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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Flame » 08/01/2009 2:54 AM

At Cookie’s sudden excitement and valiance, Myst chuckled good-humoredly, although she did consider his offer. She hadn’t asked for help with this ‘endeavor’, but here it was, bouncing around in front of her face, tailored suit and all. This was indeed a matter of great gravity, and she had the suspicion that Cookie saw it as more of an action-packed adventure, much like those seen in movies (which was understandable, him being an actor and all). The problem was, things didn’t always go as they did in movies – the typical damsel in distress, and a hero swooping in at the last moment to defeat the monster and save the day. She sighed. If only things could work out like that for once. She had to agree with Wodehouse though, a commitment like this needed to be very carefully thought out, as it wasn’t something to be taken lightly. Fio’s following words set these sentiments in concrete.

Myst patted Cookie’s arm in a friendly manner. ”I certainly do appreciate the offer, I really do, but your chauffeur and father both have a point.” Her tone was mild as she spoke, although concern colored her voice. ”This situation is very serious, and, as you’ve experienced, quite violent, at times. Your offer is very generous, but consider, you’re making it to all but total strangers, and truthfully, it’s quite a thankless job…nothing like it is in the movies, I can tell you.” Her eyes sought to catch his gaze, trying to convey just how grave the situation really was. ”I’d at least give it another good thinking through before jumping feet-first into it, if I were you.”

As Myst addressed Cookie, Sefiria turned to Fio to reply to his question, at least, as best she could, with her limited knowledge of the current ongoings.
”As far as I know, the leader of Myst’s…’bunch’, has been out and about, supposedly hunting for Serissa, or at least recruiting help.” She shrugged. ”I’m not exactly all that familiar with all this myself, so that’s pretty much the extent of my knowledge on the matter.” She hated feeling victimized, and worse, there wasn’t all that very much she could do about it. Breathing deeply to settle herself, she addressed Fio again. ”I’ve noticed that you don’t seem phased by all this as much as one might expect a stranger to be.” She regarded him, her gold eyes trying to find some sort of sentiment in his own over this matter. ”If I didn’t know better, I’d say that you see stuff like this often, on the streets and such.” She didn’t mean to be nosy, but her curiosity got the better of her, and she simply had to ask.

When Myst had finished her small monologue with Cookie, she turned to address Fio again, trying to handle this in a friendly, yet business-like manner at the same time. ”Well, we certainly weren’t looking to recruit people when we happened to run across you, and as kind as it is for you to offer your services, you are more than right to inquire about the ‘details’ first.” Her eyes were steady as she watched both father and son, trying to convey her message clearly. ”It’s true, this is a potentially (and likely) dangerous matter, and as people, we are but strangers. It wouldn’t seem like the wisest choice for you to risk your necks helping total strangers, and likewise, it would be equally foolish and reckless for us to trust our lives with strangers, especially against so deadly an adversary.”

”Say, for a moment, we humor this idea though.” She drummed her fingers on the smooth bench thoughtfully, perusing both Fio and Cookies’ faces. For the time being, Sefiria watched on, the tiniest of frowns furrowing her brow as she focused on the matter at hand. She remained silent though: This kind of thing, negotiations and the such, were Mystique’s forte. ”It’s understandable that you have a family to watch out for and obligations to fill, and that you certainly don’t have the time to be fighting a stranger’s wars.” She dipped her head in acknowledgement of the fact. ”I know that I would react in the same manner, if I had been placed in your position.”

”At the same time, we’re not making any headway with our conflict with Serissa…in fact, with the onset of this attack on Sefiria, things aren’t looking spectacular for us.” She had to grit her teeth to admit it, but it was true. If their opponent’s cronies could launch this kind of attack right under their noses, then things certainly were not looking good. ”This is where you would come in. They say strength lies in numbers, and your help might be just what we need to turn the tide. Of course, you could do it out of the kindness of your heart to protect the innocent and defend justice…” She smiled  sweetly, although there was wry humor in her twinkling eyes. ”Or, if that’s not enough to sway you, consider the implications if you were to help us win our war. You would gain some powerful friends and allies, who would be willing to put their lives on the line at your beck-and-call in the future. Our force isn’t small, and with this victory under our belts, we’d be more than happy to assist you, if you ever require our aid.” Yes, in her eyes, this was a very practical arrangement, and beneficial to both parties. ”So, what do you say?”

