With temperatures rising over 143°C (289.40°F) in most areas, the only relief is during the nights when it is much cooler. All travelers are advised to keep to the local towns on the desert's outskirts and avoid traveling too far from civilization. (+3 Endurance, +2 Defense)

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Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 02/16/2009 7:01 PM

Image Suan-Sua Image Skeet

"Where in the world are we?! This doesn't look like Dead Coast to me!" growled an angry Suan-Sua as he saw nothing, but miles of sand as far as the eye could see. "You took a wrong turn? Didn't you?!" Suan-Sua glared at poor, hapless Skeet, who merely shook his head and crawled forward.

The had stumbled into Wilt'no Desert at the worst time. The dreaded mid-day heat.

"M-maybe we sh-should go back?" Skeet sputtered as he collapsed on the sand. "I'm not gonna waste my time going all the way back just to find out that Dead Coast was just a day's journey away from where we are right now! Now get up and get a move on! The daylight ain't gonna last forever!" Suan-Sua snapped, ignoring the urges he had to lay down for a nap.

Wait, arn't you suppose to travel at night thru the desert? Maybe I should tell Suan-Sua... Skeet thought as he grudginly got up and followed Suan-Sua. Pain still throbbed around his rib from when Suan-Sua had slapped him with his tail.

The sun showed no mercy as it pounded down on the two as they marched on.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 02/17/2009 7:02 PM

Image Blizer

Blizer hopped along the dunes barely even noticing the heat. All she cared about was getting away from civilization for a while. With the sun bearing down she bounced among the dunes expertly, almost like a native. Then again, she was practically a native, having lived here for most of her life.

Blizer spotted to figures up ahead and for a moment she thought she was hallucinating. No one would be stupid enough to wander out here in the midday heat. Other then herself of course. In a flash she sped up and was within hearing distance of the pair. "Hey! You fellas! Hold up!" she shouted at them. Both of them froze in mid-pace.

"What do ya think yer doing in the middle of the desert, at midday?" Blizer demanded at the two as she skidded to a halt in front of them.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 04/19/2009 9:19 PM

"Well, we were trying to get to the Dead Coast, when you got in our way! Now, if you don't mind MOVE!" Suan-Sua growled, putting his face inches away from her face. "Come on Skat!" Gruffly, he stormed past her, slapping his tail down to give the Rollaby a scare.

"Its Skee-"

"Hurry up!"

"Yes sir..."

When Skeet followed Suan-Sua he mouthed the word "sorry," to the Rollaby. Then, he hurried past her catching up to Suan-Sua, but staying away from his tail. Great now we're going to die in the middle of the desert because Suan-Sua is just too dang thick-headed. I wish he listened to that Rollaby... Anxiously he glanced back at the Rollaby, and to his suprise she looked about ready to blow her head off. Her face was twisted into a growl and Skeet could even hear her teeth grinding. Oh my...


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 06/17/2009 9:14 PM

Fury filled Blizer up like steam filling up a balloon. Rage supplied adrenaline that pumped throughout her entire body. In one quick motion she ran in front of Suan-Sua, as she practiacally hissed out her words, "Are you crazy?! Suicidal?! Both?! Everyone knows that walking through the desert during the day is like walking to your deathbed," she took a pause to sppit on the ground by Suan-Sua's feet, "and you don't even have a guide. Crazy morons." A twisted smile appeared on her face as she said those last words. The bewilderment in those two eyes gave her an odd form of satisfaction.

As Blizer turned around she expected one of them to beg for her help. She'd help the Icthysaur, but she'd let the Hydrolisk suffer just a little longer. Then she would...

"You're one crazy Rollaby, ya know."


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 06/18/2009 3:43 PM

"You're one crazy Rollaby, ya know."

Suan-Sua didn't like the thing, that seemed determinded to annoy the living daylights out of him. No, he definately didn't like it one bit. An odd, somewhat twisted smile appeared on his face. A smile that you could tell that he was angry, but had some sort of twisted pleasure in it. An odd smile to say the least. "Now, you can either move now and go back to whatever hole you crawled out of, or I'll make you move," he growled, leaning in real close to the Rollaby's face, allowing her to smell his putrid breath.

