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Personality Contest o3o

Postby Cookie » 06/22/2009 10:46 AM

These three need in depth personalities o3o Enough said, right?

Prize: 40ks per personality which is 120 if you do them all and I love all of them o3o

(Her guardians, two unnamed Lunafly's)
Name: Iyzabel
Personality: Iyzabel doesn't like any nick names, so if you dare try and make one, she will bite your head off, she doesn't call anyone by their nick names either because she thinks that is impolite. She hates being dirty, well, despises it. She would never be caught dead in pants and a tee shirt either, and is always in a long dress, something very elegant. She is innocent most of the time, but in the moonlight hours, she is bloodthirsy. She cant help it, really. She craves peoples blood, and sometimes you have to watch out, or she might drain you fully. She would never, ever, lower herself below her standards, not for anyone. The only one that keeps her in line is her little brother, Sephiel. She is more like a mother to him, then a sister, so she has to watch after him. She doesn't mind his clinginess, and the fact that he is afraid of the dark.

Name: Sephiel
Personality: Sephiel, Iyzabel's younger brother, is about the age of 8 or 9. He is scared of the dark, of spiders, creepy crawlies, and the such. He is very clingy, but only to his older sister. He is always by her side, no matter what, and wont leave her for a second. He is a bit protective over her, even if she is older and stronger, he tries to make sure she isn't hurt.

Name: Victanir
Personality: He is really a sweet guy, in the daylight hours. at night, he has a bloodlust and can be quite.. insane, to say the least. He watches over his two younger siblings from a distance, not wanting to be near them, but not wanting them to get hurt either. He distances himself from the rest of the world and doesn't want to be caught up with their drama. He is an all around gentleman and tries to control his bloodlust as long as he can for him to get away from anyone that might become victim.
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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby SpringsSong » 06/22/2009 10:49 AM

Beware, Iyzabel's and Vic's ended up being... o333o long.

Iyzabel is someone that is fairly elegant and refined and innocent; at least, during the daylight hours.  She refuses to accept any nicknames because she believes the use of nicknames is "impolite and improper".  Since she is fairly refined and elegant, she also would never be caught, alive or dead in anything but a dress.  She is the very image of a dark Princess, and when the sun goes down, she really can be dark.  At night, she suffers from an unquenchable lust for blood.  However, she is not a vampire; she can't help it that she craves blood.  You just have to be careful around her at night, though; or you might end up losing all of your blood to her.

There is only one person that can keep Iyzabel in line: her younger brother, Sephiel.  Iyzabel is more like a mother to Sephiel than a sister; she does not seem to mind his fear of the dark or his need to be with her.  She also has two Lunaflies that always follow her that never speak who serve as her guardians.  They sometimes try to stop her from drinking too much blood from a victim, but they cannot always succeed in this.

Sephiel is rarely ever seen away from Iyzabel's side.  He is roughly around the age of eight or nine, and is afraid of several things: the dark, spiders, anything that is creepy and crawly, and so on.  Sephiel, despite these fears, is fiercely protective of Iyzabel and tries to make sure that she is not harmed.  It is thought that perhaps his fear of the dark is linked to Iyzabel's nocturnal bloodlust, but we cannot be sure.

Victanir might appear as antisocial to just about everyone, even his own younger siblings.  After all, he refuses to become involved with them--or anyone else in the world, because he does not want to partake of their "drama".  However, his reason for being distanced from his siblings is because he does not want to harm them in any way, for he suffers from the same nocturnal bloodlust that Iyzabel does.  However, unlike Iyzabel, he tries to control his bloodlust as long as he can when he is around people at night.  For this reason, Vic often disappears as soon as the sun starts to set, locking himself in some abandoned shack in the Slums to try and avoid being followed.

During the daytime, however, Victanir is quite the gentleman.  Even though he still has a cold, defensive edge about him, he can actually appear nice if someone strikes the right chord with him.  However, if this actually ever happens, it would be a miracle in and of itself.
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby Cookie » 06/22/2009 10:51 AM

the end date will be announced about a few days ahead of time o3o Also, the Lunafly's aren't for giving personalities, they just follow my girleh around and don't talk so uhm, you can include something about them in her personality/background/whatever.
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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby Thunder » 06/22/2009 11:10 AM

Hm...well I say Iyzabel is pretty good, but if you want even more than that...

She seems a bit sulky to me, possibly easy to tick off. She seems strongly independent. It's probably due to her pelt, but she definitely looks like someone who would prefer to walk around in the night all by herself....antisocial. So perhaps the only one she really cares much about is Sephiel, and she would do anything for him. I'd say that she's either close to her Lunafly guardians, or they just feel like a burden to her and tick her off. Others? She wouldn't care if they launched themselves off a cliff.