{I apologize if it doesn’t make sense, or gets rambly in places. It’s really late (or would it be early?) for me, and I’m exhausted, but I’ll make it up to you guys x3}
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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Freezair » 08/01/2009 3:20 AM


Cookie looked back over his shoulder. Fioray had his hand on him, holding him back. Demne'd forgotten he even had that leash. His eyes ratched like a camera trying to find its focus. ...Well, what was his focus, anyway? Outward, inward--what was he trying to accomplish? Cookie started to shake his shoulder, but stopped. He couldn't bring himself to force his father's hand away. He couldn't lean into it--he started to do that, too, but his entire body jellied over like cold soup. He felt about as tough. He just sat, suddenly pensive, and more than a little awkward. He pulled his hands into his lap and played with his own thumbs.

"...Well, if there's strength in numbers--I can still help you there. Like I said--I know people. I know lots of people. I live in what you might call The Hills. Not--not the Beverly ones, but, you know--the Evelon equivalent. Multimillion Keystone houses. Lemmie tell ya--when you've got that kind of clientelle living in your 'hood, you don't skimp on the security. We got coppers running up and down the streets day and night, personal bodyguards--heck, a lot of those houses even have secret rooms where people go to hide from the 'razzi! If you wanna go unseen? If you wanna be protected? There is no place like my town, baby. Put a couple of meatheads in nice suits around all my doors, give 'em each a Taser and a tranq gun, and we can turtle in there for gods know how long. I may not be able to fight without a stunt double, but I have resources, baby."

Wodehouse looked at him. His Anura eyes were always bulging and wide, but something about his inhuman face conveyed especial shock this time. "You... you would willingly invite a group of complete strangers into your home, for an indeterminate period of time, potentially bringing danger with them--all the while they prepare to fight a war you have no part in but are willingly inserting yourself into?"

"Hey, if it helps, man."

Wodehouse sighed. "...Sir, your motives are... arcane to me."

"Look, I have my own way to do the heroism thing--alright? I help my way. And my way involves money, security systems, and hired goons. Do you doubt my ability to get any of those things?"

"No, sir."

"Then see? It'll be OK!" He turned to Myst and Sefira. "And, for the record? I have a pool. An indoor pool. Bikinis welcome!"

He almost winked, but his eye barely got to twitch. He fell back into the bench, feeling cold again. Today was a day full of "almosts." He didn't quite know what to make of himself.


I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/01/2009 4:47 AM

Fio sighed in frustration as he listened to Sefiria. "That's...Interesting news. I don't expect people like Serissa, or Myst's 'boss' to get out on the streets himself. Maybe I should meet this fellow...Sounds like my kind of guy." At Sefiria’s statement about ‘not being effected,’ Fio chuckled slightly, and shoved his hands into his jacket’s pockets, leaning back against the bench. “Honey, stuff like this happens all the time...It’s just that most people -- normal people -- don’t see it. The Imperial-Purine war is a perfect example. It just so happened that, that little ‘gang’ war involved a lot more than a few thugs off the street. Lots of people were affected; important, well-known, influential people.” He shrugged.

“I was there,” he said off-handedly. “Didn’t see much action, but I was there nonetheless. All this little turf war is, is a couple people who’ve gone on a power trip. The Imperial-Purine war was the same thing...But on a bigger scale.” He tilted his head towards her, fixing her with a wry smile. “We’re just the lowly thugs who get caught in the middle. Can’t say it’s not exciting, but it wears on you after a while. Once you’ve seen one war, you’ve seen ‘em all. Not much difference, if you ask me.” Fio chuckled as he wiggled an eyebrow in Myst’s direction, clearly amused by what she’d said.

