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Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 06/22/2009 7:08 PM


Jaycee && Yuuno

Jaycee sat idily by the edge of the forest, head nodding as she nearly dozed of. A beating sounded nearby and she leapt to her feet, suprise evident across her face. Where was that sound coming from? What was that sound? But within a few moments, the source of the racket appeared as small and clumsy Albie pups appeared. No doubt about it. She thought hotly. They are definately from our pack. I recognize one of them already.
The brown pup marched boldly towards Jaycee, his amber eyes sparkling with mischeif. While he aproached, the others hung back, watching intently. And then she got that sick feeling she alway got when someone was aproaching her, and she knew what the kid was upto.
The pup stopped, glancing up. Jaycee was glaring. Glaring hard, hoping to scare him into leaving her alone for the time being. But he wasn't phased. so she gave up and looked away. That did it.
"You're not scary at all! You're just a big weirdo." he taunted. She knew she shouldn't get upset over such a trivial thing, but she just couldn't take it anymore. She let out a low snarl that eminated from her chest and seemed to vibrate through the air, silencing every pup in sight.
"Get the heck* away from here!"
The kids scrambled away, giggling and play-screaming, pretending to be scared. They knew Jaycee'd never hurt a fly. All they knew was that she was different and shunned by the rest of the pack - viewed as an outsider or someone who doesn't belong.
Something knocked her hard on the head and hit the gronud by her feet. She glanced up, near tears, then realized who it was.
"Yuuno!" she cried in releif. It was her best and only friend. He didn't speak, and she wasn't always sure if he understood antything she says, but he always stuck by her, no matter what. He dropped from the tree and landed on her back. He was just over a foot long and weighed virtually nothing. He was like an imaginairy friend.
And he was always with her.

((*ooc - Just a little side note~ I don't swear. She's suposed to swear at the * part so bare with me))

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Ningai » 06/22/2009 7:35 PM


She was swiftly soaring through the sky as she did every day, practicing he fighting skills. She was extremely skilled and far better then the rest of the clan, but no matter what she did, the clan always ignored her and only took notice in her father and brother. Her name was Taka, she was the youngest and the only girl in the clan. No matter what she did, no one saw her. Taka decided to travel into the rain forest that day. She found the tallest and oldest tree and laid down there thinking about everything and nothing.
You're not afraid of the dark are you?

"I'm not afraid of dying." "How do you know? You've never tried it before!"

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan."

"You alone are trying to bring down a monster. As a cop that's impossible. You must become a monster."

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 06/29/2009 4:31 PM

Jaycee sighed, snuggling upto Yuuno. It was now getting dark and she'd decided to spend the night outside again. The sky overhead was a balck and navy blue colour, the stars hidden by the storm clouds. She'd seen them, too, earlier. But a little bit of rain didn't bug her. Besides, the tress around her would give her enough shelter. Yuuno didn't have to worry either. He was tucked neatly under her chin, sheltered from the threatening storm.
She sighed as the first few drops of rain landed smack in the middle of her muzzle. She shook it off and sneezed. Was she getting sick? Most likely it was because she was spending a lot of nights recently in the rain. She gazed up into the gian oak above her and sighed. She was doomed to a life of solitude. She would always be an outsider, someone no one understands.
"Except for you,"she whispered, glancing down at the slumbering creature in her arms, stying completely dry. She knew he'd always stay with her, no matter what. He was her only friend -
There was a sudden splash of rain, soaking Jaycee to the bone. Something big had just landed in the tree, knocking the water from leaves. She shook her head and looked up.

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Ningai » 07/06/2009 8:31 PM

"Hello" replied a voice. "I see you're cold. If you would like, I know a place that you could stay warm." stated Taka in a friendly voice, in hopes that she could finally make a friend. in her friendly voice she continued, "My name is Taka, and u would be?"
You're not afraid of the dark are you?

"I'm not afraid of dying." "How do you know? You've never tried it before!"

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan."

"You alone are trying to bring down a monster. As a cop that's impossible. You must become a monster."

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 07/25/2009 8:26 PM

Jaycee jumped at the sudden voice above her. She hadn't expected whatever it was to speak to her, especially in this kindly sort of way. She watched the creature for a good few minutes, saying nothing, doing nothing. She wasn't sure she could trust it enough to respond. A squeal of excitement erupted from below Jaycee's chin as Yuuno bounched out into the rain and began climbing the tree.
"No! Yuuno, come back! Don't go near that..." She shook her head and stood up. "Yuuno, please come back down!"
Yuuno paused, looked down and began scrambling back towards her.
"That's a good boy. Don't do that... hey!"
He'd started tugging on the fur on her leg, pullung her closer to the tree. He glanced up at the bird, and then back at her. And then he was up the tree again in seconds. Jaycee stood for a moment of confusion. Yuuno was taking a liking to the bird. He trusted it.
Maybe I should trust it too?
That was crazy. She shook her head. She would talk to the creature and send it back so that she wouldn't have to be woried abour Yuuno's or her safety again.
"My name is Jaycee, this is Yuuno." she sat down and set her focus on a glare. "And I don't care about the rain. I'm used to this."

