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Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 11/26/2009 11:30 AM

(In his human form)

Alex stood soaked in the poring rain in the slums stretching his mellow sky blue wings that sat on his back after a successful hunt. He had cut the head of his victom off and hid the evidence of the murder in the thick sludge that sat in pools around the area. Lucky it was raining washing the blood away from his white trench coat and clearing the ground of any pieces of evidence that was left behind, although he was not fond of rain.

He was an assassin, this was his main job, his way of life, though he did work as a jack of all trades because of some complications. He was cursed to fallow orders since he was a young boy, never really talked about what happened but it kind of made the job easier as he had to fallow them through untill he accomplished the mission of or he died. There were rules attached to the little curse as well like how he could not follow one order then be told another by a diffrent person to do the opposite of the first order given. It really was a complex matter, he him self had not learned all the rules but over time he learned what he could be ordered to do and what he could not be ordered to do.

He flexed his wings a few more times, flexing other muscel that had tightened them selves. The rain just made the place feel more dreary then normal and the ground often lacked the ability to absorb the excess water and so it just seemed to build up on the surface making a kind of mini flood. In his human form the water seemed to be up too hin knees but half of it was just his feet sinking in the soft mud or sludge that made up the ground.

It was night time as well the made thw water seem oh so much chillier than what it truely was, making Alex so much more uncomfortable. He grit his teeth as his wet hair flattened to his head and he pulled his boots out of the muck making a kind of suction cup sound. His heavy sword did not help making it harder to walk in the soupy mixture. He pulled his feet out of his military boots, placing his bare feet into the soft mud and began to walk slowly towards a more populated place that might be on higher ground and warmer.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby SpringsSong » 11/26/2009 12:15 PM

Standing just outside of a building, the young female glanced around, her silver eyes vacant as she looked around.  Some would wonder why the femme was even bothering to look around when she was clearly blind--indeed, she was blind--but they knew it was better not to after seeing the blades at her side.  Her deep-red hair was tied back in a bun, but that did not change the fact that the rain was still getting her hair rather wet.

Why she was up so late at night was beyond her, but then again, Valisilwen was usually up at night when everyone else had gone to bed.  At least, that was what Aila told her.  The annoying Lavamancer was most insistent on the fact that they were, indeed, siblings, but Valis didn't believe Aila for a moment--even with her apparent powers over lunar activity.  Regardless, Valis had her reasons for not believing Aila--and they were numerous.

Why should I believe that I'm a part of that darned High Pantheon?  With the traditions that they keep?  They're appalling... she thought to herself, looking around once again, expecting to see nothing...

...but she saw the aura of a person approaching, a heavy sword at his side.

Valis blinked as she looked at him curiously, trying to detect what it was about him that was different.  She'd never seen someone quite like him before.  Well, if she had, she'd never seen someone like him with that kind of sword before.  It looked like it could be just as deadly--if not more so--than her own blades [but even she admitted that her blades were better on her tail].  She slowly took a few steps outwards, onto the path that everyone in the town used.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 11/28/2009 3:23 PM

Alex finally had gotten to an area that was at least a little dryer, his wet hair hanging in his face. Looking up he sighed as he saw the first signs that he was close to a place that might have at least a little heat and maybe a fire. "Oh great.... at least I was not far away... I hate water." he mumbled to him self as he made his way up to the street. Hi feet covored in muck and his face had the look of discust.

He once again looked up to wards the buildings, his attention was swipped away by a female with deep red hair and silvery eyes. He paused for a moment as his eyes focused in her through the rain, taking his heavy blade sword and placing it at his side to lean on it. Maybe I should approch her and ask her where the nearest in is? He thought to him self as he started to walk dragging his sword behind him as he made his way towards her.

Once he had gotten close enough to her, he grumbed "Do you know where the inn is?" He looked her over taking noticed of the blades at her side, they were small compaired to the heavy blade he caried on his back. His heavy blade was almost the same size or bigger than Alex him self.

(Sorry for lateness and lack of muse via sick and noise)

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby SpringsSong » 11/28/2009 3:40 PM

[[S'okay. ^^]]

Valisilwen blinked as she heard Alex's voice, thinking for a few minutes before she nodded slowly.  She did, indeed, know where an inn was; in fact, she was just getting ready to go there to stay, as she had no place to stay for the night--and she was not going to be going back to Basantha while Aila and her crew were there.  If she could avoid it, then she would avoid it.

"I do indeed know where an inn is, sir." Valis said, giving a blank stare at his sword before she started to walk along slowly, scanning the area thoroughly before she would continue on, placing her steps carefully as she continued to look around.

"Quite the weather, this is..." she said darkly, stumbling over a rock slightly, but catching herself before she fell.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 11/28/2009 4:19 PM

"Ok then could you take me there?" He said as he looked at the rain and the dark clouds threatening to thunder. He was not amused with being wet and all he could think was First I got wet in Jawan and now it starts to dump buckets in the slums but what could you expect from the jungle. He lifted his sword back over his sholder as he listened to her voice.

