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To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Kallile » 01/18/2009 10:13 PM

So…Dis and I are nice girls, right? If you said no, we’re going to prove you wrong! 8D We hear tell of masses of players who long for a Khimera…or maybe a Khalmar is your thing. In that case, we may have what you want. There is, however, one catch. You’ve got to make up their personalities to win!

.: The Donators and Judges :.
Some of you may know us as the “Collective”. Well, we’re at it again!

Kallile—Donator and Judge
Discordancy—Donator and Judge
Citanul—Special Guest Judge/ Tie breaker

.: Rules :.
-- One entry per pet, per person. This means you may only submit one personality for pet A, B, and C. Multiple entries from the same player on the same pet will be ignored. No spamming a pet to death just to win it. XP
-- Do not enter if you plan to resell. Because then we may dislike you. Dx Please—if you enter this contest and come up with the winning personality—flatter us by playing it, not selling it?
--Do NOT steal these!This should go without saying. Dis and I don't want to see anyone sporting these guys in thier pens. If this happens, woe be to those who took them. D<
-- No refunds. Sorry, there will be no last minute “oh, wait, I’m in this auction now…” once you have paid and submitted your entry, we have started reading it and judging. That’s a lot of work for us.*
-- Be creative! Let your imaginations go! The three judges have decidedly different tastes in personality types, so there’s no one right or wrong way to go with a character.

*If a pet ends without a winner (all entries are found less than suitable) refunds will be given to all who enter for that pet only.

.:Note to Khimera/Khalmar Owners:.
If you already own a species that you are entering for--know that you will be judged with all the other entries for that particular pet. However! If there is a non-owner tied with you, they will take the pet. This is about giving others a chance to own these awesome creatures. Spread the Ticky-critter love. XD

.: Fees :.
Yes, payment. We know, we know…but we did spend real money on these and are devoting a lot of our free time to judge all of these entries.

For Khimera:
30 KS per personality entry

For Khalmar:
15 KS per personality entry

Send and make a note on your entry post of whether you sent payment to Dis or myself! Your entry(ies) will not be judged until we have gotten payment. This isn't to be mean--just to be fair.

.:The Pets:.
Pet #1

Pet #2

Pet #3

Pet #4

Pet #5

.: The Form :.
(special thanks to Zein’s template—modified by judges. You don’t have to fill everything out…but the more you do, the better chances you will have!)

Code: Select all
[b]Pet Number:[/b]

[b]Pets Name:[/b]
[b]Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it:[/b]

[b]A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)[/b]

.: Deadline :.
Feb. 14th around noon

.: Entry and Payment Record :.
**Note to all, since Dis cannot edit this post, if you donate to her and see "???" beside your "paid" status--don't worry and please don't resent payment! It just means we haven't had a chance to talk for me to update her side of the list yet.**
Username--Paid--Owns Lab Pet?

Azure Rayume--Yes--Yes



"I have been hidden, scorned, adored, worshiped, forsaken, coveted and banished more times than I care to count. But the one thing all those experiences cannot steal from me is the gentle soul I was born with, the kind heart I have molded, and the bright ideals for the future that have lit my way through the darkness of the past."

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby SpringsSong » 01/18/2009 11:02 PM

Pet Number: #4

Pets Name: Ine’ia
Pronounced: EYE-ne-EE-uh
Nicknames: Ine [EYE-nuh]
Gender: Female
Likes: Getting her paws a little dirty, doing things no one else things she can
Dislikes: Being told that, as a royal-born Khimera, she has no rights doing things on her own
Personality: Ine'ia was never one to just lie around and watch other people do things; she always wanted to get in there and do things for herself.  She wouldn’t just let people do things for her; no, if she could do it herself, then she would.  No one could ever convince her that someone else should be doing this first, or that this elegant, royal-born Khimera had no business getting her paws dirty over whatever activity it was that she was involved in.  She will not take “no” for an answer when she is determined to give something a try.  A calm, kind Princess?  I think not...
History: Ine’ia was born a royal Khimera, but her parents died soon after she was born, leaving her as an orphan with no siblings or other family to take her in.  The poor girl was left in the care of one of her mother’s handmaidens, raised with full knowledge that she was a Princess.  She was raised to take over for her mother when the time came, but with no living relatives [that they knew of], Ine was basically the Queen from birth.

However, Ine soon found out that she had a cousin who was three years older than her, and dead set on getting the throne.  Although the other girl was nice to Ine, she was nasty to the rest of the household, saying that they were not being just to Ine in raising her the way that they were, with the belief that she should not be afraid to get her paws dirty.

Soon, however, one of Ine’s maids overheard her cousin talking about “removing the only obstacle between her and her throne” within the week.  The maid told this to Ine, and the young Khimera girl fled that night, never to be seen in that kingdom again...
Origins: Ine was born to the king and queen of a kingdom of Khimeras before they died.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Human form: [made on SubetaHQ]

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)
The young Khimera walked out into an open glen in Roraldi Forests.  She had only ever heard rumors about this forest, about its glass trees, or the Talis that could speak human; she had never dreamed that she would actually come here.  She rose her head slightly as she took a step out further into the glen, her eyes widening as she saw all of the Matches and Pollies that flew out of the trees at something so seemingly soundless as her footsteps.  Ine’ia’s breath caught in her chest as she watched them, amazed at their beauty.  One of the Matches came and landed on her tail, chirping quietly.  Ine smiled as she looked at the tiny little bird on her tail; “Your friends all seem startled by me, yet you remain... what is it that makes you comfortable around a scary Khimera like me?” she asked as it chirped happily.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 01/19/2009 12:58 AM

OOH!!!  I've sent the Payment to you Kallie!!!  And here's my entry:

Pet Number: Pet #5

Pets Name: Fiorashinkrina Loveless.  but her ID:  00028359802970.

Pronounced: Feo-RAH-Shink-Rin-ay  Luv-less

Nicknames: Fiora, Fair Chéri, Shink, Loveless or Fiorina {Only with Sasayaite}

Gender: Female

Likes: Anything sweet, lolita clothes and items, sharp things, her Celestial brush tecique, Cutting Edge, and anything pure white.

Dislikes: Spicy food, anytihng hip hop and people who insults her name, and her dark fur.  Her father who killed her mother.

Personality: Her life, her touch, those eyes...  She was a big killer with anybod that has no white fur.  Fiorashinkrina hates herself for being used as a weapon.  Her entire life has been nothing but hell.  she barley speaks, but her killing spree has gotten over the limit.  Her life became her target, to destroy anyone who's a doctor.  But sooner or later, she'll have feelings for one.  Just not now...  She was used as an expirament for a few clans.  she suffered to long that she lost feelings of happiness and pain.  Nothingg.  Just sorrow, anger and revenge.  Nothing else calmed her for blood.

