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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 01/27/2009 2:25 PM

He'd admit that, compared to the other creatures of Sky's pen, he wasn't the most trustworthy, but he still had some loyalty in him...it was just buried deep inside him.  A throaty growl escaped his throat as he listened to Gerik's words.  

"Yes!"  He shouted, keeping all eyes on the now hovering bird.  "Maybe it is for someone like me!"  

Actually, that wasn't the whole truth.  It wasn't the thought of having help on such a simple task that rubbed him the wrong way, but more of the thought of he'd been sent a babysitter!  Maybe Gerik was there to help now, but he had essentially been intended to keep an eye on him.  

'This is insulting!  How dare she...'  He sighed angrily, but decided it best not to terminate his 'helper'.  His body relaxed slightly as he began to calm down...some.  He shot Gerik an evil glare before taking to the sky himself.  He was going to head back to coast where, hopefully, he could snag a Palmie and be done with this.  He just wanted this day over.  

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/01/2009 4:29 PM

As Nuka took off in a flash, Gerik scrambled after him, wings working overtime to make up for his smaller wingspan.  He knew fool-well how large Nuka's ego was, but never had he thought that such a hard-exteriored creature could be hurt so easily by a few choice words or actions.  Yes, he had seen that small glimmer of pain in the Sygriff's eyes once he'd realized Gerik's motive for being there.  He felt sorry for Nuka in a way.  Maybe everyone underestimated his emotions - his hidden loyalty...

Gerik sped after the Sygriff as best his tiny body could.  Eventually, he had gotten next to him with much effort.  he decided it best to keep quiet for the moment.  Let him cool off...

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/04/2009 10:56 PM

Without a word to his unwanted companion, Nuka made a swift landing onto the beach, scattering the sand.  He scanned the beach as he neatly folded his wings at his sides.  A small cluster of palm trees were only a few feet away from where he'd landed.

He let out an angry sigh and started towards the palms.  His tail flicked dangerously behind him.  He was beginning to rethink going through with the search.  After all, why should he?  It was apparent that he wasn't trusted to keep his word.  Maybe he should live up to that image...

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/04/2009 11:03 PM

The cold shoulder.  He hated getting the cold shoulder.  Gerik slowly made his descent after Nuka had begun walking ahead.  He wished that he hadn't been spying.  He was beginning to wonder why Sky had told him to do so in the first place.  He was certain that she didn't doubt his loyaltly to her...or...at least, not fully.  

Landing in the same spot as Nuka had, he started after the Sygriff in his usual, awkward hop-walk.  He couldn't take the silence anymore.  He wanted to rid the air of the built tension.

"Um..."  he started, unsure.  "So, what are our chances of finding this thing?  What do you think?" He cooed quietly, trying not to set off another uproar.

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/07/2009 9:02 PM

Nuka scoffed madly at him.  Just because he was a pawn in this scandal, it didn't mean he'd be easily forgiven.  But he tried to see the brighter side of the situation, if only just to finish it.  They would have more luck with two persons searching instead of one.

"I'm not sure, bird."  He sighed, still refusing to look his way.  

He reached the perimeter of the clustered palm trees.  He still wasn't sure of how he was suppose to go about searching for this thing.  He carefully scanned the base of the trees.  Another thought crossed his mind.  He wasn't even sure how big this thing would be!  Was it smaller than a normal palm tree?  Or the same?  Bigger?  Ugh..this was getting too complicated.  To him, it was hardly worth the effort.

Perhaps...maybe if he did do this for Sky, even though she was defintely off his 'favorite' list,just maybe he could gain some trust...maybe form a new image, one that would benefit him...  However, he wasn't too sure he could give up his ways and change his attitude to do that.

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/08/2009 3:26 PM

'Well, at least he's still talking to me...'  Gerik sighed internally to himself.  He would take it.  It was better than nothing, he supposed.  

He too, like Nuka, was uncertain of the appearance of a Palmie.  He would have to improvise.  Hopping ahead, past the moody Sygriff, he made his way through the palm trees.  He would stop every few minutes, bob his head - searching for movement, then hop a few more feet ahead and repeat.  He looked quite funny when he was on the ground.  He was definitely not like other birds who would take to the air and stay there if they could.  

