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→ with the flow (Becca)

Postby Icy Rose » 11/14/2009 8:03 PM

This must have been the first time he had gotten out of that 'jail' in weeks. He hated being stuck in that place. It'll be the death of him someday. His daughter seems to becoming more and more clingy to him, just wanting more and more. Aruaan was the one who wasn't interested in this whatsoever, he just wanted the little brat to leve him alone. Not that he didn't love little Kiki, no, he did! He just figured her to be one of the most annoying creatures... always pestering him for things. Along with Kiki, she always has that little boy Highway following after her. He didn't need another one of Kossia's children scrapping at his heels all day. A day or two (or more), of freedom is just what he needed.

And he couldn't be any more happier! The large, male lucain stalked down the cobblestone roads silently, by himself. He didn't seem to care about being here alone, much, though. He liked it. After being stuck around others for the longest time, being alone was a great gift in his eyes. He took it as a much needed vacation. Sadly, there is no vacation from doing what he does. When he goes back home, he'll still be the father of Kiki, beind pestered for things everyday like he is now. So, maybe he should just stay here.

Though this isn't his 'scene'. The free, ocean smell. The sound of the waves crashing always echoing in his ear, and the clean look of the city. No, positively not. "Why are you here, anyway?" He asked himself, but no answer came from his head. He sighed. He must not be thinking clearly. He hadn't thought clearly in the longest time, though. Everything has been blurred for a long time now, though. He had been rather... 'busy'. He hasn't really thought about anything logically lately. Maybe he was slowly inching in to being... insane? Oh, Xai're, he better hope not. He didn't need to put that on to his shoulders, he already has so much hanging over them.

So, maybe he was a little strung out. Obviously he didn't have enough fun, it was just too hard. He was too busy, he didn't have the time.

( D: I know it's short. quad form.)

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 11/14/2009 8:30 PM


Zatatirial walked down the street, his eyes downcast. He had needed to get out of that house... He couldn't stand his brother's ridicule any longer. He had needed to escape, to get away from the taunting comments, the disdainful looks. He didn't understand why his brothers found his preferences so bad... It wasn't as if he could find someone...

So he had come here. To seek solitude and calm his boiling emotions. Already he was relaxing, his troubles were already fading like the light from the setting sun. He wished that his father had been home to set his brothers straight.... He would have understood Zata's predicament. After all, his father was like him. With different...views....

He didn't see the other lucain until he had collided with him. He fell back on his backside, then scrambled up muttering apologies. "I'm so sorry....I....I didn't see you...." He helped the other lucain up, eyes still downcast. "I-I wasn't looking where I was going a-and I'm afraid I..." he stammered as he looked up then froze. His eyes took in the other lucain and his breath hitched. Oh my god.... His mind reeled. So gorgeous... Zata tried to get his tounge to untie. He couldn't leave his sentence unfinished lest he make this handsome lucain think he was...strange.... "I didn't see you until I bumped into you..." He finished.

(Thats okay. ^^ Mine's kinda weird too. My muse is all over the place today.)

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Icy Rose » 11/14/2009 9:12 PM

Aruaan was a bold male, very outgoing at some points. He didn't let anyone talk him down, no, he would never let that happen! His ego was too big for such pathetic things like that. Really, he would just shrugs thing off. He acted like he didn't care, he got along in  the joke. Ninty percent of the time, it worked. They would stop being bullies. He liked it, the feel of winning. He didn't feel that too much anymore, and... that just made him feel more sorrow. He hadn't felt genuine happiness in a long time. He had gotten used to the neutral state, or sadness. He sighed, and kept on walking down slowly the cobblestone street.

Aruaan didn't focus too much as he walked, and when he felt something bump into him he came back into reality. He grunted, then growled. He waited for a witty complaint going "Watch out, idiot," or something along those lines. The creature he bumped into fell to the ground. "I'm so sorry....I....I didn't see you...." The male lucain didn't look up at him. "I-I wasn't looking where I was going a-and I'm afraid I..." When he did look up, he stopped midsentence. Aruaan's eyebrow raised at this. He picked himself back up, though, and said,  "I didn't see you until I bumped into you..." Stuttering? Did this male think he was scary or something? That'd be a first.

Aruaan sighed. "No, no. I apologize. I wasn't looking much either," He started, "it's no big deal. Don't worry 'bout it." He reasurred him. He figured he might as well be nice. He didn't see anyone along with this male, so he figured he must be alone here. "I go by Aruaan," He announced, his head held high.