Sephiel might be a tad bit demanding. You know, like how little kids always want their parents to buy candy for them whenever they pass a candy shop. So maybe he's a bit naggy (but in a cute, cuddly way) when it comes to things he wants. He seems like someone who always needs  company, or else he'll get lonely and sad. At the same time, he strikes me as someone who understands situations very well, despite his young age, and he knows when to stop. To make things interesting...maybe he's afraid of Victanir, but not Iyzabel?

Victanir...I'd bet he'd feel really guilty if he drank the blood of someone he liked. That is, if he ever gets close to anyone. His family are probably the closest to him, even though he doesn't want to get overly involved with people. Even if he tries to distance himself from others, I feel like he'd still be good at making friends since he seems like that much of a sweetheart. He's gentle, caring...but he just might not show it, or show it in an indirect way. So he's not antisocial, he just keeps away from others so he doesn't accidentally hurt someone.

...I have noooo idea if this helps at all, but that's what I get when I look at them and take what you already have into consideration.

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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby Juniperstar45 » 06/22/2009 12:58 PM

*pounces!* Ohhhh. I love doing longer personalities~

A rather independent soul, Iyzabel sticks to her name like glue. If anyone dare changes it in anyway they will find themselves regretting it. She likes to stick to a…code I guess you could call it. Keep it clean, not casual she always tells herself. Despite being young in this new world, she is an old spirit, denying the fact that she is a nuance of the newest generation. In her history, she has been known as a spirit of death and destruction, of discord. That’s right, she has existed before, sometime ago. That is why her guardians are there. They are the past phantoms of her life, forever sentenced to follow. Not a word nor sound. They can also provide a service for Iyzabel. If she is in immediate danger of starvation, they will give her the blood she seeks. It’s not a very substantial energy source, and it does begin to eat away at her current soul every time she uses it, but it is a life saver.
A constant little thing, Iyzabel is a good friend, always playing with her youngest brother on demand. But when the sun disappears and the day becomes night, her entire frame of mind is lost, leaving it up to her brother to keep her in line. A transformation –not visual to the naked eye- begins. Her sharp teeth grow longer, fang-like, her claws become permanently unsheathed, her eyes glowing red. She darts away into the night, ready to feed on the first mortal she finds. She hunts, showing the signs of a bloodthirsty devil ready to drain you on demand. Iyzabel truly is a new person, a blood craving mistress in the hours of darkness. An observant person would see that when she finishes off her prey, her eyes become lighter red, glowing brighter with the blood of her victim. When she eats, rather drinks really, she becomes engulfed in the prey’s life. Their worries, distress, mourning, they all diffuse into her mind, letting her see their past. This little gift is abnormal to her family, no one she knows of can do it. If this creature is suffering she feels its pain, and kills it faster. Nothing makes her more hungrier then pain. As soon as the sun rises again, she feels rejuvenated and refreshed, ready for the day to begin without ever remembering how many people she killed. You could say that she is a kleptomaniac of blood. Nothing to remember, but everything she has stolen. Overall, Iyzabel is an innocent looking creature, with a hint of predatory instincts to her oddly shaded pelt.
I watch you...fast asleep,



All I fear...means nothing...

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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby clackno1 » 06/22/2009 1:00 PM

Iyzabel: Iyzabel clings to her independence and lady-like composure. She thinks it will hide her cravings for blood, keep them at bay. She does not push away the cravings, or think herself a monster. She just wants to be able to live normally and feast almost every night. She is usually the kind, caring person most people would expect a high class woman to be, but she is offended very easily and doesn't take kindly to people who are not polite or who don't act in a lady-like or gentlemanly way. She doesn't usually befriend others. Friends are normal, and are a crucial part or a normal life, but they also keep her from satisfying her thirst. She is polite to others, but that's usually as far as she goes. She doesn't flirt with others or befriend them. Flirting is impolite in her eyes. At night, when she is hunting and trying to satisfy her cravings, she keeps to her lady-like composure, but she has a different tone in her voice and an odd glint in her eyes that makes you feel slightly afraid. It triggers your panic instinct, the one that causes prey to flee at the sight or smell of a predator. It causes your heart to race, which sometimes triggers her to hunt. The elegant dresses she wears are a way to make her feel as if there is nothing different about her, as if she isn't a blood thirsty being, and she takes great pride in the way she looks.