History:  12 Years ago, when the little town of Medicai was so peaceful with no war.  And a little who was nameless at the time, was living in a small house.  Her father said that she cannot be named until her tenth birthday.  But her mother wrote down a name for her.  Her name would’ve been Fiorashinkrina Loveless.  Fiorashinkrina was a beautiful child, born like she was from a Royal family.  But that’s when it happened, her life, ruined on the night of her 10th Birthday.  

Five ‘til midnight, thought Fiorashinkrina.  She couldn’t sleep so she got out of her bed and went to her mother’s room.  She cracked the door open a little and saw black aura.  “Mother?” she asked.  “honey.  Don’t come in here,” said Fiorashinkrina’s Mother.  Fiorashinkrina opened the door all the way and saw her Father pointing a gun towards her mother’s head.  “Let me give her a better name, Dear,” said Fiorashinkrina’s Father like he was evil.  The gun fired and her mother died and blood splattered all around the room.  Fiorashinkrina couldn’t move, her father crashed through the window and flew away.  Her mother, dead on the bed.  And it stroked Midnight of her b-day.  She cried in pain.

Morning cam and Fiorashinkrina walked with a Female officer and she was wearing a black dress.  The Officer placed a number on Fiorashinkrina.  The number was 10.  She walked up on the stage with nine other kids.  All of them were going to bid on the children to have.  1-9 were bided between 21,000-50,000.  When it was Fiorashinkrina’s turn to be placed on, she was bided over 2.5 million.  “3 million,” yelled out a man wearing a white tuxedo.  Fiorashinkrina was in shock.  The Man said Sold and Fiorashinkrina met her new family.

Fiorashinkrina was sitting in the passenger seat of the cart and kept on looking down.  “Do you have a name, young Lady?” asked the man.  Fiorashinkrina looked up at the man.  “My name is Doctor Lynn Banner.  What is yours?”  “…  Fiorashinkrina…  My name is Fiorashinkrina Loveless.”  “What a lovely name…  You don’t mind If I use you for an experiment?” asked Doctor Lynn Banner.  “Not at all…  As long as it doesn’t involve killing and dark aura,” said Fiorashinkrina.

Fiorashinkrina fell asleep and she heard machines going off.  She was in some sort of laboratory. She saw herself on a Cross and injected into her back was Medical Tubes.  “Wha?  What’s the meaning of this, Lynn Banner?”  “Experimental stuff.  You’re my lab rat, Fiorashinkrina.  Or should I say, Experiment 00028359802970,” said Lynn Banner.  “WHAT!?  Experiment?  What do you mean?” asked Fiorashinkrina all confused and shocked at the same time.  “I’m your new father, and you’re a rat.  Now Stop asking Questions,” said Lynn Banner.  “But I wanna know what you’re going to do to me!  Why do you do this?  How am I to important for you?  What’s going on!?”  “ENOUGH!!!  You’re chitter chatter is annoying!”  Lynn Banner pulled out a Whip and unchained Fiorashinkrina and turned her around to a Chain collar.  She couldn’t move and her zipper was pulled down.  Ten whips on the back and Fiorashinkrina fell on the floor with pain.  “You’re dismissed for today,” he said.

Fiorashinkrina ran out of that room and slammed her new bedroom door.  She never felt pain like this before.  She started to cry and knelt onto the floor.  “Would you like some warm milk?” asked a strange girl holding a dish and on it had milk and cookies.  “My name’s Sasayaite.  And I work for Lynn Banner.  I see he gave you ten lashes with the Whip?”  Fiorashinkrina nodded and drank the milk.  Lynn banner came in and clicked a button.  Ears and tails came out of Fiorashinkrina skin and she looked at Lynn Banner.  “There.  You’re alright.  You can never be a experiment again,” he said.  Fiorashinkrina didn’t like that look on his face so she grabbed a giant hammer  and Slammed Lynn Banner’s head down.

Skull broken, brain smashed, blood all over the room and even on Fiorashinkrina and Sasayaite.  Sasayaite placed her hands over her mouth and Fiorashinkrina glared all ticked off.  “I’m no one’s child no more…  I’m a nobody.  And you,” Fiorashinkrina looked at Sasayaite.  “You’re going to be with me…  Forever…”  Sasayaite agreed and they both  left from the house.

17 years later, the city became bigger, and Fiorashinkrina was looking like a weapon.  She now Despises all doctors, and has no happiness or can’t feel pain.  Just Sadness and Hatred for revenge.  The Hammer has became her weapon, and Sasayaite, wearing a red maid’s gown and maid head gear, serving Fiorashinkrina.  Fiorashinkrina, when she was 13, she learned that she had the power of Celestial brush, Cutting Edge.  Now she kills evil and doctors that experiment on people.

Origins: Mother: Anna Loveless/Deceased: Gunshot in the head by William
Father: William Loveless/Taken controled by Orocha/ Doesn't know if Dead or Alive.
Step-Father: Dr. Lynn Banner/Mad Scientist who tortured Fiora sience she was solded to him/Deceased: Murdured by Fiora.
Sister-like Friend:  Sasayaite/ A healer that can see spirits from another world.  She calms Fiora from her white fur: Helps Fiora with painful memories.
Theme song: Schwarzer Sarg By: Yousei Teikoku

Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Here's a picture to describe.
Age: 27
Hair: Black
Skin: Pale skin
Carry-on items: a Claw Ring, a scroll with a paint brush and Blood ink.  Along with a hidden weapon:  A Bloody red spiked hammer that ways a ton.
A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)

Fiora looked at the people in the city of Medicai, where her eyes looked discuted.  She looked at a pure white lucain and had a flash back of her past.  Her eyes became teary and a tear drop fell onto the cement of the tower.  "Having a hard time of your past again Fiorina?" asked a sweet little girl with white rose petals around her space area.  "Hm...  It's hard for me to attack anyone nowadays because of the white pieces of fur the doctors have, Sasayaite," said Fiora while having a scroll in one pocket, bottles of blood ink and a paint brush in another.  Her coat blowing in the wind.

Whoo boy...  Uber long History, non?
The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
And that's the TRUTH
Though it may hurt, I give what they DESIRE
What they Desire is my own IMITATION
The reality is, my mind thinks FICTION

Musa-The Storytelling Likuta

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Redd » 01/19/2009 1:37 AM

Homg~ Khimera. So pretty. I had lots of trouble picking which one to go for xD
Monies will be sent to Dis. I went a little overboard with the short rp... I got carried away~

Pet Number: #3

Pets Name: Azard Tremey
Pronounced: Az-arhd Trem-aye
Nicknames: Az, Zar, Azzie
Gender: Male
Likes: Az enjoys any activity involving mechanics and robotics, including taking apart various models of machinery, creating his own robots and studying new technology involving machinery. He also enjoys sweet foods such as chocolate, and strangely pizza. He is also quite the book worm, loving to read books of the fantasy and sci-fi genre.

