Often called the 'Lover's Triangle' for the trio of waterfalls feeding in to a triangular gorge, the Idalani area is a picture-perfect place to spend time with that special someone, with a beautiful exotic backdrop and countless rainbows dancing across the sky. (+2 Speed)

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.:Taking Some Fresh Air! [Private]:.

Postby Jaykobell » 11/24/2007 6:58 PM

Shinboku (Common Kuhna) and Rothsaydan (Pumpkin Kuhna)

The Common Kuhna male bounded around happily. Obviously one that was born from the union of a female and a male Kuhna, Shinboku had a glossy pelt, one that was clear of ticks or dirt. His pale blue eyes were glazed with grand happiness to finally be out of the Pen, to be able to take some fresh air outside. His small paws guided him through the vast field of freshly cut grass, the tiny blades of lawn tickling his gentle paws.

Following him was his best of friends, the Pumpkin Kuhna Rothsaydan. Roth had a clear pelt, just like his friend; the Generation Kuhna disliked having a dirty pelt, and would always need to wash it whenever he felt soiled or uncomfortable. His green eyes were hard to miss, the color truly outstanding from his orange, white and black pelt. He wore a bright smile upon his figure, his paws showing him around the falls of Idalani. His tails were moving along happily behind him as they gleefully listened to the quiet jingle that was coming from the Pumpkin's bracelet; a black accessory that was wrapped around the wrist of the feline and attached to it was a small, white bell that would jingle to his every pawsteps.

Shinboku stopped beside a small river that was letting cold, crystal clear water flow to its own accord. He turned around to face his companion and best friend. "It's so nice to be out of the Pen," he meowed happily, his throat rumbling in a purr.

Rothsaydan nodded. "Absolutely," he agreed, and he looked around, wondering if anyone was here as well. "I wonder if we'll meet anyone here? We could make some friends."

Shinboku nodded, purring louder. "I sure hope so."

[Shin: 1, Roth: 1]

[[I believe the two people who were invited for this RP know who they are~ <3]]
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Postby SpringsSong » 11/24/2007 7:12 PM


"No one will ever know what
You've done
Unless they see it first-hand
Unless they see it first-hand
No one will ever see what
You did
Unless you do it when they're around
Sing like no one's listening
Dance like no one's around
Dream like you'll live forever
Live like you'll die today..."

The voice of the femme common Kuhna rang out as she walked into the Falls, glad to get out of the Arena; away from her sister's two children and the kits that were in love.  She wasn't jealous, she just wanted to get away from all the sickly sweetness. that hung around such signs of undeniable love.  Looking around, she saw a Pumpkin Kuhna and another Common Kuhna.  She gingerly edged closer, hoping not to disturb them.

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Stoffelees » 11/24/2007 9:23 PM

Deutchie ----- Aubie
Male ----- Male
Adler Kuhna ----- Nightwind Kuhna

The breeze gently blew as two figures approached the clearing. A handsome tri-colored male slowly approached. However, his eyes were not on the path before him; no, those bright green eyes followed something in the grass. At his side was a small bundle of fur, its dark navy figure bounding about.

"Now junge, you need zu stay close zu me. Your mootter put me in charge, und I plan on keeping mein vurd." His light German accent touched each word he spoke, but the kit had spent enough time around him to understand what he was saying. "But uncle Deutchie, why are we here? Momma didn't say we had to go away." The older Kuhna chuckled, and shook his head. Kits would be kits, always asking questions. "No, ve didn't have to go avay, but I thought you might like to explore a bit, ya?" With those words the kit bounded forward, excitement gleaming from his olive-colored eyes.

[center]((In this case, 'junge' is being used in place of the word 'youngin'.))

{Aubie 1 | Deutchie 1}
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Postby Jaykobell » 11/24/2007 10:25 PM

The Common Kuhna's ears perked up as he heard a voice singing not far from where he was. "Can you hear that?" he asked his companion, Rothsaydan. He could hear a faint voice singing beautiful lyrics not so far away, but he could see no shape as of yet.