Iyzabel's guardians were created when she first tasted blood. They were created from her love of blood. They don't think, they're just there. They have no names, they make no sound, they're just there. They feed off her love of blood, so if she stops loving blood they will disappear. They follow here around like loyal pets, but are unable to be seen by anyone except Iyzabel unless they choose. They sometimes keep her temper at bay, or stop or destroy anything that would get in the way of the only thing that keeps them alive. They share her emotions and thoughts, and though they don't add anything they keep them in check.

I might add the other two later, but this is it for now. Enjoy ;3

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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby GrayGriffin » 06/24/2009 3:32 AM

*cracks knuckles* Here we go...

Iyzabel is...well, cold. Most sane people who meet her try to get away as soon as possible after meeting her-but there's something about her manner that attracts some. Most of the time, she acts polite and uptight, unless a craving for your blood strikes her. Once it does, she practically changes from calm into bloodthirsty, yet somehow can manage to keep her victim sitting and watching her, mesmerized until she has satiated her cravings. She never apologizes for her actions, although she will get medical attention for any victims who are still alive. However, if she isn't sucking your blood, she will be polite and rather respectful to you, although still distant.

Sephiel loves his older sister, and is willing to overlook any defects she might have-which, in his eyes, she doesn't. Most of the time, he'll be seen sitting next to her, or more often holding on to her dress. She is his security blanket, his constant companion. However, if anyone threatens, or seems to be threatening her, he will immediately turn on them, ready to fight to defend her. Even though she is larger and more able to defend herself, he will still threaten others if they are acting in a threatening way. Although he finds Iyzabel's habit of blood-drinking odd, he does not actually consider it bad, and is perfectly willing to accept it.

Victnair is the watcher from afar, the silent guardian. He tries desperately to control his bloodlust, but at times it still breaks free from him. He now tries to keep as distant from everyone as possible-once he loved a female, but the bloodlust grew and he fed from her, leaving her weak and deathly frightened of him, never wanting to see him again. After this disaster, he has never tried to get close to people again, by day or by night. He even stays away from his family now, frightened that he will attack them. It's not a matter now, of whether he will be accepted. It's simply a matter of whether he can control himself. And he believes he can't.
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby Fallen_Snow » 06/24/2009 2:27 PM

When she was a pup, she had trouble getting along with others. They constantly teased her for her name and came up with cruel nicknames, and were always playing with mud and throwing it around. It disgusted her so much that she now has a strong disliking for getting dirty, and nicknames. She refuses to put others through the torture she went through as a child. They constantly called her ‘Frizzy Iyzzy’ and ‘Hell Bell’ due to her moonlight bloodsucking. Unable to stand it, she usually finds herself attacking those who chose unfortunately to call her by something other than her full name. Also, her mother never let her wear nice clothes when she was younger, and she couldn’t afford them herself, so when she finally had the chance to buy her own and wear them, she did so. She wears only the most elegant and beautiful dresses she can buy for herself, as they make her feel pretty and free and amazing. It’s too bad she has to constantly buy new ones because of her bloodlust- she always tries not to get herself bloodied, but it’s hard to focus when that blood is so close. But she tries hard to contain herself due to her younger brother, Sephiel. He always relied on her, whether it was for food, shelter or entertainment when bored, he always held the highest respect for her, which she doesn’t wish to give up for anything. She loves her little brother to pieces, even more so that he respects her in a way that no one has shown her- brotherly love. Her guardian Lunaflys are always nearby, advising her of right and wrong and helping her keep control of her brother and herself.

For this little guy, everything in his world is scary, including his ‘mother’, but he tries not to be scared of her. How could he, when she clothed him, bathed him, and cared for him on a daily basis. Due to his being easily frightened, he’s clingy to anyone who shows the promise of keeping him safe. Constantly grabbing the nearest piece of fabric on his sister, he’ll sob uncontrollably if something freaks him out. He can’t help it- being 8, it’s hard on him to face his fears. He’s afraid but tries to show his older sister he’s brave. He constantly tries to protect her, even though he’s much too young to do anything close to that. Because of his fear-love relationship with his sister, he is in constant gratitude of her, telling her any time he can how much he loves her, how lucky he is to have her around, how awesome it is to have a sister like her. While he does not possess the same bloodlust that controls his sister’s nightlife, he tries to be strong in the face of danger but usually ends up cowering behind Iyzabel’s skirts.
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby Cookie » 06/26/2009 5:45 PM

Ends in'a week~ :D
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Re: Personality Contest o3o

Postby Cookie » 07/04/2009 5:26 PM

Alright, the winner is.... Fireheart~ For all three :3 I'll send you your ks right now. o3o
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