“Strangers working out of the kindness of their hearts,” he snorted, almost smiling. “Now there’s somethin’ you don’t see everyday. I bet Cookie’d take you up on the offer, but I like option B even better. Friends in high places sounds like quite an interesting bargaining chip, if you ask me. I don't stick my neck out for no one without probable incentive...That sounds like it...Although money would've been preferred.” Then his son started on about who he knew. Fio was interested in the 'hired guns', but he also had to resist the urge to smack Cookie upside the head, rolling his eyes slightly at his son’s monologue. Cookie was crazy if he thought a few bodyguards could win a war; they'd need a lot more than a few trained 'protectors.'. They might be the best, but they weren't soliders.

But Fio couldn’t say he wasn’t impressed by his son's resourcefulness and bravery...The foolishness, Fio could definitely live without. But the bravery really brought Cookie up a notch in his father’s eyes. “Kid,” he said, though it wasn’t clear who he was addressing; it could've been any of them. His gaze had wandered to the sky. “Your gonna get me killed...” He sighed heavily, and turned to Myst. “All right, if my son is in, then so am I. But uh, let’s not use tasers and tranq guns, all right? We’re already at a disadvantage as it is. No need to make it worse. Besides, we're gonna need a heck of a lot more than 'tasers and tranq guns.'” He patted Cookie on the back, showing he was only half kidding. “Heroism is gonna get you killed too, kid. Good thing I'll be there to watch your back...” he said, sitting up and rousing himself from the bench.

He still had his hands in his pockets as he stood, his black boots thudding against the ground. “I’m getting too old for this stuff...” He turned to fix Myst and Sefiria with a pointed stare. “All right, little lady,” he said, addressing Myst. “Why don’t we get crackin’? Tell us what we should do first...Boss.” Yep. Boss. After all, she had, technically, hired them.

[11, 114]

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Flame » 08/01/2009 7:18 PM

At Fio’s comment about her “boss”, Myst had to laugh. ”My ‘boss’ happens to be my brother, and Serissa’s arch enemy…well,” she glanced between father and son. ”He’s my dad.” She paused to reflect on this for a moment. Lucrecio, her father, could have been the exact opposite of Fio. He was shy, not at all outgoing, and certainly not assertive at all, in any sense of the word. Without his friends and family, Serissa certainly would not have had too hard of a time picking him off herself. Following this same train of thought, her mind wandered to her brother, Pan. For their personalities, he and Cookie’s father could have been twins. He was everything that they father was not, and he had quickly taken charge of the forces which fought the Chaotic Mekkayena, leading them with a quick mind and firm hand. She greatly respected those aspects in him, and seeing the same similarities in Fio, she did have to give the stranger some credit.

Her attention switched to Cookie as he spoke up, painting a scene like one out of a movie of a glorified path to victory. She remained silent during his small speech, her gaze thoughtful. Wodehouse countered his logic, and Myst was half-convinced that the actor would turn back on what he had said, but to her surprise, despite the reason in what his chauffeur had said, Cookie stuck with his offer to provide them with protection. Smiling at his half-hearted attempt at a joke, she lay a warm had on his other shoulder, her blue eyes seeking out his. ”Thank you. That you would do this for us, being all but strangers, means a lot to me.” She smiled at him, wanting him to know the sincerity in her words. ”Mind you, I might have to take you up on your offer of the indoor pool.” She flashed him a quick wink in return, feeling as if a burden had been lifted off of her shoulders.

Sefiria listened to Fio as Myst broke off to converse with Cookie. She wasn’t sure if it was simply her imagination, but he sounded so tired when he spoke of war and those caught in-between. From what she heard, he had seen his fair share of battles in his life, whereas she had only heard the media version of only the most publicized wars. Until now. Now, she was caught in the midst of a struggle for her own life. ”So, what kind of person are you if you’re not one of the countless ‘normal’ people?” Her voice was quiet, gold eyes fixed on Fio’s features as he spoke. ”You seem…weary, of all this; the fighting, bloodshed.” She paused, mulling over her thoughts. ”Have you ever considered taking a break from all of this? You’re not obligated to take part in the violence, and yet you still volunteer to do so.”

When Fio addressed her, Myst chuckled. ”First of all, don’t call me ‘boss’. I prefer to think of this arrangement as more of a mutual understanding, if not friendship, than a paid, binding contract.” She grinned at him, clearly amused. ”You seem to have experience and expertise in this field, so I’d like to hear what you have to say on the matter. If you were in my position, what would you do?”


