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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 12/22/2008 12:25 PM

"Everything...," Karin began,"Everything Tobias said about Prometheus is true. Prometheus Industries was at one point a part of Khimera, but they broke off to do some less than ethical experiments. The founder,  Dr. Hugo Fromand is a insane ego-maniac. He has two notable inventions; Subtle Code, which gave give supernatural powers to regular beings and the Incarnations, intangible ideas made tangible."

"What?", said Weber,"What does that mean 'intangible ideas made tangible'?"

"He used living souls as conduits to create powerful beings that reflect certain ideals. You've met two of them, Valor and Logic. We escaped Prometheus, but the organization is still hunting us. They want Valor back most of all, he's the most powerful of the Incarnations."

"How twisted..." said Photion,"Man you guys have your work cut out for you...."

"Well, I'm not sure I completely understand," said Maxwell,"But Photion and I will be happy to help in any way we can."

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby Freezair » 12/22/2008 8:52 PM

"And I say you're frakkin' nuts, every one of you, if you try to fight them," Tobias said. He sighed. "But... We have no choice, really, do we?"

"At the very least, I can attempt to talk with my commanding officers. I hate to leave important details out, but... I'm not sure what to do. While some of you have certainly broken laws, there's nothing we can do about... Well." She jerked her head toward Weber.

"Oh, hey, food!" Adam said. Nara turned her head. The waiter was bringing out their food on huge, steaming plates. He salivated openly--to Nara's disgust--as their dinner was set before them.

"Well, let's eat for now," she said. "We'll head on over to Tobias' afterwards. Until then... bon appetite."

[79, 99, 129]

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I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 12/24/2008 4:37 PM

Karin didn't speak much while she was eating, her mind was trying to process what she had done. She had intentionally or unintentionally, she still wasn't sure, had brought six strangers into the war on Prometheus. Now that Prometheus had seen them with her it was likely, or so her troubled mind imagined, they had been added to the watch and capture list. She felt terrible, it was as if everyone she interacted with for any reasonable amount of time would be marked for death, whether or not this was true was still questionable.

Maxwell was silent as well. He was attempting to use the "Amber Eye" to look into each of them. He was testing to see if he had put himself in any danger. While all of them had secrets, some deeper and darker than others, none of them seemed to have any ill will towards him. The Amber Eye could only see a general feeling from people, not specific thoughts, but it could be used to detect danger. Maxwell ate slowly and silently, watching his new allies and those around them, watching for any oncoming danger.

Weber, on the other hand, could not keep his mouth closed long enough to chew. He had almost choked twice. Telling tales of his grand adventures in the city, being sure to leave out the parts where he broke the law so he didn't give Nara a reason to throw him in the slammer.

Photion was disgusted with most of the people the "Last of the Amber Monks" had chosen to associate himself with. Karin was snooty about the crud she knew, and her "importance" was most likely negligible. Maxwell was probably just trying to convince them why he would save her, when he would save anyone. Weber was just dumb, and Nara and the fluff butt had both lodged something up their bums that made them intolerable.  Adam however was amusing and a great time. "Hey Dips," Photion asked," how did you get in the copper business anyhow?"

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby Freezair » 12/25/2008 12:52 AM

"Hmmm?" Adam's head perked up as he gnawed his dinner. His stomach felt odd and roiling. "Well, I guess... I dunno. I liked police shows when I was little, so I thought it'd be cool to be one, you know? It's though, but, you know... I guess I like it. I mean, the REALLY terrible guys. The drug lords, the people who beat up homeless folk, the teenaged punks who do crap just because they can... I guess it feels pretty good to see them put away and learn their lesson. Some of them do change, you know? Some do become better people."

Nara chewed silently, but she gave Adam a strange look out of the corner of her eye that almost suggested a smile. She was not entirely well, however. Her stomach was churning, too, and she was certain it wasn't the food. The back of her neck was prickling in a way that almost felt like someone was standing too close to her, and breathing down her back--like they were staring at her.

Tobias started aroud. After Adam spoke, everything seemed to have gone quiet. "Man, everybody's talking just went fwwwwweesh," he said, miming his onomotopoeia. "Somebody say something. I'm going to freak out and run for the hills screaming 'PROMETHIUS!' if somebody doesn't SAY something and get my mind off it."

[80, 100, 130]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 12/28/2008 3:03 AM

Maxwell sensed Nara's distracted mind, something unwell within,"Nara?", he whispered into her ear,"Are you feeling alright? Is there something bothering you?"

Karin was still to consumed with her own self-inflicted guilt to say anything. It was quite foolish really, assuming that Prometheus would do anything.  Logic would tell her things about how it was illogical and inefficient for Prometheus to strike anyone and everyone who they interacted with, they would waste funds and risk exposure as a criminal organization. The only reason they had survived this long was because they had been very careful about dealing with the law systems already in place. Glory would say something about a distracted mind not being very helpful during battle, and that Karin would be better served at thinking about how to protect her friends instead of worrying about the potential risk she had put them in. And Valor...Valor would tell her that she was being a fool, that everyone was at risk while Prometheus existed, and that there was no other way around it. Everyone, the cops, the civilians, even politicians, would have to realize the threat that Prometheus posed and would need to wipe them out. If anything, Valor would say that she had just put these people ahead of the curve. Valor would say that the war on Prometheus would have to be won by the people, not the Incarnations, if they were to win at all. But none of those people were here, and so Karin sat in her misery and sulked.

