Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Return to Craiss Caverns

Postby Mojave » 10/23/2008 1:54 PM

Anye gasped as she saw the magma creeper fly off toward the city. Without a moment's second thought, she leaped off Reyu's snout and pursued him, calling after the magma creeper for him to come back.

Reyu at first hadn't been paying attention, trying to figure out a way to escape this place without embarrassing himself. But then Anye took off into the ruins. "ANYE!" he roared. But she was too far out for his comfort. Spreading his wings and mindful of the closeness of the city, he took off after her, keeping his eyes trained on the hopping anura and looking out for any hidden dangers. "Anye, come back!"
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Postby Kyrit » 11/09/2008 2:15 AM

It wasn't long, barely seconds even, before the Magma Creeper and Anura were followed by the young dragon, who had a mix of a run and hovering going on. He'd run a bit, leap in to the air and glide for a while, and then land to run a bit more. This just showed that his small wings weren't quite ready to carry him in flight at all times.

Ayri noticed at about the same time as Reyu that their wards were all getting away from them, chasing after one another. At least they were running off in a group instead of going all in different directions? This was still bad though... She was quickly on Reyu's heels, not about to let them all get attacked by anything that was lurking about in the shadows.
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Postby Flame » 11/10/2008 8:40 PM

The little Magma Creeper continued on his merry way, fluttering at a considerable pace towards the ruins, all but exuding an aura of curiosity. His bright orange gaze was cautious though, as if he knew, at least to some degree, of the possible dangers that might be lurking within the depths of the dilapidated buildings, but the overwhelming urge to explore drowned out most of his fear, although he kept a wariness about himself.
He paused mid-flight as a familiar chirping voice echoed across the cavern, calling his name. Twisting in the air, he saw the little Anura hopping along, chasing after him. They were already at the gates to the city, and he turned again to place his questioning gaze within. Then, deciding not to leave Anye, and just behind her, the little dragon-like creature, behind, he stopped, hovering just a few feet above the ground, waiting for them to catch up.

As soon as Ares took off on his own, the panic light went off in the gold Hollowheart's mind, and she raced after the vulnerable Magma Creeper, leaping into the air to keep pace with Reyu and Ayri. It took only a few seconds to reach the little group, and feeling a sense of great foreboding, Galatea lit down nearby, turning a scolding gaze on the Magma Creeper.
"Ares, you should know better than to go off on your own like that...You never know what creatures could be lurking in the shadows."
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Postby Mojave » 11/30/2008 5:24 AM

Reyu arrived in time to catch Anye mid-leap in the folds of his wing where his thumb protruded. Dipping his great head down to the smaller anura, he growled quietly to her, the sound a command not to do that again. Holding both wings together, he cupped her within his grasp, careful to keep the folds of his wings closed so she couldn't slip out of his clutches.

Secure in the knowledge Anye wouldn't be hopping into an akail's open jaws, he looked around. "Anybody recognize this part of town?"
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Kyrit » 12/23/2008 10:11 PM

Lurking in the shadows? Well, there was at least one beast sleeping in the shadows. Something that had never truly left. Something that was believed to have been dead for such a long time. Seeing as how this place hadn't been explored in so long though, no one could have known that it was still there and only slumbering. This slumber probably wasn't going to last much longer.

Had the group of small creatures not been stopped, they would have come within the beast's domain within a few moments. The young Paragon chirped in annoyance as he was first pinned down by his 'mother' and picked up afterwards. He hadn't planned on just stopping and letting himself be caught like the Magma Creeper either. No way. He would have much rather continued on to explore more of this place.

Ignoring the chatter of the child, Ayri turned to Reyu and gave a small shake of her head. "I... can't say that I know this area well. I believe it's somewhere that I was told not to go though..."
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Flame » 12/28/2008 5:34 AM

Oh, well that was comforting. So, apparently, no one had been through here recently, and it was rumored that there might have been something dangerous lurking here. Galatea was sure that it could have only gotten worse in the time that the city had been abandoned. She shuddered lightly at the thought. Overall, she had a bad feeling about this place, and the sooner she was out of there, the better she would feel. She couldn't very well just walk away though, especially when the others were still lingering here, especially Ares.
"Perhaps it would be for the better if we just...left?"
she suggested, keeping a keen eye on the Magma Creeper to make sure that he wasn't going to slip away again anytime soon.
"Personally, I'd rather not find out what might possibly be hiding around the corner, but if you insist on continuing, I'll follow. After all, safety in numbers..."
Her gaze flicked back to Ares as he fluttered his wings restlessly, jostling him slightly in the air. Apparently, he was all for exploring the place further.
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Mojave » 01/06/2009 2:39 AM

Reyu snorted. "Maybe for us three. But for our little ones.... I don't think numbers would matter. Not with what I've heard is lurking down here." He opened his wings a little, and glared at Anye with one eye.

