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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/23/2009 1:54 AM

Led, though not overly intelligent, had a built in inner clock.  Three hours after Moofius had fallen asleep Led roughly nudged the girl.  She awoke, looking startled and tired.  Wiping the drool from her mouth the girl sat up and shifted away from Led.  The gallizar yawned and stretched, curling in on herself quickly falling asleep.  Led squirmed and wriggled until she felt comfortable, clawing at the ground a little before settling in.

Now awake Moofius scooted a little ways out from under the shelter, towards the fire to get warm.  Her ears were already searching for Slithian in the tree tops above.  Good, good, there he was.  Now that Slithian was firmly located and the area around the camp (she scanned the surroundings quickly) was safe; all was well.
She had three hours before she would be allowed to sleep.  With a soft sigh Moofius popped at the fire, bringing forth a wave of warmth.

With the silence of night and nothing to do came thoughts she didn't want to have, past memories she didn't really want to remember in this current company.  Led was iffy just because she had to remain the dominant in the relationship and didn't need to show any weakness.  As for Slithian that was just not an option.  She really wished Alice was still around... Alice was somebody she could just... She was herself with Alice (and Mooflea, princess of Glassphere when they'd played).

After another moment of two of deafening silence besides the crackle of the fire and some far off creature calling out a lonely cry.  Moofius would have replied but... Slithian, Led...
She dug around in her pocket, pulling out a neatly folded piece of paper.  It was folded up small and it looked old.  One corner was dark instead of light.  Was that... Was that blood?
Moofius didn't seem to notice, she just opened the piece of paper and looked it over.  It was too dark to really see what was on the piece of paper unless you were the one holding it, looking at it.  But, maybe if you squinted close you'd see... a map?

(( Dun dun dun.... ))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/25/2009 1:48 AM

Moofius heard him as he hit the ground, looking over towards him, her ears twitched nervously and her hand lingered by her sword. But the snake approached cautiously and Moofius relaxed a little watching as he settled. Her usually silver/grey eyes were now reflecting a sort of red colour.  It could be blamed on the fire light but... It seemed there was something lurking just under the surface.

"To chat?" he seemed to stumble over his words, like the idea of chatting was something he'd never done.  Maybe he hadn't as his master of sorts sounded peculiar at best.
"Well... Ah...." she looked down at the piece of paper in her hands, "When you were younger... Did you ever... Play?  Any games that you can think of?"

It seemed unlikely but, well, you never know.
"What do you do for fun?" her attention flipped between Slithian and the sheet of paper.  She rarely if ever spoke about herself.  Her past was her past and a secret at that.  She didn't talk about it willy-nilly.  But she could hint around some things, lie about some things...
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/26/2009 1:25 AM

Admittedly, yes, the story was pathetic but in all actuality her story wasn't much better.  She first saw other "children" at the age of six.  She'd taken to them rather well, Nose said.  That's when she'd made her first friend, Alice.  Her first friend at the age of six!  But maybe that was normal.
Because of this, fairly similar story she could not bring herself to laugh at him, or make fun of him.

"Mmm.... I'm an... Only child and I was... kept at home, mostly," she'd never found it boring when she was growing up.  "Home" was bigger then most peoples, a huge castle and she hadn't been confined to any one room.  Moofius had the right to every room in the castle besides private living quarters and, for the most part, she was welcome to be there when the occupants were there.  Everyone seemed to know her, there.
"I was a big fan of puzzles... I had a friend though, for a few years... We would play all sorts of games.  We'd play make-believe it was... It was really fun.  I wish adults played make believe more often... Silly as it sounds," she laughed, now feeling lame herself.  It was fun to pretend to be something you're not.  Right now she was pretending, it was a fun game of "lets pretend to be human".  She was rather good at it, for the most part.  Some things still confused her a little but she would adjust; she would learn.

The fire crackled as the two enjoyed a thoughtful, or perhaps it was an awkward, silence.  Moofius was comfortable with it, for awhile anyway.  After a time it was annoying.
"So this is your first time away from that treasure?"
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/26/2009 1:59 AM

She smiled, "Adults are just children with bigger toys, really.... You want more treasure, right?" she pursed her lips thinking.
"Well... Maybe you're slightly," she put a bit of emphasis, wanting to be clear that she knew he was no... whatever she was about to say, "bored of your treasure.  You want more, right?  Maybe to play with, to have... It's a very child-like behavior but you hide behind being an adult and make it something else.  Maybe you're not a treasure collector or hunter..."

