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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 04/10/2009 10:04 PM


It should have been impossible for a creature with purple fur to blend into the forest, but somehow Rumple pulled it off. He attributed it to the skills his father had taught him as a young pup. His father, Riktaven, had lived most of his life in the woods, and even though he had learned much, Rumple still didn't know everything Rikki did. But then, Rikki didn't know everything Rumple knew either.

Rumple had come to the forest today on impulse. He had wanted to hang out with his sister, dear, sweet Jo, but she had to work today, and there wasn't a force in this world strong enough to make him follow her into the tea room. His muzzle curled up in derision. He loved Jo, would protect her with his life, but a tea room? What a frivolous waste of time and brain power! And so, seperated from the one person he relished spending time with, Rumple had made his way into the forest.

It was quiet here, nearly too quiet, and the purple-hued lucain wondered if there was a predator about. Silly question, he thought with an internal grin. He was the predator. And yet...

The fur on the back of his neck raised. He couldn't pinpoint the problem, but something was out of place. Something besides him. Stopping still beside a large oak tree, he stilled his breathing and searched the woods with his eyes. A slight sound caught his attention, then a flash of red. Rumple backed around the tree trunk slowly, out of sight as the Beetanke came into view.

Curiosity welled up within him, nearly drowning out his caution. Who could this be? What brought him to the woods? How can I ruin his day? With a small smirk on his lips, Rumple began to shadow the stranger, silent as death.

Rumple 1/1
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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 04/11/2009 3:55 PM

Rumple was beginning to believe that the creature would keep him amused even if he didn't become actively involved with the Beetanke. It was clear to see that he wasn't used to trekking through the woods, and the episode with the coconut tree had Rumple struggling to contain a snigger.

But then the Beetanke turned. The purple lucain went still, crouching in the bracken, trying not to even breathe. His green eyes narrowed speculatively. The Beetanke was more perceptive than his clumsiness in the forest had suggested. This could be fun. There were the blades to consider; he would have to be prepared to fight or flee if the creature became aggressive, but Rumple never worried too much about consequences.

"I know you are out there, you can show yourself!"

A purple-gilded ear twitched in amusement. The declaration was unspeakably brash. Not only had the Beetanke just revealed that he didn't know exactly where Rumple was, his words demonstrated an ego, or at least a tendency towards anger. Both of those characteristics would be easy for Rumple to use.

At the moment, he guessed the thing to irritate the Beetanke most would be for his command to be ignored. In one silent, silken motion, Rumple eased his head down to rest upon his forepaws and closed his eyes. He still remained alert, just in case. If the Beetanke somehow managed to locate him, his sharp ears would surely give him adequate warning.

Rumple 2/1
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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 04/12/2009 3:00 PM

Rumple circled the clearing, glaring at the Beetanke. It had been a very good move, he had to admit. Not only did the open area greatly lessen the possibility that he would be able to sneak up on the Beetanke without being seen, it also forced him to consider the Beetanke's wings, something he hadn't had to do in the dense jungle.

For a while, he waited for the creature to leave the clearing, unaware of the irony of the situation. He had remained in place while the Beetanke waited on him, and now the roles had been reversed. But the oversized insect seemed as if he had settled in for the duration. He wondered curiously what the 'business' was that he had spoken of, but he would never find that out unless he revealed himself and spoke to him. It wasn't late enough in the game for Rumple to do that. Intentionally, at least.

Rumple 3/1
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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 04/12/2009 8:05 PM

As the creature leisurely finished his meal, Rumple grew more and more impatient. It seemed almost as if the Beetanke had forgotten he was out there. His own ego throbbed at the insult, at the sheer stupidity of the insect. Slowly, he formulated a plan. It was a risky one, but so were many of the other tricks he had pulled. Using his tentative ability to freeze time, he would dart into the clearing and snatch the water pouch, right out from under the insect's oblivious nose.

Rumple nodded to himself, then closed his eyes, concentrating as he felt for the swift river of time. Once he had it fixed firmly in his mind, he created a temporary barrier, a dam of sorts. This wouldn't stop time forever; that was impossible. It would merely hold time back until he had accomplished what he intended. In theory, at least. The Beetanke froze in mid-motion; the wind ceased its blowing.