She chirped and crawled out of her prison. "Well you three weren't gonna move any time soon." She sulked. "And besides, how do you expect an ANURA to know what's dangerous down here?"

Reyu blew a small puff of air out his nostrils, and glared at Anye. "Perhaps if you had stopped for a moment? Something dangerous enough to have hollowhearts on edge is certainly bad news for someone as tiny as you."

She laughed now, falling on her back while sitting on his webbed limb. "But... YOU'RE always scared. Of something or another." She gasped as she laughed.

Reyu turned his limb so she could fall to the ground- he had been hunched over his companion, so it wasn't a long fall. Anye caught herself on her feet, still laughing. Her companion, turned to stony silence.
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Postby Kyrit » 01/11/2009 12:42 AM

Lurking... down there... Did Reyu know more about this area than she did. She just remembered being told, 'It's far too dangerous. Don't go there.' as a hatchling. She had never been told exactly who or what was down there. Was that where these 'Akail' had originated from? Or was it some other beast?

"We could turn around and go find another area of the city to explore another area. If it is unsafe... I'm not so sure I'd be willing to risk the well being of the little ones. The three of us might be able to fend anything off if we worked together... but if one of them managed to get away from us they'd have no way of protection."

Her eyes fixed on the area that seemed unexplored for some time now. It was.. tempting. She really did want to know what her parents had kept her safe from for all those years. Surely whatever it was, three grown Hollowhearts could easily take care of it. Even a Battleheart would surely fall to such a number of them. Temptation was starting to lure her in just like a child. Maybe it'd finally satisfy the young Paragon's wants to explore as well.
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Flame » 03/07/2009 2:56 PM

Having not been raised here in the caverns, Galatea had no past experiences that kept her away from the dark tunnels, although she had to admit that there seemed to be a certain sinisterness that seemed to emanate from within the crumbling city walls, and she instinctively shyed away from them. For Ares's sake though, she remained close to the rest of the group, despite the uneasiness that the two other hollowhearts felt.
During this period of indecision, Ares fluttered down to the ground to alight next to Anye, looking up curiously, and with a touch of impatience, at the three larger dragons. He didn't see what had these huge beasts all riled up. After all, it was just an old city of stone, wasn't it? What was the worst that could happen?

"Well, I suppose there's no point in splitting up now,"
Galatea finally said. After all, especially in times like these, safety came in numbers.
"The choice as to where we'll go I shall leave to you two, since you both seem to know this city much better than either I or Ares do."
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Mojave » 03/08/2009 3:26 PM

I vote leaving... Reyu thought to himself. However, Anye wouldn't hear of it, he was sure so he kept the suggestion to himself. It was just a little depressing, to know that a tiny Anura was braver than a giant Sentinel Hollowheart. Wasn't his species supposed to be brave? And he must look even more pathetic next to the female sentinel at his side. From these thoughts, he cleared his throat and looked to either side at the females. "Well... our charges are insistent that we explore it. I don't know about Ares and... I didn't catch his name, the little paragon? But Anye is sure to make another break for the city- with or without us. So, to keep her safe, I'll go where she leads."

Anye had been in the process of resigning herself to never knowing what lurked in that city when Reyu spoke. She gasped and looked up at him, truly pleased with him now. "You mean it?! We're gonna go? Aw, you're the best Reyu." She jumped up to her usual spot on his head via small jumps to his hand, elbow, shoulder, and along his neck. "So, I can really lead? How bout it, guys? You gonna come with us?"
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Postby Kyrit » 04/04/2009 2:16 PM

"He doesn't much have a name. Feel free to call him whatever you wish, but I often just call him Little One." Ayri popped in as Reyu spoke. She was still debating on if she should force the young Paragon to leave or if it'd be better to continue on. It'd be good for him as a child to explore a lot and get to learn of many different things.... but what about the dangers that could arise?