The black car purred to a stop in a parallel parking spot, a street over from where the unsuspecting group was gathered.
”They’re over that way, and just around the corner,” Tempest said to the pair of Obsidian Slydras who occupied his backseat, gesturing with a hand motion. ”There were three men, an actor, a chauffeur, and a street rat, as well as another woman with her when I left.” He heard the chilling, hissing laughter of the brother and sister as they heard what he had to say.
”Oh, gods forbid that that bunch are out to get you. What do they expect to do? Make you laugh to death?”
The cloaked man shot them a venomous look. It was their folly, if they were to underestimate this bunch, but then again, these two were a pair of Serissa’s hand-picked lackeys, and they would put up a very good fight. Who knew, perhaps he was the one who underestimated their abilities, and they were more capable than they let on. They’d just have to see. Unlocking the doors, the brother-sister pair slithered off to vanish into the shadows, and after steeling himself for another encounter, Tempest sighed and slid out of the seat, shutting the car door behind him as he too vanished into darkness.
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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Freezair » 08/01/2009 11:05 PM

"Alright then, 'dad,'" Cookie said, nudging his father back, "what do you recommend we bring to the campout, then? Tell you what. If you think the best the Hills have to offer ain't enough? Tell me who you'd recommend. My monkeys'll buy you monkeys if you tell me where to find 'em. Or, if it's the hardware you object to? Get me a dealer, and I'll dish the dough."

He stood up and crossed his arms. "I'm serious about this one, old man. I've got the bug. I am going to do this and get me my merit badge. Besides, my usual routine could use a little mixing up! Hey. If I retreat into my house for a couple weeks? That's a storm of publicity for me."

Wodehouse looked skeptical. "Sir, are you sure that... drawing attention to this is the best way to protect your charges?"

Cookie's face fell. "...Err. Weeeell... they'll stay in the back. We can cook up some story... hmmm... Aha! Painkillers! I'm addicted to painkillers and I'm going into rehab! And I'm do it with a retreat into my home to meditate and reflect upon my life. How's that sound, Wodeybuddy?"

"I'll take note of it," Wodehouse sighed.

"Also, find Fitzpatrick for me. And see if we can score some doubles from the industry who look like these lovely ladies."

He looked at the group of them and explained. "Fitz is my stunt-double for real life. He and I look preeeetty similar, especially when the makeup artists go to town on him. Hoo-wee! However, unlike me, he's liscenced to carry twenty different varieties of firearms, knows five different martial arts, speaks seven languages, and has one seriously awesome scar on his shoulder if you shave back the fur. ...Ahem. We get him working, maybe find a couple lookalikes for this army, and we have got ourselves a capable team of decoys who can not only defend themselves, but can draw the attention away from us. While we go skeedaddle somewhere else, if need be. ...Hopefully need won't be, but we'll see."[12]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/09/2009 9:25 PM

Fio stared at Sefiria. “I’m not a type, sweetheart. I’m just a ‘me.’” He ran a hand through his short, dark hair, letting out a long sigh. “I am tired of all this. You ever noticed how many bad people are out there? It gets kind of old after a little while. Why can’t they leave us decent folks out of this? Even if I wanted out, it wouldn’t matter. It’s not in my nature to pass up the opportunity for a good brawl.” He winked. “Even if I do seem ‘weary.’” He turned then to Myst, offering her a cheeky grin. he sure could get to like these two gals; they had spunk, and they weren’t afraid to say what they thought. That was a rare trait and one Fio valued.

“Your position, eh?” He turned to glance at Cookie, giving his son a slightly amused stare as he tilted his head to the side. “Look-alikes? Well, it’s worth a try. But I’d hate to see some poor fella killed because he looked like me. I’d rather take my own risks. I don’t like to risk another man’s life...If I don’t have to.” He paused, before turning to Myst. “But the kid’s got a point. it might be worth a try. If I were in your position, I’d start recruiting. Get people who know how to fight. Hired thugs are great and all, but they’re not always the best. Maybe if people actually see the cause they’re fighting for, and have some sort of stake in this whole thing, like Cookie and I seem to, then you’d probably get a lot more recruits. I can imagine there are people out there eager and itching for  good fight. This could be just the scene they’re lookin’ for.”

