A very strange place indeed, this Shrine to the Holy Triumvirate is nestled within the icy peaks of the Fe'gan Mountains. You will find the warmth of spirituality here, together with works of great sculptural design based on the Holy Triumvirate religion. (+2 Fame)

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Let's hurry and get outta here! (Continued and now private)

Postby Kyrit » 09/04/2007 12:24 PM

.:Random_Event:. wrote:The beast seemed to lose some of the tenseness in his body, for these surely as they had stated, were not servants of Xai're, nor did they look anything at all like a minion of the deranged god. "Ah... Alright then," he spoke, taking a seat on the stone and glancing at the figures before him.

"I would gladly like to leave this place but there is a price to pay for those who would wish to free one such as I, according to the curse that binds us here... One would have to... say... give up something valuable in return..."

Something... valuable? She began to wonder what she must lose in order to save this poor being. "Just tell me what I must do and I'll try my best to save you and get you out of here." There was no way she could leave him behind to suffer.

It was rather boring for Rukaj to just be sitting there. Still, he made no fuss and waited for his owner to do as she wished. The pumkit had crawled out from its hiding place and was now at rest on the floor of the shrine.
Rukaj and Nysath: 5
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Postby SirMax » 09/04/2007 3:50 PM

"Deeeeeeestiny...." called Martin, looking around the room as his tail swished back and forth. Hmm. Maybe the fox girl wasn't here after all...

Seth, meanwhile, was looking directly at Destiny, although he didn't know it, having never met her. "Aww. Looks like she's got dibs on the hunter." he grumbled, looking around the room. Maybe there'd be more of the creatures later. Or maybe not...

Tala giggled slightly and waved shyly to Spider. Oooh, he WAS handsome. "Hi there. My name's Tala" she extended her name, turning on the charm. "What's yours?"

Samuel's eye locked on the fox girl looking at the hunter. Ahh. She looked as if she'd be interesting to kill. Letting out a hiss, he started towards her, fang gleaming in a sadistic cobra smile.

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Postby Flame » 09/04/2007 7:11 PM

Flame listened attentively as the crystalline beast began to speak. She nodded along to the deep, slightly harsh tones, drinking in every word that the Hunter spoke. Finally, as his voice dwindled into echoing nothingness, she lifted her gaze to look directly into the creature's eyes. "I, for one," she began, her voice matter-of-fact, "would be willing to sacrifice a great amount to free a tethered and imprisoned being such as yourself." Here she paused, still staring at the Hunter. "I also see that there are plenty more than myself that are willing to sacrifice what it takes to free you, and I'm sure that if I myself are not chosen, there are still more within the depths of this shrine that are in need of my aid." Here she stopped, glancing over at the silent statue for an affirmative.

Callista rolled her eyes will uncontained exasperation as she watched Tala swagger over to the male. "What is this world coming to?" she muttered to herself, looking thoroughly disdainful.

Sianna stood, a silent sentinel beside her mistress since Flame was engrossed with the Hunter, but a flash of movement in the corner of her gaze caught her attention. An obsidian slydra... It was heading towards the other girl, who was crouched near the Hunter at the moment, too busy to pay attention to the snake that was silently slithering towards her, malice obvious in its intent. Stalking forwards swiftly on silent claws, the Sky Serraptor suddenly took a flying leap into the air, hissing, aiming to land squarely on the back of the Slydra. She would teach the dirty creature not to attack when an opponent's back was turned...after all, a little dose of his own medicine would do him good.

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Postby .:Random Event:. » 09/05/2007 1:38 AM

The beast looked this way and that between the trainers speaking to it. "Whoever would be willing to sacrifice is enough for me. You must resolve amongst yourselves who will free me from this place," the crystalline Hunter grumbled. It's tail gave a few twitches into the air, though he carefully kept it away from anyone, lest it impale a nearby creature.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/05/2007 1:04 PM

The call of her name distracted her slightly, her ears twitching in a backward position. She'd have to hurry if she were going to do this, least Martin try to stop her from doing so. A hiss from the doom kitty and the fact that her pumkit had dashed back into her pocket were enough signs to her that something was coming at her. The vixen tried to quickly move forward, stumbling and landing next to the crystaline beast.

