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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Middy » 02/04/2010 8:29 PM

Valentines Day.... a worthless event for a worthless emotion. She even tossed this event aside seeing it as nothing but a waste of time and space... although her mate disagreed with her. She sighed and decided to answer the question in a semi-mature way... trying to think of her mate at the same time as she replied. "I find Valentines Day to be a sweet and lovin- Oh forget it! It's a waste of time! Whoever thought of this drek of a holiday needs to be maimed and impaled in front of a crowd for all to see what a foolish person they were!" Midnight growled but tried to calm herself down.

"Although I do have a mate who stays at my side most of the time... I still find this 'love day' to be stupid and I wish I could avoid hearing about it at all costs. No if I had it my way it would be international Hate Day!" Midnight cackled at the thought of a Hate Day... or even celebrating an Anti-Valentine's Day... oh but her mate could be such a hopeless romantic... she changed her mood slightly keeping a wicked grin plastered on her face, "Oh but silly me... I have to think of my dearest mate... surely he wouldn't mind showing his affections for me... as long as I get my way in the end...." she paused and sighed a little, "Then I guess it's not too terrible... just ridiculously stupid and made up by the card company for their own selfish profit."

She couldn't make up her mind... love was fine as long as it was between her and someone else. Any other's who felt this 'love' were pathetic indeed.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Jessari » 02/05/2010 12:44 AM

Qian stood off to the side, one hand fidgeting with the white and red band around her upper arm that marked her as a medical officer. She smiled thinly at the Draculi, who seemed to be doing all he could to get a laugh. It wasn't an unkind smile, just a distracted one. Why was she here, she wondered, light blue eyes wandering the room. What matter had been important enough to result in her being pulled away from her work? Surely not this Draculi. Oh, she knew she'd been entered in some sort of contest, but Qian hadn't realized that it required her presence. A photograph, sure. That hadn't been too much trouble. But this? There had to be another reason.

She'd left a soldier in the ER to come here, and although she knew her colleagues were more than capable of handling the procedure, she still felt guilty. Once she'd begun working on a soldier, Qian felt she'd signed a contract with him, one that said she would personally do everything in her power to get him back on his feet again. She would've ditched the whole thing, but she'd been practically ordered to attend by one of her superiors. A small sigh parted her lips, teasing a loose strand of curly blonde hair that had escaped the ponytail holder. There was nothing to do except wait, no matter how difficult a task it was.

"Who's first?" the Draculi had asked. Well, it certainly wasn't going to be her. She had nothing against Valentine's Day, but she didn't exactly have time for it either, or the money, or a Valentine. It had simply never caught her interest, not since she first signed up for this never-ending nightmare they called a war. Nor had any male caught her eye to make her wish she could make time. There were lots of soldiers, good-looking ones around her age, but that wasn't something you noticed on a battlefield. During her free time, scarce as it was, Qian was usually too exhausted to think about such things. And now that she had a moment of relative peace and quiet, she still found herself less than thrilled with the festivities. Didn't these people know there were more important things to do than hold frivolous contests such as this? Hopefully it would be over soon; she had somewhere she had to be.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Redd » 02/05/2010 8:03 AM

To be frank, neither the Demon-man, nor the Angel-Kuhna wanted to be here. The Demon was here, mainly because he was sent here by his... well friend was the best word to use for it. The Angel was here, because Alanah had thought amusing to throw Florence in the pageant with the irritable demon.
Not that the kid had any say in this at all, it was just ‘oh look, a pageant~ Ruihn, go fetch your brothers little angel Kuhna and throw him in!’
Now, Kogoruihn had decided it was safer to leave the building and leave the angel to whatever fate he was doomed to inside. The demon was probably lurking around outside, just to fulfil his end of whatever bargain the two had struck.

Florence shuffled his paws nervously, glancing about the room. There were so many intimidating figures in the room, and that didn’t make the Fallen Angel feel at ease at all.
However what came next really shook the little Kuhna out of his boots.

"Who's first?"
At the sound of that voice, Florence whipped his eyes away from whatever he was gazing at and got the shock of his life.
He skittered back uncertainly, his eyes wide with fear. That Draculi... wasn’t pointing that bow and arrow at him was he? Was he being serious?
He backed up a few steps, stammering uncertainly, “N-not m-me?”
His eyes darted around the room quickly, looking for an escape route, but saw none, which increased his panic even more.

