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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 05/20/2009 6:26 PM

Kund watched. Man, was he lucky he was only here in his mind or what? He he, the stupid little things were running from the fire. They would never be able to make it, if Eshe didn't put it out.

Kiana was on her way as soon as Vandol said that, which was pretty much as soon the fire started. Now she KNEW who was doing this, it was obvious, wasn't it? Heck, as long as they got away alive, she didn't care.
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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby clackno1 » 05/20/2009 6:43 PM

Eshe placed her paws behind her back and rocked back on her feet. She had no intention of putting this out. Watching them flee in terror made her grin evilly and cackle under her breathe. She was interested to see how Vandol would get himself out of this one.

Vandol dug his claws into the dirt to him more momentum. He knew Eshe wouldn't kill him. He was too important, but what's stopping her from killing Kiana and Calli? Nothing. She'd kill them if she thought they get in the way. He could feel the heat of the fire behind them, and could smell the smoke. They couldn't outrun it, so what could they do?

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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 05/21/2009 9:34 AM

Kund watched. The smoke was building, so it was hard to see what was running from the fire, but the two kuhnas were fairly brightly colored, which made it easier to see them.

She never thought she'd see a day were she would be running for her life from a magical fire. Man, why couldn't it be something she thought she'd see?! She looked up, and through the smoke she could see a huge shape. A rock. It was covering most of their path, and they'd probably never be able to get around it intime. They got closer, and she looked at the surface. Almost straight, but sort of slanted. She didn't see how it curled down and under sort of dangerously, but right now, she only needed to survive. "Could you climb that?" she coughed from the smoke getting into her lungs. She could hardly hear it over the roar of the flames. "COULD YOU CLIMB THAT?" she yelled, then coughed a bit more. SHE could certainly climb it. She could run on walls for a few minutes, so this wouldn't be much of a problem, but Vandol might not be able to.
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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby clackno1 » 05/21/2009 5:37 PM

Eshe's eyes pierced right through the smoke as she followed the kuhnas in her mind. She passed through flames and was completely unaffected by the swirling smoke. Life seemed so simple when physical conditions didn't seem to matter.

Vandol saw hope when they came to the rock. The steep sides would make it difficult for him to climb it, but it was hope. He heard Kiana ask him if he could climb it, and he nodded his head, not completely sure if it was the truth of not. he lunged at the rock, unsheathing his claws when he started to slip. His back legs scrambled to get a hold as his front legs took small steps as he slowly got to the top. His claws curled over the edge and he tried to get a hold to pull himself over, but there were none. he pushed Calli, who was coughing from the smoke, a safe distance onto the rock where she curled up, protecting her face from the blistering heat. His claws started to slip and scratched against the stone. He couldn't hold on. Instead of falling, he pushed himself from the side of the rock so he'd land on his feet. He pressed his back tot he rock as the flames came closer, and curled up against the rock to protect himself.

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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 05/25/2009 10:10 PM

It looked a lot like the felines were going to die. Kund didn't even think of what would happen if he went home without Kiana. What an idiot.

Kiana nodded, releaved. She unsheathed her claws for a better grip, and started running up the slope. She was almost to the top when she saw Vandol slipping. She'd never be able to get over there in time, let alone pull him up. All she could do was get Calli now. She reached the myuu reaper as Vandol was pushing off. Come on, please be one of those fake flames. Let it all be a so called joke from that deranged rollaby. Come on, Vandol, survive this! Surely that rollaby wouldn't kill him. Wait, she probably would... Ugh! she picked up Calli to carry her farther back, and got the myuu reaper's fur wet with salt water in the process. She realized how the rock curved, and stopped where she was, laying down over Calli to protect her a bit more.
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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby clackno1 » 05/26/2009 3:12 PM

Eshe would have killed Kiana if the chance occurred, if Vandol didn't see and she could make it look like an accident. It's not the greatest idea to walk around with murder on your paws. Vandol, on the other hand. How could she kill him when he was the key to her success. The power he would give her, it was almost too easy to forget all about everything and think of what she would do first. So, instead of Burning Vandol to a crisp, she kept the flames away from his fur, but everything else she let confuse him. The flames licked at the rock and smoke billowed over it.

Vandol pressed his nose into his fur to keep out the smoke as he felt the heat and smoke engulf him. He waited for the pain that would come with the burning, but no sweltering heat or pain came. Nothing touched his fur, and his fur was still there. He could barely breathe, though, and he kept his eyes and nose well covered. Who really knew what lengths Eshe would go to get him to join her? Only Eshe knew herself.

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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 05/26/2009 9:33 PM

Kund waited. The kuhnas and the myuu reaper had to be dead by now. He went slowly through the flames in thought. He probably wouldn't see the bodies. It was highly unlikely they'd be intact, anyway. He had to go find Eshe, who knew if he would be stuck like this or not if he didn't?

Kiana felt the heat increase. The flames must have hit Vandol by now. Great. Just great. Now what? Wait until the rollaby killed Calli and herself, too? The poor girl had Vandol as the only parental figure in her life, and he was probably dead. What in the name of Evelon was she going to do?
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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby clackno1 » 05/27/2009 3:36 PM

Eshe was bored of the flames. She didn't want the whole plains to be scorched, just the part. The dryness was also driving her nuts. She brought her paws together with a loud clap and a vortex appeared in the sky. Clouds started appearing, gray clouds, large clouds, dark clouds. There was a crack of thunder and a flash of lightening, then the rain came. It poured, putting out the fire and soaking the earth.