Her eyes fell upon the serpent coming her way. "If it is meant to be, I will give anything to save you from this place..." Hopefully before she could be killed too! Luckily, a ray of hope came as she saw the serraptor lunge for the slydra. Infront of her, Rukaj was growling and hissing. One would think that he'd have just thought of himself and run away. Nysath on the other hand was cowering in Destiny's pocket.
(I'd like for her to lose her growth... but I'm not sure how she'd prase that. xD)
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Postby SirMax » 09/05/2007 2:12 PM

((Sorry Icey. Dx But Draiz already posted... *hides*))

Martin whirled around when he heard the commotion and his eyes narrowed as he took in Samuel, who was sliding towards Destiny even as he tried to shake off the Serraptor. Wrong move, Sammy. he thought, a slight hiss escaping him as he leapt, landing next to the Slydra and using his momentum to slam the creature's head into the ground. Samuel's tough hide protected him from any injury, but it certainly stopped his advance. "Sammuell..." Martin growled at the pet. "What did we discuss about attacking people without my permission?" Samuel hissed and spat out. "Not.. to do it..." he grumbled, staring hatefully up at Destiny. Oh, he'd kill her someway or another. He'd just have to wait until Martin was gone. Already the gears were turning in his head, formulating a plan to trap the foxgirl alone...

Seth stared at Max, surprised.  He hadn't know that the catboy could really do anything other than order them around... "Remind me not to attack anyone..." he mumbled to no one in particular.

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Postby .:Random Event:. » 09/09/2007 3:54 AM

The crystalline beast seemed unmoved by the commotion going on around him. He paused as the seemingly threatened female before him spoke. From within the depths of her soul he could see what it was she was willing to give to free him, and he knew it was quite a cost to pay. This was the price of the spell...

"Your growth... The ability to ever move on in life... Is that what you would wish to give?" came the grumbling, powerful voice of the Hunter.
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Postby Kyrit » 09/09/2007 4:07 AM

The vixen gave a small nod. Knowing that she didn't have to worry about being attacked now, she turned back to the hunter and looked at him. "Yes.. I am fine without being able to grow. If I am able to save you from this place I'll be happy with my life. I'll have served a purpose."

(Not gonna bother with meh pets this time around. They aren't really doing anything.)
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Postby SirMax » 09/09/2007 5:46 AM

"E-eh??" said Max, startled. "Wait, what's this? Destiny, what are you doing?" he asked, momentarily distracted from Samuel, who was hissing angrily as he stared at the fox girl.

Tala continued towards the male Lucain, barely sparing the drama between her owner and Samuel a glance. She had other things on her mind. Seth, meanwhile, was staring at her with something very akin to disgust.

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Postby Kyrit » 09/12/2007 1:00 AM

Destiny looked over at Max, a soft look held within her crystal blue eyes as her ears hung low. "Come on... don't give me that. I've always aged slowly as it is. You know this won't be anything big." There was still a bit of sadness within her voice, for she knew something that others probably didn't about giving up your growth. This would also mean her ability to heal. After all, the only reason you could heal were the cells regrowing.

It had seemed as though her two pets had disappeared, heading back toward Draiz's pen.
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Postby .:Random Event:. » 09/12/2007 1:25 AM

"Then, it is you I shall be forever bonded with," the creature murmured and stepped forward, leaning up to tap the vixen's nose with his own. The painful spell was being recreated, and slowly it would sap the Time from the body of this female very painfully, for that was what the curse required to shatter it... "I am forever in your debt..."

((Oh my! It seems this Hunter is going home with Draiz!))
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Postby Kyrit » 09/12/2007 1:33 AM

Her eyes widened for a moment before she tightly closed them, almost doubling over in pain. This was nothing compaired to what the beast standing before her had probably gone through for years. Biting down on her lips and clentching her fist tightly together, the kitsune tried to hold out through the pain. Destiny could taste the blood from her bottom lip spilling into her mouth as a small trickle of blood was drawn from her palms as well. Her sharp claws had cut into them without meaning to(I've done that before when I was upset once. :S ) Once everything was over her vision blurred for a bit, dizzy from the pain. Still, she was happy to have saved another's life. She let her head move forward, resting on the bridge of his nose. "I'm happy.. to have helped..."

(Yay! Once Maxie is ready we're gonna be leaving this place. ^^)
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Postby SirMax » 09/12/2007 12:07 PM

"D-destiny! Are you okay?" giving the hunter a glare, he hissed "What did you do?" kneeling and wrapping his arms around Destiny, trying to stop some of the pain, even if he knew it was pointless.

After that little display, not even Tala could fail notice. She turned away from the Lucain, walking slowly towards the two nervously. Seth followed carefully, neither of them paying attention to Samuel, who was sulking slightly.

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Postby Kyrit » 09/12/2007 2:13 PM

"I only did as she wished. The spell has gone through and we are now bound to eachother for life." the hunter spoke, standing still for the time being. He knew that there wasn't anything that he could do right now to make the neko see him as anything but a problem.

"Don't.. blame him.." Destiny muttered, turning her head just enough to look at Max. She forced a smile and continued, "I told you this was something that I wanted... a little pain is nothing."
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Postby SirMax » 09/12/2007 3:16 PM

"..." Max didn't seem to believe her that the pain was nothing, however, and clung tighter. Seth bit his lip. "Tala..." he whispered. "I think we better go." the two of them snuck off towards the pen, Samuel following sullenly.

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