The girl shrugged, prodding at he fire again.
"I don't want to pretend... I have to, for now... And... Maybe I'm not... It's rather confusing..."
She couldn't help but question whether or not she was a real chaos.  She didn't have an element like the rest of her family, she couldn't jump between the human and chaos plains, she couldn't take on a larger, scalier form.  All in all she seemed rather human, and even that was iffy.  The ears, the tail, the hooves; all of it were far from human.
"I like to play games.  I like to have fun.  I've allowed my old game from when I was a child to grow ito something more; as have you,"
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/27/2009 1:24 AM

He didn't seem to get what she meant.
"Not bored... Maybe dissatisfied, or at least interested in having more. I mean... Daemon, right?" she looked to him to make sure she had the name right.  She continued forward, "He's had you play with treasure as a child, all alone. Now you're big and obsessed with treasure and happy with what you have. Daemon tells you, 'There's more where this came from' and you want more. You have a goal. Not only do you want more treasure you need more treasure. Right? You're obsessed, you want it all," the girl shrugged, looking more... at ease. She was talking; thinking out loud. It was good.
"It's not a bad thing... or a good thing.  It's just who you are... At least, from what I've seen,"

Moofius yawned, rubbing at her eyes as he spoke.
"I look like I'm carrying a heavy burden because I am," she said rather bluntly, starring into the flickering flames.  Eating, devouring the wood it was fed.  Merciless; the flames didn't care what it was fed.  Flames devoured everything, much like the Chaos and their destructive ways.
"But there's a method to the madness..." her voice a soft whisper.

"Hmmm... I guess... Well... Slithian, you're a carpetfang, right?" she kicked her hoof towards the fire, spraying dirt into it, dousing it a little.
".... Species wise.... I don't know what I am... I mean, I'm not quite human," she laughed, trying to make the conversation light as she wiggled her ears.
"I... It's not fun... It's not fun not knowing what you are..."

Another shorter stretch of silence, "hahaha, I bet your curious now, right? It really is something I shouldn't talk about to openly... I d'unno... I'm in a very... thoughtful mood, I guess..."
Her attention shifted back to the map in her hands. She missed having real friends, friends she could keep and enjoy.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/27/2009 2:47 AM

Being in that thoughtful mood it was almost automatic for her to take what information she could on the carpetfangs master and file it away. She had very little information but Slithian felt his master was powerful, a force to be feared. Perhaps it was just conditioning or perhaps it was something worth looking into. So whatever she could learn was stored away in a file marked "Daemon (Name, Not Creature)" and left there until she could research him further.
A quick nod, again, when he mentioned he wasn't altered in any specific way. He'd been raised to be have an intense love of treasure.
"Everyone gets a chance, I guess... I still can't... Well I can't completely trust you..." the girl shrugged, the fire throwing her shadow in crazy directions.
It was strange for her to every really... talk with anyone outside her family. It had taken her a long time to connect with Isaku; the two having come to a mutual understanding and a want to share knowledge of one another. He'd learned about her family and she now knew about vampires; inside and out.

"It's good to be happy and set... It's good to know what you're doing,"
She herself knew what she was doing she just... didn't like it.
"I could talk... But that's dangerous for... a lot of people..." she stood up, stretched and slipped away from the fire for a moment, returning with an arm load of larger branches.  Mostly dried out.  She set them down, near the fire and put two into the fire. Greedy yellow tongues of flame lapped at the wood, darker grey smoke rising as the fire started on it's latest prey.

