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Mad science DONE.

Postby blackfox100 » 03/29/2009 3:36 PM

A Voltage sahound and nemuwit fled quickly down the ally, the Sahound's keen ears perked for pursuit. Could it really be this easy to escape the cluches of the mad scientist? The night was loud with thunder and bright with the flash of lightening but the futitives didn't mind, the resulting power outage had released the electric clasps on the cages that held them.

In another part of the complex two other pets were escaping.
Image Venom Batti
Image Tainted Nemuwit

The night was filled with various pets running out of the sinster complex but none of the others can be made out in the darkness.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 04/05/2009 1:54 PM

The once proud pelt of the sahound was marred with shaved spots and strange burns to say nothing of the dreanched soggy state the storm's heavy rains had put it in. The Nemuwit hung weakly by the fur on the female sahound's neck it didn't seem to do well in the darkness but the glow from the static of the sahound's fur seemed to help.The sahound swore softly, with every move her cursed fur let out a flash of light. Only the cover of the storm was allowing them to escape, she would have to get control of this newfound power of electric. If not for the mad experiments conducted on her she would still be a normal sahound and not this electric freak of nature. The nemuwit didn't seem to mind making a happy gurgle sound everytime the static discharged into visable light. Neither creature had a name to call thier own, the sahound's indiffrent mom knowing her pup's fate as lab animals and the nemuwit... who knows about nemuwits anyways? It had not offered a name at any rate, not in the rush of escaping. It seemed to have exhasted itself leading them out of the compound, the sahound was faintly worried about it but concentrated on running and scanning for somewhere to hide.

In contast to the Sahound, the Batti was well groomed and seemed to have been untouched by the scientist. It was the batties vemon the scientist had been after, as a result he had been treated well and "millked" daily much like snake venom is harvested. The tainted nemuwit at his side was buzzing with energy but looked a bit rough, he had only been tainted that day and was rapidly darkening into his new colors.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 04/08/2009 11:30 AM

The nemuwit hanging off the pelt of the sahound was new in the complex only having brought in that day. The scientist had gotten her to study the intellegenace of newuwits. He had tainted the first one before the idea of testing there intellegece came to mind, this one didn't seem that smart however, it had flown into is trap almost as if on purpose.
Thinking she was dumb the scientist didn't bother to cover the cage and she had memorized the whole layout of the complex making it easy to escape. The light discharge of the sahound drew her eye as she struggled in the darkness. Night is not the best time for nemuwits to be active as they are quite weak in the dark. By pairing up with the strange glowing sahound however she was able to draw enough streagth to lead them out of the complex.
She was quite disapointed, she hadn't been able to find her brother anywhere. She had spotted the trap that day and recognized it as the one her brother had gone to investigate.

A few days ago the nemuwits had spotted something strange, her bother had gone to check it out ordering her to hang back in safety. The stange contraption had snapped closed as soon as he entered it and a light on top started to blink, electronically sending a signal to the scientist to come and check it. She had gone up to comfort her bother but her ordered her away, she had followed helplessly to the outside of the city where she lost sight of the stange man with her brother. So when she saw it again a few days later she went right in figureing that the man would take her to the same place as her brother. The complex made her shiver, she could hear the cries of creatures in pain but she focused on her mission to find her brother. He was the only family she had left and she wasn't willing to lose him yet. She looked and looked but didn't see him anywhere, she wasn't going to give up but it didn't seem this was going to work. When the latchs on the cages had sprung she thought only of escaping, now that she knew the palce the man took his captives she could make farther plans. She could do nothing in a cage however but escape would prove difficult in the dark, that is when she met the sahound and how she got to where she was now. Clinging to a running sahound quite bent on putting as much distance between her and the lab as possible, this wasn't what the nemuwit had in mind but she was too weak to seperate from the sahound just now. In the morning she would double back to the lab for her brother.