Fio stopped speaking, and looked up to stare down the street. He had the oddest feeling again. It kept bothering him; it was as if something was telling him to run. He sniffed the air, but smelled nothing. Maybe it was his imagination. “Hey Myst,” he said casually, his voice soft enough for only his few companions to hear. “You got anymore of ‘your people’ around here? I keep gettin’ this feeling...Like we’re being watched.”


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Flame » 08/10/2009 2:05 AM

Myst listened attentively as Cookie voiced his opinions on some possible options for their next course of action. She looked thoughtful as she mulled over the consequences it could have, and while on one hand it was a good idea, she came to the same conclusion as Fio. ”Fio has a point,” she began slowly, still thinking as she spoke. ”I don’t think that I could simply stand by and watch while someone gets hurt or killed on my account.” From the corner of her eye, she saw Sefiria nod her agreement. It made sense, since the young woman was so finely attuned to the emotions and sentiments of others: It would be infinitely more painful for her than any of the others, if someone was to take an injury in her place. ”On the flipside though, this option could have possibilities of its own. If the doubles are as capable as Cookie says that they are, then they could be assets to us: For example, a double for Sefiria who is capable of combat could throw some of her pursuers off, and they’d think twice before attacking her again, even if she herself doesn’t excel at hand-to-hand.” Yes, it didn’t sound like a bad idea at all, and definitely something that could be looked into with more detail. ”I can tell you one thing for certain though; I personally wouldn’t be able to sit around in safety, twiddling my thumbs while someone’s out there having all the fun for me.” She threw a wink at Cookie. ”A couple of days worth of being pampered couldn’t do me that much harm though.” She grinned.

”Well, you certainly are an enigma to me,” she said, intrigue coloring her voice as she replied to Fio’s comment. ”I’d take that as a compliment,” Myst cut in slyly, grinning. ”Not many people seem to puzzle her…she seems to have a way of figuring individuals out.” Sefiria blushed slightly at Myst’s words, pushing her companion lightly as she was laughed at, although it was all good-natured. ”Not many people who’ve fought off abductors brush themselves off, then come around asking for seconds.” She chuckled. ”If we all live through this, you’ll just have to humor me and allow me a chance to try and puzzle you out.” She grinned at him, only half-joking. ”I could always use a good challenge.”

“You got anymore of ‘your people’ around here? I keep gettin’ this feeling...Like we’re being watched.”
Concern flashed in Myst’s eyes as she took in Fio’s words. As quickly as it came though, it was gone, the implications of his statement having sunken in. ”Not that I know of...” she replied as quietly, looking unconcerned, although worry bubbled under her skin. If they were indeed being watched, then her face couldn’t give away her misgivings...any change in expression could tip off a potential predator. ”We weren’t exactly expecting an attack, especially on someone like Sefiria. If I had know a situation like that would arise, I would certainly have brought back-up.” Her senses were on red-alert again, and now, after Fio had mentioned it, she did feel something odd in the atmosphere, a sensation that made the hair on the back of her neck stand up. ”I have a very bad feeling about this...” she murmured, aquamarine eyes darting from building to building, trying to spot a lurking threat. ”If I’ve learned one thing over the years, it’s that instincts are rarely ever wrong.”


”You ready, brother?” The hiss was hardly audible, even to the Slydra right next to her.
”As always, sister.” The voice was almost lost in the sound of the soft breeze. Dark eyes were locked on their target, the small group only a few hundred feet away. Today, they would feast: The boss had only specified that she wanted the one woman alive…they could dispose of the others however they wished. Now, they simply had to wait for the right moment to strike.
Tick, tock, tick tock…
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I accidentally the subject. Is this bad?

Postby Freezair » 08/11/2009 2:57 PM

Wodehouse nodded at the three others. "I understand your concern for the well-being of our doubles," he said, voice low. "But you must understand--putting themselves in the line of fire is their job. To die would be an unfortunate expectation. Like soldiers or body guards, the constant risk is an understood consequence of their profession."

