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Re: Pirrico

Postby Pyris » 01/21/2016 9:09 PM

On Hold
These creatures have yet to be assigned personalities or are otherwise not set up for roleplaying.  However, should you like to roleplay with one of them, I am more than happy to create and set a character for them.  ^.^
Lineage: Sevastion x Reign
Origin: Self bred (Parents Rented from Sarah)


Galaxy Snowball


Mecho, the Clockwork Choopa

Treasure Hollowheartx2 (Plus Glimmer makes 3) 10/25/09

Nebula Evren
Albino Piyo

Dori Kuni X2

Biolune Rollaby

Viral Velix (HOMG LURV.)

Cupid Tricky

Banana Slithy


Doom Kitty

Malice Wyrm

Treasure Rollaby


Verdure Yonyuu

As you can see, Pirrico Adoptions has many adoptees that are in dire need of personalities!  Until I suit them up properly, I'm afraid I won't be able to roleplay them out!  ^.^


Fairy Piyo
Dawn Carpetfang

Treasure Serraptor - Given to me by Thunder for Evelon Christmas <3


Iridescent Kuhna??- Given to me by ShadowStitches for Evelon Christmas <3<3


Gambler Gallizar- Given by ToxicShadow for Evelon Wish a Thon
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Re: Pirrico [M]

Postby Pyris » 03/28/2016 5:45 AM

Extensive Characters (Found in template land?)

       (Pronounced: )
   Alternate Forms: None

       Name: NAME
           Race: SPECIES
Gender: WHUT
Age: ??
           RPed Race: WHAT AM I
RPed Gender: WHAT AM I
           Alignment: ALIGN ME
           Height: TALL  
Weight: WEIGHT
       P E R S O N A L I T Y
Things and Stuff.

       H I S T O R Y
Stuff and things.

Role Play
Posts: 0 Level: 1
       Element: ELEMENT
       RP Color: ColorCode
Previous-Closed Threads
       --> -None-



       Theme Song

Standard Pets

Personal Motto

Human Form:
Theme Song :
Size :
Gender Preference :
Love Interest(s) :
Mate(s) : --
Alignment :
Current Location:

Potential Battlers

Name and Species or Title

Posts: 0
Level: 0
Offense: 0/100
Defense: 0/100
Precision: 0/50
Endurance: 0/100
Speed: 0/100
Fame: 0/40
Species Passive Traits:
Personal Passive Traits:
Species Battle Traits:
Personal Battle Traits:
Battle Trait Goals:
Current Location:
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Status: Playing with shiny new things.

Re: Pirrico [M]

Postby Pyris » 04/16/2016 6:28 PM

The Tribe

While traveling through the smoky forest of Pirrico, Pyris stumbled upon a small tribe of Serraptor.  To her surprise, they had traveled through the fiery fence of the zoo pen and into the trees, making themselves a home.  The cavern in which she'd found them was the place she had planned to use as storage, but she left them to it, in hopes that soon they would find some appeal in her kindness.

Mexus, the Imperial Serraptor
Sometimes the only way to move is forward.

Full Name : Mexus
Pronunciation : M(eh)x-us
Gender : Male
Species : Imperial Serraptor
Age : Unknown.  It is thought that he is a few years into his adult stage.
D.o.A. :March 9, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Mexus is one of the two leaders of his tribe, Vox being his counterpart. He's particularly protective, and often paces circles around the tribe when he feels there might be danger. He tends to be a little hot-headed and reckless, which is why he isn't the only leader of the tribe, at least that's what Pyris supposes. Be as courteous as possible around him, please, he acts rather.....viciously when he feels insulted.
Size : Medium
Tribe Counterpart : Vox
Gender Preference : Unknown
Love Interest(s) : --
Mate(s) : --
Alignment : Chaotic Good
Current Location : Basantha Shrine
Explored : --
Form(s) : Serraptor
Motto : Sometimes the only way to move is forward.

Vox, the Void Serraptor

Full Name : Vox
Pronunciation : voks
Gender : Male
Species : Void Serraptor
Age :  Unknown.  It is only certain that Vox is well into his adult years.
D.o.A. : March 9, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Vox is the other leader of the tribe, filling the role in areas that Mexus cannot. He's never been known to make a noise of any kind, not even a battlecry. Pyris is unsure if this is a choice he's made, or if it's something he is simply unable to do. In nearly every way, Vox is the opposite of Mexus, being calm, cool, and collected even to the most insulting or threatening characters. That doesn't make him a pushover, though, he's also incredibly cunning. He can outwit many a foe.
Size : Medium
Tribe Counterpart : Mexus
Gender Preference : --
Love Interest(s) : --
Mate(s) : --
Alignment : True Neutral
Current Location : Basantha Shrine
Explored : --
Form(s) : Serraptor
Motto :

Pandemo, the Chaos  Serraptor

Full Name : Pandemo
Pronunciation : pàndə mṓ
Gender : Female
Species : Chaos Serraptor
Age : Pyris believes she’s rather young, possibly still in her teens.
D.o.A. : March 9. 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Pandemo is the mischievous one of the tribe. She happens to get not only herself, but her tribe in many a bad situation, especially when her counterpart, Bane, is not nearby. The tribe tends to treat her cautiously, Mexus always keeping her in the corner of his eye. Pyris advises everyone to stay a good distance away from her.
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Male
Love Interest(s) : --
Mate(s) : Bane
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) : Serraptor
Motto :

Bane, the Venom Serraptor
A secret quickly becomes a burden around the ones you love.