"Then bite me, fish breath." Blizer wasn't gonna take this, espicially not if it was coming from some sleezy lizard creature. A strange feeling welled up in her as she stared at it, one of those undescribeable feelings. It felt like hate, yet not at the same time. Whatever it was it consumed her thoughts, distracting her from everything else. Suddenly the air felt wrong and grains of sand started shifting funny. She ignored this, thinking very little of it.

Poor Skeet, just sitting there all forgotton about. I do suppose he is use to it though. Still can't help, but feel bad. I wish I never agreed to go... all I want to do is go home... safe warm home... I don't even care about Dead Coast anymore... Its not like it was my life long dream or anything... oh wait, it was, Skeet quietly thought to himself, lowering his head. Several specks of sand hit him on the head, hard. Glancing up with dull eyes he looked around, Suan-Sua was still distracted with the girl, but no one else was in site. Huh, must just be the wind. Wow, those sand dunes are realy tall, they almost look like their moving. Another patch of sand hit him. Oh my, I think those sand dunes are moving. The dullness in his eyes turned to fear in a heartbeat, as he struggled to find the words to alert the others.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 02/24/2010 9:59 PM

Skeet flung his paws about as he got in between the two arguing creatures. "SANSANUNESMOVINFLYINALIVE!THEYGOAWHOOOOSSSHHH!" he blurted out waving his paws frantically in the direction of the incoming sandstorm.

"What in the blazes are you talking bout, you stin-"
"Holy shizzendale."

As Suan-Sua muttered those words, he almost regretted not being nicer in his, oh so short life. Then he realized that at least his name would still be spoken with fear and little children would think he haunted their house. So it was okay.

No matter how much Blizer tried she could not remember what to do in this situation. Other then pray and cry. Both of which sounded good, but would probably not save her or the morons' lives. What a shame, she'd never be able to prove that Hydrolisk that he was as dumb as a rock.

No one moved an inch. Except for their eyes that were getting wider by the second were glued to the incoming wall of sand as it closed in. Their fate was sealed, nothing left to do now, but pray that it would end quick. It is such  a great loss to the world to lose such young, good-intentioned creatures. Excluding Suan-Sua of course. Its probably better that he die young.

And with that, the wall of sand hit the trio.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 02/25/2010 1:25 PM

There was a bright light blaring in Suan-Sua's eyes. "Am I in heaven?" he asked with a loony smile. "No, now get off yer arse." said a familiar voice, as the shadow of a Rollaby blocked his view of the Sun. Clearly this is Hell, he thought, frowning. Pushing himself to his feet, Suan-Sua looked around the horizon. There was that darn Rollaby, but no Skeet. Ah well, no one's loss. Now what direction was I going?

"You are so luckeh I saved yer sorry arse," Blizer said as if that was what she had intended. Truthfully, she was hoping she'd grabbed the Icythsaur, but must have gotten confused between the sand and wind. Darn, now she was stuck with this thang. "Do ya think yer buddy is alright?" she asked, but knew there was no way that lil' guy could of survived. His beaten body is probably being fed on by vultures wight now. What a waste.

Meanwhile in a place not so far from there...

Hacking up a storm, little Skeet crawled to the surface of the mound of sand he'd been stuck under. Am I alive, he pondered as he blinked sand out of his eyes. Oh my jimminy, I am. Or heaven is really sandy. As he had those tiny gritty little pieces of dirt everywhere on him. In his eyes, claws, in the creases between his skin, and even in the last places where you want them to be. But... he was miraculously alive. Wow, I'm stronger than I thought, thinking of how he'd dug his claws into the sand just before the storm came. Then something hit him. He was stuck in the middle of the raging hot desert, with no one and no clue where he was. Joy.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 02/26/2010 2:45 PM

"I don't care about whats his face," stated an annoyed Suan-Sua. "For all I could care, aliens could abduct him and dissect his brain in front of me. Now if you don't mind, I have to be going." Oblivious to the fact that he was going in the completely wrong direction, he marched off as quickly as he could.

"Ya just walk away?! After I saved yer life?! What about yer friend? What about him?" screamed a far from happy Blizer. The audacity of that reptile! I don't care if he dies in the desert, I'm not going after him! Anger shook her body, but surprisingly no hatred, even though something like it most definitively deserved hate. I should probably head home, I've had enough excitement for one day. Looking up at the blazing sun, Blizer started to calculate where her village was.

