If you're looking for beautiful seaside scenery, this is the place for you. Home to the world's largest collection of fishermen and fishing pets, this city is well known, as it provides much of Barakka's fish exports. You should try the famous Broiled Sea Scalla, it's delicious! (+2 Fame)

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Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/14/2009 4:15 PM

Loki and Yerik
EDIT: Human Form: Loki and Human Form: Yerik
The sun shone high overhead as Loki and Yerik made their way toward the docks. Loki's white fur shone brightly in the sunlight, and Yerik could feel the sun beating down ferosiously on his dark fur. The smell of fish wafted through the air as the pair walked through the fish maket. They arrived at the dock and looked around for their friends. "Dendou and Leah should get here at any moment," Loki said to Yerik. The two ferrikoons sat on the dock and watched the various vessles sail in and out. A shout sounded behind them and the two looked around. Someone was yelling at them to get off the dock unless they were fishing. Yerik began yelling back and Loki had to drag him off of the dock and they went onto the shore on the other side. "I told Leah we'd be on the dock!" Yerik exclaimed grumpily. "Would you rather be fined??" Loki asked her friend. Yerik grumbled.

-31- -10-

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Re: Going fishing? (Private)

Postby rayann102 » 11/14/2009 4:53 PM


Leah and Dendou

EDIT: Leah: Human Form and Dendou: Human Form

So Leah and Dendou were on thier way down to the dock and Dendou said, "Hey, Leah where are they. I can't see them." Then Leah replied, "I don't see them either. Wonder where they could be. Let's look for them." So they searched and searched around the docks and then Leah thought she saw something dark and something light at the same time and said, "Is that Yerik and Loki?" Then Dendou replied, "I think it is, lets go see." So they walked down to where they saw the darkness and lightness and it was them. Then Leah said, "Hi." Dendou said, "Hey, what's up?" Then they waited for a response.
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Re: Going fishing? (Private)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/14/2009 8:30 PM

Loki turned at the sound of the voices behind her. She smiled at Leah and Dendou. "Hello," she greeted them. She stood up and stretched her arms and legs. Yerik stood up and grunted, "Hi." He was in a sour mood after being scolded for sitting on the dock. "You guys wanna go fishing?" Yerik asked. That was the reason for their outing, a fishing trip. Loki had been looking forward to seeing her friends since last weekend. The water from the sea lapped at the beach.

-32- -11-

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Re: Going fishing? (Private)

Postby rayann102 » 11/17/2009 9:19 AM

Dendou said excitedly, "Sure, I love fishing." Then Leah said, "Sure, it sounds like it will be fun." So they made thier way to the dock.
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Re: Going fishing? (Private)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/17/2009 4:59 PM

Loki rushed forward to walk beside Dendou as they made their way back toward the dock. "How've you been?" she asked him quietly. She had been looking forward to seeing him all week, and wasn't going to miss her chance. Yerik walked behind them at a slower, steady pace. "We need to rent a boat," he said. "If we want to go out to sea to fish." Loki smiled. "I've got some spare ks, I'll go rent the boat," she said enthusiastically. In the blink of an eye she was in her human form with her pink air blowing in the wind and her very light green skirt blowing in the wind as well. "I'll be right back," she said. Then she began walking toward a boat renting station.

-33- -12-

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Re: Going fishing? (Private)

Postby rayann102 » 11/19/2009 9:00 AM

Dendou replied, "See you in a few." And so they were waiting at the dock and then Leah sadi to Yerik, "I've missed you. How are you doing?" and then she snuggled close to him. Dendou then said, "Ewe, that's gross!" Then Leah said, "Have you seen yourself with Loki?" Then Dendou said, "Well, thats different." And so they went on arguing.
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Re: Going fishing? (Private)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/19/2009 5:06 PM

"I've missed you too," Yerik said gently to Leah as they waited for Loki to come back. He snuggled the biolune back. He seemed to be getting in a better mood. Meanwhile, Loki walked up to the man at the counter. She asked him how much it would cost to rent a boat for four. She gave him the keystones and recieved a key to unlock the boat from the boat racks. She thanked him and went to find Leah, Yerik and Dendou. She soon found them quarreling down by the dock. Yerik saw Loki coming back and switched into his human form as well. It would be much easier to get the boat out to sea with thumbs. He adjusted his red shirt and ran his fingers through his shaggy white-blonde hair. "Welcome back," he greeted her. "Thanks," Loki replied. She looked behind him at Leah and Dendou. "Can you guys change too? I never though to ask you that before..."

-34- -13-

And I was runnin' far away
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Nobody knows
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I was dancing in the rain
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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/24/2009 7:07 PM

Loki and Yerik readied the small boat. They pushed it into the water and Loki stepped into the boat and sat down on one of the benches. She pulled out a chocolate lollypop which seemed to come from thin air and began to suck on it as she waited for the other three. Yerik held his hand out to Leah. "Coming?" he asked her.