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 11/14/2009 10:01 PM

Zata fidgited nervously as the other male spoke. Aruaan? A wonderful name, in Zata's opinion. A wonderful name to match a wonderful face.... Zata blushed before he could banish the thought. His heart pounding, he nodded his head in acknowledgement. "Umm... My name is Zatatirial... Zata for short...." he said quietly.

This male was truly gorgeous. His dark pelt was beautifully shiny and Zata wanted to reach out and touch it. He refrained from doing so because it was just not something one did to a stranger. The urge was strong though...

"Still, I do apologize for bumping into you... Let me make it up to you by taking you out to dinner or something..." The instant he said it he felt foolish. This male wouldn't want to...go out....for lack of a better phrase...with Zata.....

(Eh, the muse spark for today is dying out. T^T)

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Icy Rose » 11/14/2009 11:12 PM

This boy seemed like very nervous fellow, for all that came into Aruaans ears was the Lucain's stuttering. He obviously couldn't tell that Zatatirial thought he was pretty, and Aruaan couldn't say much about Zatatirial. That's only because he had never been attracted to someone since the episode with Kossia. Myself, I could not blame him!  He was obviously in love with Kossia, and after that episode, it's no wonder he practically fell apart. So he found it hard to bond after that, and all he had left over was his daughter. He wasn't associated with anyone else in the pen, and no one wanted to be associated with him anyway. Well, that's all in the past. He needed to get past that phase.  

"Umm... My name is Zatatirial... Zata for short...."  Zatatirial seemed very nervous, still. Aruaan couldn't help but chuckle softly to himself. "Very nice to meet you, Zatatirial," Aruaan told him, a slight smirk playing across his face. He did find this amusing, maybe in a cruel way. But he loved it. Poor little Zata, good he doesn't know what's playing in Aruaan's head.

"Still, I do apologize for bumping into you... Let me make it up to you by taking you out to dinner or something..." Zata offered. Aruaan pondered this... awkward ( in his words ) offer. Aruaan shrugged. "Oh, Xai're. Someone who knows the town. I mean, I hope you do. I know absolutely nothing about this city. You see, I don't get out much. Well, into large cities like so..." He rambled on for a moment, hoping he didn't seem too odd. No, no, that is not a good way to start things. Not very smart, now is that, Aruaan?

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 11/15/2009 1:59 PM

Zata's breathing slowed a little. Good, the Aruaan wasn't mad... Zata hated making people mad and he didn't know what he would have don't had he made the other male mad. Probably would have run away.... He shook himself mentally and tried to straighten up.

"I don't know the place too well, I don't get out much either. But I have been here several times and I know a few places..." he said. "Do you have any preferences on food?" he added. Zata felt very awkward, but he had gotten himself into this and he was gonna have to see it through... Not that he minded being around Aruaan. In fact he very much wanted to get to know this dark male.

He hoped that his father would be alright with this... He would hate to make his father displeased... But, his father knew his preferences and was alright with them, right? Zata was pretty sure that Ulfgang would not object.....

(Grr... Short post.... *chases after her muse*)

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Icy Rose » 11/15/2009 4:56 PM

"I don't know the place too well, I don't get out much either. But I have been here several times and I know a few places..."  His smile disappearred slightly at the beginning of his comment, but it soon then came back. At least he knew something. Good thing, Aruaan would have probably had walked of saying he 'had to do something' if he didn't have any idea on what to do. Then again, pass up a meal? "Do you have any preferences on food?" Zatatirial questioned. Aruaan pondered this for a second, "No, no. I don't," he replied simply. Aru wasn't a picky boy, either.

Without question, Aruaan went around Zatatirial. He flicked his tails at him once he moved past him. "Come on!" He spoke, "I don't want to sit around here, no, I don't. I don't think you do either. Sitting in the middle of a crowded street, that's not that fun. I bet people are getting annoyed at me too, just standing here..." He trailed off, thinking if that could be true. He shrugged, chuckled to himself, and started to walk along. Oh, hopefully he didn't come off as rude.. or, well, Aruaan could be rude at times. Poor little Zata, hopefully he wouldn't get any lip from him.

(..small, little 213 word post. 8D)

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 11/16/2009 12:48 PM

Zata was slightly startled by Aruaan's boldness. "Um...Alright...Uh....This way..." he said then walked only mildly quickly down the street. His cheeks burned with embarassment and he tried not to glance back too often at Aruaan. His footsteps were a little shakey but he ignored it. He didn't want to make a fool of himself again...

He sniffed the breeze, searching for the scent coming from his favorite resturant. A nice little sushi place. He figured that would be appropriate enough. He licked his lips in anticipation of the food....and at the chance to get to know this male... He couldn't stop thinking of how handsome Aruuan was.. That glossy coat...lovely eyes....that voice...