"Plus, these guys are meant to be harder to kill than cockroaches," Cookie said dismissively. "Not to mention, real knight-in-shining-armor types. They do what they do because they like helpin' people. I mean, face it. Anyone who's gonna try to help ya is layin' their lives out for you as it is. Why should they be any different?"

Beside him, Wodehouse suddenly stiffened. Cookie's head turned curiously.

"What, you see something?"

But all around, the others began to discuss. "Being watched." "Something lurking." Deep at the base of his throat, Cookie felt something creep up backwards. It lodged himself beneath his chin, thick and uncomfortable. The hairs on his neck buzzed.


"Oh--oh jeez," he said. "Wodehouse, c'mon, man! Let's jet! Into the limo, everyone! Wodehouse--I don't care where we get, let's just get out."

"For once, sir, I couldn't agree more." He held himself. "Hurry, everyone!"

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/19/2009 5:58 AM

Fio continued to look casual, though his face had taken on the look of someone who was ready to tear something apart. He seemed to stiffen slightly, his body rigid as he strained to hear something unusual above the din of the surrounding area. He couldn't hear much, but he could smell just fine. His sense remained intact, even in his human form, and right now, they were on red alert.

Every fiber of his being told him to get out of there, but he disobeyed it, if only to see what the threat actually was. As Cookie's slightly freaked out voice cut through his thoughts, Fio found himself jumping slightly, albeit, unwillingly, as the unexpected trill of his son startled him back to reality.

He glanced at Mystique, and nodded, although not before he reached down and wrapped an arm around Sefiria's waist. He hauled her up with him, and then grinned. “Sorry, Sef,” he said, not caring if she minded the nickname. “But I think it’d be best if you stuck close to me. And if not me, then Myst. For your own safety.”

He narrowed his eyes slightly as he scanned their surroundings, before placing a hand on Cookie’s back and urging him forward. “All right then, son. Run like you’ve never run before. We’ll be right behind ya.” He nodded, and then tugged on Sefiria lightly to pull her into a run with him.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Flame » 08/19/2009 7:33 PM

Mystique heard the chauffer out as he explained the necessity of placing other people in danger, and although she agreed with him, to a degree, this was a point where he would simply have to accept that she differed in opinion. ”That’s true, but I could stand to see someone else hurt, or worse, killed, in my place. Even if it’s their job, it still wouldn’t seem…right.” She shrugged. Her attention was soon returned to the fact that their own lives might currently be in danger. ”You know, I have to agree with you on this one,” she said to Cookie, glancing around for the limo. ”That limo-ride certainly sounds good right now.”

Sefiria glanced around as the other three discussed logistics, looking for signs of the abductor who had so recently tried to kidnap her. She could feel the hair on her skin prickle; Despite the fact that it was highly unlikely the cloaked man would return again after receiving such a thorough battering, she had the creeping feeling that something ominous hovered on the horizon. She was still simmering in her thoughts when she felt an arm wrap around her waist and pull her towards a muscular figure. The first thing that occurred to her was the still-fresh memory of being dragged off by a faceless stranger, and stiffening in alarm. She could already feel the breath being crushed out of her chest again, and fear washed over her in a stifling wave. She began to struggle, but then Fio’s voice broke through her moment of panic. She sighed with relief, sagging against him for a moment as she tried to regain her composure. ”Strangely, I’m okay with that…I think that I’ve had my fill of action for today.” She smiled thinly at him, letting herself be led, hopefully away from danger. ”You keep an eye on her, and I suppose I’ll keep your kid from going and breaking his neck doing something that should only be possible with digital effects.” Myst grinned, despite the impending danger, and following the others’ lead, made for the parked limo.


Three pairs of eyes watched the on-end individuals, who obviously sensed that something was up. At least two of them seemed supremely unconcerned by this fact, although the third looked extremely agitated. It was clear that the man in the cloak really didn’t want to be here, of all places. It looked as if the trio were waiting for some kind of a cue from the unsuspecting group, and as soon as they began to move, the group waiting in the shadows jumped into action as well, remaining out of sight as they maneuvered into position.