It didn't seem like she had much choice in the matter though. Apparently the child had picked up on the fact that Anye and Reyu were staying and wasn't going to be the only one to be forced to leave by the one that was looking after him. His eyes eyes traveled up to the little Anura and let out a squeaking chirp, as if telling her to get a move on it.

Letting out a sigh, Ayri nodded. "Well... It looks as though we certainly will be coming along. I'd rather follow after you guys than let you all run off and possibly get hurt."
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Flame » 04/08/2009 6:03 PM

"Well, we're all in the same predicament, it seems."
Galatea glanced around at their little group, then over at Ares.
"If Anye is going, then this little fellow certainly isn't going to let me get away with dragging him off. I wouldn't hear the end of it for the next century or two."
She resigned herself to the fact that they were indeed going to explore these potentially hazardous caves, but she knew that even if she herself didn't go, the little Magma Creeper would certainly have something to say about it. If anything, he would simply leave without her, and she wasn't in the mood to be bitten by the tiny dragon. He could be surprisingly vicious at times, when he wanted to.

Ares, though, seemed quite happy with her choice, and upon her voicing her decision, glided over to come to a hover by Reyu's head, as if awaiting direction from the little Anura.
"So, shall we get moving? We're more likely to get attacked if we just sit in one spot like ducks, waiting to be shot."
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Mojave » 09/14/2009 3:04 AM

Anye hopped upon Reyu's head, the hollowheart rolling his eyes and sighing. So the the tiny ones were running the huge ones. This didn't bode well, he was sure. However, his eyes traveled around their sockets to return to the position they started from- looking up at Anye who was leaning over the bit of flesh that shrouded his eye. "Where to, runt?"

She stuck a bit of her tongue out at him and then looked about, momentarily ignoring Ares and the paragon. "That way!" She exclaimed, pointing straight ahead so Reyu could see. He was being generous enough to humor her, she return the favor and refrain from leaping off without him.

As Reyu began to move, she patted the area next to her for Ares if he should be so inclined. Tempted to retort along the lines of him not being a cab, Reyu instead turned his head back toward the two females. "You sure you don't mind? I wouldn't blame you for wanting to leave." While he intended it to sound as if he didn't want to intrude on them, he also hoped they wouldn't notice the plea for them to change their minds so he too could leave in his voice.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/30/2009 9:30 PM

While able to understand Reyu's intentions, Ayri knew she could not give him what he wished. She herself did wish to explore a bit more, as she hadn't been here in so many years and had forgotten so much, but at the same time she did wish to leave as well. Fear that she herself would run in to danger did not plague her, but more so that she worried for her little one. He might have been a dragon just as they were, but with his age he could not fight off some full grown beast if it were to find him away from her.

Her lips curled down slightly in a frown, her eyes downcast at the tiny little Paragon bouncing along right in front of her as he followed Reyu. Her steps never fell far from his, keeping as close as possible without him fussing. Her gaze broke from him shortly to look over at the other Sentinel, shaking her head. "I believe that even if I broke from our little group, I'd still find myself down here for a while longer. At least until the little one is tired and would like to rest."

That was her problem though. He wouldn't be tiring any time soon, which meant they would be deep within the city before he would be ready to leave. Deep within the city and much closer to dangers of many sorts. They could easily stumble upon a crumpling building, an Akail, or Zu'hai knows what around there. Since no one had been around it wasn't like they could say exactly what sort of dangers could be found. For all they knew, there could be beasts worse than the Akail waiting to be found.

(Failpost. Once they get moving and get deeper in to the city though I'll be able to try to spice things up a bit. o3o)
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Re: Returning home... (Hunt yet not a hunt?)

Postby Flame » 10/24/2009 5:50 PM

Since Galatea had already resigned herself to the fact that they were going to be down here for a while, she wasn’t inclined on changing her mind again, once it had been made up. ”I say we might as well get it over with,” she replied to Reyu with a small shrug. ”I’d rather risk a hundred Akails than this little monster’s wrath.” She poked a finger at Ares, who was hovering near her face with a slightly smug expression. Grinning impishly, he darted out of her grasp and fluttered over to Anye, plopping down on the proffered seat on Reyu’s head. He chirped, as if willing the larger dragons to go ahead and get a move on with it. After all, adventures waited for no one.

(Epic fail X.x I promise the posts will get better as we go on though x3)
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