Weber smiled feeling better than ever after eating something. He was upset that Tobias was so flustered, he had come to appreciate the Meji in their short time together. "Tobias...dude...," Weber began,"You can't think everyone is out to get you or your not really living. So this Prometheus is a big deal, so what? I've seen crime clubs rise and fall and Prometheus won't be any different. You get a couple good cops, a savvy DA and one hell of a evidence collection team and they are done and over with. So T man, all we got to do is help the nice ladies here and we are golden. Hells with this new Priest guy on our side we can't lose. It's all about the Aces man, and we've got a fighting foursome. Two cops and two supernaturals. Like I said...we are golden."

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby Freezair » 12/28/2008 3:22 AM

Nara went "Bleeurg!" and leapt away from Maxwell. She fell sideways in her chair and slid out of her seat, thudding on her back on the floor.

Adam's eyes widened. He didn't offer his paw, but he looked down at her with worry. "Hey, you alright, Officer Sumas?"

Flustered, Nara pulled herself to her feet, and slunk upward into her chair. "It's nothing," she said. She looked at Maxwell. "You just startled me, Maxwell. That's all. I had the most uneasy, uncanny feeling I was being watched, and I suppose I--ah, spaced out a little." She shook her head, making her ears thud. "You know how it goes, I presume. You just get that feeling up your spine. I certainly hope it wasn't Prometheus. I'm not familiar with them, so I don't know if that's within their scope or not."

Tobias sighed at Weber. "Yeah... I suppose you're right," he acknowledged. "I mean, I never worked directly with the guy, I just... Still. We're good here, but, c'mon. Our forces are still a little... weak. We could still use some epic backup. Even if we do get Nara's precinct working on this--and manage NOT to get arrested; well, you guys, anyway--I mean, this is an entire COMPANY. You either need to be some crazy good lawyer, or have a task force the size of the army of a small European country. You really think we can pull it off?"

"Pssh," Adam said. "You guys don't need an army. You have me."

Nara rolled her eyes.

Adam looked offended. "What? For once, I was kidding?"

Tobias followed Nara's example, but he was grinning all the same. He looked at Karin. "Hey, Karin, you OK? You haven't said much."

[81, 101, 131]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 12/31/2008 4:01 PM

"I'm fine..." said Karin,"Just nervous and feeling a little guilty, I shouldn't have gotten any of you involved."

"Your being stupid." said Photion, wrather bluntly,"This Prometheus thing sounds like a real threat, eventually some of us would of gotten involved. Maxwell, obviously because he's a goody-two-shoes, Adam and Nara, cause they're cops, the other two, are nosy people who don't know when to get out until it's too late."

"He's right," said Maxwell,"Not that part about you being stupid, but this is something you couldn't control. Not to mention how unlikely it is that Prometheus would actually attack us. It's too risky. We should be fine."

"Yeah, the only person they could pick up easily without a hassle is me," said Weber,"and I'm not very useful in that I don't have any info they would want."

"I geuss..." said Karin,"I'm just worried."

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby Freezair » 01/01/2009 4:21 AM

"Well, we appreciate your worry," Nara said earnestly. "But they're right, you know. We would have gotten involved somehow, sooner or later. Just so long as you continue to fight with us--as long as we fight together--I think we'll be safe." She smiled at the troubled Hollowheart, and put a paw on the table.

"Awww. It's a friendship moment!" Adam said.

"Maaan, even I know this isn't the place," Tobias said, glaring at Adam.

"What? I'm trying to make us laugh! We're gonna go down in seconds if we don't keep laughing! Seriously? You ever see depressio-emo heroes triumph over the bad guy in the end? Have you?"

"You mean like Harry Potter?"

Adam slunk backwards into his seat. He mumbled something along the lines of " those books..." and looked grouchly off at the leg of Maxwell's chair.

"Well, I'm done," Nara said, looking down at her plate. "If we can all probe our wallets for payment, now, we can go back to Tobias' apartment, rest... And figure out what we do from here."

[82, 102, 132]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 01/12/2009 5:51 AM

"I'm ready to go too..." said Karin,"We really need to discuss our next few steps. There needs to be some serious discussion about the future of us as a team...I guess...we are a team right?"

"I guess so...we work pretty well together." said Weber,"Do you know what we need a cool team name!"

"That is the single stupidest idea I've ever heard of." said Photion with a sneer.

"I have to agree..." said Maxwell,"You might want to be quiet for a moment Weber."

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby Freezair » 01/12/2009 4:02 PM

"No team names, please and thank you," Nara said. She bent around and nudged the device on her belt, prompting several Keystones to pop out and clatter on the table.

Tobias fished around in his pockets and put his money on the table. He flicked in an extra few stones for the tip. He waited patiently for the others to pay. "Now, come on,"he said. "Now I recognize what part of the city we're in. I can get us back to my loft from here!" He slid out of his chair and beckoned for the others to follow.