Roth looked around, angling his ears in the desired directions. He, too, could hear the lyrics being soothingly spoke around. "Yes, I can hear something," he confirmed. He suddenly turned around, hearing faint pawsteps coming towards them. "Oh!" he meowed, smiling and running over to the newcomer, who happened to be a Common Kuhna, just like Shinboku, whom ran over as well.

"Hello!" the Common boy greeted. "My name is Shinboku, and this is my friend Rothsaydan," he presented, flicking his tails happily as his figure displayed a charming smile, one that was also scotched to Saydan's face as he nodded for a greeting.

And suddenly Roth heard yet a couple of voices that were once again nearby. He turned his head around to see a young Kuhna male that was escorting -- somewhat -- a young Kuhna kit with a navy pelt. He squinted so he could see a little more details, until he gasped. He knew this Kuhna! He was living with him not too long ago.

Rothsaydan quickly ran over to Deutchie, his expression gleeful. "Deutchie!" he meowed, waving his tails in a hello gesture. "It's nice to see you. What are you doing here?" He looked down, blinking. "You brought Aubie, too," he remarked, meowing a greeting to the small Kuhna kit.

[Shin: 2, Roth: 2]
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Postby SpringsSong » 11/25/2007 10:18 AM

Rhyia smiled as the two Kuhnas came over to greet her, pausing her singing as her tails swayed peacefully in a greeting manner.  "Hello there, Shinboku.  Greetings, Rothsaydan.  My name is Rhyia." She said, smiling.  Looking over to where Roth had darted over to, she saw the Alder and Nightwind Kuhnas.  She tilted her head slightly, a curious mew coming from her before she asked, "What brings such fine gentlemen as yourselves out to Idalani?"

Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Stoffelees » 11/25/2007 3:18 PM

Aubie had chosen a patch of taller grass to wade through and was hopping about as if it was deep snow. Of course a short distance away was much shorter grass he could walk through instead, but what fun would that be? Deutchie jerked his head up to the sound of his name. His face took on an expression of joy, like seeing a long lost friend. "Hallo there kit! I heard you vent to live vith a new family. They are gut ya?"

Aubie had stopped his leaping about and was now crouching in some weeds. His small rear was wiggling and his tails were raised high up in the air. Then, he burst out of the greenery and pounced upon the Pumpkin Kuhna's front paw. He gleefully called out to Deutchie in his squeaky kit voice, "Uncle Deutchie! Did'ya see me? I got him!" The kit then proceeded to flip onto his back and bat at the larger, orange Kuhna.

Deutchie chuckled, "Ya, I did see, dat vas very gut." He then turned his attention to the female that spoke, and with a low bow, replied, "It is an honor to meet you Fr?§ulein. I came here vit dis kit to get some fresh air and expose him to de vorld. But vhy does such a beautiful female as yourself vander here alone?"

[center]((Fr?§ulein is the German version of miss or young lady.))

{Aubie 2 | Deutchie 2}
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Postby Jaykobell » 11/25/2007 9:17 PM

"Oh, we're here to make some friends. We both wanted to explore a little bit," Shinboku explained to Rhyia, waving his tails happily. She was a charming female, one with caring eyes and a lithe, beautiful pelt.

And then Shin suddenly turned his attention to the German flag-colored Kuhna, his mind desperately trying to find a name. This strange, unique Kuhna was an acquaintance to him, but he was unsure. Yet, a faint picture of this male was still printed deep into his memory, and yet the Common Kuhna couldn't quite remember who this Kuhna speaking with such a strong German accent could be. His head was lightly tilted over one of his shoulders as he was observing the Kuhna.

Rothsaydan purred as Deutchie recognized him, letting out a mrrow of laughter as Aubie bounced on his orange paw. "My name isn't kit anymore, Uncle Deutchie," he told the loved Uncle of his previous owner's Pen. "I am called Rothsaydan now. And yes, my new owner is very kind to me," he continued, pawing at Aubie playfully as the baby Kuhna was batting at him.

