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Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 10/28/2009 7:42 PM

As the moon shined dimmingly in the shrine, A Palowockee and three helpless kits were walking with grace, dignity, and yet something was wrong with them. With Blood streaks on the Palowokee's face and Vampire fangs, wearing a ripped up dress.  while the kits were their usual selves.  The four of them walked in a line, each with a tortch, but the Palowokee held a chainsaw in her right hand, while the torch in the left.

They kept on walking until the slate kit fell onto her knees.  "Hime-sama!  i'm tired!  Cant' we stop for a little bit?"  The Ginger and Dusky kit looked at their fallen one and nodded in agreement.  Hime, the Palowokee looked at the kits and lowered her body to sit down.  "Fine.  We can relax for now.  But we have to hurry."  

{Hime: 40} ((Human form))
{Ritsuko, Silhouette, and Iceine: 3} ((Human forms))

((If you see the Roleplay between me and Pima in Nabias, I pulled them out of that roleplay fro the no reply from Pima.  Kay?))
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 10/29/2009 6:01 PM

The four of them were just sitting and breathing slowly.  When Hime looked at the moon.  "We better get going now.  It's been a while," she said.  The kits looked at Hime and nodded in agreement.  "But what about the hunter or Mekkayna's?  Won't they find us?" said the Ginger kit.  "Silhouette is right, Hime.  what are we going to do if we find them?" said the Dusky kit.  

Hime looked at The dusky kit and sighed.  "Then we'll just have to find and sek for one if that's the case, Ritsuko," said Hime as she held up her chainsaw foreward.  "We go on," she said.  "Can you walk for a little longer, Iceine?" asked Silhouette to the Slate kit.  Iceine nodded and stood upward and pulled out a water bottle.  "I can go on as long as i get a drink or two," she said, then dranked some water from the water bottle.

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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 10/31/2009 6:15 PM

Hime looked around, still walking.  Ritsuko, Iceine, and Silhouette however, were walking with nothing going on in their eyes.  "what is wrong with you three?" asked Hime, still walking forewards, never looking back.  Silhouette looked at the back of Hime's head.  "Nothing usual.  We're just worried.  What if we can't find one," said Silhouette.  "We'll find one or the other, Silhouette," said Ritsuko.  Iceine nodded in agreement and took another drink of water.

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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/01/2009 12:42 AM

Without any further, Hime stopped and Ritsuko bumped behind Hime.  Silhouette and Iceine stopped and catched Ritsuko from falling to the floor.  Hime turned around and looked at her watch.  "It's already Midnight..." she said.  Silhouette and Iceine looked shocked.  Suddenly, Iceine went into panic and was looking around.  "Halloween!?  It can't be!"  She then looked at her frozened watch, "It's only...  Eh!?"  "What is it?" asked Silhouette in confusion.  "I'm wondering as well," said Ritsuko as he wiped away the dust of Hime's old dress.  "It can't be possible!  Time stopped flowing at the stoke of midnight," said Iceine and showed her siblings her watch.

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/02/2009 3:20 PM

"How can time be at a stand still!?  It's not possible," said Ritsuko as he was holding onto Iceine's hand and was looking at her watch.  "Actually...  there is a rumor going on about," said Silhouette with her eyes narrowed.  Hime nodded in agreement.  But Ritsuko and Iceine were dead confused at this moment.  "What could possibly explain this?" asked Iceine.  "Well, on a full crimson moon, just like tonight.  the Shrine would change into a sort of maze.  Finding the way out, or finding what you desire is the main goal.  Time freezes when there's a crimson moon and there's a spacific Year," said Hime.  After she told Ritsuko and Iceine about the crimson moon and rumor, there was a quake.

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/02/2009 3:24 PM

Ritsuko, Silhouette, and Iceine fell on the floor from the earthquake, but Hime stood still and then after a good 10 minutes, the earth became suttled.  No one didn't know what happened, until Silhouette looked around and saw that the walls had moved around.  "Okay.  What just happened about now," asked Ritsuko, fixing his hair.  "I think the walls moved around," said Silhouette.  "Oh please!  Like that would happen," said Iceine.  "But it did," said hime from 15 feet away from the three kits.  She then walked towards them with a smile.  "Lokes like we need to find what we're hunting, or where there's an exit," she said.  

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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/05/2009 3:34 PM

Ritsuko stood up, along with Silhouette and Iceine.  "But how are we going to find one or the other!?  How, I tell you," said Iceine with a face of shock.  silhouette covered Iceine's mouth to shut her up.  hime smiled and Ritsuko knew as well.  "We'll just ride around," he said.  Hime's smile grew wider after Ritsuko said that they were going to ride.  He put on his helmet and a turbo cycle came out of thin air.  "Good thing it didn't move at all," said Silhouette.  

