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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/12/2009 5:37 PM

{7 Posts; Level 2}

The Chaos raptor watched as the Kasuga disappeared into the night, the blue, flickering flames on her hide whisping away like smoke. Shikon could feel that this was not the last encounter he would have with Ketsuekei... but next time, he wouldn't hold back. He didn't like to fight, but he knew if he didn't, she'd eventually get the upper hand and get him. You alright? The Gyrraptor looked to the Serraptor with a gratified smile and a nod of his head. I am, thanks to you. I'm in your dept, sir. Shikon gave a bow of his head in respect for the larger, appreciative of the help that may or may not have been needed... It certainly did prevent any further confrontation, which was what Shikon had wanted. Holding out a claw for a handshake, Shikon introduced himself. Name's Shikon. And I can't thank you enough for your help. You really saved my neck there.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

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I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/12/2009 7:15 PM

{4 Posts; Level 1}

I am, thanks to you. I'm in your dept, sir.

Senka chuckled at the brutes words. Ah, don't mention it. The Serraptor gave a smile as the smaller raptor offered a hand for a handshake and Senka took it, shaking heartily as the raptor introduced himself. Name's Shikon. And I can't thank you enough for your help. You really saved my neck there. Releasing his hand, the raptor replied to Shikon. Pleasure to meet you Shikon. Name's Senka, and like I said before: don't mention it. Besides, I'm sure you could have handled yourself quite nicely without my help. I just thought it was best to stop things before they started.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/12/2009 9:26 PM

{8 Posts; Level 2}

Ah, don't mention it. Modest. This brute obviously did not consider himself a hero of any kind, and Shikon had to admire that. Pleasure to meet you Shikon. Name's Senka, and like I said before: don't mention it. Besides, I'm sure you could have handled yourself quite nicely without my help. I just thought it was best to stop things before they started. Shikon laughed lightly at the comment, while nodding his head in acknowledgment to the raptors' name. I appreciate your confidence in me, but I really wasn't looking for a confrontation... He paused for a moment, looking back to where Ketsuekei had disappeared and then sighed. I should have been paying more attention though... Had I been I wouldn't to have had any help... Not that I don't appreciate it, of course, I just hate that I have inconvenienced you.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/13/2009 4:59 PM

{5 Posts; Level 2}

I appreciate your confidence in me, but I really wasn't looking for a confrontation... I should have been paying more attention though... Had I been I wouldn't to have had any help... Not that I don't appreciate it, of course, I just hate that I have inconvenienced you.

The Serraptor smiled lightly at Shikon's words, them sounding all too familiar. Ah, no inconvenience at all. And don't blame yourself. Ketsuekei has her skill in ambush, and she'll use it against anybody. Senka looked around for a moment to make sure Ketsuekei was gone. He wouldn't put it past her to try to ambush again, but perhaps not so soon. Looking back to Shikon, the brute asked, So where were you heading in such a rush? Before you were interrupted that is.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/14/2009 9:45 PM

{9 Posts; Level 2}

Ah, no inconvenience at all. And don't blame yourself. Ketsuekei has her skill in ambush, and she'll use it against anybody. Shikon had to believe this logic. Ketsuekei did seem a bit twisted in her ways. Deciding it was better to blame it on the deceitful ways of the Kasuga were enough to excuse himself this time and move on. Next time... well, Shikon decided there would not be a next time like this time. So where were you heading in such a rush? Before you were interrupted that is.

Shikon smiled at the brute's question, looking back over the path he had been taken. In the dark it was harder to see in the distance, but the raptor had excellent vision, even in the dark. Shikon answered, I was heading to a ranch that a friend of mine owns, Chishio. He paused for a moment in thought, then dared to ask, If you're going no place in particular, would you care to join me? It's not too far from here but it would take some good walking to get there.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/15/2009 6:54 PM

{6 Posts; Level 2}

I was heading to a ranch that a friend of mine owns, Chishio. If you're going no place in particular, would you care to join me? It's not too far from here but it would take some good walking to get there.

The Serraptor tilted his head at the offer from the Gyrraptor. Senka was really going no where; he had no where to go. Not to mention it might be best the Serraptor join the trek because that Kasuga was likely to be back. With a nod of his head he replied, I'd be glad to join you. I have no where to go. This would give me something to do. Senka chuckled as he waited for Shikon to lead the way.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/16/2009 1:43 AM

{10 Posts; Level 3}

I'd be glad to join you. I have no where to go. This would give me something to do. Shikon smiled, relieved actually that Senka was to join him. Instead of continuing his run, Shikon started at a walk down the path in the direction he had been heading before Ketsuekei had interrupted him. He was a lot more alert now, eyes flicking from one side of the path to the other, searching every bush, tree and shadow for any movements. Glancing to Senka, the brute asked, So, what were you doing out here anyway? Had to be going somewhere; doing something, right?

