Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Return to Craiss Caverns

Postby Mojave » 06/27/2008 2:23 PM

As it happened, romantic thoughts were not going through his head. He was simply worried of being killed if he made on wrong step. Perhaps it was a little paranoid... but he'd only seen older males who made their ranks clear by fighting. But Galatea's movement jerked him out of his reverie. "It's nice to meet you too." He said hurriedly.

With his sudden movement, Anye looked down at him in surprise. "Whoa, you trying to throw me off?" She looked between the three hollowhearts and laughed. "Reyu, you chicken. Stop trying to run and ask them what brings them here." She turned back to the magma creeper after saying this. "I'm Anye. So, who's the little guy over there?" She pointed to the young dragon. "And... what is he?"

Reyu grumbled at her, but sighed. She was right. He was being a great coward and he had come here for a reason. "So.... what brings you two here? We're here for a final visit before we head off to our new home."

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Postby Kyrit » 06/29/2008 7:55 PM

Upon being pointed at, the young paragon let out a chirp of a growl and snapped his jaws together. Some other random chattering and growling came from him, but it wasn't like any of it made sense. Must've just not liked the appendage being aimed toward him. Letting out a snot he finally hushed, eyes looking up at the female Hollowheart that was keeping him at her side.

"Ah. This little one... Hasn't a name. He was born from an egg that was given to one of the high ranking Imperial soldiers. But... an egg needs to be taken care of in order to hatch, so it was placed under my care." She gave a soft smile, closing her eyes for a moment. "As for my reason of being here.. I wanted him to see what my home was truly like... not what the place we will be staying at is like."
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Postby Flame » 07/03/2008 7:53 PM

"I have as much idea as you, believe me."
The Magma Creeper's voice echoed in the Anura's head as he replied, a dry sort of irony in his tone.
"I've never met him before, but he doesn't seem like the overly-friendly type, if you ask me."
Here he paused, as if contemplating his own words, head now tilted as he cast a glance over at the miniature dragon.
"Then again, who am I to judge?"
Here he fell silent once again. Ares, although seemingly immature at times, could be surprisingly temperate for his looks, and when he felt like it, he could speak as maturely as any adult. He just usually believed that it took all the fun out of life, and so, he didn't. He had decided though, that it would be worth breaking the silence to converse with the Anura. She seemed quite the intriguing creature.
"So, is your friend here always so tense around the ladies?"

From what she could see, Galatea could tell that Ares was opening up to the little Anura, and in one sense, she thought that it was nice that he was willing to speak to someone, more than she could say about the silent trip here between the two of them, but at the same time, it rather worried her. She had the gut feeling that what he had to say wasn't necessarily going to be the nicest of comments. She pretended not to notice though. It was the easiest way out of the situation. Let him have his fun: It wasn't every day that he decided to socialize with any old person.
Her attention was drawn back to the pair of Sentinel Hollowhearts though, when the male decided to drop a question. She held back on replying at first, listening with quiet intent as the femme spoke her part. Finally, it came to her turn to speak.
"Me? Well, no reason really, I guess. I've heard a lot about these caverns and decided to pay them a visit to see what rumors say are true. Plus, this little fellow needed to get out of the 'house' for a while, so I thought I might bring him here for a little exploring. Perhaps it wasn't such a great idea: With his curiosity, he's prone to get eaten by something or another."
Here she chuckled lightly, her light gaze flickering from each hollowheart to the other, scrutinizing them.
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Postby Mojave » 07/04/2008 12:14 AM

Reyu glanced at the tiny magma creeper with skepticism. "Well I'm not going to eat him." He shook his head and looked up. "And the only thing I've seen her eat is hypoflys." He was rather amused at the idea of something bothering to eat something so small as a magma creeper... but then again, he was rather large. Compared to the lizard anyway.

Anye blinked at him as if he were an idiot. "Well you might not. But that's hardly comforting. You DO remember the rumors what was found down here, right?" Oh, she thought, if only stomping her foot on his head would bother him. But he most likely wouldn't feel it at all. The numbskull.

"What? The Akail?" he laughed at her. "Do you see one of those slobbering queer eyed creatures coming at a group of hollowhearts? Just stay on my head, Anye if you're scared."