Who does that Rollaby think she is? Just because she saved my life, gives her no right to ask about my buddy. No wait- Skeet is definitely not my buddy. I mean Skat, I mean... ugh. An odd feeling occurred within Suan-Sua. A feeling that wasn't hate or anger or anything related. Twas guilt. "I'm gonna regret this..." he mumbled under his breath as he swallowed his pride and walked back towards the Rollaby.

"Where do you think we can find him?"


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 03/26/2010 8:58 PM

Blizer almost retorted, I thought ya didn't care, but thought better of it. If that lizard wanted to soften up and be kind, then it'd be a crime against humanity to stop him. Besides this was the opportunity that she'd been waiting for. A chance to prove that she was superior in everything, actually knew what she was doing, and best of all- that that reptile was wrong. The fact that the Icythsaur was probably buzzard food barely dampened her glee. Oh, now this is will be interesting.

"If he's still livin' he'll have to be at my village. Only place wid food, watuh, and shelter." Okay, maybe she lied a wee bit, but hey it was just a white lie. Suan-Sua needed to go there, too. Ya know, if he planned on surviving the desert. "So we should head...." Blizer paused to look at the sun, "that a way," as she indicated the direction with her paw.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 05/01/2010 9:03 AM

Somewhere else...

Ya know this wasn't so bad. Its nice and quiet for one. Very peaceful. Skeet could work on his tan. Those birds circling above were nice company.

Okay, optimism doesn't work in every situation.
Panic does though.

What am I gonna do?! I'm too young to die! Whhhhyyy?
The Icythsaur was spazzing beyond belief at that moment. He flailed his limbs around causing a cloud of dust to surround him, and only stopped flailing for a coughing fit. I never even got to see the ocean. I'm just gonna die out here all alone. Now dry sobs racked his body. He must have been a pretty pathetic sight.

"Oh come on! Toughen up kid!"


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 05/02/2010 11:01 AM

Kids these days. Pathetic. Lost in the desert? Boo-hoo. Someone needs to knock some sense into this runt. Guess that'll be my job.

Gapovo had been flying for days and had been heading back to report to Kate from a "special" mission. It'd been successful in case you were wondering. Luck or was it... instinct led him to fly over and recognize the lil' Icythsaur below. How did he know who the Icythsaur was? Well, to prevent any accidental "mishaps", he'd familiarized himself with all of Kate's pets.

"For crying out loud, look at yourself! What's the point in crying, you only gonna waste your water. So suck it up and get a move on, kid!" Gapovo wasn't in any mood to sympathize with any cowardly outcast. Sleepless nights. No coffee. Killer heat. Ya, that doesn't equal a happy Gapovo. So for Skeet's sake, lets hope he doesn't push the Garudor's buttons too much.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 05/05/2010 7:40 PM

"A-are you God?"

Skeet stared with eyes as big as dinner plates at the gigantic, gleaming being that had seemed to appear from nowhere. The thing was yelling at him for something. Oh gee! What if he knows about the time I took that candy from Mum without permission! Now Skeet was really starting to fret. Little beads of sweat shook off of him like wet dog shaking water off. With a frown that could touch the ground Skeet exclaimed, "I am sooo very sor-uh-ry! I-I din-t meaa-n to a taa-ke it. I-I wasa ju-st so-uh hun-uh-ry! Ple-eese! I-I do-uhnt like ho-ut pla-uh-ces!" Tears were streaming down his face and hiccups rocked his body now. Desert and Skeet do not mix well.

"Kid, I'm no God. Heck I don't even think there is one."
came a very monotone voice. Not good.


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Re: Where in the world are we?! [P]

Postby CrazyKate101 » 06/16/2010 10:07 PM

"So, for the love of all that is sacred and holy, shut. Up."

Ridiculous. Absolutely ridiculous. Why would Kate let this thing feed itself let alone go out by its own? Why did he have to spot this lizard? Why doesn't he just fly away? Actually, that last one has a point, why doesn't he just fly away? He could just leave and completely forget about this little... incident. Damn, honor. Waist of bloody time. Its not like the guilt would be a problem. Oh no. Stopped feeling that many long years ago. Honor is as sacred as it gets though. You don't turn your back on honor. You just don't.

Seems like I'm gonna end up doing some babysitting, today. Should have had that coffee.The sleeplessness of last night seemed to be having an effect on Gapovo as he wearily yawned. Not good, but heaving a sigh, he questioned the lizard. "Okay kid, now what are you doing in the middle of a desert? Its not exactly an easy place to get to."


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