Unknown to her the scientist had already tainted her brother, changeing him forever. He was in fact at this moment somewhere overhead with the batti also fleeing the horrors of the lab.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/05/2009 12:00 PM

The batti watched the sparking sahound with interest, another escapee? Maybe they should band togeather. Right now however the sahound was running flat out as fast as she could go and the batti even with wings was having trouble keeping up. It would be better to introduce myself in the morning he thought when she would be calmer perhaps. He had heard the pained cries of other pets and knew not all were treated as well as he, in cages near his he had seen pets that had be subjected to horrible experiments. Some had wires implanted in there skulls... he shuddered it was too horrible to think about. The worst were the ones that slinked in the darkness, the ones you couldn't see.
He had also seen many pets with dull slack expressions doing various easy tasks, aparently the scientist had control over their minds. The batti had no wish to know what terrible methods the scientist used. He would have to observe this sahound and make sure it was safe to be around her. Using all her energy like that she was bound to colapse, then he would keep watch. The was no way the scientist would let all his hard work go without a fight, they would be pursued he was sure of it.
Sometime later the sahound slowed down, and after that she was bearly dragging herself and fell often. She had covered many miles before she found a crate to curl up in. The batti landed silently on a roof nearby and rubbed his wings, the nemuwit seemed glad to stop as well. The batti watched as the sky started to lighten, he expected the scientist would be coming in the find his lab in ruins soon. Having a cage near the scientist's office he had obsevered the comings and goings and knew the scientist lived elsewhere and left at night to sleep, coming back early the next morning. He snickered imagining the scientist's face, then he sobered. The scientist would be sending out his minions soon.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/05/2009 12:18 PM

The sahound was curled in a crate asleep she had ran untill she was too tired to go on, they had covered quite a few miles. The Nemuwit was sunning itself in a sun beam, suddenly it gave a sharp shrill wistle as a shape came down on top of the crate the sahound was sleeping in.  
It was the batti he had spotted something in the distance.Hey wake up, they are coming!. The sahound was up in a flash Which way? she asked breathlessly Come up, that will be the best way to lose them I think they are tracking by scent. The batti walked over to some stacked crates Come on quickly! The sahound scambled up the nemuwit behind her,once they were on the roof the batti tipped the crates over into the ally and flapped up the join them.
color=#00BF00]Sorry to be so sudden, But the scientist put out ground patrols today.[/color] He paused I saw you escape when I did so I've been watching you a little. I am echo and this is squirt.He pointed to the tainted nemuwit. The two nemuwits had already discovered each other and were makeing a chattering sound.Huh, they seem to know eachother. The sahound layed down still quite tired Are we safe for now?Yes. For now...shhhh They fell silent as the carpetfangs passed below, they found where the sahound had slept. Echo made a motion and they all backtracked along the roof until the carpetfangs were out of sight.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/09/2009 1:08 PM

ImageAres the Cursed Carpetfang

ImageEnyo the Void Carpetfang

Ares shook his mane, he didn't want to be here lest of all with her. He sighed such things were never his choice, the day had dawned bight and clear. Ares hated the sunlight but hated the cold and wet even more, he was glad this pursuit waited until morning knowing the scientist he would have some alarm or something to warn him of escape. The carpetfangs cage unfortantly had another type of lock or they would be tracking him as well, he sighed he was cursed and it seemed to take the form of bad luck.
He and Enyo were on oppisite sides of the ally flicking their tounges to catch some sent of thier prey. Enyo quivered with excitement Hunt, Hunt, Hunt, Kill, Kill, Kill she hummed joyfully. The scientist said to bring them back alive He felt he had to remind her. Don't be such a joy kill she huffed, Old man she muttered under her breath.
Ares sighed the sahound had been running flat out making her hard to track, he could only sent her where her feet had breifly touched the ground between leaping strides. He hated hunting sahounds, didn't his master know she would hear the sound of his scales scraping the ground long before he got there? He had dispaced other teams although the carpetfang mused with enyo's bloodlust not to be trusted perhaps their job was only to herd the excapsees into the claws of another team placed elsewhere. He smiled with the thought that perhaps this was as far as his involedment would go, Enyo however would be quite annoyed he snickered to his-self. Whats so funny old man? Enyo asked, In a flash Ares was on her pinning her down fangs flush to the back of her neck Didn't I warn you what would happen if you called me that again He snarls. Well if you weren't so grumpy...owww Enyo's comment was cut off by Ares digging his fangs into her. sorry... Enyo flattened in submission, Ares let her go. Don't forget who is in charge here... Ares warned Now get back to work! Ares moved back to his side of the alley and they contiuned to track.
Ares and Enyo got down to the end of the ally before relizing they had lost the scent. After argueing for a minute they back tracked finding the crates. Where did it go? It like it just disappered. Ares looked up and rolled his eyes,She went up he said simply we better report back to the scientist she is out of our reach now. They both shuddered at the thought of returning empty handed but it couldn't be helped.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/11/2009 1:32 PM