He seemed so at ease around the anura, and it was as if they had known each other for years. But he was quickly reminded of the other four. "Well.... I uh... don't fancy standing in this tunnel for the rest of the day... and I don't suppose you four don't either. And..." He glanced down at the floor, unsure as to how to phrase this next part. But, despite his teasing, Anye rescued him. "Exactly! Why don't you all come with us? It'll be a party." She grinned at them all.

(yeah... before the word "queer" offends some random reader, it actually means strange. =P)
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Postby Kyrit » 07/09/2008 4:18 PM

Rumors...? Akail...? Had she missed something happening around here? Oh well. No need to bother them about whatever they were. If they ran into them, they ran into them. If they didn't, then oh well. She looked from the male Hollowheart, to the Anura, and then down to the young Paragon.

"If you don't mind, I believe we'd love to tag along." Ayri figured if they traveled with the group, not only would it be safer, but maybe the young one would be open to other creatures more. The more he got out the more he grew to like other things.
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Postby Flame » 07/09/2008 5:29 PM

"Cynical much?"
was Ares's dry reply to the male Sentinel's comment about his small size. Settling into an easy hover, he bobbed by Reyu's head alongside Anye.
"So you all have heard of the Akail as well?"
Galatea put in, cocking her head with interest.
"From what I've heard, they're quite a vicious bunch...It would be interesting to see one for myself though,"
she tagged on as an after though. She too had heard of these beasts that now roamed through the tunnels, which was partially why she was worried about Ares's safety. She had to admit though, there was logic to Reyu's argument. She doubted that even an Akail would be stupid enough to try and take on three full-grown Hollowhearts. Now, her only concern was keeping the little Magma Creeper out of potential danger.
At the Anura's words, the golden dragoness glanced up, a faint glimmer of amusement lighting her bright gaze.
"We'd be glad to join you,"
she said, speaking for Ares as well, who simply huffed and pretended not to notice her words.
"The more the merrier, no?"
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Postby Mojave » 07/10/2008 1:30 PM

"Well then-" Reyu began, to be cut off by Anye.

"Let's get going! Reyu, move your feet." He huffed at her and shook his wings a little in the cramped space. He bowed his head and took a step before he realized one of the two females would have to lead... the tunnel was too cramped for the three of them to walk side by side. "Well, either of you wish to lead the way? I don't mind..." "Only because you never traveled the tunnels as a hatchling like most of your kind did." Anye laughed at him.

He grumbled, sorely tempted to toss the little frog onto the ground. "If you don't stop your jabbing, I'm going to toss you onto the ground for an Akail to catch, Anye." She laughed all the more, proving the lie in his words.

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Postby Kyrit » 07/24/2008 8:27 PM

"Honestly... I know nothing of these... Akail." Ayri spoke, taking the lead and begining slowly down the tunnels so the others could keep up. "But I do know that I can get us to the city so no one gets lost within the vast tunnel system." Anye was right about many of them traveling the tunnels when they were younger. She could remember getting lost many times in this complicated system. It was hard after so many years to remember the exact way to the city, but at least she knew it for the most part.

The young Paragon had moved from being trapped behind her wings to sitting on her shoulder blade. He knew she apparently wasn't going to let him go anywhere, so he decided that he might as well save his energy for a later time when he could manage to get free of her for a little while and explore for himself.
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Postby Flame » 08/10/2008 1:48 PM

{Sorry about the late reply guys. I was on a two-week-long roadtrip with the family with very short notice x3}

As the unlikely group began their trundling progress deeper into the winding tunnels, Galatea fell into step behind the other two Hollowhearts, keeping pace with them as three pairs of muffled footsteps thudded gently on the stone ground. The golden Hollowheart trusted that the leading female knew where she was going, as there was an easy confidence in her stride, as if she had wandered these halls more than a few times in her lifetime. Galatea seemed surprisingly unperturbed by being trapped in this small, cramped space, somewhere deep beneath the earth's surface, but she figured it must be a trait familiar to all Hollowhearts, many of which dwelt within caves and caverns, not unlike these winding tunnels.

Ares, who had been more than ready to get going again, fluttered along in the air, keeping somewhat close to the Anura, tiny, pulsating wings beating out a steady rhythm as he held himself aloft. Now they could finally get this adventure back on track.
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Postby Mojave » 08/11/2008 2:41 AM

Reyu found it comforting that they went in silence. His only concern was that it would drive Anye to even greater levels of annoying. It was such a rare pleasure to get silence from that blasted anura.