-35- -14-

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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby rayann102 » 11/28/2009 5:37 PM

In response Leah and Dendou changed into their human forms. Taking Yerik's hand Leah stepped into the boat followed by Dendou who sat next to Loki. Leah, still holding Yerik's hand, sat down and pulled him with her. Leah giggled and smoothed out her black dress. She then attempted to tuck her jet black hair behind her ears, but to no avail. It just kept coming undone. Dendou smiled at Loki and took her free hand. He retilted his hat just the way he liked it.
Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
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I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
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This could be the end of everything
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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/28/2009 6:10 PM

Yerik nearly fell on top of Leah, but he managed to seat himself beside her, almost tipping the small boat over. He sat near the small engine and pulled the string that would get the motor going. The engine roared to life. Yerik kept a hand on the rudder to steer the boat. He put his other arm around Leah. He smiled to himself as he inhaled her sweet scent. Loki smiled as Dendou took her hand. She squuezed his hand and looked into his aquamarine eyes. "You're eyes are so pretty," she said to him. They were well out from the dock when Yerik called out, "Who was supposed to bring the fishing poles?"

-36- -15-

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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby rayann102 » 11/28/2009 6:41 PM

Leah and Dendou looked at each other and quickly said at the same time, "Not I." Dendou looked at Yerik in outrage. Then yelled at him, "You said you were bringing them." Then Leah whinned, "Please don't start. Today is supposed to be a fun, relaxing fishing trip. We can all go get our poles and meet back in fifteen minutes. Okay?"
Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.

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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/28/2009 6:51 PM

Yerik glared at Dendou. "It was not my responsibility!" he yelled at him. His arm tightened around Leah. He realized this and loosened his grip so as not to hurt her. The boat drowned on. Loki broke the silence that was creeping in on them. "I think Leah has a good idea," she said gently. Yerik turned his glare to Loki. "We're too far out to turn back now," he said. "It'll ruin the rest of the day." He sighed and looked around. Land was still in view, but it would take too much time. "How about we just float around and chat?" Loki suggested. Yeik rolled his eyes. "Or we could go swimming," she suggested.

-37- -16-

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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby rayann102 » 11/29/2009 1:18 PM

Dendou shouted back at Yerik, "I thought we agreed you'd bring them." Then Leah snuggled into Yerik trying to calm him down slighty. Then she said in response to Loki, "I like Loki's idea of swimming, it sounds fun. Maybe we could find some shiny things in the water, too." Then she smiled at Loki thinking of the fun they could have. Dendou thought about the possibility of swimming with Loki and then he decided he still wanted to argue with Yerik cause he was mad.
Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
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This could be the end of everything
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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby jobiehanna » 11/29/2009 4:27 PM

Yerik scowled at Dendou. He realized he was upsetting the girls and din't want to agrue with Dendou anymore, but he was older and demanded the repect. "You girls go swimming if you want to," Yerik said in as calm of a voice as he could manage. Loki stood up and felt the boat rock slightly beneath her. She held onto Dendou to steady herelf. She flashed a smile at him. She bent over and whispered into his ear, "Don't make him too angry. I don't want you to get hurt." She placed a kiss on his cheek and an instant later she was a ball of fur sitting on the floor of the boat. She climbed onto the seat beside Dendou. Then she jumped into the water, creating a splash. The water was chilly at first, but soon she felt warm again. She opened her eyes to see miles and miles of blue water. She closed her eyes and let the water rock her gently. Then she swam to the surface for a gulp of fresh air. She saw the small boat with the others in it bobbing gently in the sea.

-38- -17-

And I was runnin' far away
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Re: Going fishing? (Private; me and Rayann)

Postby rayann102 » 11/29/2009 11:05 PM

Leah whispered in Yerik's ear, "Please don't hurt him, Rayann will probably hold me responsible because I can be very agressive when I get mad. She would be upset with me then probably." Then she followed Loki into the water. It felt so refreshing. Then Dendou shouted, "I hate when people do this to me, just cause I'm young." Then he broke down cryong. Then when Leah comes up to get a breath she hears him and hurries back and loudly said to Yerik, "What did you do to him?" Then Dendou said, "It's all his fault," his cries droned on and on. All the while Dendou was thinking viciously, yes I am finally getting them to argue, then they will be apart and i won't have to deal with him and his "kindness in acting like a gentleman" it's all a stupid act of his.
Oh simple thing, where have you gone?
I'm getting old and I need something to rely on
So tell me when you're gonna let me in
I'm getting tired and I need somewhere to begin.

And if you have a minute, why don't we go
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This could be the end of everything
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