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Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/18/2008 12:40 PM


Darshana was disappointed in the fact that she wasn't as sneaky in real life as she was when using her computers. She had be snooping around this area of the city for weeks looking for what her source told her was the mother load of digital equipment. Her source had said that the hospital was holding several G320A Data Converters that were being used to store information about the fiances of the hospital. Darshana had been told that this hospital had been doing some shady dealings with an unknown company to test some super drug, and Dar needed to know what that drug was. She turned the left corner and saw some large female nurses and she ducked back behind the wall, she would have to wait until they left.

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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby Kyrit » 12/18/2008 1:09 PM

Not a patient, not a worker. So, why exactly was this girl here as well? Quite simple, her fathers worked here and, in a way, some of her siblings did as well. They never were allowed to do much around here because they tended to be the cause of any troubles. Rystik was the only female of the family. Sadly enough, she was far from the sanest. Slightly bipolar, it was hard to tell if she was going to be happy around you or try to rip your head off. That was a good reason to not let her take care of patients. Then there was the memory disorder. Often times she'd completely forget hours of what she had been doing. Definitely not someone that could even work at the desk.

The least of their worries was what was currently affecting her and always affected her. Every now and then her left ear or her middle tail would give a small twitch. It wasn't something she could easily control, but at least it didn't harm others. Since she could not work here, she was allowed to just come and go as pleased.

"Where.... did he say to take these...?" Rukaj, the father that given birth to her, had sent the female lucain on an errand to get her out of his hair while he treated a sick child. Sadly, she couldn't even remember what direction led where.
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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/18/2008 1:17 PM

Darshana saw that the nurses had wandered off somewhere else. She began to bolt towards the double doors and into the safety of another empty hallway...or she had hoped. Darshana opened the doors and found herself face to face with a gray Lucain. "Well poop." she said out loud.

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Postby Kyrit » 12/18/2008 1:26 PM

Face to face almost turn in to literal face slamming in to face, as Rystik only noticed at the last moment that there was someone in front of her. Coming to a dead stop, she almost fell down. Who the heck was this person?! Eyes narrowing a bit, she barked out in not the happiest of tones, "Who are you and what do you want? Are you a new nurse, or are you a lost patient?" Were her memory great, she would know that there were no new nurses and hadn't been in some time. Didn't mean that Darshana couldn't be a patient though. Just because there was no physical wound didn't mean she wasn't there for something mental.
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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/18/2008 1:35 PM

"Umm...uh..." said Dar, she had never been very good at improvisation,"I'm...lost..that's it...my name is Darshana and I'm supposed to be working on some of the computer servers in this building but I couldn't seem to find them...I should have paid more attention to the Head of Medicine." Dar  was praying to all the gods she knew that her lie would fly. If it did work it would put her in prime position to hack into the main server and get at the Data Converters.

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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby Kyrit » 12/18/2008 1:49 PM

Lost. Oh... Well... She knew that feeling. "Good luck with that.." the lucain muttered. "This place is like a maze. You'd think that someone that's been here most of their life would know where they're going, but nooo. Gotta get lost on the way." Well, maybe if she'd stop forgetting she'd know her way around. "I didn't know we had people that worked on the computers though. Well... I knew but they're usually around here all the time as well. Are you new or something?"
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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/18/2008 2:00 PM

Darshana saw that an opportunity had presented itself, the girl seemed to be someone that could easily be manipulated with the right words,"Oh yes, quite new. I actually started today. They said the computers were having a hard time processing some data and it was slowing down the whole system. Really it's really silly but I never seem to have the right direction...you know what I mean? I can never seem to find my way around any where..." Preying on the girl's weaknesses and making herself seem like someone the Lucain could relate to, Dar was the perfect con-artist when it came to emotional manipulation. "Do you mind helping me find my way to the server room? It should be on this floor..."

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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby Kyrit » 12/18/2008 2:14 PM

Twitch. Twitch. There went her ear twitching away again. "Uh... sure..." part of her didn't want to believe this fellox, but since she didn't know if there was a new member or not there wasn't much she could do about it. Besides, she could always ask the others once they got there if there was a new member on their crew.

