Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/16/2009 12:43 PM

If there was one thing that Otoña was good at, it was covering up her feelings.

The Autumn Kuhna was rather quiet and timid; there were various reasons for her to be that way.  Her mother had shunned her as a kit, and her father... well, she'd never met her father.  It was a bit disheartening to her to think about, but she could get over it.

That's all Otoña had ever done was tough it out.

I can't believe this... Otoña thought to herself.  I can't believe I'm actually out here, and I especially can't believe that I don't have a problem with this.  Who knows what creepy things could be lurking behind the serene backdrop here...

Otoña sighed as she sat down, her olive eyes looking around tentatively.  Was her paranoia legitimate, or was she just imagining everything?

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/17/2009 7:19 PM

She was right where he wanted her, unaware and suspicious.

The Lykuhna gave a small smirk as he examined her carefully, and he was rather surprised to see that very little of her darling mother was actually in her.  Ashilata had refused him for that chicken, Kendoras, when they had fought before, and now, Anaris was set on revenge.  He couldn't help but chuckle quietly as he watched her look around, his eyes gleaming.

This is excellent... Anaris thought.  She's completely oblivious to any indications that I might be here... this is too easy.

He slowly moved forward, trying to keep his cover as he watched her.  He'd seen how she'd been examining the backdrop of Idalani; she was far too suspicious.  If he did anything to expose his presence, then he was in for a world of trouble.  Even if her mother refused to acknowledge her, Otoña doubtless had friends elsewhere.

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/17/2009 8:29 PM

Otoña instantly glanced around nervously, her eyes wide as she sniffed the air.  She thought she had smelled something... but... maybe that was just her imagination playing tricks on her.  Soon, she moved a little closer to the water, looking around nervously.

Oña, you're being a little too paranoid about the whole thing.  Just because that Lykuhna says he's Anaris doesn't mean he is.  But... then again... he looked incredibly like the Anaris that Mother once talked about, back when I was younger, and back when she and Kendoras were "starting over". Otoña thought, shaking her head.

Anaris was dead.  The only reason Ashi and her fourteen companions had been brought back was because Yepha wanted to bring them back, and because they had something to avenge.  It didn't occur to her that maybe Xai're had brought back Anaris just to tease Yepha.  After all, Gods and Goddesses did do that... right?

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/18/2009 6:01 PM

Indeed, that was pretty much exactly why Anaris was back.  Xai're had brought Anaris back to Evelon in this form.  Granted, Anaris wanted to have a few choice words with Xai're because of the form he was in now, but who was he to complain when it gave him an even more menacing appearance then before?  He shrugged it off here, smirking as he watched her.

Easy, Anaris... easy... wait till she's got her back completely turned... yes, just like that, my sweet.  Just like that... he thought, chuckling darkly as he crouched low, his yellow eyes gleaming dangerously.  Not yet... wait for it... and... now!

As soon as he thought "now", he leapt out from the bushes, pouncing on Otoña and quickly knocking her out.  A quick blow to the back of her head temporarily stunned her and made it so that he could lift her without any struggles.  He chuckled darkly, a sly grin on his face as he hoisted the Autumn Kuhna onto his back.

"Too easy..." he muttered.

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/18/2009 6:07 PM


This was the only syllable that Otoña could utter before the blur of brown fur knocked her out.  She gave a slight groan as she fell to the ground, limp.  She didn't feel Anaris hoist her onto his back, and she didn't feel the rise and fall of the terrain as he carried her away from the secret glade where she was.  Doubtless, though, that was a part of Anaris' plan, was to have her completely unconscious while she was transported away.  There was less chance for resistance that way, after all.

Some time later, Otoña woke up, her paws chained to a wall so that she could not escape.  She gave a slight cry as she realized this, and then, she looked around the dark room until she found a pair of yellow orbs staring out at her.

"I know you're there... who are you?  Why have you brought me here?  What do you want from me?"

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/18/2009 7:57 PM

Anaris smiled as the Autumn Kuhna gave a slight cry at realizing she was chained to the wall.  However, he showed no sympathy to her as he emerged from the shadows, his yellow eyes gleaming brilliantly as he approached her, chuckling slightly as he barred his fangs, allowing the pointed ones to show as he circled her.  After a moment, he sat down in front of her, just out of reach.  He smirked, and then, he spoke.

"I'm certain you know who I am, Otoña.  After all, you aren't all that foreign to me.  I mean... I worked alongside your mother and her fourteen other companions all those years ago.  But, in case your darling mother never told you about me... my name is Commander Anaris.  But... you, my dearest, may call me Anaris."

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/19/2009 10:57 AM

Otoña glared darkly at the Lykuhna as he approached her, snarling as he sat down just out of her reach.  Even though she knew that this would most likely be futile, she sprung up and lunged towards Anaris, just barely missing him.  Her chains were shorter than she anticipated, and they yanked her back, digging into her skin.  She gave a cry as she hit the floor, and then, she snarled.

"I don't care that you worked alongside my mother and her friends.  I don't care that you knew them.  Heck, I don't care that you had the hots for my mother... or, for that matter, that you seem interested in me." Otoña said, a snarl plastered to her face.  "Even if you were the last male on Evelon, I would not even look at you."

Here, she took a few steps back and licked her paws, looking up occasionally to glare darkly at Anaris.

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/26/2009 9:35 PM

"You're too harsh, Otoña." Anaris said, shaking his head as he turned away, as though he was pained in seeing her leap against her chains, knowing full well that she would gain nothing from it aside from scars.  He knew, though, that Otoña would not be phased by this; maybe even a little bit outraged at it.  However, he shook his head and chuckled slightly, flicking his ears slightly.

"It's quite a shame that you have to be just like your mother... I might have to do what I did back then in order to gain some favor." He said.

Here, he gave a feral smile as he reflected in the memories of that night before the war had begun.  He'd caught Ashi with Kendoras and had rendered the hapless male Trikuhna senseless, giving him his long scar on his shoulder.  He then subdued Ashi and gave her a matching scar, but she did not recall getting it from him; rather, she recalled getting it in a battle.  He glanced over at Otoña, his eyes gleaming dangerously.

"What if I told you I could have prevented the deaths and rebirths of your mothers friends, and thus leaving her in a more sane state than she is today?"

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Re: Covering the Scars [p]

Postby SpringsSong » 11/26/2009 10:09 PM

"You lie.  Mother told me that no one could have prevented what happened that day, and I am more inclined to believe she who gave me life than someone who just kidnapped me.  I think you would also be more inclined to trust someone you'd known longer, yes?" Otoña said, her eyes gleaming dangerously as she hissed at him, her ears flattened.

"She told me how you were merely standing on the sidelines of that fateful battle, Anaris.  She told me how you didn't even care that your troop was getting slaughtered.  She took the reigns as commander then, trying her best to save every member of the troop, but they all died."

Here, she hissed again, her fur standing up on end.

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