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Ningai » 08/10/2009 3:19 PM

Taka stood silent with the same neutral expression on her face as Jaycee talked. It was if she already knew what Jaycee was going to say, and she did. "You may not mind the rain, but your friend here seems to think differently." relied Taka in a calm voice. A moment later she then replied again but in a bit deeper of a voice,  "There is no need to look at me that way, everyone else does it too.And another thing, I'm not going to hurt you unless you attack me first." Taka didn't make any movement, she just stood there waiting for a reply...
...There was silence for awhile. Taka was beginning to think that Jaycee was just like everyone else she knew, but something inside her made her say, "Are you coming or not? The rain is getting harder, so please make up your mind." She was getting a little frustrated now, but Taka still tried to keep a friendly tone in hopes that she may please them.
You're not afraid of the dark are you?

"I'm not afraid of dying." "How do you know? You've never tried it before!"

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan."

"You alone are trying to bring down a monster. As a cop that's impossible. You must become a monster."

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 09/15/2009 8:19 PM

Jaycee squinted upwards, attempting to shield her eyes from the rain with the cover of the trees. It didn't work so well. By now, she'd realized just how wet she was. Something ticked her nose and she sneezed loudly, then flushed in embarrassment. She'd just said that the rain didn't bother her. But now she knew just how much it actually did. She took a step back, her back paw squishing in some mud and her hind legs and butt were in the direct path of the rain, but she ignored the pelting and cold on her back.

Then she realized that Yuuno was cowering underneath her, shivering madly. She had to get him somewhere safe and quickly. He was going to get sick at this rate. She reached down and scooped him up in her jaws. He went limp and quiet, used to this, and then she gazed up at the bird. "Yuuno needs a place to stay. I have to stay with him. I'll follow you, but I am not your 'friend' because you helped me." she said around Yunno's soft fur.

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Ningai » 09/16/2009 7:44 PM

Taka was content with the reply and said, "That's fine with me, at least now we can get out of the rain."
She dove off the tree, gliding just above the ground so that the others could fallow her. Taka led them to a small cave opening. It looked more like two big rocks leaning against one another then it did a cave entrance. There were long strands of grass in front of the opening used to conceal it from other creatures. As Taka came towards the cave, she stated,  "We're here. Better get your friend inside before he gets sick."
You're not afraid of the dark are you?

"I'm not afraid of dying." "How do you know? You've never tried it before!"

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan."

"You alone are trying to bring down a monster. As a cop that's impossible. You must become a monster."

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 09/17/2009 11:08 PM

Jaycee grumbled unhappily but obliged, following the large bird. They crossed wide areas of which there were no trees and she feared that she too would get sick from all the coldness and wetness around. Finally the creatures glided noiselessly to a stop and landed, stepping forwards towards a bunch of rocks. Jaycee couldn't see a single opening, as grass lined the bottoms and rose far above her head. Of course, the bird was so much taller than her and could probably see over the grass quite easily.

She sighed and, snatching up the sniffing, shivering Yuuno, she followed the creature towards the rock. As they approached, the bird disappeared into the tall stuff surrounding her. At first, she panicked thinking that maybe she'd been tricked, that the bird was going to eat her or something. As she was thinking this, she realized she was still moving, still walking towards the cave. She tried to stop herself, but she found she couldn't. So she gave up and let curiosity take over.

Curiosity killed the cat~~ a voice sang over and over in her head and she shook it sharply. Good thing I'm not a cat then. she stated and pushed her way past the last few weed like things and peered into darkness. It didn't help that it was already pretty dark outside. But slowly shapes seemed to form and she could make out the Garudor's outline and another, smaller one.

Wait...another figure!? Someone else?? Was this truly a trap? She glanced around herself in panic. If she turned back, she could make a run for it. She could get away. Did they think that she was so stupid that she'd fall into their trap this easily? But wait, could she really get away? The bird could fly, and quickly. She'd probably overtake a creature like Jaycee in seconds. So, truthfully, she was stuck. So either it was the choice of fight or flight. Should she chance it and run, or chance it and stay, and possibly fight?

She mentally kicked herself. She knew she shouldn't have come. She knew she should have stayed and found somewhere else for Yuuno to stay and keep warm. She could have even gone back to the clan. It wasn't like she was banned or anything. She just preferred to stay away, is all. And she knew they were much safer than the situation she was in right now. She sighed. She knew there's no way she'd be able to run. And after all, if they'd wanted her dead, the bird would have killed her already.

