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a little Training before the war (Private)

Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 7:59 PM

Garyuu walks to the falls and looked arround, the pet he was supposed to meet here hasn't arrive yet, but he decided to wait patiently. The area arround him wasn't the best place to practice, but it would do for today.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:10 PM

Firefur walked in the little opening with Fireskull at her side. She saw that the battleheart was already waiting for them. '' You should hurry, don't let him wait too long.''

Fireskull nodded to Firefur, and ran off to join the Battleheart. When she had stoped in front of him, she nodded in greating.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:14 PM

Garyuu didn't even nodded or said anything to the little draculi. ''Get ready. We'll see what each of us are capable of.'' was all he said. He steped back and waited for Fireskull to do the same.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:17 PM

Firefur sat down on a rock alittle bit out of the clearin, so that she won't be in the way. If she was here, it was because she could help the two of them with their skills, if they needed it.

Fireskull steped back to be at a well distance of the battleheart. 'Even if he is big, I'm fast.' She thought.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:25 PM

Garyuu waited for a moment before moving. Then, he jumped toward Fireskull, to land just beside her. 'This will destabilise her' he thought 'And it will give me to hit her'.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:29 PM

Fireskull looked at him, and she jumped on the side just before he landed. Then she jumped on him and she tries to bite him as hard as she can. She jumped out off the way after doing so. 'I have to show him I know how to fight'.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:41 PM

Garyuu landed and he instantly looked where Fireskull was a moment ago. Where was she? He hadn't seen where she had gone. he was about to look arround whe he felt her teeth in his leg. He tried to take her off, but she had already jumped. He realised that she was way to fast for him, he had to find a way to attack her.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:46 PM

Fireskull was standing not far from him. He was way slower than her, but she knew that he was also way more strong and though. It could get dangerous for her if he even touch her one time. She bagan running arround him, she was thinking that it could get him a little bit dizzy to see her running arround him.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 8:50 PM

Garyuu waited to see what she would be doing next, and when she started running arround him, he knew exactly what to do. He waited for the best moment, and strongly slashed his long tail to hit Fireskull. 'That's probably the worst think she could have think of.' he thought.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/16/2007 9:00 PM

Fireskull was a little surprised when she heard him laugh. The she saw his tail coming toward her, but she didn't had the time to react, and after that she went flying against a rock at one of the side of the clearing. She hadn't thought well, and know she was half concious of what was happening. She tried to get up, but she falls. She knew she wasn't injured, but she couldn't get up just yet.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/17/2007 6:53 PM

Garyuu turned to look at her, his tail had hit her really hard. He walked a little toward her, but he stopped. He thought it would be better for him to stay away from her, and give her the time to recover.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/17/2007 7:00 PM

Firefur got up, and walked to the side of  Fireskull. ''Are you ok?'' she asked. She didn't want Fireskull to get injured before the war begins.

Fireskull looked at her with a confused look. ''I think I am.'' she replied. She gets up again, with a little bit of dificulty , but she managed to get up without falling again.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/17/2007 7:20 PM

Garyuu was looking at them from the center of the clearing, where he had been since the start of the battle. Those two were really close to one another. He wanted to become as close to someone as the two of them, but he would probably prefer someone of his kind, another battleheart. 'After the war I'll try to find someone to be good friend with' he promised himself.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/17/2007 7:27 PM

Firefur looked worried for Fireskull, but she knew her determination to get stronger, not just for the war, but to help fight against the spirit too. Firefur looked at her for a few more seconds, and then she headed back to where she had sit a moment before.

Fireskull looked at Garyuu trying to find what could get her to break throught hi guard. She thought about it for a moment before she found what could have a chance to work. She dashed and she jumped to land just a little bit at Garyuu's side, then she jumped with all the power she have at Garyuu's face, and she slashes at him.

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Postby Rushfeather » 10/17/2007 7:38 PM

GGaryuu waited until the last second to see what she would be doing. When she was about to slash at him he used one of his wing to guard himself. Then he tried to grab her with his teeth to send her fyling on the other side of the clearing

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