Once a grand cathedral dedicated to the Holy Triumvirate, all that remains now are ruins ever since the religion was rejected strongly in 1823. While the religion is back in favor, the cathedral was never restored. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby Feint » 07/19/2009 8:29 PM

ooc-- RP reopened.

Golem shook her head. I don't think it was one of their own who killed the monk. Maybe, but I don't think so. They were too devoted. No, it was someone outside their temple that killed him. In my opinion-- she stopped speaking abruptly as two sets of footsteps reached her stony ears. She wasn't quite sure whether to be pleased or anxious. Could she handle four on her own? That many independent minds at once might be overwhelming. She shuffled her feet quietly out of nervousness and started to speak again, but stopped. What would she say? Arrgh, I was so close to getting the two gyrraptors down to visit the ghosts! she thought to herself. I'll have to start all over. She restrained a sigh and jerked her head towards the sounds of two still approaching. Excuse me, but I have to welcome the new ones. I'll be right back, she said, and left. She was fully confident that the gyrraptors to be waiting for her. She was the only one who knew their way around, after all. At least with that group, she reminded herself cautiously.
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby heLLzCat » 07/20/2009 12:05 AM

"seems like there's someone there." the girl look at her accompany beside her.
"shall we just leave and come back the other day?" she said as they  continue walking toward the grand cathedral.

But he keeps walking forward "no..I think it's the time, the time is calling us to be here."
"fine." she then follow him, the Iiylumiel, to his own tomb.

"but this won't be an end of our search, it's the start, the very beginning."  
the Iiylumiel said as he enter the grand cathedral. his voice almost unheard and erased by the wind, as if he was saying that to himself.

Apolion, my Iiylumiel
a companion of an endless journey in search of truth and destiny of the past..

"what if angels and purities you hail are just evils hidden behind the light?
its so bright that you even couldnt look whats behind the light.
judging that the evils are bad. they hid themselves within the shadow, how could you see the real them?
you couldnt judge things as black or white while you're blind.
realize it my dear, humans are blind." --Apolion the Iiylumiel
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby Feint » 07/20/2009 12:51 PM

Upon reaching the outer part of the shrine, Golem trotted up to one side of the doorway and stuck her head around the corner, looking out. She was surprised to find that her "eyes" had hungered for this one glimpse of the outside world. She drank every detail, having lived deep in the monk's tomb for so long. As she admired a desert flower, the two travelers caught her "eye". She couldn't believe what she saw. Iiylumiel himself was approaching the shrine. Impossible! she thought, bewildered. He's dead! I've seen his grave! I've been there! She pulled her head back and sat down to collect herself. After a moment or two she stood and peered around the doorway again. He must be another child, she thought to herself, slowly, that looks just like him. That has to be it. No way is he still breathing, she decided. She pulled her head back and quickly trotted deeper into the shrine. And no way am I going to meet him, she thought as she fled.

ooc-- feel free to meet up with Iris and Corey, where Golem left them they aren't too far or hard to find. Assuming you'd like to meet them right this second, shadowStiches. Golem is setting up a small ambush for Apolion and won't be seen for a bit. I'll give you a hint, though, maybe looking around downstairs would be a fun thing to do?
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby heLLzCat » 07/21/2009 11:13 AM

the two steps into the grand cathedral.
The girl in black just silently follows the Iiylumiel without any sound.
but then she gaze to look up at the ceiling and her surrounding, as if searching or sensing someone or maybe even something.

the Iiylumiel just stops and look at the girl behind him.  

"I know, someone's here." he speak up shortly, his deep voice echoing through the silent cathedral.

"somehow I feel like this place is never been empty. there's always someones here, despite all these silence."  
the girl wanders a bit just to check her surroundings.

Apolion, my Iiylumiel
a companion of an endless journey in search of truth and destiny of the past..

"what if angels and purities you hail are just evils hidden behind the light?
its so bright that you even couldnt look whats behind the light.
judging that the evils are bad. they hid themselves within the shadow, how could you see the real them?
you couldnt judge things as black or white while you're blind.
realize it my dear, humans are blind." --Apolion the Iiylumiel
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby ShadowStitches » 07/22/2009 7:10 AM

The two of them waitet some time for Golm to return,
but she seemed to be gone. "oh thats just perfect...lets go home
Iris" The lack raptor said, but Iris stood there. "Who are the other ones?
There was someone coming in, I heard that!" Corey clenched his teeth
"do we have to get to know every spider that runs arround here?"
"no but..." she stopped and listened. "Hello? is somebody there!"
she asked loudly, slowly walking towards the newcomers, Corey hot on
her heels.

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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby heLLzCat » 07/24/2009 2:21 AM

since the cathedral is ever so silence, a voice from the distance could be heard clearly, and it echoing through the empty halls.  

"we're approached."  the girl turn around and look at her surrounding as a sign of cautiousness.
but Apolion beside her just stay calm as he always be.
And he was just like saying 'i know' to himself. very typical him.

Then the girl finally found the owner of the shouting voice earlier.
Her eyes laid on two Gyrraptors.  
She's just looking at them motionless in silence. But it's clear that her previous cautiousness has gone.
Seeing that the two might make no harm against her and Apolion.