From deep within the rings he wore around his neck and wrists, something shifted, irritated by the silly feelings from the host. It was not normally a situation that made the spirit surface, but his patience was limited and it was irritating to have such a silly and weak host.

And the change within the body of the kuhna was instant. The Kuhna regally drew himself up to full height and glared at the Draculi with hate and loathing, daring him to let fly the arrow in his direction.
“Lay one finger on this boy, and you will rue the day you did not heed my warning mortal.” Florence hissed, his voice suddenly deeper and rougher than before.

He’d like to see this jokester try to mess with him. He’d like an excuse to break this nuisance into a million pieces and see how he thought of that.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Postby Kyrit » 02/05/2010 8:51 PM

It seemed as though everyone else had realized that the next round had started, except for the Kirund pup. Quite honestly, he had been sleeping the whole time. It wasn't like he was tired, but for him waiting around for something to happen was honestly quite hard. The whole time they were all sitting around, waiting for the next round to start, he could have been out exploring. Of course if he left the building Eivr would probably find out even though she had left after the last round, leaving everything up to him.

Legs stretching through the air above him, Runt had finally woken up. His eyes, one of which still had rather fuzzy vision from a run in with a Hydrolisk out in Baian, opened and tried to blink his vision clear. For a few moments it seemed as though everyone had disappeared. Rolling to the side, he hopped up and began to pace around the room with his nose twitching. Well.. obviously they were all still there. It took a few minutes to follow the trail of scents, but the Kirund eventually came upon... some fuzzy creature with diaper on...?

Sitting down in front of Hexle, Runt's head tilted to the side. This creature seemed vaguely familiar. Was it.. their host? Well, that was all he could figure. Sort of a weird outfit to be wearing though. Then again, it wasn't like the canine understood the purpose of clothing anyways, let alone wearing clothes that mimicked Cupid. Where he came from, there was no such thing as Valentine's Day. Well, if there was the ruler obviously didn't let them celebrate it. To love meant to lose in his eyes after all.

There was no way for Runt to tell this feline that he was ready for whatever task was to be presented to them, other than standing in front of him stupidly. His tail swished back and forth, mouth agape with his tongue lolling out as he panted softly. Over all he appeared like some simple pup, though much larger than a normal one, looking at its owner and waiting for an order.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 02/06/2010 9:17 AM

Yawning as the round came to a close, Hexle stretched a bit before realizing he held something in his paws.  Blinking as he looked over at it, he came to the conclusion it was a bow, albiet a very, very ugly one.  Immediately, he frowned, knwoing he hadn't put that bow there.  This meant that a certain redheaded person who liked to do rather unpleasant things to him had been up to something.  Judging from some disgruntled faces amoung the contestants, he'd wager a guess that they hadn't liked it much, either.  A twitch of his tail said that someting was on his bum, so naturally, he looked down.  Torn between morbid embarassment and a fury unknown to all mankind, Hexle hastily clawed the horrendous diaper off.  "I pray that means this round is over," he said aloud, not particularly caring what the deranged woman chose to do next.  "Regardless, I suppose you would all like to know who won what.  In first place is MidnightDraconia with MidnightDraconia.  You will move on to the final round with Krypto and Rabid."  Sighing as the glue to his newest envelope stuck to the pad of his left paw, he struggled with it briefly before moving on.  "The runner-up of this round is Draiz and Runt.  You'll get 10KS and take MidnightDraconia's place, should she be unable to make it for the final round.  For an honorary third place, AnimeTheia and Mojimo were chosen, and although you recieve nothing from it, your entry was very noteworthy." At that, he tossed the note over his shoulder, not particularly caring where it went.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 02/06/2010 9:28 AM

Welcome to the third category: Purity.  In this round, Hexle will make an action in which your pet will react to.  What your goal is as the roleplayer of your pet is to roleplay your pet's response as closely as possible to their alignment as you can.  Whomever acts most within their alignment will win the round.  The deadline for this category will be Monday, February 15th. ((I wanted to leave the 14th open for anyone who wanted to spend V-day elsewhere.))  Feel free to react to others' posts or ignore the others' posts.  Good luck to you all!  ^.^  ((Try not to kill my Draculi, will ya?  XD))