Before the prey could make it to the limo, a huge black snake slithered out of the darkness to cut them off, standing between them and their escape route. ”What’sss the rush, my friendsss?” If Slydras could grin, then there was a huge, sinister smirk plastered across the serpent’s lips as she eyed her quarry. ”Why don’t you ssstay to…chat a bit?” The leer on her dark features widened, large, muscular coils sliding to effectively block the street off. The other two still remained in the shadows, her brother moving behind them silently while their attention was riveted upon her, and Tempest making his way towards the limo.
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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Freezair » 08/20/2009 3:54 PM

Cookie didn't bother to wait for anyone to second-guess the plan. He bounded toward the limo, looking for the others on his heels. Wodehouse puffed up behind him. "Please, sir, a moment!" he heaved. "I'm not nearly as young as I used to be--goodness!"

Cookie paused to give Wodehouse time to catch up. He wanted to do the usual thing--slap his knees, flap his palms, and go "C'mon c'mon c'mon!"--but he got the sense that it would be somewhat impolite here. Instead, he waited anxiously, and turned only when he thought that Wodehouse was sufficiently near.

Someone had already cut in front of him.

"What’sss the rush, my friendsss? Why don’t you ssstay to… chat a bit?" Cookie scowled. The last thing they needed right now was more people trying to muscle their way into this little group! Why did being a celebrity have to be so irritating sometimes?

"I ain't got time for chit-chat," Cookie said purposefully. He stuck his foot to the ground and tried to gently but firmly shove the intruding snake aside. "This is an emergency matter and you are going to complicate things right now, OK? Denounce me on your blog later if it makes you feel better."

Behind him, Wodehouse's eyes widened in horror. "S-s-sir, I don't think..."

[14, 21]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 08/26/2009 5:00 AM

“Oh, of course,” Fio mumbled, rolling his eyes.  The giant snake sitting in front of them was most assuredly not a fan. He kept Sefiria close by, his arm tight around her waist. No way in heck was he letting them get to her. He could only assume, since she’d bane the original target, that she was now the only one they were after. They certainly weren’t after him, and he doubted they just wanted an autograph from Cookie. He backpedaled a few feet, keeping well clear or the decidedly intimidating reptile. “Cookie, you get your fuzzy butt away from that giant piece of licorice!” he barked, somewhat annoyed with his son’s brash nature.

He turned his head slightly, his gaze discreetly scanning the surrounding area. he could smell something else on the wind; this snake had to have associates out there somewhere. The foul odor of the first attempted kidnapper was still heavy in the air, so he couldn’t quite tell if he’d come back or if his stink just lingered. But there was another, similar smell to the large reptile now blocking their path. Fio didn’t like it. “Sef,” he said softly, so only she could hear. “I want you to listen, and listen good. You need to do what I say; it might just keep you alive. if I say duck, you duck. If I say move, you move. If I say run, you run like your feet are on fire.” He turned to lock gazes with her. “Got it?” He lowered his head, his eyes narrowing slightly as he continued to discreetly scan their surroundings. He decided he might as well address the giant snake.

“Hey, you!” he called, throwing up his arm to point haphazardly at the snake. “Yeah you, you overgrown tube sock. Don’t you know who that is?” He pointed at Cookie. “That there, my friendly neighborhood earthworm, is Cookie Antipode. Yeah. You heard right. And he has some very important places to be. So would you kindly move your giant shoestring body out of the way so we can get goin’? Mr. Antipode does not like to miss his appointments. Especially not for some Anaconda wannabe. That move was so ninety‘s.” Well, maybe they'd get lucky and his bluff would work. If not...Fio cracked his knuckles, still keeping Sefiria close to him. Well, he was up for a bit of a fight now anyways. "Bring it on, little miss tube sock," he mumbled under his breath.


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Flame » 08/26/2009 9:52 AM

Mystique’s eyes narrowed as the snake came slithering into view. This was not good…In fact, this was very bad. ”Ebony,” she hissed, her ice-blue eyes glittering coldly at the mention of the snake’s name. Walking up to the interloper, she stared the Slydra in the eyes, trying to pull Cookie back behind her while she kept the scaly menace preoccupied. ”Fancy seeing you here…what might you be doing in this part of town?”

