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Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 04/26/2009 12:43 PM


The rain pounded down outside, the pitter-patter thrumming quietly on the flimsy roof of the bar. Inside, numerous people in dark clothing muttered in quiet conversation, the atmosphere as dreary in the building as it was on the outside. The bartenders served the beer, tiredly doing their jobs despite their very low pay. The Slums sure deserved its name.

But then, a rather brighter colored fellow walked inside the bar, a dark-skinned boy that looked about the age of twenty. Maybe older than that. He wore a ragged, black vest with fiery colored patterns on it, his hair like his jacket in the fact that it was black streaked with red. His eyes, two burning orbs, scanned the dark little bar before he stepped in. One of his hands hovered over his pocket, where he secretly kept his whip...just in case anything bad happened. His was not noticed by anyone else in the bar. Things were just too dull that day for there to be any attention.

Fahrenheit walked up to the bartender and requested a beer, which he was given some minutes later. He slurped it up, thinking about that dreadful day when he was younger. He came to this place a lot. He liked beer. He didn't smoke, but he sure loved beer. It took his mind off of things...


And yet another more vivid looking person came into the bar. It was evident that her clothes used to be a much more striking blue and white, but stains and dust now clouded the hues. Her hair was long, silvery colored, and slightly messy, but the girl seemed to pay no heed to her messy looks. And again, no one seemed to notice her arrival. Ailus Frostheart sat down at a table some distance away from Fahrenheit and ordered a beer.

To be more precise, no one noticed Ailus except for Fahrenheit. What the hell happened to that girl...? he wondered, sipping some more beer. She sure looks beaten up... His thoughts wandered again, but he stole a glance or two at Ailus, who was staring at her drink sullenly.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 04/27/2009 2:39 PM

Ailus drank her beer quietly, her mind off in some other world. But every once in a while, she'd gaze down in between the layers of her shirt and would pull out some sort of necklace that was hidden in her clothes. Fahrenheit noticed this, and he raised an eyebrow whenever she fiddled around with it. Wonder what that is... he thought, watching her twirl it around her fingers. Whatever the little charm was, it looked as worn as Ailus herself, with some rust and dirt covering its surface.

But Fahrenheit swore he saw something like it before...

He shook his head and growled quietly to himself, taking another gulp of the beer. Now, he started to feel a bit dizzy and irritated, but he was not sure if that was because of the alcohol or the sight of the pendant. Something about that necklace just nagged Fahrenheit to no end. He now leered at Ailus, feeling that there was some reason he disliked this girl...

And the people around him went on talking and drinking, not noticing what his thoughts were doing to him.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 05/01/2009 10:51 PM

Fahrenheit had downed that cup pretty quickly, so he slid the empty glass over to the bartender and demanded some more. That slight dizziness still hadn't gone, but he ignored it, taking his glass when it was refilled and chugging down more of the alcohol. The bartender didn't really care how much his customers drank. He just wanted the money.

Ailus, on the contrary, had hardly sipped her drink. The glass was almost the same as how it was during her entrance. Her mind was not at the bar. It was elsewhere, wandering around on an empty battlefield, swords who lost their owners plunged into the ground and ragged banners waving in the wind... She shuddered at the memories of war and wrapped her clothes more tightly around herself.

"I'll never go back there," she growled to herself. Ailus shook her head, quickly gulped down the rest of her beer, and got up, heading in Fahrenheit's direction. Fahrenheit picked up her footsteps, and his eyes drifted to her as she returned her glass to the bartender. When she moved, the strange necklace would sometimes reveal itself a little, a faded glint of light in the dark, dreary bar. He swore he knew that symbol on the necklace...

Ailus ignored a few flirtatious comments that the others at the bar tossed at her, and she swiftly headed out of the bar. Fahrenheit stared at her, then not knowing why, decided to follow. He too returned his drink and slowly rose, heading out the doorway that was more like a hole in the wall.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 05/16/2009 5:31 PM

Ailus turned a corner, unaware that Fahrenheit was following her every step. Fahrenheit just had to find out what that necklace was. It gave him a sickening feeling, but that sensation may as well just be another effect of all the alcohol he drank. His steps were uneven, and he leaned to one side. He tried to keep some distance away from the Purine Lucain, just in case she suspected something. But in his half-drunkenness, he failed to see a trash bag that was in his way, and as soon as Fahrenheit's foot landed on it, he slipped and hit the ground.

"Dammit," he growled, pushing himself back onto his feet.

