Often called the claw of Barakka, much of Iiy'lagon is covered in dense rain forests. If you can make it to the heart of the region, easiest to reach from the southern coast, you'll find the quaint town of Nabias and the vast Sekudui farmlands. Scientists from around the world often trek the risky northern waters and rocky shores to visit the islands at the tip of the region and study the great diversity there.

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Brooding IS Good For You {P}

Postby Azura Rayume » 10/09/2008 4:09 PM


Cearon sighed angrily. Not because he was angry at anyone in particular, just angry. Luckily, he'd been alone to enjoy his anger in peace. For now.

It would only be a matter of time beofre Azura sent someone to find him. The task would probably take longer than usual, considering the fact that she was off in Nabias for some reason she hadn't bothered to explain.

A dark chuckle escaped the Fellox as he rolled over, flames licking the ground beneath him. The sun glared down at him, so he closed his eyes under the darkened mask that covered his face. A light wind caught his ribbon, making it flap like a banner. He soon pinned it down because of the irritating sound.

Why did everything have to be annoying today?

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Postby Justicy_Jam » 11/28/2008 6:13 PM


Kiani padded her way toward, well, no where truely. She simply wished to walk around. Her newly deposited depression had taken hold and she simply wished to be alone, fortunatly this was possible if only for a short while. She had left Shinkei at the place where they where staying the night, telling him she'd only be gone a short while.

She padded her way toward the Barakka World Bridge, not knowing someone else was there. She sighed and closed her eyes walking along, not knowing anything but the way the world was crashing down around her. She kept walking until she stepped on something. Not being skittish like her only friend, she looked down to make sure it was not mud she stepped on only to spot a tail. She stepped back, horror lacing her eyes lightly.

"I-I'm sorry..."
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Postby Azura Rayume » 11/28/2008 6:41 PM

Cearon lept to his feet with a growl in his throat. His eyes narrowed into a glare. That Draculi had had the nerve to step on him. What ws he, a doormat?

His tails swished angrily, the injured one hanging lower than usual. "Who are you?" he asked with a snarl, his violent reaction spawned more of pain and surprise than genuine anger.

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Postby Justicy_Jam » 11/28/2008 6:58 PM

Kiani stepped back, ears folded back. She looked up at the horribly taller and terrifing Fellox. "I-I'm K-Kiani..." She looked away, then looked back up, him still glaring down at her. She was tired of that. She straitened up and glared back.

"Who are you to get in my way!? I was walking calmly along! I shouldn't even have to apologize! You shouldn't have been laying down!" She huffed out the reply and sat down, still glaring up at the Fellox.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 11/28/2008 7:06 PM

"My name is Cearon, if that means anything to you," he snapped, sitting back on his haunches. His tails curled around his paws in an almost graceful manner, the flames on their tips flowing together as easily as water.

"It doesn't matter to me what you were doing or how you were doing it. I only care that you stepped on my tail. I was laying down because I have every right to and now spitfire little Draculi is going to tell me otherwise. I was here first so it is your fault."

((My, my... someone's a bit snippy today. x3))

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Postby Justicy_Jam » 11/28/2008 7:17 PM

Kiani's eyes softened and her scowl subsided. She looked down to the ground, her previous depression consuming her once more. She wished she wasn't so snippy on days like these, Shinkei had always told her the way to control her anger was to control her depression.

Yeah, like that'll happen.

She laid down, her head on her paws, and looked to the side. "I'm sorry I snapped..." She was fearful that Cearon wouldn't hear the whisper like apology. Though she wasn't shy, her voice simply wouldn't carry at times like these.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 12/01/2008 5:39 PM

Cearon rolled his eyes. This little Draculi seemed almost like Skull now instead of reminding him of himself. Such a bothersome thing...

"Look," he said with an exaspirated sigh, "I snapped, too. so we're even. No apology necessary on either side, alright?" He couldn't honestly believe he'd just said that... So (in his opinion) sappy. If only words could be taken back and rephrased.