Beginning to walk away, Rystik turned her head and spoke, "Just don't expect me to be too much help. I'm supposed to be doing something for dad.... and only reason I'm around here right now is I got a tad bit lost as well." She tried to make it seem like she wasn't utterly lost.
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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/18/2008 2:20 PM

It didn't take long at all until they had reached the sever room. It was dark and looked like no one had been there for several days. "Oh look! Here it is! We were closer than I thought." said Darshana, smiling,"Thank you so much...you've been such a big help." She went to open the door and found it, of course, locked. She smiled as if nothing was wrong and then put her master hands at work. It only took her a few seconds to get it open, she had been unlocking doors seince she had left the Academy and this one was no trouble at all. She opened the door and strolled in,"Thanks so much...I didn't get your name I don't think..."

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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby Kyrit » 12/18/2008 2:34 PM

"Oh no problem at all!" She seemed quite a bit more peppy than when the two of them first met. "Oh! Right! My name is R-" her words were cut off by the sound of a deep growl a few steps away. Eyes shifting over to see who it was, she caught sight of one of her brothers. Raksh... Why was he here? Usually he was with as close to Ronin as could be.... and she hadn't even seen that brother of hers all day.


"Oh! Hey there Raksh~" Maybe he was just... mad at her for having left him with that other guy. That was one thing she hadn't managed to forget, seeing as how Lord Baal was rather fine. "This is Darshana, brother. I was helping her find her way around. She got lost."

This didn't seem to make him relax in the least. Raksh? Not exactly sane either. It was doubtful that any of Darian and Rukaj's children were sane. This was was always paranoid and very antisocial. Usually the only ones he would talk to were family. Mostly Ronin to be exact. "The computer crew isn't here today. What's she doing here?" his words came out in a growl.
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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/18/2008 3:43 PM

"Well...I almost thought that would work..." said Darshana with a smile,"No matter." Dar then slammed the door shut and locked it from the inside. She ran over to one of the terminals and began to hack. Fortunately she had brought a travel drive with her so any data she stole today would be safe and sound. The numbers whirled in her head as she broke through several firewalls. Of course if she still needed more time she had some more tricks up her sleeve. The data began to roll in, mostly useless crud that she had no interest in but slowly the data she wanted started to appear. The name of the company feeding into the hospital was Prometheus Industries and the drug  or ,treatment as it turned out, they were pushing was called SC2691. She would need to get deeper to figure out what it did.

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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby Kyrit » 12/18/2008 5:58 PM

Oh joy. Here it went. Rystik could feel her brothers eyes glare at her as if saying, 'You'll be the one explaining why I had to tear down the door later.' She just let out a nervous laugh and watched as her brother slammed himself against the door, back first so that his wingblades would be what hit it. While this did jar his body and cause a bit of pain, it worked in leaving quite a bad mark on the door. After repeating this two more times it was easy enough to just knock the door down.

"Back away from the computer." he snarled out, eyes gleaming.

Rystik, knowing this was her fault, just kept nearby in hopes that if Darshana made a run for it she could stop her from leaving the room.
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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/18/2008 6:31 PM

"Oh...big bad doggie gonna stop me?" said Darahana with a smile,"Who do you think I am, some to bit thief? I'm gonna get what I want from these computers and then everyone will know why this hospital is getting so much money. I know about treatment SC2691 and I know about the 'side effects'. I'm going to go to the press with the study data and they state will shut you down."

Darshana hooked up her drive and began moving the files. "Now...if you don't mind...I'd like some privacy."

There was a strong wind that blew through the room and then it stopped. Frozen still. It was as if someone had tossed a wrench into the gears of time. It was because Darshana had. As time held fast Darshana downloaded the files she needed and then attempted to slip out of the room.

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Postby Kyrit » 12/21/2008 5:31 PM

While her brother may have been caught by the time stopping in the room, Rystik had been patiently waiting outside. The moment Darshana stepped back through the door, she would probably have to make a quick movement back inside unless she wanted fangs and claws slamming in to her as the female lucain lunged forward.

"If you don't unfreeze the time in there you're going to be paying with your life!" Were her only words to the Fellox. It was one thing to trick her like she did, but freezing her brother? She wasn't going to go for this.
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Re: Steel Coated Information

Postby endermage » 12/21/2008 9:20 PM

Dammit. Darshana had bet all the marbles that the time dilation field would have streched out into the hall and captured the second Lucain. She tapped her foot on the floor and unfroze the time around Rystik. "Well...that didn't work as well as planned. Time manipulation abilities, not always what it says on the tin..." she said in a huff once Rystik could hear her,"So what's gonna happen? You gonna take me downtown? Turn me into the man? Or would you rather know what some less honorable doctors are doing in your establishment? It really is quite terrible. The strange thing is I'm not even sure how this happened...all I know...is a lot of people have died in the name of something called Prometheus Industries."

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