As an active volcano, few creatures venture near Nori for fear of being too close during an eruption. On most days there is a continuous slow flow of molten rock seeping through the mouth of the volcano, so travelers are advised to dress appropriately. (+2 to Endurance)

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Postby Rushfeather » 06/21/2008 1:44 AM

Kyonshi knew that two of the normal weaknesses for any living being were the heart and the head. It would be a good idea to attack there. She ran toward fim and tried to pierce at him using her whole arm. She had seen that from that vampire manga called hellsing. She knew that it wouldn't be the exact same thing in her reality, but she was pretty sure that attacking that way could be good. she knew that not preparing her move until it was nearly toolate was a must. She couldn't show her openent what she would do too soon. It would become too easy to evade. She couldn't tell if she was doing the right thing or not. Usually, using the ways she had seen in mangs was working, but she ha noticed it wasn't all that good.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/21/2008 2:04 AM

Not an awful form. The motley jester was highly observant as Kyonshi moved forward. Every last twitch of her body was noticed, and he never moved. She was good with one thing, knowing to keep her actual attack. In that sense, she wasn't half bad, but coming from the front was always risky. Your opponent could see you then, they could still read things off of you.
Another point in her favor, she got one of the weak points correct, by where she attempted to attack. Well, she knew one them, that was for sure. He couldn't say about the others quite yet. When she thrust her arm forward, however, Jakerz jumped back a step and dodged to the side, finding himself practically standing behind her, sort of smirking. In all truth, he was defensive over where she attacked. She was doing well enough, but he was picky over who he let come in contact with his chest. Just a habit. People weren't worthy.
"Try again." He had demanded of her. He needed to see what she'd do now that her first attack failed.

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Postby Rushfeather » 06/21/2008 2:20 AM

Kyonshi quickly turned back to face him. She knew it was always better to see your enemy. In his case, she needed a way to prevent him from moving. what could be a good way to do that? She was still young and week, so using the vampire strenght wouldn't work right now. She was strong, but not enought. What she could use was her speed. She had a great speed. She needed to take advantage of that.
She charged at him and she decided to aim for his head this time. A powerful it to the head could eaily knock someone out. A strong enough hit could even kill, but not with her actual strenght. and not by hitting directly in his face like she was doing now.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 06/23/2008 4:45 AM

It was true that Kyonshi was able to land her hit this time around but, even then, was it just Jakerz trying to prove a point to her? It could have been so, since he had leaned back just before contact was made, eliminating the directness of her attack. It fell short of full contact, loosing power. Thus lowering the damage that it would make. 'Jingle, jingle' Of course, the bells on the hat proceeded to ring. And before she could even think to move away, he grabbed a hold of her wrist tightly, so much he probably would end up bruising it, and twisting it around behind her back to stop her from moving. It was a fairly good way stop people in their tracks. She'd need to learn to break it, get away if someone else managed to catch her in such a way.
"Not good enough!" He spat, releasing her arm with a shove, and stepping back. "Not bad, but far from where you need to be." It was obvious, just in the two times in which she'd tried to attack him.

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Postby Rushfeather » 06/29/2008 11:02 PM

Kyonshi didn't know at all what she could do in this situation. She needed to learn how to defend herself against people who knew how to use those kind of moves. What could she do? It was impossible for her to do anything like that. Maybe she would be able to do something if she could drink a little bit of blood... At least now he had released her. She knew she had a bottle with blood in her pocket, drinking blood would awaken her true powers, it would make her stronger, but using that bottle would mean she wouldn't be using her own powers... Unless... Yes... that was what she needed to do. "I'll show you what I can do." She bit her wrist, letting blood flowing out of the bite marks. She wasn't drinking the blood, just letting it out.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 08/11/2008 2:12 AM

Jakerz nose wrinkled up a little when the girl bit into her own flesh, releasing her own blood. The scent, blood now out of her veins, was easy to pick up on - vampire or no. He was unusual. Nothing more then that. Part of him protested to the idea of her harming herself in order to find a meal, the other part didn't. After all, look what he'd done to himself in order to be what he was. He laughed, on the inside. On the outside, he was ever calm. Already, he knew exactly what he was going to do next to test her. Oh, how he wondered what her reaction to it would be. He set her free, but he wasn't done with her yet.

He went at her again, swiftly, grabbing onto her face to forcefully pull her mouth away from her wrist, and he himself was lowered more to her level. The other arm automatically proceeded to come around her waist to pull her closer and hold her there. He kissed her. Simple as that. His lips pressed up against hers, and they weren't leaving any time soon. He wasn't at all bad at acting, either, so what this kiss meant, could very well confuse the girl some years younger then him. Was he being serious with this action, or was he just messing with her? In reality, not even he was thinking which it was. He just acted naturally, like anyone kissing someone who meant a good deal of anything to them, and was going to see just how she'd take it. If he thought about what he was doing, he'd loose his passionate feel to the kiss, which was something he couldn't do should he want to prove any sort of point.

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Postby Rushfeather » 08/11/2008 2:27 AM

Kyo got caught easilly in his attack and when she was about to react, he kissed her. It stopped her in her tracks. Her first kiss... He had just stole her first kiss. She was a bit confused for a bit longer, then she remember she was in training. It wasn't the right time to be spacing out.