"Humm.... the weather is tipical for the winter in the jungle.... just plain wet." [
/color]He said as he offered his hand to her. [color=#BFBFBF]"My name is Alex..."
He said being careful not to tell her what his job was. He had heard that a person who was blind had hightened sences. This made him hope that the rain had washed away the fresh smell of blood on his clothing that and if she did smell it think he was bleeding.

"Although I would like it if there was less mud and water.... I don't like getting wet involentaraly." He said as he looked down at his drenched clothing. It was much uncomfortable to be wet and made him emberessed some times, he would never get use to working in the rain even though others said it was good training.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby SpringsSong » 11/28/2009 4:34 PM

Valisilwen nodded as she took his hand after stumbling, listening as he mentioned the weather being typical for winter in the jungle, and then, his name.  She thought for a moment; should she give him her name, or should she wait a little while and see if his intentions were good?  Finally, after a few minutes, she spoke again.

"My name is Valisilwen..." here, she paused, "...the so-called Re'klettan daughter of the moon."

She added the last part with hesitance, and then, she shook her head.  That meant nothing to her.  True, she could summon the moon when she wanted to, but there were mages that could do that, or so she thought.

"Don't mind that last part of my introduction, Alex.  It is nothing important." Valis said in a hurried voice, which would doubtless protray otherwise.  "It is nice... to meet you," she said, stopping at the foot of the stairs of the inn.

"This is it," she said, pointing.  "This is also where I stay at night... I have nowhere else to stay."

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 11/29/2009 9:05 AM

"Humm what a interesting name... and it is nice to meet you too." He said as they came up to the inn that to Alex looked so warm. The inn was tall and seemed to be built of some form of stone, having bits of entangling vines and other vegitation hanging off of it's sides stating that is was not the most well kept place around here but it did serve it's perpose. It was most likely also a tavern because this is the slums of course and was a place to get information on his next victom along with pick up more jobs.

"Thank you I will pay for your stay tonight if you would like." He said in fine sophisticated manner as they went in side. The heat had hit his face and he took off his trench coat as soon as he got inside reveialing a fish net shirt he wore underneath. Under the shirt was his thin yet well muscled body that boar scars from countless battles. The trench coat was wet and heavy, along with his boots and pants. Too bad he did not have a change of pants, so he had to put up with how wet they were for the time being.

The next thing he wanted to do on his agenda was to get a room with a fire place in it and get warm by a fire. He started to ring his light blue hair out and ruffing it up so it would dry faster. He took his sword and swong it over his back, placing it back in it well decorated sheath.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby SpringsSong » 11/29/2009 9:53 AM

Valisilwen offered a small smile as Alex offered to pay for her stay, but then, she shook her head as she pointed to the woman at the counter, who stood up and walked over to Valis, giving her a key before returning to the counter, giving Alex a curious look before she sat down.

"I stay here all the time." Valis said quietly.  "In exchange for my room, I predict the future based on the moon and the stars--I might be blind, but my powers allow me to see the stars perfectly."  Here, she walked up to the counter and offered the woman a small smile, trying to hide the tiny bit of blush that had come to her cheeks from sensing what Alex was wearing.

"My companion could use a room for the night," she said quietly, and the woman nodded as she motioned for Alex to come over.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 11/29/2009 10:25 AM

Alex hid a bit of his own emberesment when he found out that she stays here for free for predictions based on the moon and the stars. He also kind of gave the lady at the counter a odd look him self, he did not look any stranger than any other person around the slums other then he looked incredably feminim for a guy in body and he was lugging around such a huge sword. Maybe his eyes were a little cold or was it that she hardly was seen hanging around another.

He walked over to the conter when Valis had motioned him to come closer, still a bit surpised about the ladies reaction to him. "I sapose they give you food too?" He said as he draped his coat over his arm. "I sapose you can sence what I was up to before as well?" He asked as he stretched one of his arms up and started to rotate. He was tempted to ring out his tench coat but knew that there was water that had soked into the fabric that it would be too much to just drop on the floor. He would wait till he got into a room and would use the shower to keep the water from making as much of a mess.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby SpringsSong » 11/29/2009 10:33 AM

"I have my ideas," Valis said, pointing towards the sword that he held, but she said nothing more than that.  "They've tried to give me food for free, but that, I insist on going to get myself.  If my sister knew that I was essentially using my 'gifts' to get free lodging, she'd have me made a Fallen One." Even as she said the term, she shuddered slightly.  As much as she hated the thought of being a Re'klettan Goddess, she could not bear to think of being cast down because of this.

"We've tried to get her to take some food for free," the lady at th counter said, giving Alex a key, "but she always refuses.  The number of times she's saved this inn because she's predicted fights that would end in fires, I feel bad watching her scrape together money for food." Here, she nodded to Valis.

"Valis will show you to your room.  Sometimes I feel she knows the place better than me..." she said.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 11/29/2009 1:12 PM

Alex chuckled " Yes my old sword it does kind of give it away." he said as he pat the heavy blade. His clothing would have given him away as well, it kind of added to the hint with the shire size of his sword. It was well decorated, well used and he had it since he was a young teen. I could have sworn he had gotten it from his father but he was sure that his father was long gone by that time. Any how that blade was treasured by him and was given to him by some one improtant.

