Once home to the Crystal Cities of the Hunter clans, Craiss Caverns is now a hollow empty shell of its former glory due to a strange misfortune in the past. Man-made tunnels now lead to this place, but tales tell of some never returning. (+3 Defense, +2 Offense)

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A Close Encounter [P]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/05/2009 12:02 PM

"Vanla, can I ask why we're out here?" the Lucain female asked, and the Akail snapped slightly as she walked into the crystal cavern, her eyes gleaming brightly with pure venom.

"Rossa, hold your tongue.  When you left us before, you were a Lucain with two fathers who had no memory of anything besides your precious Antien.  Now, you're the child of two... er, shells or whatever." Vanlanthiriel snapped, the tendrils on her head raising as a warning.  Rossarinya gave a slight growl as she flattened her ears against her skull.

"They're called Nobodies, Vanla," she said, her hackles raised, "and what they are has no affect on me." The Akail had been slightly more annoying as of late; but, maybe that was to be expected of her.  After all, they'd assumed that Rossa had returned, and then, she had disappeared.


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Re: A Close Encounter [P]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/06/2009 11:06 AM

"Don't you 'whatever' me, Vanla.  Not when you dragged me out here in the first place." Rossarinya snapped, her eyes gleaming dangerously.  "Just because I have changed forms does not mean my demeanor has changed in the slightest.  I am still as fiery and dangerous as before."

"Oh, for the love of Yepha... calm down, Rossa!  All I was meaning to say is that I have absolutely zero idea on how that works out..." Vanlanthiriel said, hissing slightly as her tendrils stood up on end.  The Lucain rolled her eyes as she shook her head, looking around the caverns.

"Perhaps now you will enlighten me with the reason as to why you brought me here, Vanla?  I have things I need to be doing... preparations to be making for Antien's return..." Rossa said, her tails flicking slightly as the Akail sighed again, her six eyes gleaming with annoyance.

"Your love can wait; it will be a while yet before Antien returns..."

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Re: A Close Encounter [P]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/06/2009 12:33 PM

"How do you know that, Vanlanthiriel?" Rossarinya inquired angrily, her fur standing up on end as the Akail sighed impatiently, shaking her head.

"Rossa... please, darling, you need to calm down.  Just because I've been around here for about a year more than you automatically gives me insight into these things.  I know how often your type gather to spawn, and right now, they rarely gather." The Akail said angrily, and the Lucain scoffed.

"Doesn't mean that he can't inhabit another Lucain's body, you know.  After all, that's what I did." Rossa said.  "I'm just saying, he could actually be back and we might not know it, you know?"

"Child... have you no sense of these things?  Male Lucain come to our human about as often as new Lucain in general.  Your love will be a while in returning."

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Re: A Close Encounter [P]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/06/2009 12:45 PM

"I think you're just jealous.  We used to be good friends until he entered my life..." Rossarinya said, shaking her head solemnly as she sighed.  "The first time he took me to the lake in Rivendell... I saw you in the shadows.  Your... your purple eyes were piercing through the shadows, boring into my soul." She glared levelly at the Akail, her ice-blue eyes glaring into her companion.

"Maybe I am, maybe I'm not." Vanlanthiriel said, hissing angrily.  "However, I will tell you that I hate how you were always talking about him when we were together.  Antien this, Antien that; and, then, of course, 'Antien kissed me for the first time today'..."

"I'm sorry that I had to let my excitement about finding the one right for me intrude on our friendship, Vanla.  I thought you would be excited for me..."

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Re: A Close Encounter [P]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/06/2009 12:55 PM

"Well, you were wrong."

Vanla said this with an amount of conviction that Rossarinya, for once, found mildly scary.  She shrank away slightly, her ice-blue eyes still retaining their piercing quality, but her ears were pressed flat against her skull as she curled her tails around her hind paws.

"Well, I'm sorry I had to assume.  And you've just proved my previous assumption; you are jealous of me and Antien.  You cannot deny it now; you are jealous." Rossa said, slowly returning to an upright position as her tails lashed around violently.  She glared at the Akail, and Vanla glared back levelly.

"Well, you're right there." Vanla said, hissing.

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