He'd actually been given instructions this time.  He knew what he was supposed to do, but he still had to think about how to go about it.  He really had nothing against this little group of creatures, and to be honest, some of them looked rather unpleasant as it was.  Just the thought of attacking them wasn't appealing as it was.  The fact that he actually had to was not a very good motivation.  "well, here goes nothing," he mumbled to himself before standing on all fours and praying that his Elusive Target trait prevented all the deadlier attacks.  Mentally preparing himself, he lunged forward, his intent to attack fairly obvious.  Usually he  had some sort of strategy in battle, however, with so many opponents, he wasn't sure what to do.

In midair, it seemed, he made up his mind to go for the neck of anything smaller, and the belly of anything larger.  At least then he might do some damage, provided they try to kill him.

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby SpringsSong » 02/08/2010 11:02 AM

"What the...?"

Ath'yeri began to revert to the language used in Re'klet, which was not always the nicest of languages.  Giada sighed as she made a muzzle out of Shadow and placed it over Ath'yeri's mouth, causing the Grim to glare at her with the most venomous of glares.  She should have expected as much, anyway; despite having a Neutral Good alignment, Yeri's knowledge of how Re'klet was--and the occasional secret visit there--had given her a little bit of a coarse edge.

Giada, however, was a little more pure and possessed a Lawful Good alignment.  She had little patience, however, for people that tried to break her spirit with the reminder that her father is Neutral Evil, sometimes bordering on the extreme Chaotic Evil.  She watched as the Draculi moved to attack, and though she knew Ath'yeri would doubtless leap up at him for fun, she shook her head.

"No.  The Goddesses of Earth and Fire have known too much pain to inflict it on others." Giada said, keeping a close eye on Yeri as she dispelled the Shadow.  To her surprise, Yeri did not leap up and fly at the Draculi; rather, she stayed on the ground, her tail poised in front of her as she placed her head close to the flame, her eyes closed.

"We will not attack," Yeri said.  "It is not our job to cause pain and suffering, and we do not attack unless we are in imminent danger."

Both Yeri and Giada looked at each other after a moment, though; what if the Draculi attacked them instead?  Yeri flicked her tail swiftly to the side as she shook her head, indicating to Giada that she had made her choice.  The Draculi did not intend them any malice, and they would not return any harming strikes against him because he had done nothing to cause them to be angered at him.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Yomegami » 02/10/2010 2:07 PM

Upon seeing the Draculi leap forwards with the intent of attacking, Grendel sprung into action. This was going to be a bit one-sided, but he never, never missed a chance for a good brawl. Maybe it was worth his time joining this thing after all....

"I appreciate the strength of your guts," he said to the Draculi, "but you're apparently quite stupid to attack something twelve times your size." Now, what was the most efficient plan of action to take this cat out of commission?

He decided it was best to take it out in a single move. With that, he reared up, and then brought his legs down, intending to crush the Draculi beneath his front claws. "Now I'll squash you flat!" he bellowed, with a definite mocking tone to his voice.

It was only natural that he attempt to kill the draculi outright and mock it as it neared its end. He was of the chaotic evil alignment, after all, and when you're evil, you take whatever means to get to your end.
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Redd » 02/12/2010 6:42 PM

(Uh... Well, Florence has two forms/two personalities. So yah~ Allocated Alignment is what he normally is when he's not possessed. Possessor would have a Chaotic Evil alignment.)

Florence's breathing steadily returned to normal. Well letting that... demon out was probably not the best idea in the world, but it was the one time he was glad it had emerged. It couldn't have it's host harmed or... if the arrow had been real, fall in love in any way, shape or form.
But that wouldn't be the last of the Preluhna's frights this afternoon.

Florence had somehow managed to find himself at the back of the room, so he saw the Draculi make it's move against the people in the room. A good part of Florence made him want to go and help the lesser people in the room, but his personality, his timidness held him back.
Really, he did want to help them, and that might of had something to do with his Chaotic Good alignment but he was too scared to step forward and actually help them.
Why waste your time... on them? The voice in the back of his head questioned, it's voice poisoned with malice and hate. Let me out... and I'll crush them all, like the mortal scum they are...
Florence's eyes widened and he visibly appeared quite panicked. The concept of the Spirit coming out was more alarming than the Draculi's threat. The Spirit wasn't lying about what he wanted to do, and while the Draculi might have been probing for a reaction, Florence decided it would be safer for everyone else's sake, that he tried to at least contain the Spirit.