Moofius returned to the fire, looking quiet and... confused perhaps... undecided?  Undecided on what, now, that was yet unknown. She lowered herself to the ground, sitting close to the fire, starring into it's depths for a time.  There was a lot of thoughtful silences from her. When she did, finally, look up at Slithian her eyes were red.  Not from tears; the irises of her eyes were a blood red.  That didn't mean she wasn't upset. The light of the fire danced brilliantly in her eyes, the unshed tears catching the image more easily.
"It's just... It's really hard sometimes. I don't know if... It's... I came out here originally to th-think a-and now I'm stuck o-on that... That thr-thread of thought a-and... I'm s-s-sorry,"

She really hated to be emotional infront of others.  Her family was different but Slithian was barely a friend, she couldn't trust him.  This, this crying was a sign of weakness she really couldn't afford to show.
But, then again, she was crying now and when Moofius cried it took a lot to get her to stop.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 03/27/2009 9:36 PM

Led remained nearly comatose, twitching a little in her sleep, jaw working a little.  She was dream hunting and enjoying herself greatly, completely oblivious to the emotional display going on just a few feet from her.

To a degree Moofius was also oblivious; she didn't see too much of Slithians reaction as she was trying to stop herself from crying.  On the other side she'd caught his words loud and clear (plus his own hasty, nervous retreat, but the sound he made when moving had distanced himself from her, not brought him closer so she hadn't looked up).
"Y-Y-You did-didn't do a-anything... N-nothing wro-wrong..." she said, her voice shaking, hands working at wiping away her tears as they spoke.  It was hard because her hands were quickly made useless.  To many tears, not enough hands; this was the problem Moofius faced at the moment.  She wiped her hands on her pants, the fire doing it's part to try and rid her face of tears through forced evaporation.
Then she started to talk.  Slithian, idiot snake that he was, had said that talking helped.  Yah, well, now she was going to kind of... talk.  She wasn't sure if he was listening, to be honest she didn't care.

"I don't know what I am. I-I've lived with the Chaos forever... B-but I'm nothing like them, I don't fit.  The-the se-seraph told me... They to-told me... Th-tha-that I-I shou-should live wi-wi-with humans..,. But they s-said I wasn't hu-human... And... I don't know wha-what I am, S-Slithian, I don't know!"
Wait, what? Chaos? Seraph? What was that suppose to mean? Not human? Well, maybe not but then what could she be?  She was mostly human, right?  But her eyes... They were red... Earlier they'd been silver, try and explain that, huh? What in the world could she be talking about?
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/04/2009 2:07 AM

Her brain, though fizzling dis functionally with her emotions, was still taking in any information of this creatures "master". He wasn't a dweller or seraph or a god, then. Something else entirely, some other, darker, creature. Well that was fine, a more interesting, different, enemy... or potential usable ally. It really would depend but... She wasn't working, damn it! Maybe she would tell Nose next time she spoke to him.

Right, back to a mini mental break down.

She giggled. She couldn't help it. She'd always, personally, found carpetfangs to look weird and... mis-matched. Fur on a snake? Weird, weird world. Though there were a lot of weird things carpetfangs had stood out for her. She hadn't said anything, having grown use to them; but to have Slithian bring it up so blatantly..? The cow anthro could honestly not help herself. Besides, tears and emotions that were powerful made sadness an easy transition to happy (or hysterical).
"Hahaha... A-ha... B-but you ah-are a-a spec-cies. I'm not hu-human,"

Led snapped, growled and rolled over onto her back, looking too much like a puppy who wanted a tummy rub.

(( Sorry! It's so short. Dx;; ))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/07/2009 5:27 PM

She shook her head, trying to calm herself down, "Chaos... Not a pl-place... Species..." She was tired of being weak like this in front of Slithian. She hated being weak in front of loved ones, for crying out loud. No, she would have to stop crying now even if it killed her inside. She'd just wanted to think and cry and then Slithian showed up... Damn reptiles had the very worst timing.
She forced herself to stand, brushing the dirt off her pants. Daemon not human, think about that. Let your mind chew on that for a bit, Moofius, that's right. Be someplace else, think other things.

She needed to be up to keep watch, she wasn't going to allow herself to be lulled into a false sense of security. Not when he'd seen her being weak.
"My shift is up, anyway," she muttered, her voice still wavering with unshed tears. What an awful sound; at least it was too Moofius. It was the sound of weakness. Trudging back to the shelter she gently nudged Led with her hoof, the gallizar waking up sharply, snapping her jaws like a person would smack their lips.
"Your shift," Moofius said quietly, Led perking up at the sound in the girls voice. The reptiles attention turned to Slithian, the strange protrusions on her neck raising and falling unhappily or maybe more questioningly? 'What did you do? Is she alright? What did I miss?' being the just of what she would ask had she the ability to speak.