The rag-tag group walked until the row of building came to an end, the sahound sat down tiredly. Echo watched her You ok? He asked concerned. Just tired she responded. She saw a shops colorful canopy lets get down there grinning she look a big leap and bounced off the canopy onto the ground scareing the wits out of some shop keeper, laughing she ran down the ally and out the sight. Echo and the nemuwits followed, once they were safe the normal nemuwit licked the others ear I thought I had lost you brother. What did that man do to you? she was concerned at her brothers color. I don't know squit rasped But it hurttttssss. He felt... strange, very strange. All he could remeber was the needles... and pain, blinding pain. Even now the daylight which he used to love was hurting his eyes piecing his brain it felt like. The other two pets watched they couldn't understand the tow nemuwit's high pitched voices even the batti who could echo locate with high pitched sounds couldn't quite make it out, maybe it they spoke slower? But this looked like a touching privite moment so her turned away, We better keep moving, So what is you name anyway? The sahound looked embaressed No one ever cared enough to give me a name. The batti looked shocked but could see her discomfort well, we will have to think of one later than. Changeing the subject quickly Shall we? he asked bowing and waving one arm/wing out showally. The sahound giggled and they set off in a random direction, they didn't care where they ended up as long as it was away from the scientist's compound.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/14/2009 12:42 PM

As the carpetfangs had feared the scientist was quite angery. "You LOST them!" he exclaimed pressing a button on the remote he always had with him. Ares writhed in pain from the chip inplanted deep in his head, " Please" Enyo exclaimed "They found a way up onto the rooftops out of our grasp! It wasn't our fault". As annoyed at Enyo usually acted with Ares deep down she sort of admired him, plus he was the only one of her kind in the labs and without him she would be all alone here.
" I suppose so" the scientist let up off the button he used to shock Ares "but you gave up far too easly."
"We won't make that mistake again!" Enyo blurted out quickly, anything to distract the scientist from her punishment.
Ares was deep in a fog from the shock to his brain, he could hear Enyo pleading with the scientist, besides the psycotic behavior she was alright he mused. He would love to take her from this place and show her how real carpetfangs lived freely, in harmony with nature preying on the weak and slow to keep the creatures of the forest strong. If it wasn't for this chip he could easly kill this punny human call the scientist, but this crafty human was as clever as he was weak, using chemicals and technolgy to enslave stronger creatures to do his bidding. Even if something could take away those advantages the scientist had used surgery on the brains of some creatures, taking way all their reasoning and will making them mindless slaves to his command.
Enyo flattend on the floor in a show of submission to the scientist, it felt a bad taste in her mouth but she would do anything to advoid the horrors that this human could unleash. "Please forgive us, give us another chance!" A phone ringing interupted her begging. The scientist answered and spoke for a minute or so. "Your in luck, someone has spotted them near the marketplace. Go and check it out" He attached a bag of coins to Enyo's neck "If the infomation is good pay off the informent and take that sorry lump with you and out of my sight" he pointed at Ares. Enyo bowed relieaved to be leaving and help Ares out, once outside she checked on him. "Are you alright?"."Just let me rest a bit and I will be" Ares rasped "He used the high setting this time". Ares closed his eyes feeling weak, Enyo waited for her partner to recover.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/18/2009 1:51 PM

Squirt felt horrible, the daylight was quite bright now.  He clung to the Batti weakly, he felt a connection to this creature but he didn't know why. He had no way of knowing that the batti's toxic venom had been weakened and used to taint him, and even if he did the batti itself was innocent of any wrongdoing. Echo had been captured and used just like the rest of them albit used a little more gently perhaps.
The ragtag group walked randomly zig-zaging the maze of streets looking for shelter, food or water. They can upon a drainage ditch and the sahound rushed forward, she was quite parched. When she got to the trickle of water, the small made her reatch. The water was murky clouded with chemicals from the cities streets. She sighed "There is no way I am drinking that!". Wearly they moved on, the normal nemuwit was quite perky now in the sunlight zipping about merryly. She was happy to be away from that horrible man's lab of horrors, this city wasn't the best place to be but a million times better than where they had been. She looked at the others, they looked quite sad and tired. She decided she would cheer them up by singing for them, She started to chirp much like a bird. Echo and the sahound looked on "what is it doing?" Echo asked. "I think it wants us to cheer up and be happy" The sahound looked around "It is nice to be out of a cage, you know this is my first time being free?" The sahound smiled for once and pranced behind the nemuwit. Echo looked on in amazement she had been in a cage all her life? That was very sad, he decided right then to give her a name it seem important suddenly. He would have to give this some thought she deserved a great name.
Deep in thought and not looking where he was going Echo ran into a barrel and was dreanched with water. "Ack" he exclaimed, stoping the bands merry romp. The sahound counldn't help it and giggled at the wet batti. The batti shook himself and then stopped suddenly "This water is freash!" The sahound rushed over and stood on her back legs looking into the barrel, she looked up. "It must have drained off the roof." She tasted it timidly, it tasted fine "No telling what is in it but it is better than nothing!" She thust her snout in and drank deeply until her belly felt like a water ballon, she knew she had better stop before she got sick. Stepping back she made room for the others who crowded in.
Once everyone had drank their fill they started walking again, now everyone was in much better spirts.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/18/2009 2:20 PM

