A dense jungle full of surprises and new places to explore! Scientists are still trying to document species found here, while travelers flock here for a sense of adventure. Be sure to make lots of preparations though, as it can be quite dangerous! (+3 Precision, +2 Offense)

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/|\Waking to Lost Memories/|\ {P}

Postby Kyrit » 10/17/2009 10:43 PM

Without memories getting lost seemed to be something that happened quite easily. When she woke up in this place everything seemed fuzzy in her mind. The only clear thing that rang in her memory was that her name was Faye Labri. Well, she could remember how to talk and anything that was needed to survive, but there was no memory of why she was here and nothing about her life before now. She didn't even have the slightest of clues as to where she was, other than that it seemed to be a jungle or forest of some type. Underneath her was what seemed to be a thin layer of leaves, obviously made as a sleeping spot to keep from getting dirty. Had she done that..? She couldn't really recall. Not even that could be answered.

Rubbing her eyes, the human girl sat up and looked around. Seemed as though no one else had been through here recently, so maybe she did make the little pallet. That still didn't explain why she was here or where it was though. Slowly standing up, stepping off the bed of leaves quickly made her aware of the fact she was bare footed. The ground wasn't wet enough to make everything turn to mud that would sink under her and creep its way between her toes, but it wasn't exactly fully dry either.

"I suppose... The best thing to do is try to find the nearest town." Was there even a town anywhere nearby though..? This jungle seemed as if it went on for a long ways and the foliage was very dense. Surely it'd be slightly thinner the closer to civilization she got, so she would just keep walking until she could find such a place.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/24/2009 1:56 AM

(Disclaimer: No, I do not own a normal Moonling. That's why I'm using the example image. Baal approved of my using Moonlings as NPCs of sorts for the sake of this roleplay. They aren't actual characters belonging to me.)

Really. Did this woman not know of the dangers that lurked deep within Tengel? Who did she think she was, traveling through the jungle on her own? While she had been sleeping, and odd bunch of shadowy figures had caught sight of her. They amazing hadn't gone in for the kill yet, although that was probably because they were so confused that a lone human would travel through this place and actually sleep out in the open like that, but it wouldn't stay like that forever. Now that she was on the move they were as well.

One of the shadows seemed slightly larger than the others, and the smaller ones seemed to follow behind it. It was almost as if it were a 'pack leader' of sorts. Every time it would get closer, so would the others. Every time it would back away, they would as well. Was this girl really stupid enough to travel alone...? That was probably the reason they were waiting instead of attacking. They wanted to make sure that nothing would attack them while they were feasting.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/24/2009 2:19 AM

Walking didn't quite seem to be getting her much of anywhere. For a while she kept thinking that she had seen the same tree once or twice already. This was confirmed when her foot came in to contact with the makeshift bed that she had been sleeping on not too long ago. First she had already been lost, what with waking up in a place she didn't remember, and now she was double lost. Every time she tried to go somewhere she just ended up going in circles.

Had she always been this way? Had getting lost been so easy for her before now? "Maybe I could... mark where I've been somehow..." She was thinking of how to not be lost, but she didn't seem to be following her own words very well. What would she mark her way with anyways? It wasn't like she had anything to cut in to the bark of a tree with. Didn't have a marker or anything either to indicate where she had been. Maybe she could just break a branch off of trees that she passed from time to time...? No, that was too common of a sight anyways.

"A trail of leaves maybe...?" Sighing, she shook her head. "No. That's too common as well. Leaves fall all the time. They don't fall in a trail, but the wind could shift the trail and then there wouldn't be a trail left..." Her words started to blur together, rambling on about how to find her way through this place.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/24/2009 2:23 AM

Eventually, after quite some time of walking and talking to herself, Faye seemed to come up with something. She tore a few small limbs from a tree and would lean them back against the tree. It wasn't a for sure marker since the limbs could always fall down, but at least it was something. Besides, surely not all of the limbs would fall over.

"Well... That solves letting me know where I've been.... but it doesn't really help figure out any way to go to get out of here." That was the main trouble really. It didn't help her to know where she had been if she didn't know where to go next. All of this walking around was starting to wear her down. It was hot, humid, and getting darker by the minute. If she didn't find her way out of the jungle soon it seemed as though she'd be spending another night in it.
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Postby Kyrit » 10/24/2009 2:27 AM

The shadows hadn't yet forgotten the jungle's lone guest. In fact, they had decided that maybe it would be best to wait until she was good and tired to make their move. For a few moments they stopped trailing her, but only for the sake that it seemed as though they had come up with some sort of idea. The largest shadow had taken some of the limbs and moved them over to a different tree. Looking around at the others, it gave a nod before starting to follow the girl again.

Following the example of their leader, the other shadows spread out and started to dismantle the trail left behind from the girl. Sometimes they would move limbs and sometimes they would tear down new ones and put them in a spot that completely contradicted where she had been. Looked like they were going to be giving her quite the hassle.
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Postby Kyrit » 12/10/2009 9:41 PM

It felt as though she had been walking forever. With a sigh, the human girl paused for a moment to lean against a tree and rest. It seemed as though she was going in circles even with the trail she had left behind. No matter how far she walked, she seemed to end right back where she started. Well, it looked like where she had started at least. After all, there were plenty of limbs lines up against trees. Then again, it also almost seemed like there were too many limbs. Truth be told, this wasn't where she started even though she now thought it was. Not only were the shadows messing with the trail behind her, but they were now also making trails of their own for her to run in to and become confused.

"I don't understand... The trail should have worked. At the very least I should have been able to go different directions without ending right back where I started." Sliding down to the ground, Faye sat on one of the tree's roots and let her head rest on her knee. Couldn't someone find her...?

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