He thanked the waited as he lead them out of the restaurant, and he set off confidantly down the street. Nara and Adam followed quietly behind him, figuring he knew where he was going. He did seem to. He lead them across a few streets, down one alleyway, and up a small hill to an apartment complex, a tall, rotund loft standing out on top.

Tobias keyed them inside and lead them to the elevator."Going up,"he said.

Adam chuckled. "The lift to the loft!"

The elevator trundled upward until they clunked to a stop. Tobias lead them out into a short hallway. He opened the door into the round interior of his apartment, the wine-colored carpet thick.

"Make yourselves comfortable," he said. "Let me go get some pillows and sleeping bags... And you'll have to fight over the air matress if you want it!"

[83, 103, 133]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 01/13/2009 11:47 PM

"I'll be fine without anything," said Maxwell,"I don't really 'sleep'."

"Whatever Maxi," said Photion,"so you meditate instead. It just means you float creepily in the air instead of being like a normal person."

"I think it makes me interesting," said Maxwell.

"Maybe insane, but not interesting." said Photion,"I'd like a pillow."

Weber had felt quite stupid after his remark at the restaurant and quietly asked for a pillow as well.

Karin shook her head,"I won't need anything either, I sleep standing just as I am, laying down tends to cause problems.

"So what's the plan of the Crime Syndicate dudes?" said Weber returning his goofy smile, but it looked quite phony.

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby Freezair » 01/14/2009 12:08 AM

Tobias rummaged around inside a closet, flinging several small, colorful cushions out at his companions. "Take what you like," he said."Nara? Adam?"

"I'll sleep on the sofa," Nara said. She climbed up and stretched out across the pillows, putting her wingblades flat against her back and pulling the afghan draped over the couch over her body.

"That air matress still available?" Adam asked.

"Sure thing,"Tobias said. "Let me go get the pump, though."

Adam tried to make himself comfortable. "So... Yeah, Karin. Tell us about the crime folks. You seem to know the most about them. Give us the dish and tell us what we should plan to do. And all that."

[84, 104, 134]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 01/16/2009 11:11 PM

"Just a moment if you would." said Karin as she get herself comfortable. Her eyes glowed blue as she accessed the Network as she had done before. She doubted that there would be anything on the Network she didn't already  know but she liked the way it helped her organize all the data they had collected in her head.  

"This is what we know," she said as she analyzed the information,"A crime organization has made it's presence known after a series of petty crimes which I believe were designed to distract the police force from some other motive. I believe that motive is likely to involve Prometheus Industries. "

"And how do we know that again?" said Weber, looking confused.

"Well, we know that the organization was using the Psychic Aravale, now in custody, in attempt to capture me. The only organization that have real value to is Prometheus. They set up a trap in which my desire to assist Nara and Adam would be used against me. However, this suggests the resources avaliable to the organization are vast indeed. For this reason, I believe there may be a mole in one of our organizations. Either the police or the Incarnations."

"Well, it is also possible that you are all being tracked for different reasons. All but Weber have other ties to the crime organization. The police were attempting to solve the crimes the organization was responsible for and it could be a sub group of Prometheus who desire the capture of the Incarnations and those associated with them. They would be tracking both of you before you came together. They would have used this opportunity to distract the officers and capture Karin." said Maxwell.

Photion rolled his eyes, but chose to say nothing because he understood that this, while boring and stupid, was required if they were to move any further and then ditch these boring slobs.

"You might be right," said Karin,"But my theory could also be true. For the time being let us assume that both these things are true. We must assume that to some extent we are being tracked and that it is possible that there is a mole somewhere."

"But what about me?", said Weber,"It was my power that we used that found that warehouse."

"That is true...we will have to figure out how involved you are in this, and what this organization may want with you...." said Karin.

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby Freezair » 01/17/2009 3:40 AM

Adam said, "What about the fact that--"

Nara and Tobias both glared sharply at him.

"Oh," Adam said. "...Right. Sorry. Erm."

Tobias managed to avoid an avalanche from his closet and got out the air matress and pump. He unfurled it and set the small air generator to work inflating the matress.

When it was full, Adam stretched himself across it. Nara worked her way into the couch cusions.

Tobias waved at them. "G'night, all," he said. "I'll be in my bed if you need me. See you in the morning."

"Good night," Adam mumbled dazedly.

((I'm beginning to think we should close this thread and start a new one as our Intrepid Heroes set off on their adventure-thingy...))

[85, 105, 135]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: Hunting the Perp (Snicky hunt; Ender & I only)(PG-13)

Postby endermage » 01/23/2009 12:01 AM

"Sleep well everyone." said Maxwell,"Tomorrow begins another adventure."

"Oh come on!", said Photion,"That was so cheesy..."

"Yeah...lets lower the cheese level," said Weber.

"Why doesn't everyone SHUT IT!" said Karin,"I need sleep...."

"Oh...gosh..." said Maxwell,"She's kinda grumpy..."

"Yeah..." said both Weber and Photion.

"Everyone SHUT UP!" said Karin.

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