”Oh come, my dear. What’s a little chat between…friendsss?” A shuddering hiss which sounded uncomfortably like laughter pervaded the air, the snake’s whip-like tail slithering against the cobblestone as she maneuvered it into a position easier to attack in. ”Complicate matters? Well, I’d have to say that it’s rather a forte of mine.” Yawning, as if in boredom at the group of five, she flashed huge, glistening fangs at them: The fangs of a highly poisonous snake, hollow, and when necessary, venom-filled. Myst had the foreboding feeling that it might be soon. Fio’s words only served to make the snake laugh harder, an eerie, rattling sound which echoed up and down the street. ”Well…if you put it that way, I might have to get myself an autograph, after this is all over.” She paused, her dark, beady eyes glittering. ”Or maybe his dead body would be worth more.” Her wide mouth grew into a sick smile as her forked tongue shot out to brush against the celebrity’s face, flicking back again just as quickly.

Lowering her voice so that only the people in her group could hear, Myst murmured, ”Where there’s one snake, there’s always a second.” Her eyes flicked to search the shadows around them, looking for something she could not see, but was certain was there. ”This scaly rug has a brother, and if he shows up, we’re in deep water. They’re never seen without each other, and these two are some of Serissa’s best agents.” She glanced at the small group around her. ”I’d watch my back, if I were you all.”

Sefiria tore her gaze away from the giant serpent as Fio spoke to her, her gold eyes unreadable. A moment’s pause after he stopped talking, she replied, conviction in her voice. ”Fine…but no heroics from you, you hear?” she said, poking his chest lightly with a finger. She was genuinely worried for the safety of these three men who had decided to put their necks on the line for her life. Like Myst had said, she couldn’t stand to see someone else hurt in her stead. She would do as she was told, but only up to a certain point: If the fight turned ugly…well, she’d have to deal with that when it happened.
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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby Freezair » 08/27/2009 12:07 PM

((Hahaha. Oh, Fio. <3))

Cookie stumbled backward, falling flat on his tails. For once, he wasn't going to argue with Dad. He scooted on his behind back towards a trash can, and pulled himself up by the rim. He swallowed. He'd never had a problem with snakes before, really. Hispers, pythons--heck, he'd even worked with a cobra once, and aside from one scary moment when the handler nearly lost her control, he'd never felt perturbed.

This wasn't a snake, though. Not the simple kind of dumb-animal snake you worked with in pictures and saw draped around punky guys' shoulders. This was a being, and he was malicious.

Cookie saw the trash can as an opertunity and ducked behind it. Once again, he would be superfluous--but maybe these kind of fights weren't his forte.

Somewhere distant, he thought he heard a car door slam. ...Wait. Where was Wodehouse?

[15, 22]

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Re: If I Had the Wings to Fly...[Me, Freezie and Millie]

Postby MillietheWarrior » 09/12/2009 10:39 PM

“Oh, wonderful,” Fioray muttered, rolling his eyes. “They know Myst. Looks like we won’t be getting off as easy as I had hoped.” Fio’s eyes darted about at the mention of a brother; the stakes had just gotten higher, and Fio wasn’t happy about it. Fio managed to glance around at Sefiria, smirking as he tilted his head light. “Gotcha, doll,” he said with a wink, his hand falling from around her waist to take her hand in his own. Slowly, he began to tug her lightly towards the limo. Even if there was a giant snake in front of it, it was still the safest place they could get to.

And if they all managed to distract the snake and pile in while it was busy, they’d be able to get out of an ugly situation that kept getting uglier. Fio sniffed the air, trying to distinguish the smell of the snake’s brother from the snake herself. If he could locate his scent, he could locate the second snake. But he found nothing. Growling softly to himself, he tugged Sefiria closer to him and to the limo. He managed to make his way to stand beside Cookie, reaching down to fist a hand in the back of his son’s shirt to keep him from running anywhere he couldn‘t follow.

Cookie had a good idea, hiding behind the trash can. But wasn’t there someone missing? Fio looked around, his head tilting slightly as his eyes narrowed. “Son, where’s your little hopper friend?” he asked quietly, his voice barely a whisper. His gaze flickered to and stayed locked on Mystique as she alone stood before the snake. They needed to get to her, and get out of here; but how?

(Sorry for the long wait. Fio's muse is very hard to catch...)


I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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