He coughed and stopped that train of thought before it went to far into the gutter, stopping outside the door of a small building right on she seaside and finally turned to face Aruaan. "H-here we are... I hope you like sushi..." he said, a sligh smile on his face. "The food here is excellent." he opened the door and waited for Aruaan to go first.

(Eh.. I did this one on my iPhone at school. So it's kinda short. XD)

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Icy Rose » 11/22/2009 11:21 PM

Aruaan started to slow down gradually, just to let Zata get ahead of him. "Um...Alright...Uh....This way..." So, maybe Aruaan did feel a little cruel at that moment. He let Zata travel ahead of him. He followed behind him silently, without a sound. His breathing was even quiet. Maybe he wanted him to think that he wasn't there? Aruaan, yes, did feel a little cruel. Maybe that is just him, who he is. No wonder nobody really liked him.

Aruaan's mind wandered quickly. Was this a smart idea to go off with this guy? He did barely know him, what if he was some creepy, wild murderer who wanted to drink his blood kill him? That's not a very good idea... ooh, maybe he should back out off this? That would not be too nice, though. Now, he couldn't just do that. That's not a very nice thing to do at all. It would either end up bad, or maybe this guy wouldn't care at all. Dang, either way... you never know.

"H-here we are... I hope you like sushi..." There was that darn stutter again. Aruaan had a bad want to ask if it was just how he was or if he was nervous, but he decided to save that for later. "Sushi.... sounds good." He answered. "The food here is excellent." Aruaan raised his brow, nodding in acknowledgement. Zata opened the door for him, then. Aruaan was taken aback by this, slightly. No one ever did that for him. Huh. Aruaan smiled and entered the restuarant, waiting for Zata.

(Aruaan: 5)

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 11/23/2009 12:10 AM

Zata blushed as Aruaan smiled. He really needed to control himself. The other lucain probably thought he was being a huge creeper and he had to admit that he himself thought that he was being one. He followed Aruaan into the resturant and nodded at the waitor he had become friends with there. The waitor raised his eyebrows as he saw Zata with the dark male and then winked. Zata wished he hadn't. What if Aruaan noticed?

Zata's min was full of conflicting thoughts and emotions. The strongest was that he would very much like to let this male do whatever he liked with him. Close behind that was the inconvenient thought that Aruaan probably didn't have the same gender preferences as himself. And mixed in with those was his usual feelings of panic and shyness. He had never been this nervous in his whole life and it was really throwing him off his already unsteady stride...

He took a deep breath and tried to calm his thoughts. It worked a little. He felt like he could cntinue speaking without stuttering now. "Theres a place right over there," he said and began to walk over to the seats. On his way he brushed against Aruaan by accident. He couldn't contain the slight tremor as he almost tripped, but managed to keep on his feet. He sighed with relief as he jumped onto the seat and sat down on his haunches. "Feel free to get whatever you want," he said to Aruaan, his voice a little calmer still as the aromas of food took his mind slightly off the embarassment from earlier.

(Lol. It's okay. XD Don't sweat it.)

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Postby Icy Rose » 11/24/2009 6:21 PM

Aruaan walked into the restaurant cautiously. Not because he thought he would get attacked... or maybe he did? His ear flicked once. The smells of sushi filled his nose. The leopard Lucain watched as Zatatirial nodded at the waitor. Aruaan tilted his head slightly when the waitor looked at him, then back to Zatatirial.... and winked. Aruaan decided not to comment on this, just to be safe. Maybe it was better for him not to say anything, to save an awkward moment. He didn't even know the whole story behind it either... He wasn't sure if he wanted to.

"Theres a place right over there." Zatatirial announced to him. Aruaan nodded, waiting for Zata to lead the way. The other male brushed him, Aruaan shoved it off, calling it an accident. He walked behind the other male slowly, deciding to take his time. He wasn't sure why, maybe it was just him. He felt a little awkward doing this, having dinner with a stranger. Put anyone in his shoes though, I bet everyone felt like this! He met the guy today, much less an hour ago probably (he wasn't sure of the time), and now... dinner? Oof, was he this gullible?

He sat down on the other side of the table, right infront of Zata. "Feel free to get whatever you want." Aruaan nodded. Though he wasn't even sure what in the world to get. Maybe he should just skip out on eating.... That'd be the best idea, he thought. He kept his silence for a few moments, like he did for the whole time. Maybe it's time to small talk. "Ummm.... so... why are you here in Jawan?" He asked. He hated small talk, but he might as well. He needed to make this better than he thought it was.