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Postby Justicy_Jam » 12/01/2008 5:59 PM

Kiani looked up at him and smiled. "You sound like Shinkei." She sat back up and frowned. "Why are you acting like a sap? You were angry earlier. What's wrong with you?" She stepped toward him by one paw and looked up at him with a tilted head, confusion glazing over her eyes.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 12/01/2008 6:35 PM

Cearon growled again. "I'm not a sap," he muttered, eyes narrowing under his mask. "I'm working on that stupid anger-control thing Azura's always rambeling on about. Apparently acting cheerful isn't what I'm good at."

No... what he was good at was being angry at cheerful people like his cousin.

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Postby Justicy_Jam » 12/02/2008 12:08 AM

Kiani raised an eyebrow and sat back down. "Coulda fooled me." She smiled lightly and tilted her head. "Who's Azura? She sound's like she's relative of Skittzo..." She looked behind her, biting her lip. She was admitably worried about her little friend.

Maybe she should head back... Where ever back was... Oh no... She did not forget where she left Shinkei. There was no way she did... Oh great... Just wonderful... Absolutly perfect...

She shook her head and looked back at Cearon, smiling. Maybe if she talked with him alittle more she would remember. Besides, she didn't feel like leaving just yet. She put her two front paws on his chest and looked in his mask-covered eyes. "Maybe you shouldn't act. Maybe you should try being generally happy." She pushed off him and sat back, a generally uninterested look residing on her features.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 12/03/2008 4:57 PM

"But I'm not happy," Cearon muttered through clenched teeth. Crazy, stupid, ignorant, oblivious child! She knew nothing of his life, of the hardships he'd seen. If she had, she would know how difficult it was for him to be caring.

"And I can't be. Not until I settle a score with my brother..." He let his voice trail off into silence, concentrating on the flapping ribbon behind him instead of his swelling anger.

((Note: He's not Sasuke, or any incarnation of that personality. -shoves you toward his profile in my pen-))

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Postby Justicy_Jam » 12/03/2008 5:11 PM

Kiani tilted her hed to the side. Brother? Who would care about another person like that? Maybe that was how she felt about Shinkei...as a brother? Who knew. A breeze made it's way across the Daculi forcing her to shiver, but may it wasn't entirly from the wind...possibly it was from the way Cearon had spoken.

"Oh... I understand." There. Case closed. No need to go into his personal life even further, right? Right!? Ugh...wrong... So very, very wrong. Her curiosity took over her being and she walked right in front of the Fellox. "...But... May I ask... What score do you have to settle?"

She knew she was treding on ground she shouldn't. She could practically hear Shinkei's voice telling her to stop and leave the guy alone. But, as always, she ignored it and looked up at Cearon, hoping for an answer. Hoping he wouldn't get angry at her. Even if she did know better then to go through with this, she stood her ground like a complete idiot.

She was being a complete idiot.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 12/03/2008 5:30 PM

Cearon rolled his eyes. Nosy little brat... Well, if she was anything like Skull, she would just pester him if he didn't answer. He sighed, aggitated.

"He turned his back on me. He forced me to wander the mountianside for ten years by betraying me to the council." He'd made a friend and was punished for it. "There is no worse crime than that of stabbing your brother in the back and going back on everything you'd ever promised. It is unexcusible and I will make sure he sees the error of his ways."

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Postby Justicy_Jam » 12/03/2008 6:07 PM

Kiani looked down. "Oh... I'm sorry. I'm sorry I stuck my nose into your personal business as well... I didn't mean to pry." She looked away and then back to Cearon. "I hope you show him." She smiled at him before looking behind her once more.

Why did she have to be so forgetful when she's depressed?

What if... What if she never sees him again? What if he gets hurt because she wasn't there? What if he... She couldn't finish the thought. Tears sprang to her eyes unknowingly before sliding down her cheek still unnoticed.
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Postby Azura Rayume » 12/03/2008 6:17 PM

Cearon let loose a dark chuckle. "I will. I promised my self that a long ti-" He stopped mid thought as his ears caught the sound of a sob. Oh, great... She was crying.

Not being the best at comforting anyone- much less someone he'd just met- he sank down so that his eyes were level with hers and stared for a moment. Yep, she was crying alright. Just perfect.

With a sigh and an eyeroll he saod, "Alright. I give. What's wrong?" He somehow managed to make a question used to comfort another and make it sound rather bored.

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