All of what happened between Led and Slithian didn't matter to her, not really. She was already curled up against Leds side, sleeping soundly as she dreamed of being back home with her family; her true home in the Original Thought Castle with Nose and Ioma.

(( If you'd like you can blerb a bit about the night and then jump right into tomorrow morning? Up to you. Or jump to where ever the next day. Up to you though. ))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/10/2009 6:10 PM

The sun light brought a relieved sigh to Moofius. She'd had bad, bad dreams last night. She'd been starring into Leds rising and falling side for at least an hour now. She missed her daddy and her family. But... Think... She couldn't go back to Think.

Oh, right, no more weakness and emu feelings. She had to be tough, bad ass. Last night hadn't happened as far as she was concerned (besides what information she'd gathered on Slithian. THAT had happened.). Uncurling from her position against Led she noticed the soreness of her muscles. She should be more use to this "sleeping outside" thing, considering how long she'd been traveling around.
Led took this as a sign that she could stand. She stretched out and hissed, clicking her teeth together. Ugh, being a bed for Moofius sucked eggs, especially when she had those bad dreams. When Slithian had been sleeping Moofius had almost killed the gallizar.

The cow anthro followed Led in her stretching, getting dirt on herself but, ugh, she was just so tired! After a good minute or two of stretching she stood up, legs shaking. She'd be alright soon.
"Breakfast first. I'm not cooking. It's a 'fend-for-yourself' breakfast, okay?" she said, pulling out the food she'd packed for herself. Was that beef jerky? A cow eating beef jerky. Quick, grab your camera and snap some photos. Kodak moment.

"Led? Go... hunt or something," Moofius said, dismissing the over sized lizard. Yes! Dismissal! Led made that strange clicking sound in her throat, nodding her head on her long neck and then running off into the deeper pats of the Tengel.

Moofius watched, listening as the crashing of the under brush dimmed and then disappeared.

(( Ew, sorry. Dx Not rereading. Dx ))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/12/2009 1:01 AM

Okay, so maybe she should have let him get his breakfast first but... Well this would be quick.

"Last night? ... Didn't happen," One hand on her hip, lips pursed; yah, she was back to her usual smart mouthed, sarcastic, easily pissed self. Which was what Slithian had been hoping for last night, right? Well, maybe he would learn to regret that wish. Careful what you wish for, right?

She stood there for a moment just... watching him. Right, well, message carried on.
"That's all. Once Led gets back we can go," she turned away to let him get his breakfast. Wait, was she trusting him not to attack her with her back turned? Maybe she didn't want the weakness she'd shown remembered but... Well, maybe things would be less tense between the two. At least a little bit.

Sitting in the comfort of the makeshift shelter Moofius went about thinking and plotting their course. She'd never been there personally, so it might be harder to find. If they just followed the river, up stream, they would find it... probably. She had her sword so there was no reason for her to worry about the moonlings. At least... not too much.

Meanwhile Led was running about the woods, hunting. She was a bright swash of red, white and black in the woods. Maybe she wouldn't blend in well, but her speed was enough for her.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/13/2009 3:39 AM

Moofius, figuring she had everything figured to the best of her abilities got up and made sure the fire was good and dead. Actually it was just a reason to kick something because, honestly, she was pissed off about last night; at least the "being weak" bit. I mean the rest was fiine, besides, she'd said some things. Nothing that could really endanger her image (too much) or endanger her family. No, she was fine.

She checked that she was all packed and that anything that smelled or came in contact with food that was not easily disposed off had dirt over it. It didn't make any difference but, again, she was bored. Where the hell was Led?

Speak of the devil; Led crashed through the the bushes. Her face was painted red, a bit of wet fur stuck to her face from whatever small mammals she'd ripped apart for breakfast. He walk was high, head raised. She looked proud. Why settled for cold, slimy fish when you could have warm rattegan? Led thought Slithian lower then her, in one way, even though he was much larger then her. She walked into the river, bowing her head to cleanse herself. Blood and dirt swiftly being washed away by the swift current of the Tengel river.
Moofius clicked her tongue, Led obediently returning to Moofius' side.
"Well, let us be on our way then?" she asked, climbing onto Led's back. She would have an easier time keeping up with Slithian. Down side to the human body: Definitely a creature that had lost any usefulness body wise. Thank goodness for brains.