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 11/25/2009 7:41 PM

Zata wriggled a little awkwardly in his seat. He wasn't sure if he should tell the exact truth of what he was doing here in Jawan. He guessed he could tell part of the truth..... That he was getting away from his brothers mental torture, but not what they had tortured him about.

"I'm here to get away from my brothers. They are kinda tormenting me back home.... Teasing me relentlessly about something they have no right to tease or judge me about..." he said, looking down at the table. He felt a bit ashamed that he could just not tell the truth but it was better than Aruaan being weirded out by him...

It was totally unfair. They only teased him about it. Never anyone else. Their father had the same sort of preferences and they never made fun of him. Even when he wasn't around. Nor for anyone else at the Shrine. He growled quietly at the thought of his brothers leering faces and snide remarks...

(Sorry for the short post. Feelin a bit weird.)

Summon the djinni with your mystic pentacle,
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Postby Icy Rose » 11/29/2009 2:15 AM

Aruaan wrapped his tail around his legs, waiting patiently. He had to have patience though, because if he did not he wouldn't be very far in his life right now. No one would probably like him, either. ... But, then again, no one really likes him now. So, being patient probably wouldn't help things at all. Good wishing though, Aruaan. "I'm here to get away from my brothers. They are kinda tormenting me back home.... Teasing me relentlessly about something they have no right to tease or judge me about..." Aruaan's thoughts snapped away.

Aruaan nodded. "Oh, I see..." The lucain answered shorty. "I don't blame you. My family doesn't treat me. . . how can I put it, correctly either. My daughter has decided to leech on to me and never leave me alone. She decided to bring her half brother, and my former mates son, to tag along too." He shrugged.  He didn't usually share such information with a stranger, but, he might as well, no? He obviously had to say something. Though, maybe, sharing stories was a little odd. Whatever, Aruaan didn't care.

"Though, I guess that isn't too bad. I just never get a break." He stated finally, deciding to stop mouthing off about himself. His eyes bounced from the other people in the restaurant, to Zata, to everyone else, and then back to Zata. So, maybe this was a little awkward.

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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 12/01/2009 12:40 PM

Zata nodded in sympathy. "Family can really be a pain... Especailly when you're considered the odd one out like I am," he said. It was all totally unfair but that was the plain truth. Only his father gave any real good support for his situation. His mother treated him like the special child who would have a mental breakdown at any moment, whenever she wasn't brooding about his father's lack of any interest anymore or her lack of a mate. And his brothers just kept teasing him and making him feel isolated.

"I guess thats why people take vacations to places like this..." he murmered. "To get away from it all and relax and think..." He looked out the little window next to the booth and gazed at the calm ocean. "The seaside really is one of the best places... So peaceful... The sound of the waves so relaxing..." He caught himself before he started to ramble and looked down, blushing. He couldn't help that he said stuff like that. Whenever he thought that something was truly beautiful he would just start saying it out loud. And he was finding it very hard not to say what he thought of Aruuan.

"But, problems aside, I never really formally introduced myself. My name as I said is Zatatirial, but you can call me Zata for short. It's easier since my name is a bit of a mouthful." He gave a weak little smile. "I love in a place called The Shrine of Peace, is pretty close by here, but closer to the mountains. My father is Ulfgang and my mother Kakkazan. I have four brothers, Linkin, Corvall, my half brother Ravish, and another that I've never really met, and one sister also whom I've never met. I also have an uncle or two and an aunt but the only one I know is uncle Vetinari." He felt that he was sharing rather a lot with Aruaan but he had already said it and he couldn't really take it back. "Do you have much in the way of family? You said you have a daughter?"

Summon the djinni with your mystic pentacle,
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Re: → with the flow (Becca)

Postby Becca » 12/01/2009 11:17 PM

Zata listened intently. Here was his chance to learn more about Aruaan. He was interested that the other male had a family. He himself hoped or children someday, but with his current luck he probably wouldn't achieve that.... He always struck out on every male he approached, usually because he was either too shy or they didn't swing the same was as himself...

"Do you not have a mate? Obviously you had to have had one to have your children. Has she passed on or something?" Zats felt that he was being rather rude in asking this but he couldn't stop himself. He was truly not himself today. He was usually never this nosey and he had even begun to lose his quiet stutters. What was it about Aru now that calmed him now, when he had been so nervous earlier?

"I've never had a mate myself," he said wistfully. "I can't seem to find the right person who understands what it is like to be like me. To have a rough life and have to get by as best as I can...." He sighed again. "I just can't find the right bo-," he began then flicked his tail over his mouth. He had almost said it. He had almost revieled to Aruaan that he was of the not-straight persuasion....

Summon the djinni with your mystic pentacle,
he appears in guises most fanciful.
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lest this be your last of days.
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