Closing her eyes and concentrating hard, she started to control the blood that had flew out of her wrist. She control it to go around Jakerz's neck and around the place where is heart should have been. She was using the blood as if it was a thin rope. It was thin enough to cut off the neck of any normal humans. Of course she knew Jakerz wasn't a normal human, but her goal now wasn't to kill him, but to show him that she had useful powers.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 08/11/2008 3:03 AM

So it worked, decently enough. A kiss was quite a good distraction, but Kyo was good at getting past that distraction, it seemed. It was pretty obvious to Jakerz when he felt the thread-like bindings of blood wrap around his neck. So there was something to her after all, a potential. They could work with this. Human he was not, thus he could not die, but that didn't not mean his flesh still wasn't as fragile as a poor, pathetic human being. After all, he was born one, and, being that he no longer had blood flowing through the skin, it was practically dead. The threads cut into his neck, not as deep as it would have normally, however, leaving gashes that failed to bleed. He still had that magical factor, that changed his body. Such a complicated creature he was.
And being that she managed to get him like this, he'd pulled away from the kiss, her own blood from her mouth now having been transferred to his mouth, using the hand he'd held her face with to claw at the blood around him. An attempt rip the bindings. "Good." Was the only compliment she got, and it was a bit choked off, with the pressure on his windpipe, sound from his vocal chords being stressed.

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Postby Rushfeather » 08/11/2008 3:14 AM

Kyo wasn't an idiot she knew pretty well that using her blood to trick her enemies was a good strategy. She had used it a few times. She had decided it was her only good attack. Her only way to beat every enemy. It was the first time she managed to receive a compliment since they had start her training. It was a proof that this was a good fighting skill. Now what would he want her to do next? "What about you show me how I needto fight insteed of asking me to defend myself against you? Wouldn't it be better?" She asked him in an attempt to get a different kind of training. "I can't tell the best ways to train myself, but I can't see how I'll get better by doing this."

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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/08/2008 7:15 PM

"All in the process, my dear." Jakerz spoke calmly, words coming out with some strange fluidness. He cleared his throat before allowing just a part of his body to become transparent, freeing himself from her bindings. It was the same thing he did to enter a body without harming it. Blood was part of the body, so the skill was easily used here. "You just don't seem to get the process, do you? You have to incorporate what you know already into your training. Your weak points must be found before hand so you can work them up. There are many factors." And he gave a glance around, no one in sight on the side of this volcano. "Do you see any test victims here? 'fraid not." he spoke with a sigh this time. "I'm your only test subject, till we find another." Well, that was partially true. "Strength is what you lack, thus, you must build on that. However, that'd take too long for me to walk you through. Not very exciting either, just repetitive activities. Instead, why don't I show you one of my favorite- and simple -ways of killing?"

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Postby Rushfeather » 09/08/2008 7:16 PM

With these explanations, Kyo coulde see the use in what they had been doing, but she would obviously like to learn faster how to do everything. She wanted to be able to kill when she would need it. She was still so weak for a vampire. She would have to train her body. She would need to train her muscles. She couldn't deny that they were alone, it might as well have been better like that. "Do you think I will say no?" She said as an answer to Jazers last question.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/08/2008 7:21 PM

"Very well."
Kyo just had a one tracked mind at this point, didn't she? That could be a good thing, meant she'd do what she set out to finish. If she was determined to do something, she would do it. Jakerz couldn't doubt that she'd continue to pursue her training after they had each gone their own ways. Let us just hope that she survived whatever she chose to do- not that he happened to care. He didn't. She could die and it would mean nothing to him, he'd already got what he wanted. "Now then, Dear, come with me." He spoke with just a gesture of his hand and started walking, heading down the volcano toward the base. There would be people there. Enough people for him to make a good few examples of. Heh, heh, heh...
"You'll get to see some real action."

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Postby Rushfeather » 09/08/2008 7:23 PM

Kyo smilled, she was happy that she woulf finally be able to see some real skills. She might be lacking power, but she would train and once she would be powerful, she would be able to kill whoever would get into her road. She followed Jakerz as he walked toward the volcana's base. She wondered why he wanted to go there. Did he thought there might be someone there? Or did he knew there was someone. That she didn't know and she didn't cared, but it would be a great thing if there was living people there.

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Postby ToxicShadow » 09/08/2008 7:26 PM

It didn't take too terribly long to draw near their destination, it being quiet the whole time, aside from the sound of jingling bells that followed the man everywhere. If one thought about it, it was only logical that someone would make the base of a volcano their home. Even one such as this. There were too many opportunities not to and, for that same reason, he could bet there was some sort of tourists wandering about. Truth be told, he started to sense some of them, once he'd made the effort to do so.

Now to find a prey...Ah ha! He could sense a single being. He turned back to look at the girl, holding a single finger lips as if to tell her not to make a sound. It was unusual that when he took another step, the bells didn't sound. He made no sound at all as he snook forward. There. There was the person. A man, perhaps thirty or so. Such a shame that he was in the wrong place at the wrong time. Looks like he might have something to live for. Too bad.

In the blink of an eye, Jakerz was behind him and grabbed his head between both hands, yanking it backward toward him in an instant. The bones of the neck popped and cracked loudly, but only briefly as the act of snapping his neck was complete, blood spewing from the dying- if not already instantly dead- man's mouth. The Gallizar removed his hands before they could be stained with the blood and the body just toppled to the floor. Deed done. He'd acted so fast that his victim couldn't have even screamed.
"Just one of the simple ways." he stated. "It's not strength that matters, but the sudden force that is used. The neck is always so fragile. You can paralyze anyone should you just hit it accurately."

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Postby Rushfeather » 09/08/2008 7:27 PM

Kyo followed him and she only stopped when he made her know he wanted her to stay silent. She watched him killing the man, who didn't seemed to be old enough to be weakened by the old age. It was indeed just a good amonth of power efficietly used that had killed the man. "Quite impressive." She said in an almost annoyed way. He was so much better at it than her. "But what about the speed? And that silence? I don't think I can be that good at these two." She wondered if he would give her help about that or if he was just going to tell her that it would come with practice and training. Truthfully, she didn't cared which of the two answers he would chose.

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