Full Name : Bane
Pronunciation : bayn
Gender : Male
Species : Venom Serraptor
Age : It’s believed he’s a little older than Pandemo, possibly in the very early years of adulthood.
D.o.A. : March 9, 2009
D.o.B. : Unknown
Description : Sharing the same naughty spirit as Pandemo, Bane often 'looses track' of his counterpart, allowing her to prank and tease the other members of the tribe. When he feels she may get into more trouble than it's worth, however, he keeps her in good form. The two usually stay near one another, more often than not, picking on one another instead of the other members.
Human Form : Bane’s human form is his own personal dirty little secret.  None of the members of the tribe know of it, or of the ability he has to speak human.  His human form is short and lithe, possibly the effect of the running he often does with his mate.  His hair is bright, plasmatic green, and he tends to often forget about his messy hair, since he’s usually a serraptor.  When he does style it, however, it’s spiked, and for some reason, the roots always look very noticeably darker than the rest of his hair.
Theme Song :
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Female
Love Interest(s) : --
Mate(s) : Pandemo
Offspring : --
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) : Serraptor, Human
Motto : A secret quickly becomes a burden around the ones you love.

Karne, the Glacial Serraptor
Take care of what you care for.

Full Name : Karne
Nickname : Matron
Pronunciation : krn
Gender : Female
Species : Glacial Serraptor
Age : It seems Karne is one of the oldest of the Tribe, possibly middle-aged.
D.o.A. : March 9, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Karne is the mother of the tribe, often seen nipping at the others' feathers and preening them. Even though she most likely wasn't their actual mother (Pyris says they look too close in age for her to bear them as children), she treats them the same. She scolds them in her own ways, often chattering at Bane and Pandemo, as well as snapping at Mexus when she feels Vox is lacking. Her and Borax are usually spotted together, and Pyris supposes they're mates.
Human Form : With long, ice blue hair, Karne is a beautiful and graceful woman.  Her hair is, more often than not, tied back in a simple plait running the length of her spine.  Even plaited, her hair falls to her hips.  Almost frail, Karne is surprisingly strong for a female human of her age.  The only thing that tips one off that she’s a Serraptor other than her strange, almost glowing blue hair, is the pendant she still adorns her neck with.
Theme Song :
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Male
Mate(s) : Borax
Offspring : --
Alignment : Lawful Good
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) : Serraptor, Human
Motto : Take care of what you care for.

Borax, the Battlefield Serraptor
If someone you love can’t fight, fight for them.

Full Name : Borax
Pronunciation : báwrəks
Gender : Male
Species : Battlefield Serraptor
Age : It seems he’s around the same age as Karne.
D.o.A. : March 9, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Borax is the teacher and father figure of the tribe. Pyris claims to have seen him demonstrating a thing or two to Mexus upon their arrival. When he isn't being a parent or teacher, he's cozying up to Karne, who basks in the attention quite happily.
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Female
Mate(s) : Karne
Offspring : --
Siblings : --
Alignment : Lawful Good
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) : Serraptor
Motto : If someone you love can’t fight, fight for them.
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Status: Playing with shiny new things.

Re: Pirrico [M]

Postby Pyris » 04/16/2016 6:31 PM

The Pack

Passing the entrance to the pen, you can see that there is far more land in Pirrico to cover, filled with little rivers, caves, burrows, and fields. A pack of Werecain wander near, the leader watching you with great caution, and alerting the others to do so as well.  "Those guys have been wandering the pen for a while now.  I think they've decided to stay here.  I'm honored to have them as residents."

Cianne, the Common Werecain
Where there is conflict, there is opportunity.

Full Name : Cianne
Nickname :
Pronunciation : See An
Gender : Female
Species : Common Werecain
Age : Unknown
D.o.A. :March 17, 2009
D.o.B. : Unknown
Description : Cool and calculating, it's obvious why Cianne was chosen by the others as the pack leader.  She is strong and bullheaded, willing to confront even the most dangerous of enemies to protect her pack.  Although she gets a great deal of trouble out of Jaxis, none of the other werecain question her presence at their front.  She knows many things about the way of life, which leads Pyris to believe that she is really quite old.  However, her strength and attitude towards living lead the woman to believe otherwise.
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Male
Love Interest(s) : Ruke
Mate(s) : N/A
Offspring : None known
Siblings : N/A
Alignment :
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) :
Motto : Where there is conflict, there is opportunity.

Prizmo, the Prismatic Werecain
It's all in the way ya look at it.