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/08/2009 6:20 PM

Nuka growled and mumbled under his breath as the Garudor hopped past him, interrupting his thoughts.  In a short, very short, amount of time, Nuka found himself unfocused and quite bored.  He gave up on thinking about everything.  He was just...bored.  

He lazily watched Gerik for a few seconds then yawned, stretching his arms and legs.  Half-mindedly, he walked over to a palm tree and ran a claw down it.

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/12/2009 1:21 AM

Gerik stole a glance back at Nuka.  He was a little surprised at his sudden mood change.  He sighed deeply.  He wasn't sure if he could put up with this clearly troubled Sygriff much longer.  Never before had he met someone quite like Nuka.  

"Hey..."  He cawed over to Nuka.  "...why so ..."  He searched for an accurate word.  "...bored?"  He wasn't sure how to describe his current mood.  

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/12/2009 1:25 AM

"Hm?"  Nuka held his claw still on the tree trunk.  He sighed heavily.  He didn't quite know himself.  What exactly had come over him?  He just felt...tired...indifferent.  He look at Gerik with tired eyes.

"I don't know..."  He said, softly.  "It feels like a weak spell or something..."  He shrugged.  He started to run his claw lazily down the tree trunk again.  This one was a strange one.

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/14/2009 5:16 PM

He was utterly confused.  Seeing as he spent most of his time either by himself or running errands for Sky, he wasn't sure if this was normal behavior for Nuka.  

"Uh-huh..."  He cooed slowly.  He hopped onward to continue searching.

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/14/2009 5:26 PM

Little to Gerik's knowledge, yes, it actually was part of Nuka's usual mood.  Apart from his usual smart-elic, sarcastically harsh attitude, there were moments like this when he could completely change.  He could almost be bipolar.  Only sudden events or situations would trigger the change.  Maybe it was the idea of having been untrusted...

"Whatever."  He sighed in a depressed manor.  By now, he had created a nice groove into the palm with his claw.  He stopped scarring the tree and sighed again.  

Suddenly, he growled and slashed at the tree, making deep grooves over the lone one.  He must have reverted back into his normal self.  His flicked his tail annoyingly and huffed loudly.

"This is stupid!  We'll probably never find one of these ridiculous little creatures."  He huffed again.

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/17/2009 9:28 PM

Quite the confused little bird, Gerik merely stared dumbfounded at the old Nuka.  He cocked a brow at him.  Hopping around to face Nuka, he cooed:

"Well, all we can do is look and hope.  We mustn't abort the mission given!"  He flapped his wings to emphasize.  Then he froze, scared he might have said the wrong thing, bringing the so called 'mission' back up.  He averted his eyes to the ground in front of Nuka.

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/17/2009 9:38 PM

Anger flashed brightly in Nuka's eyes at the mention of it.  His body tensed and his ears flattened, a clear sign that yes - it had angered him.  He stared the smaller Garudor down as a growl tried to escape from his throat.

"Mission?  Mission!?  This is not a mission you little twit!"  He barked, clawing at the ground.  Yep, now it was clear, he was definitely his old self again.  He spread his wings and took to the sky once more.  As far as he was concerned, this hunt was OVER.  Technically, he had done what Sky had asked - look for a Palmie.  It wasn't a done deal that he'd ever find one.

"This is just a waste of my precious time!"  He shouted down at the grounded Gerik, finishing his verbal assault.  With anger-filled eyes, he let out a frustrated growl then started off over the ocean.  He had done what was asked.  Finally, he could just go home and be done with it all!

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Re: Reluctance in Abundance {Palmie Hunt ~ P}

Postby SkyWolf11 » 02/17/2009 9:47 PM

It took a while for Gerik to take in what had just happened.  What was this!?  Had that crazy Sygriff just abort the mission!?  Why, it was unheard of!  Frantically flapping, he managed to become airborne too.  He watched as Nuka shrunk into a tiny dot in the distance.  He sighed in defeat.  He wasn't going to call after him and go through the aggravating task of re-convincing him to stay with the search.

Not wanting to be left behind, he hurried after his pen-mate.  What a day.  It was almost enough to crush his persistence.  Hopefully, Sky would not ask him to do such an irritating task again, or at least not any time soon.  He did have to agree with Nuka partly.  Technically, he had indeed done what she had asked.  He did search, if only for a little bit.  But Gerik still had to argue that Nuka should have put more effort into it.

He sighed again.  Now how would he go about explaining all of this to Sky?

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