Taking a deep breath, she took a step inside and blinked, trying to focus on the darkness inside.


(Whoa. I didn't realize how much I'd written until I previewed. xD Sorry!)

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 09/18/2009 8:22 AM


Rho glanced around for at least the twentieth time in the past five minutes. Her tails twitched in annoyance and she lifted her muzzle, sniffing at the air. The rain had begun pouring for a while now and she was getting soaked through to the bone. Where was that person who said they'd give her treats if she stayed right here? She shook her head. It's rainy and miserable. I should go find a place to hide out...I'm too far away from the group.

The group. Were they worried? Nah, she always ran off without saying anything first. It was natural for her to do that. So she pushed the thoughts out of her head, stood up, and pranced off to go find a place to rest. After wading through grass that came up to her chest and mud that stuck to her paws, she finally found an opening. The place had a slight climb in the entrance and then leveled off, making it dry and comfortable. On top of that, she couldn't smell anything bad in there. Nothing lived here.

She spun around a few times, then dropped to her belly, closing her eyes and slowing her breathing. Within moments though, she heard a rustling. Her eyes flew open and she watched the entrance wearily as a large figure, even taller than herself, walked in. Panic overwhelmed her and she leaped to her feet.

(Hope you don't mind me adding in this girl. She was just sitting in mah pen, not being used. She needed to get out. :P)


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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Ningai » 09/18/2009 8:15 PM

As Taka entered the cave she noticed a different cent emitting out of the cave. She quickly sprang into the air gliding ever so silently, keeping herself ready for the attack. She entered the cave with caution, then stared at the creature before her. Taka spoke with a bit of a hostile voice, "Who are you and why to you trespass into my home?" Before the creature could enter, knowing her own home inside out, she realized there was something else glowing in the far corner! Without a second thought Taka bared her claws at the two invaders and demanded, "What is this? Who are you? Answer me!"
You're not afraid of the dark are you?

"I'm not afraid of dying." "How do you know? You've never tried it before!"

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan."

"You alone are trying to bring down a monster. As a cop that's impossible. You must become a monster."

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Ningai » 09/18/2009 8:19 PM

Image Dreamsnare Yonyuu

Banshee's markings glowed as he moved out of the corner just enough to be seen. He did not make any sudden movements, nor did he speak a word. He just waited seeing what the other creature was going to say.
You're not afraid of the dark are you?

"I'm not afraid of dying." "How do you know? You've never tried it before!"

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan."

"You alone are trying to bring down a monster. As a cop that's impossible. You must become a monster."

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 09/19/2009 1:41 PM

Jaycee let out a surprised squeak as Yuuno wriggled in her grip and pulled himself free. He ran forward and leaped onto the bird's back without hesitation. Calling out to him, she dashed after him. "Get down and come here!" she said. Though she was angry, her voice held enough worry that it made Yuuno do a double take, and then leap down, making he was towards her.

She looked up to meet three pairs of eyes. Wait..three?? Wasn't there only two a moment ago? The third, new pair of eyes glowed brighter than any others in this large space. There were also glowing designs easy to see just below the eyes, which made it easier to make out it's form. It had wings and a long, fluffy tail. A Yonyuu? And that about the second creature? That one was tall, almost as tall as the bird, an had three fluffy tail. Must be a female Lucain.

Did any of these eat creatures like me? Jaycee thought nervously. And then she heard the bird speak.
"Who are you and why to you trespass into my home?" it paused to look around then spotted the third creature. "What is this? Who are you? Answer me!" Jaycee blinked in utter confusion. The bird didn't know these creatures? And this place was its home?


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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Kitty » 09/22/2009 4:16 PM

Rho glanced around in confusion. First a bird, then a creature with a...pet? And then some glowing freak. Ugh! This place was a nut house! She shook her head and took another look around. She realized with sudden panic that the only way out was blocked by the large bird and the small creature with the pet, and she had the glowing thing behind her. She was surrounded.

Were they going to kill her? Were they going to eat her for dinner?

(Sorry, kinda short xP)

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Re: Alone. Or...not? (private, Ningai and moi)

Postby Ningai » 09/22/2009 4:17 PM

Taka lowered her guard just a little. She then turned most of her attention towards the other creature. Taka then asked the creature, "Do you know this creature? If you don't, then who are you and what is your purpose for being here?"
You're not afraid of the dark are you?

"I'm not afraid of dying." "How do you know? You've never tried it before!"

"I'm the best at what I do, but what I do isn't very nice."

"You either die a hero, or live long enough to see yourself become the villan."

"You alone are trying to bring down a monster. As a cop that's impossible. You must become a monster."

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