Az dislikes insects of all varieties, save for the ones that appear harmless (butterflies, moths, dragonflies etc) and any place they could be found in (caves, swamps). Apart from that, he is quite a happy fellow.

Although Az appears to be quite a happy, cheerful, motivated Khimera, he has a deep dark side bottled up inside, which only comes out if Az is either deeply stressed or agrivated. This dark side, causes him to become enraged and destroying whatever lays in his path. Of course, this side rarely sees the light of day, thus Az is normally positive, encouraging and happy. Around his friends and people he knows, he has a tendancy to joke around a lot, and generally being sarcastic.
When working, he lapses into a deep state of concerntration and gets slightly moody when disturbed.

In his early childhood, before Az was old enough to remember, his parents were murdered, and he was kidnapped by a crazy biotic professor. In that small time, even though he does not remember it now, Az was taught a vast amount of knowledge on machinery and robotics.
After the 'accidental' death of the professor, Az was left to fend for himself out in the wilderness.

As a young pup, all he remembers of that time, is living off the land.. and fleeing from the insects it threw at him. Eventually, he began to remember somehow different machines and how to construct them.
And thus, he made building his life. Creating robotic companions that did nothing but serve him did not really appease his social need, so he made off for the closest city, Aldrect and made it his home.

Born from a simple farming family out on the Vast Plains. Yet he does not remember that.

Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it:
When human form, Az appears as a 24 year old male, with brown-streaked blonde hair, stands at 5"6' and has gold eyes. He wears a grey shirt underneath a blue shirt and wears baggy navy jeans and brown boots. Over that, he wears a blue and brown scarf, a set of goggles, a tool belt, and on his back, a pair of robotic wings that are not used for flying.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)

Azard halted, his hand poised over the lifeless Mimebones body. Had he heard something? Sighing and cursing under his breath, he resumed his work. For years he had strived to create a creature that was normal in every way, yet be made completely of metal parts, like the Rabbot. Man, those fickle creatures annoyed him in a way that had never before, mainly due to the fact that they were entirely robotic, yet acted quite normal. Anything that he had tried to create ended up being a malfunctioning waste of metal.

He bit of his tongue. It was almost done, hopefully the Mimebones would work. Over in the corner, Alibi, his modified Scorpinch V2 clicked and whirred impatiently.
Az closed the panel and stepped away. Slowly, the Mimebones came to life, whirring and clicking.
"Well the robotic noises can be fixed of course..." Az mused to himself.
The Mimebones slowly rose to his feet, then something went wrong. There was a dreadful screeching noise, coming from within the creatures body. Az bit his lip worridly, and ran over disabling the mech and opening up the panel.
"It almost... almost worked. Alibi, be a good boy and pass the screwdriver." He called to the Scorpinch, before grimly eyeing the Mimebones. This would definately take some more time.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby MillietheWarrior » 01/19/2009 3:09 AM

Saving a spot. I'm definitely going to enter. Hope this is all right. I'll pay the fee once I come up with something...Going for pet #5. ^^

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby J'Tal » 01/19/2009 3:13 AM

Pet Number: Pet #5

Pets Name: Dusk
Pronounced: Duh-sk
Nicknames: None
Gender: Female
Likes: Freshly killed steak, warm milk before bed, and a good belly rub once in a while.
Dislikes: When criminals go free, when people assume she is a male, and when people assume she is stupid because she doesn't speak.
Personality: Dusk seeks a companion to help catch criminals as well as to share her experiences with. Despite not speaking, Dusk can understand what is being said, and get her message across quite easily. Dusk has begun to belive that no one is innocent, and that everyone is hiding something.
Origins: Created in the Khimera Industries, She was made with a color of fur that could bend light around her slightly, causing Dusk to hide and stalk prey easier. The metal was a special spectral steel that allows the being encased in it to shift into a sub-plane of existence to avoid harm. Dusk was created specifically for a man planning on using her to be an assassin. Unfortunately for the buyer, fate had other plans. He died just before Dusk was completed. The lab technicians chose to complete the project since they had already been paid, and she was 92% complete. The rest, is as they say; history.
History: Dusk was set free soon after completion, and was left to her own devices. Given this new found freedom, most people would resort to crime. Dusk instead turned to hunting crime. Joining the police academy, she found it distasteful with the amount of politics (and dogs) involved. Quitting, Dusk found her talents were better suited to bringing in criminals that try to escape the law. And so, Dusk became a bounty hunter. After making a few contacts as well as making a name for herself, Dusk found she was lonely. Contacting one of the contacts she had made, Dusk asked them to help her find a companion. And now she is here.
Other Form/Describe it: None/NA
Passive Traits: Recognize Impostor, Self-Sufficient (Deep Vision, Diligent, Fearless, Shadow)
Battle Traits: Battle Hardened, Poison Immunity, Pursue (Guerrilla Warrior, Shade) Would request "Go Ethereal" if I win

A Short RP example: Dusk stayed in the shadows of the alley, and watched the man. This man had committed many crimes recently, up to and including armed robbery and the murder of hostages. The man seemed nervous as he walked down the street. She could smell it on him. Sulking forward, Dusk prepared to attack. She would move forward a few steps, keeping low to the ground. Her tails twitching in anticipation. As the man paused for a smoke on a cigarette, Dusk knew that it was time to pounce. Running forward she roars in attack!


The man startled by the loud noise drops the cigarette, and draws a gun faster than dusk anticipates. Activating the spectral steel that has been grafted to her since she was created, Dusk shifts to a sub-plane. Bullets zing through the air, moving through her body without hitting her, impacting the wall behind Dusk. Materializing her mouth and paws, Dusk ravages his arm while swiping at his body. She had no intention of killing him, for if she did, she would have used her innate ability to call upon shadows as well as her tail blades. No, this man is going to go to court for his crimes.

Submitted fee to Discordancy
You see things that are and ask "Why?"
I dream of things that never were and ask "Why not?"
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Freezair » 01/19/2009 4:27 AM

Oh, sweet fancy Moses. owo Those are some gorgeous critters! I already own both Khalmars and a Khimera, but, uh, figure it can't hurt to try? 0w0;

I'm trying for Pet #4, the faaaaabulous lavender Khimera.