Full Name : Prizmo
Nickname : Prii, Priz
Pronunciation : P-riz-mow
Gender : Male
Species : Prismatic Werecain
Age : Uncertain.  He seems to be younger than the rest of the pack by a few years.
D.o.A. :March 17, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Despite his rather colorful appearance, Prizmo is very much not interested in like genders.  In fact, with the exception of the other males in his pack, he pays absolutely no attention to anyone male.  It's not because he has a complex; it's most likely because he gets too distracted by anything female, be it werecain or not.  He has great appreciation for the female form in any shape, size, or species.  Not exactly being a womanizer, he fancies the down-to-earth Ethris for not only her alluring brown shades of fur, but her mind as well.  He sees his interest in the female gender as more of an artistic appeal than anything less innocent.  His personality is incredibly relaxed and social, regardless of his pack's general outlook on outsiders.
Theme Song :
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Female
Love Interest(s) :  Ethris
Mate(s) : N/A
Alignment :
Current Location :Zoo Pen
Explored : Roraldi Forests
Form(s) : Human, Werecain, ...?
Motto : It's all in the way ya look at it.

Ruke, the Battlefield Werecain
A mere second can be the difference between life and death.  

Full Name : Ruke
Nickname :
Pronunciation : Rewk
Gender : Male
Species : Battlefield Werecain
Age : He seems to be the eldest of the pack.
D.o.A. : March 17, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Brusque and stand-offish, Ruke is the battle-worn elder of the pack, his wisdom often keeping them out of danger.  Though Cianne has great respect for him, he seeks no attention from the others, lest he feels it is necessary.  He's often seen with Jaxis, although Pyris cannot determine exactly why yet.  She feels he's either fathering him or training him.  Other than Jaxis, he pays little mind to the pack and it's adventures, preferring to linger in the back of the group and watching the area.  Thune often watches him through glances over the shoulder, seemingly without Ruke's notice.
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Uncertain
Love Interest(s) : Unknown
Mate(s) : --
Offspring : --
Siblings : --
Alignment :
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) :
Motto :A mere second can be the difference between life and death.

Thune, the Hollow Werecain
It only takes a spark to ignite a flame.

Full Name : Thune
Nickname :
Pronunciation : Th-ewn
Gender : Male
Species : Hollow Werecain
Age : Pyris believes he is a scant year or two older than Prizmo.
D.o.A. :March 17, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : When speaking of Thune, many questions arise; none of which have definite answers.  He tends to watch Ruke and Jaxis in most of his spare time, and can often be seen almost fighting with the glacial werecain.  Though his temper never flies as high as Jaxis' can, he usually gets set off by the other creature.  Away from him, Thune is cool and collected, and even friendly to those he takes an interest in.
Size : Medium
Generation : --
Lineage : --
Gender Preference : Seemingly male, but Pyris suspects either gender will do.
Love Interest(s) : Ruke, Jaxis
Mate(s) : --
Offspring : --
Siblings : --
Alignment :
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) :
Motto : It only takes a spark to ignite a flame.

Jaxis, the Glacial Werecain
There are two choices in a dire situation: Get useful or Get lost.

Full Name : Jaxis
Nickname : Jax
Pronunciation :  jáksiss
Gender : Male
Species : Glacial Werecain
Age : Unknown
D.o.A. : March 17, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Obstinate and brutally honest, Jaxis’ personality has never gained him many friends.  He’s known to be blunt to the point of cruelty, and not even seeming to notice.  The emotions of others has never been something he’s taken notice to, and people often find this makes him cold.  Most of what he cares about involves hunting, fighting, and hassling Thune.
Human Form :
Theme Song : Otherworld - The Black Mages
Size : Meduim
Gender Preference : Unknown
Love Interest(s) : --
Mate(s) : --
Offspring : --
Siblings : --
Alignment : Chaotic Neutral
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) : Werecain
Motto : There are two choices in a dire situation: Get useful or Get lost.

Ethris, the Wood Werecain
Judge not by the color of one's fur, but by the look in one's eyes.

[ Full Name : Ethris
Nickname : Etha
Pronunciation : Eethriss
Gender : Female
Species : Wood Werecain
Age : She seems to be older than both Thune and Prizmo, but younger than Cianne and Ruke.
D.o.A. : March 17, 2009
D.o.B. : --
Description : Ethris is down-to-earth and very sensible.  She’s level-headed and intelligent, careful to think things over, but not for too long, before taking action.  The pack knows her for her great lengths of kindness and her ability to see things from both sides of an argument.  Her place as the mediator of the pack is much appreciated by the Alpha, Cianne.
Size : Medium
Gender Preference : Male
Love Interest(s) : Prizmo
Mate(s) : --
Offspring : --
Alignment : Neutral Good
Current Location : Zoo Pen
Explored : --
Form(s) : Werecain
Motto : Judge not by the color of one’s fur, but by the look in one’s eyes.
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Joined: 03/01/2009 9:26 PM
Location: Apparently, rambling all throughout Evelon.
Status: Playing with shiny new things.


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