Elsewhere in the city Enyo was also near a barrel of drainage water, dipping the end of her tail in drencing the fur she hurried over to Ares and shook the water on his face. Seeing him perk up makes a motion and leads him to the water. He drinks deeply and seem refreashed "Come on we have a job to do." Enyo shakes her head causing the coins to jingle. Ares nods and they take off to the stall the scientist had described to them.
The shopkeeper seems quite flustered "They feel right out of the sky!" he exclimes pointing to his colorful cloth canopy "They went that way!" He points out into the market place. Enyo wiggles the pouch off her neck and sets it on the counter, the shopkeeper opens it greedly. "Hey there is only a few coins here!" He flashes a knife, before he can blink Ares is wraped around his arm and neck "That wasn't much information"he hisses coldly into his ear. "That was all the scientist sent"
"How do I know you didn't take some of it" the shopkeeper murmers with some difficulty.
"Well you see, I left my pair of pants with the pockets at home" Ares jokes "Also the hands I would need to even open the pouch"
"You have a point" the shopkeeper relents and drops his knife.
"Yes unlike you who apperently doesn't have a brain" The scientist punishment had put Ares in quite a foul mood, he squeezes the poor man until he can't breathe. "let this be a lesson to you in the future, nothing is faster than a snake strike." With these words of wisdom Ares drops the man and takes off in the direction he pointed. Enyo looks at him admiringly and follows. They scan all the paths out of the marketplace tounge flicking, searching for the scent. They find it with some difficulty, and set out in pursuit.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/18/2009 4:09 PM

Elsewhere, our little group of escapees continues onward.
Tell me about the world... The sahound had never been out of a cage and admired the batti for having seen what the world looks like Is it all like this?
Oh not at all, The batti quickly answered This is a human town, wait until we get out of the city there are trees and grass, streams of freash water, caves. Echo trailed off as the Sahound sighed. I can't wait to see the world! It sounds lovely.Well there are difficulties... like you never really know where you next meal is coming from. That was the one thing Echo had liked about captivity, you got fed everyday and usually at the same time. The sahound's tummy rumbled at the mention of food, how long had it been since any of them ate? Any chance theses trees and grass are made out of meat? Echo laughed I am afraid not, I can eat bugs as well but it takes alot of those to get a full meal and you don't look like a creature who could live off such a diet. There are small creatures called "mice" in the fields living in the grass, I bet that would be the meal for you. The sahound cringed at the thought of killing something but at this point the numuwits even started looking tasty. How big is this city? the sahound whined and sat down to lick her sore paws. It shouldn't be too much farther The batti interchanged between flying and walking but even he became tired over time, he sat down beside the sahound lets rest a bit. The numuwits fluttered about it they got tired they just rested on the larger animals.
Are you feeling any better brother? The sun is bright today! The light numuwit looped about happily recharged by the sun. The dark numuwit groaned The sun... the light...it hurtssss me. Squirt settled into the shadow the other pets were resting in sssso tired he rasped. He relized he felt much better at night, he was starting so suspect that he could no longer share the same world as his sister. He was becoming more and more like this batti, a creature meant for the night.What are you saying brother? She was confused and alarmed The sun substanes us. Come on out here and bask in it you'll feel better soon. She tried to drag her brother out the the shadows, it seemed vital all of a sudden. She felt like something was breaking inside her, something was wrong. Very wrong. Squirt resisted her tugging, she was winning however. She dragged him into the sun, the light hit his eyes and pieced into his brain it felt like. Shearing pain filled his head, it was near noon and the sunlight was at its strongest. NOOOO he squealed in anguish, he stuggled against his sisters grip. She wouldn't let go, she was frozen in shock watching his reaction. Suddenly she felt him bite her, she jerked away and he sank back into the shadows.
The others took notice Hey now, no fighting the batti scooped up the tainted nemuwit and sheltered him under his wing. I think it is time we got going again. The sahound nodded and got painfully to her feet only a little bit farther she wispered to herself.
The light nemuwit flittered after them her mind in a whirl, what had happened to her brother?
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/18/2009 4:11 PM

