If you have ordered a Lucain, Paragon, Soveris, or Diosol and have not gotten your order, please forward your original email order (and paypal proof of payment if possible, though we won't consider this necessary for those that have been waiting several months) to us at landsofevelon@gmail.com
If your order is a Diosol; While myself and Redd have access to the Diosol file, we're not quite comfortable yet with the idea of trying our hand at their random nature. As such, we will award you the GT cost of your Diosol order, that way you may spend it on anything else on the site. We'll also leave your Diosol order in the queue though, so that once Baal is able to take on orders again or we are comfortable completing them you'll still get the Diosol order.
If your order is a Lucain, Paragon, or Soveris; We'll finish your order and get it sent over to you. Redd and I have done plenty of these orders, so we're pretty confident that we can help get any backlog cleared out
Expected Wait Times
As a fair warning, with the holidays upon us, most of staff's attention is diverted to holiday customs, finishing giftbox pets, prepping birthday pets for next year, ect. These things will take priority over breedable custom orders, but the sooner you inform us of your pending order the quicker we can gather a list of what needs to be done and find the time to devote to them.
A gift for your trouble
If your order has been pending for 2-5 months, we will throw in a free random. If your order has been pending for 6 months or longer, we will throw in two free randoms. Just let us know what species (Lucain, Paragon, Soveris) you would like for your random(s). As a disclaimer, I do not know when Baal last sent out or worked on any custom orders, so those numbers are just guesses at what the wait's been, mostly based on how long some Diosol litters have been waiting.