Rumple 4/1
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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 04/12/2009 8:05 PM

Moving swiftly, Rumple darted from his hiding place into the area bereft of any cover. He had nearly reached the Beetanke when he felt his time barrier begin to slip. No! he thought, cursing himself and his stupid luck. With the powerful force of time building behind the imperfect dam, he had only a few scant seconds; not enough time to make it out of the clearing. Time for a quick change of plans.

Rumple sat down on the ground right where he was, directly in front of the Beetanke. His heart-tipped tails curled around his legs, and when time started on its normal path, he looked perfectly composed. To the Beetanke, it would look as if he had appeared out of thin air. In a smooth, disinterested voice, he said, "Hello there. Dr. Livingston, I presume?"

Rumple 5/1 Level up!
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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 04/13/2009 4:36 PM

Although he was still chagrined at his mistake, Rumple flicked his tails in pleasure at the Beetanke's reaction. It had been all he had hoped for. He waited, patiently this time, for the creature to collect his wits and respond. Before the creature spoke, he already knew it wouldn't be pleasant. It never was, when one of his disposition was forced to feel a twinge of fear or surprise.

Still, the Beetanke's words stirred a flame inside his chest. Rumple cocked his head, his expression placid, but his green eyes glinted sharply as he answered. "I was simply out for a stroll when I saw you travelling alone. You looked like you could use some company; or at least a guide. This forest can be dangerous to strangers. There are hunters, predators, stray pets that have gone wild, coconut trees..."

He placed a slight emphasis on that last one, knowing it would probably make the Beetanke angrier, but unable to resist. "As for my name, most call me Rumple. And what is your name, pray tell?"

Rumple 1/2
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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 04/20/2009 3:27 PM

Rumple couldn't care less about the creature's critical inspection of him. Or rather, he cared, but not enough for it to break his calm demeanor. He knew the hearts, combined with his pink and purple fur, made him look like a wimp. It had been pointed out to him many times before, and probably would be pointed out for the rest of his life. But when Xavi touched upon his name...

He couldn't stop it, didn't want to. A growl, deep and deceptively quiet, vibrated his chest as Xavi laughed derisively at him. His ears flattened, his lips raised to show sharp, glistening teeth, and his tails flicked angrily, stirring dust and sand into the air. Although he made no move to attack, he crouched lower to the ground as if readying himself to leap at the creature's...throat, or whatever served as his throat.

"For someone who so desperately requires a guide, you take no care to endear yourself to anyone. The woods might prove to be even more dangerous than usual for someone with such a charming personality, Xavi." Laugh all you want, you wastling son of a dung beetle, he thought. Had the insect actually remembered his full name, there would have been a fight, no question about it. However, he had still come very close to pushing Rumple over the edge.

Rumple 2/2
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Re: Back at it again, typically. {Private: Me & Lady Erebos}

Postby Jessari » 05/03/2009 6:35 PM

Rumple had half-hoped that Xavi would take a swipe at him with one of those sharp blades; it would have given him a good reason to fight back. Rumplestiltskin. The infernal, idiotic name that he had been saddled with at birth. Being called something like that would be enough to get anyone's dander up.

But the insect took a more civil tone, trying to keep peace. It didn't seem to be something he was used to doing, for he did it fairly badly. Rumple sniffed at being called a 'little guy', but relaxed his posture. The fur which had stood up about his neck and shoulders settled back into place. Xavi wasn't forgiven, not even close, but the burning need to attack him had passed. It wasn't in Rumple's nature to be so direct, but even he could be pushed into brash action at times. Now the insult smouldered in a quiet place deep within him, there to rest until his cool, calculating mind found the best way to exact payment.

He flicked an ear idly, wondering if Xavi's master would reward him by allowing him to take the Beetanke's life. Probably not. "Good deeds aren't my style, but I'm rather bored at the moment. If I can cure my boredom and get a reward at the same time, that's more up my alley. Now tell me, what brings you to the forest? What is my task to be?"

Rumple 3/2
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