Pet Number: Pet #4

Pet's Name: Gavotte Mantis
Pronounced: Gah-VAWT MAN-tiss
Nicknames: Gav
Gender: Male
Likes: Painting, money, True Art and the pursuit thereof, being able to pay his bills, things that don't make him think too hard, juicy burgers with big thick bacon slices and fried onions
Dislikes: Being poor, being forced to be the thinker, criticism on his work
Personality: Something like a drama king mixed with a lumpy-headed, bald Brooklyn bouncer, Gavotte is the kind of guy who wishes he could effectively fake his death, so his art would shoot up in value. (Dead artists always sell better, right?) Like his partner-in-crime, a Mimebones named Toulouse, he's constantly looking for a way to strike it rich, so they can live comfortably without having to do lots of hard work. In Gav's case, he wants to pursue True Art, and if you even so much as suggest his paintings and sculpture haven't reached it yet, he will chew you out and call you bouregoise. (He's a bit touchy.) Despite his great artistic skills and high creativity, brains aren't really his strong suit--he's more of a strongarm than a thinker, unless Art is involved. Then, he can be somewhat monosyllabic, and even comes off as quite harmlessly dopey. Everything makes him overreact, though...
History: Gavotte is the... well, it's hard to describe their relationship, but he always works with Toulouse de Roux, an anthropomorphic Mimebones. The two of them share an apartment, and they pull in money by performing on the street. Toulouse plays music and sings--and occasionally dances--while Gavotte draws caricatures, street scenes, and whatever comes to mind. He also occasionally tries to sell some of his paintings and metal sculptures. The two of them have been scheming since they were teenagers to try and Strike It Rich--well, OK. Toulouse does most of the scheming, and Gav tends to be the executor of most of the zany plans.  
Origins: Gav was born a Plum Kuhna, but he was born into a family being kept into captivity for Khimera research. He was taken from his birth parents and experimented on hideously, having all manner of torturous devices welded to his body. However, he remembers none of these potentially life-scarring, as a bill was passed banning scientific experimentation on kits before he was old enough to remember anything, thus anticlimactically depriving him of a tortured past. Instead, he was removed from the lab by the ESPCP (Evelon Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Pets) and placed with a kindly Chimeratunla family, who not only lent him his name, but taught him how to control his poison. Not that he likes poisoning people--unless his customers get huffy, and then it's only enough to make their face swell up.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Gavotte typically assumes the form of a somewhat lean, slightly muscular human. However, he never did quite get the human/quad transition down, so his human form has hair and skin of the same lavender color as his fur. Not to mention that he can't make the "bubble" on the back of his head, or the wreath of metal surrounding it, go away. He never managed to successfully absorb his tails, either, but they're about halfway gone--so he has two stubby, ten-inch tails sticking out of the back of his pants. Embarrassing. Still, he never wanted to be a good-looking human. However, skilled anthros and human transformers will spot his lazy anthropomorcism instantly.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)

Gavotte was getting rather frustrated with this painting.

He'd tried watching old episodes of Bob Ross on tape, hoping they would make him a bit more... soothed. But with every brush stroke he made, the urge to get up and snap the canvas in half welled up in him. This was all wrong! Those birds were completely out of perspective (and this wasn't even an abstract piece), the foam on the waves looked like it had been applied with the spray-can tool in MSPaint, and the little girl playing in the sand near the shoreline had a face that looked like it had been run over with a muddy truck tire. The Khimera snorted. Maybe it was because he'd botched the human-Khimera transformation again. His hands seemed a bit too clumsy and paw-like today.

He sighed and set down his brush, putting his hands on his chin and staring gloomily into his easel.

Toulouse strode by the door to his studio almost carelessly, but when the Mimebones noticed his friend's gloomy mood, he stopped suddenly and backed up. The Mimebones man came in and peered at Gav's work-in-progress.

"...Eet eez... not vone of joor bettar works zus fahr," Toulouse said.

Gavotte glared at him. "Plebian," he snarled.

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby clackno1 » 01/19/2009 1:06 PM

Teh monies has been sent to you Kal ^_^

Pet Number:

Pets Name:
Senka Ichtaca
Zen-ka I-sh-taka
Senka, Shadow
Darkness, Solitude, Water, the Occasional Fight
Bright Light, Open Areas, Ambushes, Being Outnumbered, Her Family
Senka is one that, instead of standing and fighting, is quick to flee a dangerous situation. If she is caught while fleeing the enemy has no chance of escape. She is one that is not to be approached. But, she can be brought out from her shell and become one willing to talk with someone, though if you ask her anything about her past or personal life she will become a deadly killer right in front of your eyes and won't hesitate to slit your throat. The only way to bring the other side out of her is to surrender once you meet her. She does not trust those who are arrogant and so full of themselves they think they can do anything, and feels no love for them.Her first action is to flee when meeting someone new, but there are those who she is curious about and will hold her ground against them, and if you can beat her in one on one combat, she will start to see you in a different perspective and may even respect you
Senka is a princess of the Ichtaca clan, and is also called the Princess of the Shadows. During a war between the clans she was sent out to make peace with another clan and try to stop the war. She strongly disagreed with the plan and knew they would never listen, but her father sent her with a small party of three at her back anyways. Senka was captured and tortured by the enemy clan while the ones that accompanied her were killed on the spot, no mercy. She was trapped in enemy territory while a war raged on between her family and the other clans. While being moved to a different area in the enemy clan's territory she was able to kill a guard and escape the other one and flee. She was weak and hungry but was able to make it to her own clan's territory. There were small battle camps all around the border which were deserted with signs of blood everywhere. She searched the territory but found no one alive. Her whole clan had been wiped out in the war and she had no where to go. Senka went through depression, but finally convinced herself that it was her parents fault they had all died, and that if she had been there fighting with her family they would still be alive. She developed this hatred for her family to hide her sadness under.

Senka was able to survive on her own as she wandered through mountains and forests looking for a safe place to live. Everyone in her clan was taught how to hunt and survive on their own. Since she was of the royal family she was taught many different skills and tricks that could save her life. the one she was most skilled at was that she could melt away into a shadows where an enemy couldn't see her and escape or attack. She can disappear from sight and walk so silently you would never even know she was there. Her voice is so smooth it will caress you and put you under a trance so she can get away to safety.  
Born and raised as a princess in a clan.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it:
Not really a form, but some of her clan believed that she could actually become a shadow and not have a physical body. She even believe this herself sometimes, for she is able to get out of situations that would have been completely impossible for others. She will just back into a shadows and disappear completely.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)
The blue and black Khimera disappeared in the shadow of a tree and appeared in another one as she stalked through the silent forest. Her paws touched lightly to the soft forest floor and made absolutely no sound."Where should I go next..." Her voice was as smooth as silk as she asked the question to no one. Her search was long, but she continued, unwilling to give up on her goal.  The soft sound of birds drifted to her ears and she twitched one hear, trying to find the source of the sound. She was a bit hungry, and one small snack couldn't hurt.