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/17/2009 4:01 PM

{7 Posts; Level 2}

As the Gyrraptor lead the way, Senka followed along beside him, eyes alert for danger in a very calm and easy manner. Even when Shikon started to speak to him, Senka did not lose focus on his surroundings. His nose worked to bring in every scent and analyze it while his ears, though unseen, picked out ever foreign sound and pinpointed its' location. So, what were you doing out here anyway? Had to be going somewhere; doing something, right?

Ah, I'm kinda a wanderer... I hate to say I only came upon you by chance, but it seems that way. Perhaps fate lead me here, who knows? I just kinda go where ever I drift.

The Serraptor thought of how he had actually come to be here... really, he had just started walking. It seemed strange that his aimless walking had lead him here to help with Gyrraptor. Senka believed that fate lead him where ever it was needed. It always seemed where ever he went, he was to find someone who needed help. Or maybe it was just that where ever he went, there were those in need. Senka hadn't really decided on that one yet...

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/17/2009 4:41 PM

{11 Posts; Level 3}

For the most part, Shikon noticed that Senka wasn't much of a talker. He really didn't mind. In all honesty, Shikon wasn't much of a talker either. He preferred to keep to himself, although he didn't mind the company of Senka. It was nice company with a another similar to his own.
Ah, I'm kinda a wanderer... I hate to say I only came upon you by chance, but it seems that way. Perhaps fate lead me here, who knows? I just kinda go where ever I drift.
Shikon couldn't help but chuckle at the Serraptors' words, reminding him too much of himself. Heh, you sound a lot like me. Another moment of silent passed as Shikon let his thoughts settle, then, as he glanced to the larger raptor, he stated, You know, I think Chishio would really like you. You seem to be just her type. Of course, that will be if she's there or not... I can't keep up with that young woman. Shikon finished with an exasperated sigh.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/17/2009 4:46 PM

{8 Posts; Level 2}

Heh, you sound a lot like me. Senka smiled lightly at the comment, wondering how much the two were actually alike. He supposed if he stuck around long enough, he would find out, but that was only if. You know, I think Chishio would really like you. You seem to be just her type. Of course, that will be if she's there or not... I can't keep up with that young woman. Senka raised an eyebrow at this new information with interest. You don't say... She must be a real handful then...

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/19/2009 12:56 AM

{12 Posts; Level 3}

You don't say... She must be a real handful then.. Shikon laughed aloud at this comment, unable to contain himself about this thought. Ah, Chishio... she's more than a handful... She's hot-headed, ready to fight and could go off at any moment... but at the same time she's just as kind to us as could be. Chishio... she's one of a kind. I think you'll like her though.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/19/2009 12:58 AM

{9 Posts; Level 2}

Ah, Chishio... she's more than a handful... She's hot-headed, ready to fight and could go off at any moment... but at the same time she's just as kind to us as could be. Chishio... she's one of a kind. I think you'll like her though.

Senka chuckled lightly at Shikon's words, finishing off with a grin. He was actually interested in meeting this 'Chishio'. She sounded quite interesting indeed. In light of conversation, he asked, So, what do you need to do at the farm? Anything in particular?

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/19/2009 1:04 AM

{13 Posts; Level 3}

Shikon smiled as Senka burst with laughter; yes, Chishio truly was a strange person.. if not a bit distanced... Shikon silenced at this thought, thinking of her, until Senka spoke up. So, what do you need to do at the farm? Anything in particular? Shikon thought quietly for a moment, having to pull himself out of his inner thoughts of Chishio in order to answer the Serraptor.

Well, first of all in hopes of finding Chishio... but also I'm in the mood for a bit of an adventure. As usual. Heheh...

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/19/2009 1:06 AM

{10 Posts; Level 3}

Well, first of all in hopes of finding Chishio... but also I'm in the mood for a bit of an adventure. As usual. Heheh...

Senka smiled. Yes, this Shikon reminded Senka of his younger days. It was as if the older raptor was seeing his youth right before his eyes; in a different species of course. Nodding his head in agreement, the brute walked onward, eyes keenly watching his surroundings. After a moment of silence, he asked How long until we arrive?

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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Re: Let's Cross this New Divide [Self RP]

Postby Rebel_the_Proud » 12/19/2009 1:10 AM

{14 Posts; Level 3}

Silence again... Shikon wasn't surprised, and walked on without a word. He started his search of his surroundings once more having been caught up in the conversation with Senka... Shikon glanced to the brute and noticed that the raptor hadn't failed to keep his senses on the surroundings. Shikon wondered if he could learn a thing or two from this brute. How long until we arrive? The raptor looked ahead, knowing they were close; very close. Well, if we run we can make there in just a few minutes. Come on! Without waiting for a reply, the Gyrraptor took off running down the beaten path to an old rickety barn and farm house, glancing over his shoulder to see if Senka was replying.

Look into my eyes you'll see
A graveyard filled with dirt and defeat

Look into my eyes you'll see
The weight on my soul

Where the fallen angels sleep
The crooked hearts and the crossroads meet

Where the haters say my name
And carve it in stone

I'm gonna make a comeback
I'm gonna dig six feet up tonight

I'm gonna get it all back
I'm gonna make a comeback this time
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