Ailus heard him fall, and she whipped around with her fists raised. "Why are you following me?!" she demanded, gritting her teeth. Stalker! she yelled mentally. She remembered seeing this guy in the bar.

"Your necklace," Fahrenheit growled, pointing to the jewelry around her neck. His voice was slightly slurred. "I must see it!" What does this creep want with my necklace?! Ailus began to tuck it back in her clothes, but before she could conceal it, Fahrenheit had leaped at her.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 05/16/2009 5:45 PM

Ailus gasped and made the error of backing into a barbed wire fence. Fahrenheit slammed into the fence, his arms trapping her, providing her with no way to escape. She could smell the beer he drank in his breath and winced at the pungent scent.

"You're drunk," she said darkly. Fahrenheit's yellow eyes leered at her.

"Sssoo what if I ammm?" he snarled. "Give me the necklaaceee!" One of Ailus's hands slid down to a pocket in her jacket where she secretly kept a small knife in case something like this happened. She swiftly took it out and stabbed at Fahrenheit, but the blade only caught his clothes. Fahrenheit growled and hopped backwards. He reached for his own weapon, a whip that was made up of several small, interlinked chains. Ailus frowned, the knowledge of what she learned on the battlefield coming back to her. I can't get close to him now!


In the midst of all this, the two Lucain had not noticed a boy who was passing by. He had spiky black hair and a black and red hoodie with gray pants and a t-shirt. But the most unusual thing was the pale colored feather he wore in his hair. Ridge had heard a commotion nearby, and he warily approached the area to check things out. What he found was Fahrenheit assaulting Ailus. Ridge quickly darted behind a building, wondering what in the world was going on.

"Ithina protect me!" he whispered to himself, watching the two duke it out.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 05/17/2009 12:32 PM

Fahrenheit growled, his voice distorted with his drunkenness. "You reallyyyy want to fight backkk? Stupid.... Just give me the necklace and you won't get hurt!" He hissed through clenched teeth and lashed out at Ailus's feet with his whip. It was successful; Ailus's ankles were caught in the chains, and she was brought down to the ground. She was temporarily winded from the impact, coughing. Her ankles had been cut by the chains, and some blood trickled down onto the dirt. Fahrenheit smirked in satisfaction, walking up to her and grabbing the necklace out of her shirt. Ailus snarled and reached for the necklace, but Fahrenheit had lifted it out of her reach. Her ankles hurt too much for her to get up. Ridge's mind was a blank, unsure of whether he should leap in and help. He wasn't too fond of fighting anymore, but...

"Give that back!" Ailus croaked, still scrambling for the object. Fahrenheit leered at her and looked closely at the necklace. His eyes widened, and for a split second he wished he hadn't taken it. It was the crest of the Purine Pathfinders.

But not only was this girl a Purine, this was the very necklace that other Lucain had worn when he killed Fahrenheit's parents.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 06/12/2009 2:28 PM

Fahrenheit remembered a dark, moonlit night from when he was younger. Purine troops had stormed the town he lived in, flushing out any Imperialist soldiers and supporters. He recalled his father yelling for him to flee, but he refused, a stubborn decision. He had thought that he could take the soldiers on himself. If he had left, then perhaps he would not have been traumatized, as his father's throat was slashed by a Lucain who looked like Ailus. He remembered seeing that Pathfinder pendant around the murderer's neck, glistening in the moonlight. His horror grew when another soldier set fire to his home, forcing him to run away. But as he was fleeing, he heard a shriek of helplessness, and he knew that it was his mother.

Blood, so much blood...

Fahrenheit shook his head, trying to clear his mind of the flashback, but the image was still too vivid. "You..." he growled at Ailus. "Must've been...your relative..." The memory, along with the alcohol, made him dizzy, and Fahrenheit stumbled. Then, Ailus realized that he was falling down, and she scrambled out of the way before the boy's body crushed her. Fahrenheit landed with a thud, and he didn't move. Ailus blinked, and she prodded his body. It seemed that he lost consciousness.

Meanwhile, Ridge was pondering whether to help the black-clothed boy or not. He attacked the girl, he thought, but I can't just leave him doesn't feel right. After a bit, he took a deep breath and stepped out into Ailus's view.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 07/03/2009 10:27 PM

Ailus heard some rustling behind her and turned to find Ridge watching her with interest. Immediately, she backed away, narrowing her eyes in suspicion.

"Who are you?" she demanded, pointing the knife at Ridge. Ridge's eyes widened at the knife, but he stood his ground. "Why were you watching me? Oh, don't give me that look! I know you were there the whole time!" Ridge gulped and cleared his mind.

