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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/07/2009 2:13 PM

Kirye couldn't help but laugh as he spoke about his sister's stalking techniques. Oh, wow. I see how that could get...creepy. Or at the very least, annoying. I can't blame your sister for wishing. I used to wish for that, before my lifemate-to-be... She let the sentence trail off as tears welled up in her eyes. Oh, great, now she had mentioned him. Trying to hold back her tears, she said, Well, now it's just annoying, although it does get me what I want.

Trying once again to empty her head, she noticed that he did, in fact, have wings. Oh...oops. Kirye blushed. I guess I didn't notice. I'm a bit...featherbrained, as many of my friends say. Then, she crouched down, ready to start the race. No...I like to win fair and square. No head starts. You can count off.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/07/2009 2:41 PM

Zadar Listened as Kirye spoke, and he twitched his ear occasionally so he could catch every word. But then one of her sentences trailed off and when he looked to see what was wrong he saw tears in her eyes. He wanted to say something to make her feel better, but he didn't know how. His father told him once that an emotional female is hard to please. He wanted to do something though. So he searched her eyes. Would she say something? Or tell him it was none of his business like his sister? His caring pink eyes flickered with sympathy for Kirye.

Zadar smiled slightly. "Your wings are bigger than my puny excuses, so that will probably give you an advantage." He crouched down next to her, and making sure their paws were equal on the sand he said, "GO!" And jumped away, sand splaying up behind him as he raced off, using his wings to get more momentum.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/07/2009 6:05 PM

Kirye tried to ignore the piercing pain she felt in her heart as she thought of him. For some odd reason, she wanted to just spill her guts right there in front of Zadar. But she knew she couldn't do that. Surely she would only scare him away. She knew of no kuhnas that enjoyed hearing others' sob stories.

As she heard Zadar say "Go" Kirye leapt into the air with a practiced grace. Her wings beat effortlessly as she sailed towards the vendor. Now, this felt good. This was what she was used to. How many times had she gone racing away from home, flying to erase the pain of his betrayal? She tried to reign in her speed a bit, though. She didn't want to make Zadar feel bad if she beat him by a lot.

Once they had both landed at their destination, she summoned a smile, fake though it was, and looked up at him. Good race, wouldn't you say?

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/07/2009 6:27 PM

Zadar pushed himself with his tiny wings, and most of the time he was running cause he was more comfortable with that, but the sand swallowed up his paws every time he put them down, slowing him down and making him use more energy than needed for a race. He could see Kirye ahead of him, and he knew he was losing, pretty bad, but he was still having fun. Winning a race against your friend wasn't that glorifying, was it? It's not like they bet on who would win. It was just a quicker and more fun way of getting someplace.

Zadar landed on the sand on his belly near the vendor's cart, huffing and puffing like he was going to blow a little piggy's house down. He rolled over on his back and started laughing with an occasional cough. "You...beat me...so bad!" He was more coughing than laughing now as the laughter took his breathe away, but every time a coughing fit stopped a laughing fit would start up. He tried taking deep breathes and evetually stood up when he had his breathe back, but still smiling widely.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/07/2009 7:57 PM

Kirye couldn't contain her laughter at Zadar's actions. He just looked so darn hilarious as he laughed and coughed. Kirye couldn't help but think that he was quite cute, once he got past his shyness.

Nah. It wasn't too bad. Kirye brushed some stray sand off herself, and then looked towards the vendor. I'm sure we could both use that water now.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/07/2009 9:59 PM

Zadar rolled back over onto his stomach and stood up to shake the sand from his pelt. With his breathing back to normal he felt better. He was still smiling, but the laughter fits had passed. His mouth was dry. Kirye was right, he did need some water. He walked around the cart and found the vendor sitting in a chair, a newspaper over his face, snoring. "Must not be very busy today." He said. He scrambled up onto the cart to see where they kept the water and banged his paw against the cart, causing the vendor to stir, the newspaper falling into his lap. He looked at Zadar for a second, and when Zadar banged the door to the water the vendor understood and got out two bottles. Zadar dropped the two bottles into the sand and jumped down himself. "There, that wasn't too hard." He said as he took the cap off his bottle and took a large gulp. "So, what would you like to do now?"

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/09/2009 4:17 PM

Kirye watched as Zadar woke the vendor and got them some water. As she took hers, she said a quiet thank you, before taking a drink.

Mmm...that's so much better. Ick. You should have tasted that sand... She looked around, trying to think of something they could do. Hey, I have an idea. If you don't think it's too stupid or anything, that is. Maybe we could go build a sandcastle?


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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/09/2009 10:14 PM

"Maybe I should go have some lunch, I am a bit peckish." Zadar chuckled at his use of sarcasm, and that he was able to keep a somewhat straight face while saying it. His sister would have killed to see that. "A castle? I'd love to build one, but we don't have any molds. Maybe we could us our paws to make straight sides. Oh! And we could add a moat and find some shells to put on it to decorate it!" Now he was hyped. You couldn't get him off of doing something without crushing his spirits when he got this excited about something.

Zadar bounded down to the water and left his bottle in the sand where the constant come and go of water wouldn't reach it. He went down father, closer to the waves, and started on the moat he had planned, digging up sand with his paws. His sister would never have agreed to doing this, and his father wouldn't want to encourage him in being childish. His half brother would probably fall asleep in the sun, even if he is a hydrokuhna, and playing alone is no fun, especially in sand.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby .:Random Event 2:. » 07/10/2009 2:39 AM

From behind the vendor came a rustling. The vendor turned, his lips moving. But there was no sound, at least not from the distance they were; the ocean consumed almost all sounds. One quick, nervous look towards the two kuhna and the vendor made a shooing motion. Blue leaves (blue leaves? Really?) nodded before... scurrying deeper into the woods?

