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Moon... Lings? ((Open One person!))

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 4:28 PM

((NOw only Fails, the hydrokuhna is here))

Whoa. Out of the breeding room and into a... hunt? What is a moonling anyways? Kid thought as he walked down the trail in the forest. Well, if all he was doing was hunting then, this would be pretty boring. So what does one do out on a hunt anyways? How do people keep from going mad by just walking and looking carefully. Ugh. What a death sentence.

Kid finally just plopped down on his but and sighed wearily. What is one to do? This is going to drive me bonkers! He muttered, wishing he had brought someone along.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 4:39 PM

How dare he! How dare he break up with one as wonderful as me! Fai shouted to the skies, as her latest boyfriend had just dumped her. I mean, I always dump him, no matter what! Really this is stupid! She ranted on.

Fai stumbled, on Kid. She stared at the kuhna gaping, then she snapped out of it. What? Oh hey Kid. Why are you here? She demanded/ asked. Fai wasn't exactly in a good mood if you haven't caught on yet.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 4:49 PM

Kid yelped, very unlike him as Fai stumbled on his tails. Instantly, they flared up menacingly ready to pounce on the offender. Watch it Fai! Now what happened this time, and I am here cause Cassie 'suggested' I go out hunting, if you really must know. He hissed over to Fai, irritated at her for stepping on him.

Idiot Fai. How could she not see me? Really! Kid thougth angrily, really! His flames went higher as he got even more frustrated with Fai. What a wonderful beginning to a boring hunt.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 4:58 PM

Fai locked back her ears and hissed right back, unfearing of those towering flames flickerign on Kid's tails. He wouldn't use them unless he had too, she knew that and Fai was smart enough just to back down. So sorry to interupt you, I just didn't see your tails. I have just been dumped adn am not in my right mind. She announced, sitting down and started to lick her paw regally, as if he were just a small mouse. Now are you ready to behave like a proper gentleman, or are you just going to stand there like I am nothing more then a morsel of a mouse? Fai was speaking just so he woudln't attack, inside she was frightened of Kid when he got his temper up. Today probebly wasn't his best day either.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 5:05 PM

Kid stalked off the other way, affronted by Fai's behavoir, and in need of some cooling down. When he was sufficiently far enough, Kid sat down his back facing the way that Fai was. Kid started to ranting on under his breath on how stupid and idiotic Fai was. Eventually his flames started to lower, but just a bit. Kid's anger was still pent up.

Well, I had better go apologize... Kid muttered grudgingly, not that his flames were nearly back to normal. So he started walking back to Fai, stalling everyway he could.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 5:13 PM

Fai stopped licking her paw as Kid walked away. Idiots, the lot of 'em. No wonder Antigone avoids them all. Hmph! She muttered as Kid and his light show went out of sight. Then, she got up and wandered off the path, Well, I am actually going to hunt for a moonling. Maybe one of them will understand me! She muttered, and squinted her eyes in attempt to see anything hiding.

Arg! Where are teh lot of moonlings? I can't see any! Fai thought as she walked on for the next hour. Now she knew why Kid was so disgusted at the hunt. It truely was grueling and inhumane, not to mention the flys, and all the bugs out here!

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 5:23 PM

Kid reached the point where Fai had been. But she wasn't there... What?!? Did I go to the wrong place? Am I lost? Did she wander off? Oh geez... Fails! Fails, where are you? I am going to be so dead if I don't bring her back!

Kid wandered off the path, shouting FAILS! FAi! WHERE ARE YOU? Kids tails flickered low then high, unsure of what this panic made them do... Kid stopped walking, and prayed that Fai heard him.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 5:48 PM


The kasuga walked righ tin front of Fai. Who balked, and ran behind a tree. Wonderful. Oh! I am so sorry, but I seem to be lost. Do you know where I could find the Sedukai Farm Lands? The Kasuga asked, her voice seeming like music to Fai's ears.

Um.. No, I'm sorry I'm just here on a hunt for a moonling with an idiot who seems to have gotton lost. Fai replied, uncertaintly. The kasuga certaintly didn't look friendly, and it may want to it me! Thoguth Fai, who was still behind a tree.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 6:01 PM

Kid gave up. Fai was never going to answer his calls. And without a companion, hunting just wasn't his thing to do. It would be better to sit at home and listen to an iPod then be out here and be eaten alive my misquitoes. Time to go then. Lets hope Fai gets that moonling...

And Kid walked back to the path and went back home to the pen.

((And my lack of muse once again destroies my posts.))

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/29/2008 7:12 PM

The Kasuga just nodded her head to reply to Fai. Well, I would love to join you in this... hunt you say? I am so sorry for the inconvience, but maybe a moonling would like another uh... lonely thing. She muttered to Fai.

Fai smiled at the Kasuga. I think that I just made a new friend. She thought and nodded, Lets go this way then- Fai suggesteda dn veered off towards the left.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/30/2008 2:01 PM

The Kasuga nodded, and followed a few steps behidn Fai, in an attempt not to step on her. Wonder what these things even look like... The kasuga thought, then she exclaimed, Oh! I forgot my name is Lainack, but just call me Lai. It's liike your name kinda, but with an L instead of an F. There. now Lai didn't think she had forgotton anything she wasn't supposed to forget. Maybe if I go through with the hunt she'll take me home. Maybe.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/30/2008 2:04 PM

Fai stopped as she heard something in the bushes. Lai and Fai. Definately a duo. I'll have to visit her more often! Shh.. I thought I heard something over there! She whispered, trying her best to remain still. The noise didn't continue, and Fai thought that it probebly heard them too. Now lets hope we can avoid any loud noises as we creep forward, Fai thought, and she slowly, carefully placed her paw on a leaf making the barest crackle noise.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/30/2008 3:55 PM

Lai nodded, and didn't move. Litterally, she didn't move at all. If I stay still, I won't bother Fai. The thing in the bushes won't run, and I don't get yelled at. She thought. Becuase afterall, no one wants to be yelled at.

Fai just continued creeping. Inch by inch, slowly as possible in attempt not to scare the poor thing in the bushes. Then, Fai stepped on a stick that was hidden under a leaf. Crack! And the animal shot the other direction. Shoot! This isn't supposed to happen! She exclaimed angrily, and stormed forward, scaring everything within a two mile radius.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/30/2008 3:57 PM

Lai smiled to herself, Fai obviously didn't want to use common sense, now they would never find anything. So she caught up with the storming Fails, and said, Fai, now we will never get a moonling. And we will just have to hunt for longer, and even though I don't have to eat, you do- I think. Maybe she could canvince Fai to use common sense out on a hunt. Maybe.

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Re: Moon... Lings?

Postby Celtic » 12/30/2008 4:00 PM

Fai stopped, her toughts cold as ice towards the kasuga. But truely, she wouldn't get a pet at this rate. Maybe a wild pet, but not a moonling. FAi sighed, Your right. BUt still, today hasn't been the greatest day in the world. So that is going to be a typical reaction for me right now. C'mon, lets continue and see if we get anything else. Her voice was defeated, but she kept her pawsteps light, and her water scent would keep some from thinking of her as a predator.

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