"I'm Ridge," he said. "I heard the commotion and wondered what was going on...and then I saw you fighting that guy." He pointed a finger towards Fahrenheit's unmoving body. "Um...I didn't know why you were fighting, so I decided to stay out of it...but I watched just in case something bad happened."

"Damn drunk wanted my necklace," Ailus snorted. "I don't know why, and I don't know why he fainted right after he saw it." She lifted up the charm and showed it to Ridge, who gasped upon seeing it. "What? Don't tell me you're going to keel over too!"

"No, no, it's not that. It's...I was a Pathfinder in the war against the Imperialists." Ailus raised an eyebrow.

"And why should I believe you?" she growled. Ridge fished around in a pocket in his pants and pulled out a badge that had the exact same emblem as Ailus's necklace. The girl stared at the Pathfinder crest for a few seconds, then sighed and turned away. "Alright, fine. You were telling the truth. See ya later, then." But before she could walk away, Ridge ran up to her and lightly grabbed her shoulder. Ailus spun around and glared at him, irritated. "Stop bothering me!"

"S-sorry...but...shouldn't we do something about him?" Ridge gestured at Fahrenheit.

"Why would you wanna help a drunkard?"

"Maybe he couldn't think straight from the alcohol... He might not be all that bad. And besides, don't you wanna know why he wanted your necklace?" Ailus pondered this for a bit, then sighed and shrugged.

"Do whatever you want with him. Just make sure he doesn't attack me again." Ridge nodded and lifted Fahrenheit up by the shoulders. He glanced at Ailus, then at Fahrenheit's feet, and Ailus got the message. She in turn picked up Fahrenheit's feet, and together, they carried the boy away from the scene.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 07/03/2009 11:04 PM

The two dragged Fahrenheit some distance until they came across an abandoned, worn down shed. There was a wooden bench in the shed, so Ridge and Ailus set the boy down there. They sat in silence for a while, until Ridge broke it.

"So what did you see in the war?" he asked. Ailus seemed to tense up a bit. "I guess it's a touchy subject...?" The girl nodded.

"I was a spy for the Purines. I'd go into enemy territory and find out what their next moves would be, and then I rallied the information back to my commander. I wasn't a Pathfinder, but my father was. And...well, he died in battle, and my commander found his necklace and gave it to me. I had a badge like you do...but..."

"But what?" Ailus shut her eyes and shook her head.

"I got captured by the Imperialists, and...well...I betrayed the Purines. I agreed to act as a double agent if they freed me, and they did." She looked up at Ridge, her eyes filled with an emotion that the boy could not really decipher. "Don't judge me."

"I won't. Besides, the war is over now."

"The Purines later discovered me, so they took my badge from me...but I managed to escape with my father's necklace. But...that wasn't what hurt me. What hurt me was the fact that I learned my sister got killed by Imperialists. I...I don't know what became of my mother, any rate, I'm on my own now."

"That's terrible," Ridge whispered. Ailus said nothing.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 07/03/2009 11:13 PM

Ridge shifted uncomfortably. Man, no wonder this girl was so wary. She had been through a lot, with the deaths of her family and whatnot. Ridge himself had died, and he later learned that all of his companions died once, but they had all been revived by the goddesses. He ran a hand through his hair, and when he felt the soft edge of Ithina's feather, he stopped and stroked it a bit. Ailus noticed this and raised an eyebrow.

"What's that?" she asked. Ridge unfastened the feather from his hair and held it out to her. Ailus took the feather, blinking at its beauty. When she held it, she felt strangely calm, somehow at peace.

"I got killed in battle," Ridge explained. "But then, the goddess Ithina revived me...and one of her feathers floated to the ground. I keep it in my hair now, to honor her." Ailus handed the precious item back to Ridge.

"If you were given a second chance," she spat, "then why can't they bring my father and sister back to life too?!" Ridge could not answer, as he did not know why. There were sparks of tension in the air, but after a while, they died down a bit, although Ridge could still sense the aggravation in the girl.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 07/03/2009 11:26 PM

There was a quiet moan from the bench as Fahrenheit came to. Ridge stood up, watching as the other boy rubbed his forehead and slowly opened his eyes. After the world became clearer, Fahrenheit sat up and gazed warily around the shed, glaring at Ridge and Ailus.

"Who the hell are you two?" he snarled. Although he was now sober, Fahrenheit was still in a nasty mood.