One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the twentieth century.
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Carlie » 01/19/2009 1:30 PM

Pet Number: 5

Pets Name: Eveni
Pronounced: Eve-en-ee
Nicknames: Eve
Gender: Female
Likes: Being alone, cold weather, forests.
Dislikes: Humans, cages, laboratories.
Personality: Eveni usually seems rather cold and distant. She is usually rather aggressive, especially around humans. This is actually because she is afraid of them and wants to kill them before they could harm or kill her. She does not know that not all humans are as cruel as the one that created her and thinks that they all want to hurt her. It takes a lot for her trust someone. To those she does care about, she is incredibly protective and loyal.
History: Eveni can remember living in Khimera Labs but she cannot remember her creation. Her earliest memory is waking up in a cage. She later learned that she was an experiment by someone that worked for the Labs. They were attempting to create a Khimera on their own without the knowledge of any one else. Because her being alive was a secret, she was not well cared for. The person that created her kept her in a small, unused room and was only able to care for her when not only when there was no one around but also when he was not working. She was kept in a small cage and therefore did not realize how strong she was. One day, she decided to try to escape. She didn't think that she would be able to but decided that it was worth trying. When her creator opened the cage to feed her, she attacked and killed him. She ran out of the room. For some reason, the halls were empty. She was not sure where to go. She found two doors. Unsure which one was the exit, she ended up in the room where the Khalmar were made. She killed several people that tried to catch her and the rest were too afraid to come near her. She did not know that there were any other khimeras in existence and believed that once she left, everyone would think she was a monster. She decided to take one of the khalmars for company. She took the first one she could get, afraid that the workers would call someone stronger that would be able to catch her. She left the room, this time choosing the right exit. (Note: If I get her, I'll buy the khalmar in her story.)
Origins: She was created in Khimera labs.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: None.

A Short RP example: Eveni walked across the soft ground of the forest. She felt unusually calm, almost happy. This was the effect forests had on her, especially when she was alone. This was the first time in quite a while that she was without her 'pet' khalmar. She loved it but it was nice to have some time to herself. She heard the sound of footsteps and sighed. She looked through the trees and saw a tall figure walking in her direction- a human. As it came closer, she crept away, hoping not to be seen. She really wasn't in the mood to kill it although she would have to if it saw her. She couldn't run if it saw her, that would be humiliating. She also couldn't let it live, then it would try to hurt her. After all, it was a human. Walking faster, she managed to escape unseen.

When the lit match hit accelerant, we were just two kids back then. Words were few, we let our bodies do the talking for us both. Those days I felt less counterfeit, trouble hadn’t found me yet. Big city love, never sleeps until the skyline sun turns red.
It was always only you, I’m sorry there’s no proof of that, I’ll try to get back to the days you knew, I always told the truth.
It was always only you...


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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby kabuto_rocks » 01/19/2009 1:42 PM

I love the idea of this contest so much! I'm not trying to bribe with flattery, but you really are both so nice ^^

Pet Number: 5

Pets Name: Adia
Pronounced: 'Aid-ee-ah'
Nicknames: 'Aid'. Mostly known by her full name
Gender: Female
Likes: Justice
Dislikes: Scientists, Labs, Experiments, Liars, Whiners
Personality: Adia can seem quite cruel to some, and essentially she could be called heartless. She has no qualms about killing other lifeforms and has little grasp on the concept 'guilt'. All she longs for is a normal life-sadly, something which is beyond her. She tends to be a little jealous of those who 'have it all' in her eyes, so acts moody and snappy to those who have a loving home.
She has a rather twisted sense of justice and, if she believes she is right, she sees nothing wrong with dealing with criminals her self. Whining is something she detests greatly-in fact, in her early days she killed a pet who constantly whined. Deep down, Adia is not evil-far from it. She believes there is nothing wrong with how she lives her life, and has never killed for the pure fun of it {Although she did enjoy killing those who created her-that is her only 'evil' experience}
Her psychic powers are a tricky subject. She tries to avoid using them, and yet must on a daily basis in order to do things which people who can see take for granted. She rarely mentions them to those she meets, although people can tell if she's reading their minds
History: Created by scientists to see if metal-based creatures could possess psychic powers, Adia was nothing more than a test to those who made her. She was programmed completely blind in order to heighten her other senses, and her brain was altered to see if it was possible to 'create' the ability of telekinesis. The experiment succeeded, but the test left Adia furious and full of hate. She quickly disposed of those who knew about her, before racing away to brood in peace
Origins: A hidden branch of Khimera Labs, later terminated by herself
Psychic Powers:
* Mind Reading (And, in some cases, mind control. She can sometimes alter the thoughts of people who are especially weak in personality, or are feeling scared, confused etc)
* Telekinesis (Moving an object with her mind)
* 'Spirit Walking' (See below)
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: While it is not a physical form, Adia can 'Spirit-Walk'. This is where she leaves her physical body behind, and becomes a spiritual entity. She has only done it once in her life by accident, and it unnerved her so much she refuses to do it again. While she is 'Spirit-walking' she appears as a ghostly Khimera, much like a Ballama

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)An experiment. That's all she was. The word made her sick to her stomach, filled her with rage. Her claws dug into the earth around her-or at least, she assumed that was what was making that sound. She had a brief idea of basic senses programmed into her head, but sight wasn't one of them. Sight would never be one of them.

Fury filled her as she stalked, her skin rippling. She felt so powerful, so in control...So angry. She could do it-destroy those who did that to her. She could read the fear in their heads, the panic at what they had done. A brief, satisfying smile played on her lips as she explored their thoughts. Still smiling, she skulked away into the shadows.


{I added a section to the form-hope that's okay. Oh, and I'm sending my money to Kallile}
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Dragon4Life » 01/19/2009 2:25 PM

Oh my gawd. Count me in!

Pet Number: 1#

Pets Name: Ukina
Pronounced: U-Kin-A
Nicknames: Kina, Ina
Gender: Female
Likes: Rock, Black, Goth Stuff
Dislikes: Pink and Girly Things
Personality: Ukina is a pure rocker. She loves rock music and black. She can also me a bit of an emo, crying her heart out of no reason.
History: Not very much is known about her past, but she tells nobody. But, we do know she was an only child, raised with great love. But one day, her parents left without a word. She lived on the streets, and lived with a friendly person, who was a rocker. She learned from him, and thats the reason she is the way she is.
Origins: A normal family
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Human, a tall girl with long black hair, skull armwarmers and leg warmers, a ripped black t-shirt with ripped jeans, and black trainers.
A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine) Ukina walked silently across the street. She wasn't in the greatest of moods right now, so when a random guy teased her, she turned to him, eyes aflame and punched him. She heard his friends make, "Ooooo" noises and some of them jeered, but she really didnt care. She stared at the all, and she saw their gazes shift. Uneasy, they walked away. Ukina smiled smugly and entered her home.

I may do another soon. Sending KS now~
~Era'Za and Lia~
Image Image
Sanctus Espiritus, redeem us from our solemn hour.
Sanctus Espiritus, insanity is all around us.
Sanctus Espiritus...