True to his suspicions, Anye patted the scales next to her on Reyu's head, inviting Ares to rest with her. "So, we're all here to visit this place one last time?" She asked the magma creeper, her high pitched voice- though low in volume compared to everyone else's, it was still audible in the easy silence between the dragons. "Why'd you agree to come? Does it hold any significance with you?"

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Postby Kyrit » 09/13/2008 12:03 AM

After a while the tunnels had started to widen out, allowing the group of large beasts a bit more room then before. Ayri decided not to bother their conversation since she had nothing to offer to it, but did glance back at them from time to time. Part of her wanted to interrupt and say 'we're almost there', but she decided to go with the more polite thing and just let them continue on getting to know one another.

The Paragon, seeing that there was more space to room had begun to get excited. He didn't want to stay in one spot, which was rather clear by how his tiny scaled tail was lashing about behind him and his clawed feet were moving about in place.

"And here we are...." the female Sentinel spoke softly, stopping once she was a few yards outside of the tunnel and in to the city.

(Sorry guys. Muse went on strike for this.)
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Postby Flame » 09/18/2008 7:58 PM

"So we're all here to visit this place one last time?"
At Anye's invitation, Ares tossed a cautious, half-inquiring look at the much larger male Hollowheart before fluttering down lightly to rest next to the Anura. His small, draconian head cocked to one side as he considered her question, looking curiously pensive. For many long moments, he held his silence, as if in deep thought.
It's strange...
he began, his words slow and well-chewed before being mentally spoken.
I don't have any recollection of being here before, yet at the same time, it's almost as if I should know these tunnels as well as the scales on my back.
The little Magma Creeper once again fell into thoughtful silence, seeming almost confused at these emotions.

Meanwhile, Galatea continued her steady pace behind her traveling companions, her visage calm and tranquil. After few short minutes of quiet, broken only by the Anura's chirping voice, the tunnels suddenly began to widen, and quite abruptly, it ended, leaving the troupe in a huge, open space.
They were here.
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Postby Mojave » 09/26/2008 2:56 PM

Reyu stopped, still standing in the entrance (or exit as was the case for their group), gazing out on the ruined city in distaste. From the surface, he'd thought it was a good idea to come say farewell to his bad memories. Now that he was here, he didn't feel like gloating. He didn't feel like much of anything, except he'd have liked to turn and leave immediately.

Anye chirped and hopped to the end of Reyu's snout. "This is was your home?" She asked all three of them, indiscriminate of who should answer. "I hope it was more grand than this when you did live here..." She was looking around rather unimpressed. Not only was the place in ruins, it didn't have any place she considered homey. Ponds, lilly pads, insects, noise, open sky... nothing comforting to a frog.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/05/2008 11:03 PM

Sure, it was a good bit dilapidated now, but at least she could remember this place for what it used to to. Ayri's eyes fell upon the Anura and she gave a soft smile, speaking out, "Ah yes.. It may not look like much now, but you must understand how long it's been down here with no one to take care of it. Nothing but creatures brutal enough to destroy things instead of take care of them are here now. I doubt there are even many of those."

She watched as the young Paragon made his way down to the ground, sniffing around and prancing about. Where as Anye saw nothing good about this place, to him it was a new playground to explore. Surely there was so much to find that had been left behind!
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Postby Flame » 10/12/2008 10:57 AM

For the better part of a few minutes, Galatea simply stood and regarded the dilapidated glory that covered a 180-degree radius before her. This place certainly exuded an air of past glory, and she had no doubt that centuries ago, this place was magnificent. Now though, it was simply a shell of its former vibrance. It sounded unnaturally quiet after they had left the echoing tunnels, as if all life had fled the place. She could sense all the memories and age-old tales that imbued the city's walls, and knew that it was certainly a place to be revered. For now, she simply listened to the two Temple Hollowhearts: Perhaps she could learn more of the place from them.

The tiny Magma Creeper, tossed himself off of Reyu's head after a moment's hesitation after they came to a halt within the huge cavern. Flitting towards the city, he came to a hover just a few feet away from the group, coal-like eyes glowing inscrutably as he regarded the ruins before him. He felt drawn towards them, yet at the same time, was wary of approaching. He fought two seperate impulses: One that urged him onwards towards the calling unknown, and the other, pulling him back to the safety of Galatea's protection. After a few more moments of doubt, he finally jerked himself forwards in flight, fluttering towards the city limits.
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