"I'm Ridge," Ridge said slowly, not wanting to anger the boy further. "" He glanced sideways at Ailus, who had tensed up again and was returning Fahrenheit's leer.

"Why not introduce yourself first, drunk?" she hissed, reaching for her knife just in case. "You freaking attacked me for my necklace!" Fahrenheit growled, but at that moment, his memory returned. Yes...he recalled stumbling out of the bar, intrigued by Ailus's necklace, and then he remembered the Pathfinder crest...

"You're a Purine," he growled. "And that necklace...that necklace was worn by the person who killed my parents!"

In those words, both Ridge and Ailus could feel the pure hatred that this boy had for the Purines. There was a brief, anticipating silence.

"...and?" Ailus spat, still not taking her eyes off of Fahrenheit's. "My father and my sister died because of those damned Imperialists!" Fahrenheit's eyes flashed, and he stood up, dragging out his chain whip.

"Hey, hey!" Ridge hollered, waving his arms around in the air. "Settle down..." But it seemed like there would be yet another conflict.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 07/04/2009 11:43 AM

Before Ridge could react, Fahrenheit snarled and raised his whip, but suddenly, the boy winced and crumpled to the floor. Ridge blinked and leaned over him. Fahrenheit had a palm on his forehead, hissing in pain.

"Damn headache..." he growled, shaking his head. "Too much beer..." Ridge reached out to help him up, but hesitated a bit. But Fahrenheit was in no condition to lash out again, so Ridge grabbed his arm and led him back to the bench. Ailus scowled at them.

"Oh, so you're going to help him now?" she muttered, crossing her arms and looking into Ridge's eyes.

"You guys were both scarred by the war," Ridge sighed. "I guess he's kinda like you." Ailus looked offended, as if she took the comment as an insult. Ridge started towards the door of the shed (that was more like a hole in the wall) and looked back at her. "You watch him. I'm going to find some water for him..." Ailus opened her mouth to protest, but Ridge had already gone. She growled and leaned back against the wall, staring at Fahrenheit.

"Fine," she huffed. "If you want to know my name, it's Ailus. Ailus Frostheart." Fahrenheit stared down at the ground, not meeting her gaze.

"Fahrenheit Celsius..." he replied. "Sorry. I guess. Or something." Ailus couldn't tell if the apology was sincere, but she accepted it for now.

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 12/19/2009 1:39 PM

Ridge finally returned with a bottle of water he picked up at the bar. Fahrenheit took it from him and gulped it down hungrily, savoring the pure taste. The flavor of alcohol sure got to him once in a while. He was glad for some change.

"War is a cruel thing, isn't it?" Ridge asked awkwardly. When none of them responded, he gulped and went  on. "Maybe we should move a way from this topic."

"Maybe you should just shut up," Fahrenheit growled, chugging some more water.

"You're so rude!" Ailus hissed, glaring at the boy. "He got you some water, so you might as well thank him." Fahrenheit stared at her with wide eyes, clearly stung by the comment.

"Fine. Thanks," he growled, leaning back and wrapping his arms around himself. Ridge sighed. It would take some time to get used to these two hotheads.

"Well...if you're feeling well enough...we can go somewhere else?" he suggested.

"We?" challenged Fahrenheit. "I'd rather be by myself."

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Re: Cold-Hearted Fire and Blazing Ice (Self-RP, PG-13?)

Postby Thunder » 04/18/2010 12:47 PM

Ridge sighed. This guy was so frustrating, but at the same time, he couldn't help but feel bad for Fahrenheit. "Well...if you want to be left alone, I suppose we'll have to."

"Tch," Ailus snorted, leering at him with one icy blue eye. "I'd be thankful if he was gone." Fahrenheit returned the glare with a low growl. "Oh, shut up. You're the one who said that he'd rather be alone." With those words, the dark-skinned boy rose from his seat, staggering a bit, and hobbled towards the opening of the shed. Before he left, he looked over his shoulder and gave Ridge and Ailus one last, dark stare, and in a matter of seconds he was gone.

Ridge stared out the small opening in the shed. "Is he sober enough to get around safely?" he wondered aloud.

"I don't know," Ailus replied, bending over and putting a hand under her chin. "And I don't care either." Ridge shook his head and stood up, stretching his limbs.

"I don't think it's a good idea to stay in the Slums for too long," he said. "It's a dangerous place, and I don't want to see you get mugged again. Want to move out?" Ailus nodded and also rose to her feet, following the Serraptor out of the shed.

"If everyone is one, none will be afraid."

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