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Cookie » 01/19/2009 2:38 PM

Pet Number: 1
Pets Name: Annabell
Pronounced: Anna-bell
Nicknames: Anne or Annie
Gender: Female
Likes: Peace and Quiet, Reading, poetry, exploring
Dislikes: Talkative people,
Personality: Anne always has her head in a book, she doesn't do much anything else. Even if she is going somewhere she has a book with her, reading about other worlds, Vampires, and other fictional stories. She doesn't keep up with the real world really. If she isn't reading then she is sleeping or possibly exploring. She has her own little get away in the outskirts of the forest, a little hut like cabin that's tucked away where no one can bother her. She isn't very social and some people think she is mute. So far, no one has been able to get her to talk yet. But when she is by herself she often reads aloud at times.
History: She has no clue where her family is, she was left alone when she was a little girl on the streets. She lived with her mother, well.. they didn't have a real home. They moved from place to place constantly. She was sleeping one night in a small hotel that they had for the day, but when she woke up her mother had left. She had no money or anything.
Origins: Unknown
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Yes, Human. A medium height girl, about the age of 16. On the skinny side, wearing baggy black jeans and a small black and pink boyfriend tee.
A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine) (In human form) Anne walked into her hut, picking up her book from the table and making sure no one had followed her. "Walk two moons.." she said, flipping it open to the first page, her fingers running across the page as she read the words. Before she knew it she was half way done with it. But how much time had passed? An hour maybe two? She looked down at her watch, stunned. It had only been a half hour, she smiled lightly and kept reading, often times reading a paragraph over again if she didn't understand it.

Sent money to Kal
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Azura Rayume » 01/19/2009 2:40 PM

-noms on smexay pets- Those are amazing, Kal and Dis. This is actually a great way for those of us who can't spend real money to get some smexy pets.

Pet Number: #2

Pets Name: Il'aria
Pronounced: Ill-are-ee-ah
Nicknames: Ila, #20947, Heaven's Gift (self-nickname)
Gender: Female
Likes: Bright places; the sun; libraries
Dislikes: Places of evil; those of bad intentions
Personality: Ila refuses to admit that she was made in and sort of labratory, no matter how often others will point out the fact that it's rather obvious. She firmly believes that she was sent from some heavenly place as a gift to those of Terra (the name she has given to the Lands).
She spends most of her time in the places most considered "holy," such as the city of Alderect, trying to find a way back to the heavens that sent her. Most of the time between her home-bound efforts is spent tring to help those less fortunate, since she believes that her perpous on Terra is to spread the joy of the heaves to those who truely need it. That could, of course, lead her to inadvertantly help someone with something illegal, for she is quite ignorant of the laws of the Lands as well as the hearts of others. She wishes to learn how to guage someone's personality by a simple glance, so she has been working with the other Khalmar of my pen, currently known as #20395, and the Scorpinch V2, Jaden, to learn this skill.
History: Possibly a personality experiment, #20947 was dumped in the jungles of Tengal no long after her creation. Not all-together pleased about her fate, she took to wandering the forest paths to amuse herself during the long days and longer nights alone.
It was on one such walk that she discovered an unusualy building. It was ancient, the stone of the outer walls slowly crumbling away, but the central chambers were surprisingly well preserved. Mechanical mind springing into a "curious" mode, she ventured inside and was utterly stunned by what she found.
A huge library, larger than any in modern cities, sprawled before her once she opened the decrepit stone-and-wood door. Books of history, religion, and poetry that had been lost to the outside world were lined carefully on shelved of oak bookshelves, a heavy wooden table set in the center of the room. All were meraciously devoit of any sign of damage from water, dust, bookworms, or even age. Even the pages of most were left as crisp as the day they were printed.
Enthralled, the Khalmar made her way along the shelves, searching for something that could serve as a clue to her past. She found a holy book from some dead religion and, in it, her name. It was in a story of a messanger from the heavens who was sent by the spirits to guide those lost on the road of life. The angel was accosted by many demons and became trapped on Terra forever, but never ceased in her given mission. The heavenly being was called Il'aria.
Immidiatly assuming that she had finally discovered who and what she was (for she felt as if she was destined to help the unfortunate in much the same way as the angel), the Khalmar loosed a mechanical cry of joy. She took the name Il'aria after the fictional angel and began to make her way back to the jungle to seek out a people to aid, the book tucked protectivly beneath one mechanical tentacle.
At the entrance, she was blocked by three strange creatures. The were small, dark, and had what appeared to be a moon on their foreheads. She would come to learn later that they were called "Moonlings" by humans, but at first thought that they would be someone she needed to help. She tried to communicate with them, but they shreaked at her, stomping and gesturing to the book she carried. The responce perompted the Khalmar to change her opinion of the creatures, deeming them minor demons who were angered that she had discovered the truth of her identity at last. Unsure of what to do (for the book had failed to tell her how the angel of the tale had dealt with the demons), she simply charged through their ranks, her size starteling them and forcing them to flee.
Ultimatly pleased with herself, she made her way though another part of the jungle she had not explored, eventually finding her way to Nabias. There she discovered the Khalmar #20395, who lead her back to the home of his human. She has lived with them ever since, though she disappears on occasion to "minister" to those outside her family.
Origins:Il'aria truly does not recall much of her past, simply spouting the "sent from heaven" nonsense whenever asked about the matter. In truth, she was created at about the same time as #20395, but someone planted that garbled religious jargen in her mind immidiatly following her release from the factory. It could have been some experiment in personality manipulation by one of the scientists who created her, or possibly some radical was simply shouting the nonsense outside the doors as she latched onto it. Since she doesn't remember anything from before she became "Heaven's Gift," no one can be sure.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: None as of now

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine) "You are a machine." The other Khalmar's tone was oddly finite, lacking any form of emotion whatsoever.

"Machine?" Il'aria repeated, appauled. "I'm no machine. I'm a messanger from the heaves sent to Terra to do good." She crossed two tentacles over her front, entirely oblivious of how rediculious she appeared. "You, on the other hand, are a machine. You lack any kind of personality and exist simply to serve humans, I'm assuming. Come to think of it, I can't even remember you giving me your name."

"I am Khalmar number 20395." the other said simply, ruby eyes staring blankly at the other. "You are a Khalmar like me. You are a machine."

"Heavens, you're stubborn." Ila sounded exaspirated. There had to be a way to convince this strange Khalmar that she was not in fact the same as he was. "Do you have a human?"

#20395 nodded.

"Good. Take me to him. Or her. A human should be able to tell a machine from a living creature better than you can."

Boys and girls of every age
Wouldn't you like to see
Something Strange?