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/08/2009 9:19 PM

Several hours passed, and the Foursome were riding through the maze like no ones buisness.  Suddenly, Hime thought she heard a sound.  "Ritsuko.  Stop," she said.  Ritsuko obey the orders of Hime's request.  "What's up, Hime?" asked Iceine while on the hood of the bike, sipping a slushie.  Silhouette didn't say anything at all.  She was thinking of a song to write.

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/09/2009 3:23 PM

Hime's eyes narrowed a little bit, and she lifted her chain saw with grace.  "I heard a sound...  We walk now," she said.  ritsuko got off the bike, which soon faded into the shadows.  Iceine fell head first on the floor, and started to have a tiny nose bleed.  "Ow...  next time Ritsuko, WARN ME," she yelled.  Silhouette aie played a violin to hear a rythem she liked.  It indeed suited the part.  "What are you doing Silhouetyte," asked Hime with interest.  "Just writing a song called Nocturne," said Silhouette, still air violining.  Iceine was rubbing th blood away and sighed.

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/12/2009 3:47 PM

Suddenly, there was a giggle around.  "Lookes like there's a visitor," said Hime as she turned on the chainsaw.  Ritsuko and Iceine brought out weapons, but Silhouette was not paying attention to the other's.  The giggling grew stronger, but they didn't know who was giggling.  
Suddenly there was a girl who flew passed Hime and Ritsuko with a large gust of wind followed.  "So very sorry!  You four seem fun," said the girl, as she landed on a statue.  Her arms were angel like wings, with long ears and a fluffy ail, the girl was also wearing a black and orange jump suit.  "and you might be?" asked Silhouette standing up and looking at the girl on the statue.  "My name is Unionza.  I'm a Candy Kitrell.  And you guys are Silhouette, Iceine, Ritsuko, and Hime.  Am I right?"

Hime, Ritsuko and Iceine glared at Unionza in discust.  "A Candy Kitrell," said Silhouette.  "Interesting to meet you Unionza."  Unionza smiled, all happy-go-lucky kind of way.  

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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/16/2009 3:22 PM

"So!  What are you guys doing here?  Isn't Halloween dangerous around here," asked Unionza with a smile still on her face.  "Actually, it's the perfect time to find a pet," said Hime.  Silhouette, Iceine, and Ritsuko were confused.  "Um...  what is that you're looking for," asked Unionza, then she giggled.  Hime pointed her Chainsaw at Unionza with anger, "Watch what you say!"  Ritsuko looked at Hime and smirked.  "This is funny," he said to Iceine, and she nodded.  Silhouette, on the other hand, did not nod along with her siblings.

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 11/20/2009 10:33 PM

"I'm just here to play and help," said Unionza.  Hime didn't liked this Kitrell, not one bit.  "What do you know?" she asked.  "Everything!  From hunting to finding a way out," said Unionza, then giggled again.  Silhouette, Iceine, Silhouette, and even Hime looked at Unionza with shock.  "How can you find the exit?" asked Silhouette.  Unionza looked at Silhouette and giggled again.  "It's simple!  Wanna see?"

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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 12/08/2009 3:32 PM

Unionza flew and led the way.  "Follow me!  I'll show you the way," she said.  The three little kuhnas and Hime were staring in confusion, then they followed.  

Several minutes later, Silhouette spoked.  "Hime...  Are you sure we can trust this person?" she asked.  "I have no idea," said Hime, still walking.  "what are you guys doing?" asked Ritsuko, whispering to Hime and Silhouette.  "Discussing things," said Silhouette.  "whatcha Discussing back there?" asked Unionza as she stopped on a headstone in the middle of the hallway.

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 12/18/2009 9:12 PM

Unionza tilted her head from left to right and started to giggle.  "If you won't tell me, then I'll have to ditch you and let you find your way," she said.  Hime, Silhouette, Ritsuko and Iceine looked at Unionza and growled.  "Fine...  We were woncering if we could trust you," said Hime.  Unionza looked at Hime and smiled.  "Okay!  Keep behind and don't get lost," she said and flew off again, leading the way.

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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Re: Halloween Scream! (Private/Hunt)

Postby Toon-Souseiseki » 12/20/2009 3:39 PM

With that Said and done, everyone was walking and looking around.  Hime was still looking for a pet to hunt with, and the threesome were just tagging along.  Unionza, on the other hand, was setting them into a trap.  What those idoits don't know is that Unionza, my name, would mean Trickster in the undead language of Wonderling Town, she thought and smirked a little.  Hime looked at Unionza and was starting to be a little suspicious about that Kitrell.  

The heart wants what the Heart GRIEVES FOR
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