Shinboku's ears pricked, capturing the name of the male. "Deutchie..." he echoed, his ears swiveling in curiosity. "I guess I remember you a little," he meowed as he approached the male Kuhna that was obviously tainted with the colors of the German flag. His bright and chivalrous green eyes were hard to miss. "I remember you from when I was living with mother," he meowed, angling his head towards his right shoulder, pensive, as he continued the observe the Kuhna.

[Shin: 3, Roth: 3]
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Postby SpringsSong » 11/26/2007 2:02 PM

Rhyia chuckled as she first addressed Deutchie.  "Oh, I couldn't get my sister to tear herself away from her kits to come explore with me, and all the other Kuhnas I live with were either already away or not interested in accompanying me on my little excursion." She said, smiling.  Turning back to Shinboku, she said, "It would seem we are here on a common 'purpose', then.  I, too, came out here to explore and make new friends.  I live with several other Kuhnas; but as of late, most of them have been away from my home and have left me with few companions.  True, there are the seven kits at home I could socialize with, two of them being my niece and nephew; but most of them have paired off on their own." She smiled, sitting down.  She looked down at the little Nightwind Kuhna and chuckled.  "That little one's energy reminds me of my little niece." She said, smiling.

{30--level up}
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Stoffelees » 11/27/2007 2:50 PM

A smile gleamed from the dark face of the Adler Kuhna, "Is dat so? Vell, it is gut to zee you again, Rothsaydan." Deutchie gave a curt nod as the Common male came closer to the trio, "Ah! How you have grown junge! Ya, I had just come zu live vit mein human ven you set out vit your new owner. Your mootter misses you, but is happy about how much you have grown."

Little Aubie gave a squeal of joy as Roth began pawing back at him. He jumped up and bounded a few paces away before spinning around to face the orange pelted Kuhna. His posture was like that of a hunter, except rather than stalking, he was wiggling about like one would expect from a kit.

Deutchie turned to the female, interest obvious in his eyes. "Ya, sometime one just needs zu get out und zee de vorld." A wave of sadness then swept over his features, "I zu know many who have gone avay from home. Some even zu de var. It is sad zu zee them go, but I just hope they come home safely." He then shook the gloomy feeling from him and looked over to the playful kit, a smile once again forming upon his face.

[center]{Aubie 3 | Deutchie 3}
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Postby Jaykobell » 11/27/2007 11:45 PM

Rothsaydan purred. "It's good to see you again too, Uncle Deutchie," he meowed back to his good acquaintance. He chuckled as he saw the small Nightwind kit bounding around, ready to bounce at the Pumpkin Kuhna. Rothsaydan playfully followed Aubie in his game, crouching to face him as well. "Are you a courageous warrior yet, little one?" he spoke as if he had years of experience -- which wasn't true. But hey; it was a game, after all.

Shin nodded to Rhyia. "Most of our friends are worried about the war, so few want to explore." Turning to Deutchie, he replied, "Does she, really?" He shuffled his small white paws. "I'd love to see her again. I miss her as well. But our new human is very nice to us, so you can tell her we're both living happily." He paused shortly before asking, "How is our old human? Is she doing well?" He hadn't forgotten about the nice human female he had been living with for so long. After all, she had always taken good care of her pets, so why would he need to forget her? He noticed that Rothsaydan had heard his question and was also waiting for an answer.

[Shin: 4, Roth: 4]
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Postby SpringsSong » 11/28/2007 11:49 AM

Rhyia nodded.  "Indeed; I heard that one of the Kuhnas at my home, my 'uncle' Ryen--he's not really my uncle, I just call him that--is in a fight right now and is perfectly petrified he might die... or kill.  All he wants is to be with his mate, Vigilpattern." She said, a paw drawing through the grass in front of her.  There was a faint rustling in the bushes as she looked around again, her ears perked.  When she turned her back again, a little muddled kit leapt out of the bushes and landed on her back.


