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Things aren't always as the seem(P. Kiariannu and I)

Postby Rain » 12/22/2009 5:25 PM

Before I start, I want you to know, that I will be posting in 1st persone. So here goes  nothing....


I could still hear their footsteps following me. But luckily, I was still pretty far ahead of them. I could only hear them, because, I have pretty good hearing.

I was panting hard. But I didn't care. I just needed to get away from the ugly, poachers. They had been after me since I was little, and I ventured out of my mom's view. While I was gone, the poachers attacked my mother and father. And then, after they were done, they went on to their next victim. Moi.

"Hey, I think the Kuhna went over here!" I heard them say. I started to run harder and faster.

I veered off to the bushes, and sat there, panting as quietly as I could, almost crying of fear. I peered out of the ferns, and gasped. They have my sister! Anger welled up in my stomach, and I had to clench my teeth together to keep back a growl.

Bofore I knew I knew it, I pounced out of my hiding spot, and bit onto one of the poachers legs. "OW!!" He exclaimed. I just held on tighter while he tried to fling me off his leg.

Where there is love, you know no fear or hatred. Where there is hatred,that is all you know. If there is fear you don't feel love, that is all you feel.
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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Kiarianuu » 12/22/2009 5:47 PM

((I guess I'll post in first person.))


I heard someone. It's not me this time. I looked out of the tree I was sitting in. Another kuhna and poachers. Wonderful. Just wonderful. I knew that if I called out, they would surely come after me too. I hate 'do or don't' situations. The solution you think is right is wrong and the solution you think is wrong is right.

I lept out of the tree silently and hid behind a bush. If I don't do something, he'd be dead by the other poachers. Think fast, think fast. "Hey! Over here!"

I clamped my paws over my mouth. Oh no. Now I'M gonna be the dead one.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Rain » 12/22/2009 6:01 PM

"Hey! Over here!" Someone called. I totally forgot that I was in Life or Death situation, and swung my head around, wildly, trying to see who said that.

The poachers were taking a couple swings at me, then I realized that, I was going to die, if I wasn't to get out of that area, and soon. Badly beaten up, I ran as fast as I could, and ran to the nearest tree; and climbed up. I looked around, to see if I could jump to the trees next to me. When I looked up, I saw tht I was sitting in the same tree as the person who had some-what saved my life. Startked, I almost fell of the tree, but caught my balance again. "Psst. Thanks for saving me, I don't know about you, but I'm going to stay up here, until the poachers leave the area." I whispered.

That night I found out that time passes very slowly when you are waiting to get out of an area thats infested with poachers. By the time I figured it was safe, it was night. "Okay, scratch out finding shelter. I'm just gping to stay here for the night" I decided a moment later.

Where there is love, you know no fear or hatred. Where there is hatred,that is all you know. If there is fear you don't feel love, that is all you feel.
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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Kiarianuu » 12/22/2009 6:06 PM

I waited until all the poachers were gone before I spoke to the kuhna I saved. "No problem. I'm gonna sleep here," I said and fell asleep.

I woke up in the middle of the night sweating and panting. "Why am I-" I cut off, remembering my nightmare. I had been attacked by the poachers.

"I just need to get up and walk around," I muttered and stood up. After taking five steps, I collapsed, back in sleep.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Rain » 12/22/2009 6:15 PM

The sleeping Kuhna woke me up in the middle of the night by saying:Where am I- I'm just going to go for a little walk". Gosh, you'd think that she would know not to talk in the middle of the night, and the others are clearly sleeping. I thought grumpily. "Hey, um... Oh. Oops, you're asleep" I said quietly. Then I too fell asleep.

The next morning, I woke up as the first rays of sun. I paniced for a second, not remembering where I was and then I calmed down, remembering of yesterday's events. I sighed. I waited in the tree until the other Kuhna awakes, so I could formely introduce myself.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Kiarianuu » 12/22/2009 6:18 PM

I blinked. The sun always made me do that. My head was spinning. I looked around and saw the other kuhna in the tree. "Oh, you're still there," I said and yawned. "I'm Ocean by the way."

Anybody could tell that, I thought. I'm such an idiot.
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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Rain » 12/22/2009 6:37 PM

"Oh. You're sill here. I'm Ocean by the way," said the kuhna. "Oh. WEll, yeah I'm still here, abd my name is Micca" I introduced myself. "So.. What were you doing out in the woods?" I asked pretendig I actually cared. But before she could answer, I climbed down the tree, and startedd walking. Halfway through the clearing, I turned around ti see if she had been following me.

Where there is love, you know no fear or hatred. Where there is hatred,that is all you know. If there is fear you don't feel love, that is all you feel.
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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Kiarianuu » 12/22/2009 6:46 PM

I just sat there. I yawned again. Don't get nervous. Stand your ground, I ordered myself. "You're leaving so soon. Ok," I said. Hopefully I didn't sound to baby-ish.

I streached and shook my head. It wasn't spinning anymore. Just go ahead and humiliate me. Maybe I won't remember it tomorrow.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Rain » 12/22/2009 7:30 PM

"Yes, in fact I am. B-but would you like to caome with me?" I asked politley. I waited until the Kuhna jumped down to start moving. I started moving, hoping Ocean would follow

Every time I started to move, I heard a rustling in the bushes. And when I stopped to listen, it stopped too. Huh. What could be making that noise? I wondered.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Kiarianuu » 12/22/2009 7:34 PM

I stood up and shook myself. "Sure, I've been looking for something to do," I said and followed Micca.

I too heard the sound. Just an annoying pest, I assured myself. Nothing to be scared of. A thought crossed my mind. No. Don't be a baby.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Rain » 12/26/2009 5:34 PM

The things that were rustling the bushes, grew louder, and then they pounced out of nowhere, and scared me half to death. After a moment, I realized it was just a couple of squirrels, and I laughed nervously, like you would if you were just scared, then realized it was just a silly little trick.

I looked behind me, only to see Ocean was far behind. I waited for her to catch up before I started moving again. I sighed when I realized it was getting hotter by the minute. I started panting, then I couldn't wait, and I went off in search for water.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Kiarianuu » 12/28/2009 4:13 PM

I ran after. Must find water. I ran as fast as I could, but it was getting hotter. I paused for a few seconds to catch my breath, then started running again. Water has to be around here somewhere.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Rain » 01/01/2010 12:30 PM

I could hear her coming after me, so I slowed down a bit to let her catch up to me. I put my nose to  the ground, to try to find to wetness, to show if there was water anywhere close by. The more I went in front of me, the ground got wetter. "I think the water is right in the bushes, over there," I pointed in front of me with a paw.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Kiarianuu » 01/01/2010 3:16 PM

I nodded. I too felt the ground getting wetter. Good. We need water, I thought. It had grew so hot I nearly collapsed because of the heat. I can make it. Just get to the water.

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Re: Things aren't always as the seem(Pm me if you want to join)

Postby Rain » 01/01/2010 7:37 PM

Ocean looked like she was about to collapse. I too felt like that. The only thing keeping me going was the necessity of water.

I surged through the bushes, and to my eternal relief, there was a waterfall, and a little pond. Thank you who ever is up there, in the Heavens! I thought. My head was spinning, and I thought I would faint, right there, and then. But before I fainted, I went to the pond, and drank the water to my heart's content.

Where there is love, you know no fear or hatred. Where there is hatred,that is all you know. If there is fear you don't feel love, that is all you feel.
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