shifter, Human Speech, Cover Your Tracks, Up the Walls (Racial Trait: Malevolence)
Battle Traits: Blinding Speed, Bioaccumulation, Spectral Strike
Medical Traits: Healing Touch, Herbalist, Regenerate Limbs, Disease Immunity
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Re: Boredum's Menagerie

Postby Boredum » 04/30/2009 7:23 PM


Name: Liea (Lie-ee-ah)
Gender: Male
Age: 21
Personality- Pending
History- Pending
Species: Biolune Ferrikoon (S)
Element: Air
Loyalty: 1
Toughness: 6
Exploration: 9
Endurance: 3
Intelligence: 7
Righteousness: 1
Darkness: 3
Fame: 0
Passive Traits: Born Flier, Lightfeet(Racial Traits), Human Form, Cover Your Tracks, Create Illusions, Human Speech.
Battle Traits: Cloak Dance(Racial), Pursue, Blinding Speed, Winged Warrior.
Medical Traits: Regenerate Limbs, Antivenin, First Aid, Healing Touch.
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Re: Boredum's Menagerie

Postby Boredum » 04/30/2009 7:41 PM


Name: Kirale (Ke-Rah-Leh)
Biolune Cavallion
Gender: Male
Age: 19
Personality- Pending
History- Pending
Element: Earth
Loyalty: 9
Toughness: 7
Exploration: 10
Endurance: 7
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 5
Darkness: 0
Fame: 6
Passive Traits: Grass Trekker, Dash(Racial), Human Form, Forester, Mighty Leaping, Human Speech.
Battle Traits: Great Bite, Hard Hooves, Entangling Roots.
Medical Traits: Disease Immunity, Healing Touch, Restore Senses, Regenerate Limbs, Augment Healing.
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Re: Boredum's Menagerie

Postby Boredum » 11/16/2009 10:43 PM



Name: Morai (More-aye)
Age: 34 human years
Sex/Gender: Female
Personality: Often, she is found confused and rather happy with life. Almost in love with the fancy light atop of her head, she is often found sitting near a pong playing with the pink light. What an innocent.
History: -Pending-
Element: Water
Loyalty: 4
Toughness: 9
Exploration: 5
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 6
Righteousness: 3
Darkness: 3
Fame: 5
Passive Traits: Cold Endurance, Expert Swimmer
Battle Traits: Great Bite, Great Rend
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Re: Boredum's Menagerie

Postby Boredum » 03/23/2016 3:10 PM

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