"I don't see how doing some thing for some one else and having them offer you some thing as excepting it is a bad thing. I have done it all the time and it is not a bad thing to help others." He said as he took the keys in out of the desk ladies hand. "Saving a inn from the fighting is most likely one of the better things to use your powers for." He said as he turned and fallowed her to their rooms.

He had been in many fights and had always craved battle even though he never let on about it, that was one of the reasons he became an assassin. Was never sure why fighting brought him pleasure, maybe it was in his genetics but it could also just be the fact that he had been fighting all round him since he was a small child. For the last few fights round the inn and other places he was most likely head hunted some of the fighters. Since there was no fighting Alex had been hunting the petty theaves and doing errands for other people. He gave a small sigh and continued to fallow her.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby SpringsSong » 11/29/2009 2:51 PM

Valisilwen shrugged as she remembered back to one of the many instances where she had saved the inn from getting burnt down in a fight.  The instance that she was recalling was the very first night she had stopped by the inn; Aila had just told her about their relation to each other, but Valisilwen did not want to believe it.

"My sister would be... very disheartened if she found I was trading my abilities for lodging, though.  She would say that it is not our way to do such a thing.  In our home realm, maybe, but not in a foreign one where evils lurk that could just be waiting to exploit our powers to their own good." Valisilwen said as she took to the steps, remaining silent now.  As she reflected on this, she realized that Aila would probably be angry at her for sharing that bit of information.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 12/01/2009 10:10 AM

The hall fell back into silence as they stopped talking, floor bords slightly creaking under their weight. After some examination of the building it did look like it has a small amount of fire damage along with smoke damage. It also seemed to have been rebuilt a number of times, some of the old charded stones were still visible. The place smelled of smoke as well and it did not smell of tabaco smoke so smokers were ruled out.

Alex watched her, his pale sky blue eyes focused on her sholder for the moment as he thought of what to do. It was hard to explain exactly what he was thinking it is just on the fact that comunicating with him and helping him might also make her saposed sister angery art her. He took his hand and placed it on to her sholder. "Talking to me or any one else who shares a connection with me might also make her angery at you. To the world I can be seen as good or evil but I am most sertanly tainted with the blood of men." He said into her ear in a whisper. His warm face brushed against her neck as he pulled his face away from her ear and let go of her sholder.

Once they had gotten to his room he opened the door, he took off his boots at the entrence and went right to work lighing a nice warm fire in the fireplace to dry his clothing and him self off. Once he had gotten a nice orange flame going, he hung his wet trench coat over a table near the fire place. He looked in her direction as he pulled the wet fish net shirt off over his head, sat down and crossed his legs in a chair.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby SpringsSong » 12/01/2009 10:53 AM

Valis blinked as she felt Alex place his hand on her shoulder, and she also drew in a sharp breath of surprise.  After a few moments, she gave a slight chuckle and shook her head, thinking about what Aila would say about the whole mess.  Well, Aila herself was known to be around some assassins--heck, Yesac could be considered an assassin because of his affiliation with death and the underworld--and how some souls were unwilling to be taken when he deemed it their time.

"She would not be mad at me for speaking with you," she said softly.  "However, if you were to get me to use my powers to your own gain, then she would be angered." What Valis said here was true; Aila was more than open to Valis having connections outside of the Pantheon, but if they used her powers to her own gain, there was no telling how Aila might respond--or, if Aila would even respond at all; the girl had been rather distracted as of late.

"If you need someone to talk to, my room is just down this hall.  Third door on the left." Valis said, offering a tiny smile before she turned and headed to her room, unlocking it and walking inside of it, smiling as she felt the fire that had been prepared in the room for her.

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Re: Midnight showers (P- Fire and Me)

Postby Silverin » 12/03/2009 1:29 PM

He was slightly surpised that her sister would not be even slightly irritated at the factt hat he was a man who lived for the blood of others because of his job. Although he did not explain the other reason to her, she still said she would not be mad. "I sapose you are right, I appologise for thinking stereotipicaly of higher beings." He said knowing that he had made a judgement that he had no right to. He always had a bit of a narrow mind and so when he heard that her sister did not like it when she used her power to help out people from other worlds, he just jumped right into the stereotype. He shook his head at his own foolishness and at the fact he should not jump to conclusions.

"Yes. I will come to you when I find out what to do about my wet pants..." He said as he pulled up a small section of his pants keeping it from sticking to the surface of his leg. His legs were starting to become numb like his fingers that had already shriveled from the water like they would if he took a long bath. He had no change of pants nor did he bring a long some thing to wear during the night like most people did, he only had those with him when needed. Most of the time he had to sleep out side standing up right leaning against a wall or sitting leaning against a wall, so he just wore what he was at the time. Taking them off infront of a lady was just improper, Alex put his hand on his forehead and gave a sign for the thought of it.

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