(( Actually, you know, with all the animals (or the vast majority) of Evelon being highly intelligent... You know... technically, humans could be over thrown in about three seconds. ))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/14/2009 7:53 PM

Moofius had Led follow the river, leaving room for Slithian next to them. He was up against the river side, which was fine by her. She would feel trapped in that position but Slithian, on the other hand, seemed quite at home in the water. This group dynamic fit perfectly in keeping everybody sane.

Although Led was naturally aggressive, giving the giant snake "looks" every now and then. Moofius would roughly redirect the gallizars attention to ahead.

Once, a good hour into their ride, Led took a snap at the air near Slithian. She wasn't even close, only doing it for the reaction. Moofius jumped on it first though, grabbing the gallizars long, reptilian face. I shall also point out that it was none to gentle, the gallizar stopping and shifting around uncomfortably.
Moofius' arm muscles weren't stronger then the gallizars neck muscles, but the surprise attack coupled with Led's general obedience had her caught by Moofius who then started to speak to the gallizar. She spoke... not in English but in... some other tongue. Barakkan of some sort, a rather common dialect (though Slithian probably did not know another language from gibberish). It was fairly guttural, lots of "R" rolling to be heard. Led was shaking unhappily by the time Moofius was finished with her.

Whatever she's said it wasn't pretty.

"... Sorry about Led's earlier behavior... It won't happen again," Her voice was cold, a lot like the way she'd spoken to him when they'd first met. Though the feeling was passed onto her mount, rather then Slithian.
Led didn't hesitate in nodding her head, clicking quietly. Now she remembered why she listened to Moofius. Scary Mo-foe, that's what Moofius was.

Well at least Led wouldn't be bothering Slithian again.

(( ... lawl. P= ))
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/15/2009 11:11 PM

As they went about at their quick pace, Moofius watching out for the library, led running along. All of a sudden Slithian slammed straight into a tree. Which actually meant that he'd cut both Moofius and Led off. The gallizar hadn't time to turn out of Slithians way so she instead sailed right over Slithian, continuing to run so as to avoid the rest of the snakes massive body hitting them.

The fertile ground along the river was scared with Leds sharp claw marks as she pulled all of this, Moofius holding in tight without resorting to strangling Led; she knew how to ride.
"What the hell?! Slithian?"
The girl was off the gallizars back in a moment, the creature now pacing nervously, not wanting to approach Slithian while he was in this state. Moofius didn't seem to have too much of a problem with it, going to his side. She recognized the look in his eyes, from earlier in their encounter.

She waited until he returned to himself, backing away a step to give him room. She didn't laugh (though it was tempting now that he was back).
"Are you alright? That... Looked like it hurt pretty bad. Do you think you need any medical attention or...?"
She did feel closer to Slithian, whether last night ahd "happened" or not, she felt closer.
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Re: It all belongs to me! {private: Me & Moofie}

Postby Moofius » 04/18/2009 2:21 AM

Seeing that Slithian was okay Moofius returned to Led, climbing back onto the gallizars back. Led shifted nervously before walking backwards to be along side the furry snake.

"It shouldn't be much longer to find the library. You're in luck, you know. The moonling were originally discovered when the first group found this library. They were told to protect the secrets of the civilization here. They're a bit more spread out since then, but we may find more moonling at the library."
She smiled to Slithian.
"We had a moonling, back home who was bound to Olive. She did not enjoy the creatures company and gave it to one who would appreciate it more. A shame, really, but I understand why she did it," she laughed, urging Led forward with a quick command.

The sun was high over head now, the animals of the tengel crowing, singing and screaming high above in the trees. The river rushed next to them and the scant breeze brought a refreshing cool to Moofius' face as they went. Led didn't seem fazed by the heat. In fact, she relished in it.
With all the sounds Moofius still felt the silence in the group. Rather then suffer through it see decided to sing. "Orange Crush" by REM, to be precise. It seemed a good traveling song. While she sang (she wasn't half bad. Maybe a tone deeper then expected of a girl) she kept an eye out for the library. It had a pointed top, she knew that, that reached high into the sky.

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