Rhyia smiled as she said, "Hello, Kanika.  Finally got tired of sticking to your brother's side while he's around Ilana?" She said.  The little Berry Kuhna said, "You never asked me if I wanted to come with you, Aunt Rhyia!  I wanted to come with you!"

{Rhy: 31||Nika: 1}
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Stoffelees » 11/28/2007 7:37 PM

Aubie's ears perked up at Roth's voice, "Yes!" He puffed his chest out and stood tall, "My momma says that I have a heart like she's never seen. I'm gonna be the strongest and bestest Kuhna warrior ever!"

Deutchie nodded as he listened to Rhyia speak, "One can only hope dat de gods vill look down and pity him. I shall keep him und his mate in my prayers." He then smiled at the mention of his human. "She is doing just fine. She und some of her companions are in de var, but I am not zu vorried about them, they'll be fine."

Both Kuhnas' attention turned to the little bundle of fur that had appeared. Deutchie seemed amused, but Aubie had crouched low to the ground, staring at the newcomer.

[center]{Aubie 4 | Deutchie 4}
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Postby Jaykobell » 11/28/2007 8:20 PM

Rothsaydan purred at Aubie's adorable response. He had been like this as a kit as well; ready to become the greatest warrior in the world! He purred again as he heard Deutchie say that Stoffelees was doing all right, but he couldn't but worry a little over her, being in the war and all...

Shinboku purred as well. "I'm glad to hear it," he meowed happily. But his eyes became clouded as Rhyia mentioned the war battles. "I hope..." There he paused, blinking. "Vigil... pattern? Is her other name Specter? She lives with us!" he meowed, gasping. Was this Ryen Specter's mate?

Both Generation males turned towards the small newcomer. They both flicked their tails gently as a greeting, their features happily smiling to Kanika.

[Shin: 5 -- level up, Roth: 5 -- level up]
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Postby SpringsSong » 11/28/2007 8:36 PM

Rhyia nodded.  "Yes, my uncle Ryen said she goes by Specter... Why?  Does she live with you?  How is she?  Does she know that her mate is in battle?" She said, her voice holding come nervousy.  "I don't know what to think... I don't want Uncle Ryen to die, but I don't want the other Kuhna dying either... That would be devastating to either side." She said, looking up at the little Berry Kuhna as she climbed onto her head, and then slid down her forearm, smiling.  "Hiya!  I'm Kanika!  It's nice to meet all of you." She said, looking at the Nightwind Kuhna and crouching as well, her little tails wagging playfully.

{Rhy: 32||Nika: 2}
Maybe I'm foolish, maybe I'm blind
Thinking I can see through this to see what's behind
Got no way to prove it, so maybe I'm lying
Take a look in the mirror, what do you see
Can you see it clearer, or are you deceived in what you believe?
Don't ask my opinion, don't ask me to lie
Then beg for forgiveness for making you cry
'cause I'm no prophet or Messiah
You should go looking somewhere higher

I'm only human, I make mistakes
I'm only human, I do what I can
I'm only human, that's all it takes to put the blame on me

Don't put the blame on me

"Human", Rag'n'Bone Man

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Postby Stoffelees » 11/30/2007 1:43 PM

Deutchie tilted his head, curious of this realization made by Shinboku. Could it be possible that these Kuhnas had a common tie to one another? Then, after hearing the female's response, he shook his head sadly. "Das ist de vay var goes. One cannot vin vithout de other side loosing." He was not an extraordinarily old Kuhna, but wisdom shone in his eyes as he spoke.

The Adler Kuhna then turned to the new arrival with a look of amusement. "It ist gut zu meet you Kanika." A bright smile gleamed from his face. He always seemed to love kits, their innocent way of looking at the world and their thirst for learning. It's a surprise he didn't have any kits of his own.

Aubie's pupils grew large, and a grin was plastered on his face. His hindquarters began to wiggle and he sprang from the tall grass. Landing atop the fellow kit he purred as he spoke, "Pleased ta meet'cha! I'm Aubie! And I'm gonna be the best Kuhna warrior Evelon has ever seen!"

[center]{Aubie 5 | Deutchie 5}
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