What else could it be but a palmie sighting? Sadly the blue leaves were long gone and to get from the surf to the trees would give the palmie more then enough time to get away.

(( Awrh. Any chance of obtaining the palmie, gone like that. Proof that I was here. ))
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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/10/2009 3:07 PM

Kirye giggled as Zadar bounded off. She felt excitement bubble up inside of her at the thought of being able to let her playful, although sometimes childish, side show. She could never act in the least bit playful in front of her suitors. But somehow, Zadar was different. She knew that she would be able to have fun with him.

Hey! Wait for me! Kirye flew over to where Zadar was, already starting on the moat. Ok, good job! I'm going to start on the sandcastle while you build the moat, ok?

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/10/2009 6:39 PM

((I'll be a witness if you ever happen to go on trial RE2 <3))

With his paws soaked and dripping with sand Zadar started on the next side of the moat. He had to get the wet sand out of the ground and put it someplace where it wouldn't fall back into the hole he dug out and where the water wouldn't pull it back in when it reached the castle. "Yeah, okay." Zadar was preoccupied with his moat building to really pay attention to anything else, and so didn't notice the vendor's peculiar behavior over by the trees.

Zadar now started putting all the sand from the moat in the center where the castle would be. He started building up a tower on one corner. That could make four towers and connect them with walls to keep the enemy out, and maybe they could find a large shell to use as a draw bridge since the little imaginary people in the castle needed someplace to get out. The walls would help the towers to stay up longer and help keep the tiny citizens away from the rushing water.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/19/2009 3:55 PM

Kirye began to start on the sandcastle, building up the sand and patting it carefully into place. This is so much fun! She said. I could never have done this with... She suddenly shut her mouth, not finishing the sentence. She had almost mentioned him. She had almost mentioned the one who had promised her his love, and then left her without a second glance. Tears welled up in her eyes, and she blinked them back. Afraid of what Zadar would say if he saw her tears, she choked out, Excuse me, please. And turned her back on him, moving a ways away, trying to regain her composure.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/24/2009 8:23 PM

Zadar grinned at her. He only ever had this much fun with his sister, and she never agreed with him about it, unless they were completely alone. Then she'd act a bit childish, sometimes. He looked up from the sand when Kirye didn't finish her sentence. He caught a glimpse of something shiny at her eyes. Tears? Crap, what the heck had had happened in the last few minutes? Had he done something? She had just said she was having so much fun and Zadar thought it unlikely that those were tears of joy. He wasn't sure if he should comfort her or not.

She had said to excuse her, so did that mean she'd be fine in a few seconds? Maybe not. he was trying to think of something to do. Should he comfort her, or maybe she didn't want comfort because she had asked to be excused? Gosh, girls confused him. They were happy one second and then crying the next. For all the thinking he did the simplest question came to mind. "Kirye? Are you all right?" His ears pressed back against his head, he tried to catch her eye.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby amberra » 07/24/2009 9:33 PM

Kirye hated him. She hated him with all her heart. She had trusted him, cared for him, loved him. And he had left her alone, save for nothing but memories, which came to haunt her every time she was finally having a good time. And now, now he had made her look stupid in front of a very nice kuhna, who would probably run away in fear. No one liked to be around an emotional wreck like her.

She heard his question, and knew that he deserved an answer. Oh, Zadar, I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to break down like that. It's just that...well...I used to love someone, but he...he left me. Betrayed me. Left my heart in tiny, broken fragments for anyone to trample on! Her voice grew louder as she spoke, until she was shouting out the words. Suddenly exhausted, she took a deep breath and sighed. She could only imagine what Zadar thought of her at that moment. I'm sorry. I didn't mean to yell like that. I know that you had nothing to do with it, and I shouldn't be taking my anger out on you.

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Re: Playin' Doesn't Harm Nothin'[P, Palmie Hunt]

Postby clackno1 » 07/24/2009 10:35 PM

Wait, she was actually answering him? No girl had ever done that before. His sister never did unless it was really serious, and then he didn't really care all that much since was usually nothing to him. he listened closely, looking for anything he could help with. He hated seeing anyone this way, loved ones and friends. He winced slightly when she started to yell. She didn't need to apologize. He was amazed that she had kept that bottled up. "You needed to get that out some how. My sister yells and screams and hits whenever something in her life goes unplanned, and those are little things. I wonder how she would handle something like your situation?" He thought. "She'd probably go beat up the guy, since it's all he'd deserve. Though, I'd probably feel a bit sorry for the guy. My sister has a pretty good kick, especially when she's wearing heels." He winced as if remembering a painful memory, which was exactly what he was doing.

"A good kick is probably all that your guy deserves too, and a bloody nose. I got one of those when Zila got frustrated with me. I'm usually her punching bag, but also her best friends and brother." He quickly moved his paw over his nose as if to check that there wasn't any blood there. He remembered that wound all too well. "You should have given him a good slap in the face. A nice hand/paw shaped red mark to walk around with for the rest of the day. I mean, it's his fault for not loving you, and it shouldn't be your problem." He hoped dearly that his small bit of humor hadn't upset her more. He prayed to the Gods.

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