Apolion, my Iiylumiel
a companion of an endless journey in search of truth and destiny of the past..

"what if angels and purities you hail are just evils hidden behind the light?
its so bright that you even couldnt look whats behind the light.
judging that the evils are bad. they hid themselves within the shadow, how could you see the real them?
you couldnt judge things as black or white while you're blind.
realize it my dear, humans are blind." --Apolion the Iiylumiel
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby heLLzCat » 07/27/2009 9:30 AM

((i know, but shadowstiches doesnt seems to reply it yet..though i'm just waiting.. ^ ^; ))

the two gyrraptors seems to haven't make eyes contact with the other two; the girl and the Iiylumiel.
But she just stay still, watching them and seems never had any attempt to approach the two.
Unless Apolion decided too.
As always, she's always be the one following.  

But silence again is all over the place, none of them move. but cautiousness and tension is not there anymore.

Apolion, my Iiylumiel
a companion of an endless journey in search of truth and destiny of the past..

"what if angels and purities you hail are just evils hidden behind the light?
its so bright that you even couldnt look whats behind the light.
judging that the evils are bad. they hid themselves within the shadow, how could you see the real them?
you couldnt judge things as black or white while you're blind.
realize it my dear, humans are blind." --Apolion the Iiylumiel
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby ShadowStitches » 07/27/2009 5:42 PM

So here they where, glaring at the two newcomers.
Iris tilted her head slightly. They did not seem to be dangerous or
wanting to harm them, but then why didnt they move towards
them? They couldnt possibly have overseen tehm...
She never was a girl of great patience, so she decidet to take
the first step. "uhm...  hello there" she said, carefully coming closer.
"my name's Iris, this is Corey" she introduced herself and her
companion, who looked upleased as always

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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby heLLzCat » 07/28/2009 10:06 AM

the girl just keep in her silence, standing there, folding her arms in front of her chest.

The Iiylumiel then walks towards the two,
" greetings, Gyrraptors." he then greet them in his low voice. his voice echoing through the cathedral, a voice that have been lost through million decades from the place.

the girl then also follow the Iiylumiel towards the two.
"what are you two doing here?" she said, keep her face emotionless as always.

((it may be awkward and waay too formal at first but yeah, that's an Iiylumiel isn't that?  ^ ^;
and that girl too, is the really quiet one. it needs few times to get her talk normally. usually she only speaks normally and freely with the Iiylumiel and she talk just what's necessary to the other at first :) ))

Apolion, my Iiylumiel
a companion of an endless journey in search of truth and destiny of the past..

"what if angels and purities you hail are just evils hidden behind the light?
its so bright that you even couldnt look whats behind the light.
judging that the evils are bad. they hid themselves within the shadow, how could you see the real them?
you couldnt judge things as black or white while you're blind.
realize it my dear, humans are blind." --Apolion the Iiylumiel
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby ShadowStitches » 07/28/2009 3:39 PM

(thats okay, Iris is rather bubbly and open to anyone,
while Corey is...well a little hotheaded but quiet MOST of the

Iris looked at the girl, smiling friendly.
"well, we where just taking a walk,
then this...Golem girl showed up and
began to talk about ghosts and..." "enough with the
ghost stories already" Corey cut her short,
glaring blankly at the newcomers.
"now. who are you two and what are YOU up to,
if i might ask" he said, his voice sounding cold.
Iris once again looked at him as if she
wanted to bite his face off, but decidet to remain calm.

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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby Feint » 07/28/2009 6:00 PM

((ooc-- I'm having withdrawals. xD ))

Golem dashed past two lost souls before they could stop her.  She ignored their lonely cries coldly as she squeezed through another hole in the stone walls. The only thought that flashed through her head was hurry, hurry. Hurry where, she didn't know. All she knew was this pulling desire to leave the "fake" Iiylumiel far behind by clawing her way deeper into the shrine itself. She held her "breath" as she carefully skimmed across a thin ledge that was the only pathway over a large room with no floor, just a tunnel strait to the foundation. She bounded through a square hole and into a small room packed with gold and various tools for the "afterlife". Various mournful faces peered up at her from their gold beds, unable to touch or truly enjoy the riches they had been buried with. Golem snorted as she passed. She passed the next room, and then the next with a flick of her stone tail. She was moving along at greater and greater speeds, the desire to bury herself alive in the Great Angel's tomb ever stronger. Her shoulder caught a gilded table, piled high with statues and treasure, and sent it crashing to the ground. The crash echoed through the halls, fading with each floor it passed. Golem was long gone before the sound reached the surface. The second her paw touched the floor of the deepest treasure room, she froze. Her "heart" pounded in her "throat", leaping with anxiety. Here it is, she whispered, and carefully moved inside.

((to be continued with my next post.))

My wraiths, though not wraiths then, wandered deep into the heart of the polar storm. They tried to fight sleep, naive to the inevitability of their fate. When they awoke, they saw before them my own self, so much a part of the ice and cold they almost fail to see me. I wear a crown of the coldest, sturdiest ice, and my claws and fur have coated themselves in it.
I stand aloof to the cold, for I have lived in it so long, been a part of it so long, it no longer concerns me.