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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Owl » 01/19/2009 3:32 PM

Pet Number: 5

Pets Name: Project Z.V. (Zero Violence)
Pronounced: Pro-ject Zee Vee (Zee-roe Vy-lense)
Nicknames: Vio (Vy-O)
Gender: Male
Likes: Pills, sharp corners, cleanliness, acting ‘orderly’
Dislikes: Running out of medicine, unorganized places, spots, being blamed, blacking out
Vio was once a mass murderer, being classified a sociopath since he was very young. He has very little emotions because of this disorder and strikes out without really realizing he’s doing it. When asked why he is such a violent creature, he simply shrugs and replies ‘I only do what I believe is right at that moment.’ Oddly, he never yells, and keeps his voice monotone and low. He rarely talks, and in his human form he can’t speak well.
After years and years of rehabilitation, he didn’t appear to be getting any better and still acted out murderously towards the nurses who cared for him. If something was even an inch out of place, he would lash out at the one he thought did the heinous ‘crime.’ He wanted everything to be sharp and in some sort of point; tables, pencils, food, sometimes even his own clothes. Everything must be clean. He thinks that since he is ‘such a bad man’ (That’s what the nurses call him, although he isn’t too sure), the germs, sent by the gods to get rid of him, may infect him with some terrible illness. This severe OCD disorder is what causes much of his anger.
He now takes hundreds of pills a day, of all different types and for all different reasons. Some are used to calm him, others are used just make him sleep. He tests any new medicine that may help with taming sociopaths. He doesn’t seem to mind being a guinea pig for the doctors, just as long as they don’t forget to refill his prescriptions.
Because of all the medicine he takes, he suffers from many side affects, including suddenly blacking out, severe cases of insomnia, poor thought processes, and even colour blindness. He can only see in black and greys, with everything appearing as shadows. This is another reason he kills or maims people he didn’t mean to, simply because he thought they were someone they were not.  
As a young kit, his father took him away from his mother to be entered into fighting tournaments. He saw great wrath in the young boy, and gladly placed his son up to be pummelled by much better fighters than Vio. But, not having any sense of the rules, Vio, for the most part, mauled the other challengers, sometimes even to death. His father, scared out of his wits, left the son abandoned at a train station near Nabias. Vio didn’t really care that his father left him, and wandered alone for years, running from the cops from his spontaneous murders.
They soon caught him near his fifteenth birthday, and he was put to trial. Many people thought he should get the chair right away, but the jury still had their doubts on Vio’s sanity. As the law clearly states, a person who is mentally insane and cannot control his or her actions must have a fair trial and must be put in for therapy. After a short trial, it was clear Vio showed signs of being a sociopath. He was immediately put into therapy.
After many years of unsuccessful therapy, he was placed into extensive medical research. The government, tired of all the employees they were losing over the boy, decided he might as well do some good and test new medicines for sociopaths. Some of the pills were quite deadly, as they blocked out parts of the brain that may be associated with violence. Seeing him as no longer a citizen of Evelon, but more of a project, they renamed him Project Z.V, or Zero Violence; Vio never really knew his name in the first place, so he didn’t care. He is now allowed to walk among the rest of Evelon, with someone who was once quite evil but was let out of prison early for good behaviour. Vio’s new caretaker is the only one who could take him in his violent moods, and the government happily hired him; at least it’s not their life who’s being put on the line.
Origins: He can’t really remember, but probably somewhere up in the Tuun Mountains.
Other Form? (human)—Describe it:
Vio, in a somewhat human form, has oily black hair that flops on his head; long, scrawny arms; stubby fingers with sharp black nails; lanky, skinny legs; huge, long feet with sharp black nails; huge, yellow fangs peering out of his abnormally large mouth; and a twisted animal-like face with piercing night-sky black eyes. Pieces of metal jut out everywhere, usually a few on his head and most of them on his arms. He wears used clothes that he usually rips, and doesn’t bath all too often. He usually walks on all fours when in this form, mainly because he doesn’t know when he changes into it. It happens spontaneously.  

A Short RP example:
I’m cold.

It was one of the animal’s few thoughts as he lay bare and unhappily in the pokey, brown grass. The night air swirled around, carrying the promise of first snow of winter. The sky was covered in grey behemoth clouds, lumbering about like old elephants on their way towards the watering hole.
Vio, once again, had shifted unconsciously into his pale human form and shivered as he curled up. “I cruld,” he muttered through spiked teeth, to his caretaker looming above him. He was a void Akail, his tentacles wavering about like hands, furling and unfurling invisible items.

“Of course you’re cold, you retard! You shifted into your human form. You got to get control of this. How do you expect to function in the outside world when you’re constantly shifting to and fro from a bare-naked, hideous human to a feral beast? Now get up!” the void Akail bellowed as he kicked Vio in the side with a sharp claw. He whimpered as his side began to ache. He rolled over to his hands, and boosted himself up. It was colder standing up.
He clumsily tottered after his caretaker, who was leading him around the yard of the asylum. Vio’s eyes were blank, and squinted to find the shadow he was chasing after through the murky darkness of night. The wind shot through his bare skin, like needles through thin cloth. Then, the world shifted and he felt warmer. Warmer, and bulkier.
The void Akail watched over his shoulder, still moving forward. “Good, you’re back to that vile animal again. Oh, merciful heavens, you’re degusting. You smell like carrion. Well, come along, we should get back inside,”
Vio never felt like he could attack his caretaker. It felt like there was a one-way barrier between them, where only he could touch Vio. He did not understand this, and pondered this through choppy thoughts as he entered the crisp hospital. The nurse at the table chimed “Welcome back, Dr. Carve! Is Z.V. behaving?”
Vio did not like this nurse. She treated him like a machine. He growled, feeling the rush as his body told him to rip her head off. Suddenly, he felt paralyzed as his caretaker’s claw came to his shoulder, piercing and violent. “No,” he ordered, and Vio stopped. The nurse cheered at this.
He did not understand this, and pondered this through the same thought scheme he always did. He was forced to mutter a “Hello, sorry,” to the nurse as he was led through a maze of corridors, back to his room.
His room; dark, white, clean, alone. His room. Vio felt safer without his caretaker around. He felt much better after he popped his many pills and collapsed onto his mat. He felt even better as he drifted into an abyss of sleep as his brain whirred as the pills began twisting his mind about.

Behind the one-way mirror that covered one wall of Vio’s room, grey-haired doctors watched patiently, writing down notes. A few peered up from their note pads to see Dr. Carve stroll through the door and muttered a half-hearted “Hello,” before returning to their writing.
The head scientist, wearing thick glasses that covered much of his petite face, questioned Carve, “Did Project Z.V. behave today?”
Carve shrugged, and before jumping into the nearest vacant seat, murmured, “Yeah, he still has a problem with changing back from a human to an animal. He also almost lashed out at a nurse when he got back from our walk. I say we up his medicine doses to one of each pill every two hours, instead of three.”
The doctors nodded and took note of it.
All the while, as the pills wore off on Vio, he could feel his bloodlust come back, as well as his own thoughts. He wanted to kill them. Carve knew this, and yearned for the day when he could control this beast that lay before him, oblivious to the group watching him.
Soon, the two told themselves, soon you will have what you want.

((Sorry, got a little carried away on the RP.