Ares and Enyo were tracking the escapees down the ally, well Ares was, Enyo was paying more attention to Ares than the task at hand. She shook the fur out of her eyes Back there with that shopkeeper, you were so amazing she said admiringly. Ares scoffed to himself of coure she would find his most violent tendancies attactive I just lost my temper that is all, it has been a rather trying few days.I bet he won't mess with us again Enyo gigglesthat shopkeeper is going to have nightmares about you and how easily you could have killed him. Ares was starting to get annoyed focus! he snarled What if they get out of the city, then It will be nearly impossible to track them!I'm sure you can manage big boy Enyo purred. Great Ares thought one outburst of anger and she is all over me.One thing is for sure he stated resolutely. I am NOT going back there empty handed again. Lets run away Enyo said suddenly. WHAT? Where did THAT come from Ares wondered to himself. Just you and me, we are near the edge of the city already. We could slip way and forget about the scientist, he can't activate that chip in your head if he can't find us. Craftly Enyo had noticed the range of the remote and had been ploting. Working for the scientist was becoming dull and repetive, she was starting to think maybe there was more to life than bloodlust and killing. Or maybe she was tired of taking orders, at any rate she had no disire to return to the scientist. She had strode to please him but like most reptiles she had no feelings of loyalty or love for the one that tended and fed her. Now she was ready to turn on him. I'll think about it. Ares mummbled and kept tracking.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/18/2009 4:24 PM

The little band of  tired escapees were nearing the edge of the city, they came upon some empty lots each more over grown than the last. They stopped at the first one with trees, the sahound looked up in amazement. They were great! She raced around of the soft grass and rolled on it, the grass tickled her all over. It felt so good, so diffrent from the harsh steel cages she was used to. The light nemuwit froliced with the sahound but her mind was far away. It seemed that her and her brother were two diffrent types now, her a child of sunlight and him a child of darkenss and shadows. Would they be able to stay together now?
Watching the sahound's antics Echo laughed and laughed, she was like an oversized puppy. Suddenly it came to him Joy!he exclimed. Everyone stopped to look at him, he walked over to the sahound Is it alright if I call you Joy? The sahound felt tears in her eyes, her own name! What would be great! she exclimed. Well in honor of a new life I name you Joy. It was an apt name becasue at that exact moment the sahound felt so happy and light for the first time in her life. Let's finish getting out of this horrible city! they all started to walk again their goal almost in sight.
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/18/2009 4:25 PM

Ares had thought about making a break for it before but he knew that he alone couldn't stay alert all the time and the scientist could track him down. But with enyo in the picture... they could take turns on the look out for the scientist until they could find away to get the chip out. Once the chip was out Ares thought if the scientist came around the carpetfang could give him what was coming to him. lets do it.Really! Enyo squealed. Maybe Ares was warming up to her, this would be fun!
Ares however was hoping they could get the chip out before Enyo got bored and turned on him as well. Yes let do it. They turned to the direction that was fastest out of the city and took off, no telling how much time they had before the scientist noticed their betryal. The first task was getting some distance away and then coming up with some way to get rid of the chip. Ares was unsure if the chip had tracking capabilites or was designed only for pain but he didn't want to find out the hard way.

{5/5 and level up for both.}
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Re: Mad science (pm to join)

Postby blackfox100 » 05/18/2009 4:32 PM

They had finally made it to the city limits, there was a sign and a long road. everything else was trees and grass, the sahound was awestruck It's so.... pretty. The batti bumped her playfully lets go! Not knowing whats in store but glad to be out of the dreary city they take off.

{Joy, Echo, Squirt and light nemuwit all level 2}
{Ares and Enyo level 1}
{all leaving area}
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