My wraiths are cursed to wander the polar tundra, eternally freezing, following mortal explorers and trying to warn them with their presence that they should not travel onward, should not make the same mistake. But there will always be those who persist in pressing on, never knowing what they are doomed to face, or destined to suffer.

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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby heLLzCat » 07/31/2009 9:50 AM

The Iiylumiel turn his face towards other direction, and stay still as if he's trying to catch some sounds that he had heard earlier from the distance.
It's almost inaudible, but the sound seems to signaling that they; the four, are really not alone in this big cathedral.

The girl beside him turn to look at him as she caught his awareness of other presence.

But then The Iiylumiel just turn back to the two gyrraptors.
'..maybe..it's just me.' he thought to himself as he shook of the thought.

Apolion, my Iiylumiel
a companion of an endless journey in search of truth and destiny of the past..

"what if angels and purities you hail are just evils hidden behind the light?
its so bright that you even couldnt look whats behind the light.
judging that the evils are bad. they hid themselves within the shadow, how could you see the real them?
you couldnt judge things as black or white while you're blind.
realize it my dear, humans are blind." --Apolion the Iiylumiel
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby Feint » 08/21/2009 11:48 PM

((ooc -- I'm gonna make a long one, just because I don't now if you're coming back or not.))

The room was empty. There was no gold, no treasure, no chairs, no weapons, no carving, no statues, nothing. There weren't even any doors. Golem carefully placed each paw as if she were stepping on eggshells. Her gaze darted about fearfully, and she ducked every now and then, as if seeing demons flying about her head. Of course she saw nothing--it was merely her fit of insanity running its final course. Something that should interest her was she was in the deepest room in all of the Cathedral, where over twelve tomb raiders were slain. Exactly how they died no one knew, for the second they had stepped through the same door Golem had, it snapped shut behind them, closing off all sound and air. When it finally reopened on its own, many years later, there was nothing inside.

Nothing visible, anyway.

Golem stepped into a square-shaped indent in the center of the room and stopped. Through the dim light her "blood" gave off, she could see the dusty, cracked stone tile along the wall and ceiling and floor. One crack in particular caught her attention, for it was the longest by far. It wasn't really one crack, but ten or more all joined together into one long mock fissure. Every now and then, it curled, opening a hole in the surface. Golem traced the crack with her "eyes" as far as she could see, then spontaneously began dancing in the square. Her steps traced the pattern the crack made, and made lots of noise that echoed in the room and out the halls. When she decided she was finished, and the echoes finally stopped, the room was dreadfully silent, almost more than it had been. It was dead silent. Golem threw back her head and shouted into the mind, SOULS OF THE LOST, AWAKEN!

Again, it was silent.

Golem held her "breath" anxiously, glancing about at the stone tile that surrounded her. Suddenly, a noise caught her attention, and she tilted her "ear" toward the sound. It was a soft, rushing sound, like water, only... different. Golem listened, and began to tremble. The rushing sound slowly gained in volume until it was a roar, and the screams of the dying tomb raiders could be heard in the rushing of liquid. Golem snapped back on her heel to see behind her, and tripped over herself in horror at what she saw. A vision of the raiders, all twenty of them, drowning in acid hidden in compartments in the ceiling hovered before her. Golem shrank against the side of the square she stood in in horror and fear, and when she could take no more, she dove through the vision for the door and freedom.

She hit the wall with a loud CRACKK. Without her knowledge, the door had shut behind her. The temple albie screamed in terror, pawing at the shut door. LET ME OUT! LET ME OUT! she pleaded. The mist in her "veins" had liquefied and were running down her stony cheeks like tears. The mental screams mixed with the raiders' wails and carried up to the surface of the shrine like evil wind.
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Re: I See Dead People [Open at any time]

Postby heLLzCat » 10/08/2009 11:39 AM

((ooc--really, my apology, i haven't been here for too long. my fault, but if you don't mind, i will start RPing here again.  :)  ))

the girl suddenly looking around almost as if she's in panic of searching for something. Still, without a significant change of expression. But a hint of worry is in her eyes.

And the Iiylumiel also sense something that makes the girl's sudden change of attitude.

"..it's trapping. it's..no way out. someone's screaming. someone's in fear. " she spoke out. now with calmer attitude, and her eyes went gazing blankly in no particular way or meaning.

"i know." the Iiylumiel nodded and walking to another direction without looking back at her.

And as if silently commanded, she followed behind the Iiylumiel.
To the direction which the Iiylumiel is heading. To the place where said 'someone's in fear'.

Apolion, my Iiylumiel
a companion of an endless journey in search of truth and destiny of the past..

"what if angels and purities you hail are just evils hidden behind the light?
its so bright that you even couldnt look whats behind the light.
judging that the evils are bad. they hid themselves within the shadow, how could you see the real them?
you couldnt judge things as black or white while you're blind.
realize it my dear, humans are blind." --Apolion the Iiylumiel
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