Vandol heard a hissing noise, like water on a hot surface, and when he looked it was raining. Was it a miracle? Maybe, or maybe Eshe got bored. The rain didn't reach him since he was sheltered mostly by the rock. His fur was covered in soot and ash, and he looked completely black and blended in with the scorched ground nicely.

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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 05/27/2009 4:23 PM

Kund hardly realized it was raining. He didn't feel a thing, not being there physically, so why be bothered by it?

Kiana felt something punding on her back. It was raining? Oh, great. Something to express exactly how she felt. She got up, and walked over to the spot where Vandol had pushed off from. She looked down, and only saw the scorched ground. She walked back over to Calli, and picked up the now wet myuu reaper. She'd bring her down the rock, and that curve. It wasn't too steep. If she did this quickly, it would be just like running across a wall. Only, the wall was curved and she was going down. She might as well start. It was harder than she thought, and slippery, but she made it in the end. The rock curled almost all the way into a circle attatched to the base, but there was an opening big enough to get inside the curl, and she went in there. She slipped down into the middle, and set down Calli. Might as well wait here for the rain to stop, since it was dry.
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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby clackno1 » 05/27/2009 4:40 PM

If only she could feel the rain. Her physical body was probably getting drenched. She couldn't even open her mouth and let the water fall in. How terribly unsatisfying. She could see for a ways, since the fire had dissolved most of the grass. It had caught so quickly, it had surprised even her. The creatures stuck in it probably had a good scare, but she didn't pity them. She'd done the scaring, after all.

Vandol walked out into the rain and let the water run into his fur, cleaning out the soot and ash. He coughed, the smoke having clogged his throat a bit, making it stuffy. He shook the water from his pelt and some of the dirt, too. The rain was taking the ashes and pulling them away, revealing the bare soil. Small green plants had started popping up from the soil, having been revived by the rain and given room by the fire, they were starting to grow.

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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 05/29/2009 3:55 PM

Kund kept looking for Eshe. This was very annoying. He was just starting to think about the rain, and how nice it would be to be able to FEEL the water. He wanted to be in his physical body again. As quckly as possible.

"Calli, you okay?" her voice was a bit shaky. Great. She hoped she wouldn't have to explain what happened. She wasn't even good at it when she had to explain to Splatin that his guppy had died while he was at a painting camp. What next? Could today get any worse? Oh, great. She jinxed it. It would.
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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby clackno1 » 05/29/2009 6:19 PM

This was getting boring. Not being able to feel anything, that wasn't fun. She liked to be able to feel the living things around her, not just see them. Had Kund gotten lost or something? She was getting impatient. Maybe he wouldn't mind getting left behind? The body, the body. It would still be living, just somewhat in a coma, and would probably not be able to move again. She could just leave it and have Kiana think he was dead, but someone else would probably find it. Best to just bring him back with her. Instead of saying the words aloud she thought them and appeared next to Kund."Come on, I'm bored. Ready?"

Vandol flinched when he heard the thunder. Then he remembered something. Calli was afraid of thunder! Great, but...could she still hear it...? And Kiana, he'd kill himself if she was dead. There was no way he could get up on the rock. He'd already failed. But he had to try. He took a step back and launched himself at the rock and started pulling himself up with his claws. He eventually made it, after slipping a few times and almost losing his grip, and fell onto his back, exhausted. He let the rain drip into his mouth and soak into his fur.

Calli coughed a bit and sat up. She started rubbing her stinging eyes."Y-yeah, I think so." She jumped when she heard the thunder and squeaked."W-where's Vandol?" She asked in a small voice.

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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 06/03/2009 4:50 PM

"Yes. Very much. There isn't much to do without a body anymore." he thought, since he didn't have a mouth to say anything.

Kiana heard Calli ask where Vandol was. She didn't want to explain it. She shook her head sadly, then lay down next to the myuu reaper. "I'm don't like it either." she was crying now.
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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby clackno1 » 06/03/2009 6:21 PM

Eshe thought the spell and closed her eyes for a moment. When she reopened them she was laying on the ground. A light drizzle was still falling, but the storm had passed. She sat up and shook her fur, sending droplets everywhere. Her fur was spiky from the rain, but it had cleaned her fur of dust and her markings looked even brighter.

Vandol rolled over onto his stomach and stood up. His fur was plastered to his body, making him look skinny and weak and alone. Kiana and Calli were no where in sight. They could have escaped, he told himself. They could still be alive. He sat down and tears started falling from his different colored eyes. At least he had memories of them living, and not of them dead...

"No!" Calli squeaked as another crash of thunder spooked her. She curled up against Kiana, tears soaking into her black fur."He can't be dead. He's not. I would know, I would know..." She mumbled as she started to shiver, not from the cold, but from the emotion.

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Re: Questions about the past?[P, Me and Potterchic]

Postby potterchic » 06/03/2009 7:40 PM

Kund felt relieved. His body was wet, and he realised that it had been dehydrated before. "Well, now what?"

Kiana sighed. "Calli, I know that myuu reapers are supposed to be able to sense the dead, but... I'm sure that you would think that you'd sense him if he was dead, but... I saw him go down. There is no way that he survived the fire, no way. Eshe is crazy nd heartless. I know that she had to be the one that started the fire. Why would she stop it for Vandol? She's pure evil, cares for no one. I just don't see a way... I'm sorry." for both of us... she sobbed, and then put an arm... leg? Well, her front limb around Calli. "It's gonna be okay." I hope...
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