Money sent to Kaille.))
she said one day to leave her, sand up to her shoulders waiting for the tide
to drag her to the ocean, to another sea's shore.
this thing hurts like hell,
but what did you expect?

and all you can hear is the sound of your own heart
and all you can feel is your lungs flood and the blood course
but oh I can see five hundred years dead set ahead of me,
five hundred behind,
a thousand years in perfect symmetry...
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Re: To Those Who Love Khimera/Khalmar

Postby Ghostlily » 01/19/2009 6:52 PM

Entering! =3 This may take me a bit of time to do, because of finals at school.

~~Money Sent!~~

Pet Number: 4

Pets Name: Ansari
Pronounced: On-sar-ee
On as in on, off, on, off. Sar as in car [but with an 's']. Ee as in bee [just without the 'b'.]
Nicknames: Ansi
Gender: Male
Likes: Traveling, Soft Rock Music, Being Alone
Dislikes: Relationships, Crowds
Personality: Ansari's a guy who's just looking for his place in life. He's a generally not mean or nice, and a little bit cold and quiet when you first meet him. He's moderately smart, but not very talkative. He tends to keep to himself most of the time, but as for why, no one really knows. Ansi's strange the way that he comes and goes. For a week, he might be there, making some friends, but the next minute, he'll be gone into the world. Ansari's often moving from place to place--he's got a very restless spirit. It's just his nature. Crowds seem to bother him as well.
When it comes to love, relationships, or family, Ansari becomes very restless, irritable, and sometimes just confused. Ansari's rather unhappy love life has lead him to believe that he's better off without some complicated relationship. He's still a bit broken-hearted, although now he does try to heal his own pain by helping others. He wouldn't consciously hurt another living being, unless his 'Mr. Hyde' side tried to come out. But then, that hasn't happened recently, so he seems to be getting better...
History: Ansari's life started when he was programmed to be a new sort of 'family Khimera'--hence the pink. He was, essentially, a test run. This, of course, led to a few bugs. In his first few years of living with humans, he stayed with a nice little family--mom, dad, and two young kids, boy and girl. At first, he was much loved, and named Ansari, or Ansi, for short, by the kids, but soon the bugs began to show. A more bloodthirsty side began to show--one that thirsted for independence. Many failed attempts at this proved, though, that the only way to achieve a new life was through cold-blooded murder--and so he tried it. As soon as his original programming took control again, he realized what he'd attempted to do [luckily, no one had died, although serious and crippling injuries had occured], and he left. Ansari was programmed to not hurt humans, and he followed this basic rule by distancing himself from the entire human population--for with an injuried family, there was no one to stop him from now leaving.
In an attempt to atone for his actions, Ansi [yes, the name stuck, even though it brought up bad memories] started to do some sorts of community service. It was in this way that he met Sakii--the love of his life that would both make and break him. They started out as most couples do--simple friends that begin to see each other in a new light. Sakii became more beautiful every day, and then they soon started dating. With this growing love, Ansi's inner beast, his 'Mr. Hyde' began to slowly die, like a weed in the harsh sun. Their relationship would not last, sadly. Fights began to break out, small ones at first, but they escalated into rather nasty yelling matches in which harsh accusations were brought up--none of which were true, of course. They both began to give up on the relationship that didn't seem like it was going to last, and Sakii eventually left. With her, surprisingly, she took the beast in Ansi--whether because he , unintentionally, meant her ill will, or because he simply lost the energy to be angry, it's unknown.
Now, Ansi tries desperately to forget Sakii, and his lost family, by helping the people of today, rather than thinking of the past.
Now, he has met up with the Myuu Reaper, Mimi. She's a sad little thing, and Ansari took pity on her the second he laid eyes on her. They are very good friends now--Ansari has a bit of a soft spot for her, and she can often manipulate him to get her way. [check RP Example for more information]
Origins: Given the name Prototype 1-14-18-1-19-9 [these numbers corresponded to each of the letters in 'Ansari', which was the origin for his name], Ansari was one of the first models of a test Khimera. He was made with brighter intentions than just 'killing and murdering.' He was to be a sort of companion, possibly even assisting with seizure patients, blind people, and the other handicapped.
Other Form? (anthro/human)—Describe it: Ansari looks pretty normal--for an anthro. His hair is about shoulder-length and pink--the same color as his fur. He wears it as a pony-tail, flat against his back. His bangs are spikey and long in the front. His skin is somewhat pale, but not so much that he looks like a ghost. He does have a bit of tone in his skin. Ansi's eyes are a darker pink, sometimes making him look demonic [although he really is usually a nice guy.] He often has dark lines under his eyes, as he doesn't get too much sleep. The parts that make him more of an 'anthro' are his two tails--matching those of his Khimera form--and the gem sticking out of his back [although this is usually covered by his shirt]. And yes, he has the ears of a human. Ansari's clothing consists of a silver, button-up, collar shirt, light jeans with a few rips and tears, and sleek, gray tennis shoes. Most of which he wears so he won't stand out too much.

A Short RP example: (4-7 sentences will do fine)

Ansari crept along the corning, slinking slowly along. He glanced left, right, behind, then swerved around a corner and onto the dark sidewalk. It was pouring, the sky letting down its heavenly tears on the world below. Ansi flicked an ear in discomfort. Rain was not one of his favorites. He only wished to hurry home for the night and dry his fur. He could have chosen a human form--being able to change his 'fur' was so helpful--but there were times where his simply wished to be natural. Or at least, as natural as a engineered Khimera could be.
He glanced up ahead as he walked, seeing that he was only a block away from his apartment. He had moved in a week ago--in a few more weeks, he would probably be moving out. He was always moving--staying in one place wasn't his thing. While he was in thought, he heard a small cry, feminine and soft. Ansari stopped, ears twitching, trying to hear over and see through the downpour. What he saw was a small black blob, curled up under a cardboard box. In an instant, Ansi's programming took over.
Walking slowly to the box, so as to not disturb the small creature, he murmured softly, "Hey...are you alright?" The little girl--a Myuu Reaper, as he could see now--let out soft cry of fear. Khimera's weren't a daily appearance for her. "Hey, hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you...Would you like to come home with me? A warm glass of milk, maybe?"
She still looked scared, so Ansari leaned down close to her, and smiled. "You can have a nice warm bed to curl up in. Much better than this box!" He continued to wear the comforting smile. He knew what to do--he was programmed to be able to complete these kinds of tasks. After a few moments of silence, the little Myuu Reaper nodded. Ansi, seeing her leg was injured, asked her softly, "Your leg hurts, doesn't it?"
She nodded. Ansi mewed, even softer, "Would you like me to carry you? It's not very far at all." She paused again, then crept closer. He took this as a sign meaning 'yes'. Delicately, he picked her up by the scruff, his neck shielding her from the rain. This was what he was programmed to do...to help...
That was his job, who he was--Prototype 1-14-18-1-19-9. Also known as Ansari.

Note: The song Indiana by Jon McLaughlin might help understand him a bit more. ^^ Oh, and sorry about the long RP. I got...carried away to say the least.  :dead:  Now it sucked all the creativeness out of me for a bit.

Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.
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