Florence cowered back from the Draculi and threw his hands over his face, as if that would help protect him. If the Draculi did decide to attack, the anger from the Spirit would be so great that he wouldn't be able to contain it.

All the stories
And the loopholes
Guess you found my heart wasn't enough?
Throw another of your right hooks
Never thought you'd leave me in the dust
Now you're hungry for the control
Take the last of what I've got

Guess my heart wasn't enough

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Silversky » 02/15/2010 1:31 PM

Veritas's eyes widened in alarm as the Draculi leaped. This was the last category? Veritas realized he was sure to lose if they had to fight. The Preitor Kuhna stepped back a pace, thankful that at least the Concept creature wasn't heading right toward him. In standing at the edge, Veritas had at least ensured that he had more time to react than some of the others.
Veritas's heart sped up. Fear jolted through him. He didn't want to fight!
Narrowing his eyes, the Kuhna focused on the Draculi. Dust whipped into his face as one of the other pets went to react to the newest problem, but Veritas ignored it. Distractions could only hurt him now; he had to keep his mind on what was happening. Things slowed, and Hexle looked like he was suspended in midair. The wind was nonexistant; the others weren't moving. Veritas turned his head, moving as if through a dream-fog. Some pets seemed eager to battle; others hung back. Someone was going to get hurt, if no one did anything to stop this.
Being of the Lawful Good alignment, Veritas refused to attack the Draculi. He let his concentration falter, and time sped back to normal around him. He had time to think, and now he had to act. Even if it killed him, this wasn't right, that there would be fighting here. He couldn't let that happen.
Taking a deep breath, Veritas ran right in front of the leaping Draculi, trying to stop Hexle from reaching the others.
He wouldn't fight back, but he had to stop them.
Please, he thought. Please don't let me die.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Middy » 02/15/2010 3:00 PM

Was he a fool? Midnight growled carrying a devilish smirk on her face and bearing her light blue teeth. This was going to be fun. She was beyond being Chaotic Evil.... and if this puny mortal wanted a fight then fine. Although she wouldn't kill him. No, letting him writhe in pain was far more entertaining. She wouldn't take her demon form, this cat didn't deserve the honor to see who she really was.

Midnight leaped forward grabbing the Draculi by the neck and pinning him down, a fierce and sadistic look was plastered on her face. "You really are an idiot aren't you?" she tossed him aside looking at where she attacked him to see if she drew any blood. "Oh and don't worry about me killing you... after all I wouldn't get the chance for my prize hmm? Although after this contest I wouldn't mind eviscerating you and feasting on your soul," she cackled and jumped forward to Hexle.

Damn... that little bugger managed to get her... she didn't really feel it until some of her bright blue blood fell to the floor in front of her paws. Now she really wanted to kill him... impalement... maiming, or even just gutting him and decorating her room with his organs would suffice.

"Feel lucky rat..." she growled forcing the Draculi to look her in the face. She still felt superior, her victim was bleeding more then she was anyways. "You know... your head would fit nicely on my wall," she grinned turning away from the filthy cat beast. She had to halt her bloodlust for this moment, it wouldn't be good for the contest to have the room plastered with blood and entrails...
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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby AnimeTheia » 02/15/2010 4:42 PM

Majimono paused in her grooming as the next round started. She was disconcerted to see Hexle start attacking the other contestants one by one. Ordinarily she wasn't a physical fighter, prefering to fight with her mind, using her intelligence to psychologically harm her victims.

Eyes bright she concentrated on the way that Hexle fought, noticing a pattern in his attacks she worked out how he would attack her when it came her turn. Figuring that she had a couple of minutes before the Draculi got to her, Maji looked around herself, clearly she wouldn't be able to win this round psychologically, instead she would have to rely on her wits to come up with a way of defeating her foe...

Whilst Hexle was still occupied with a particularly large Paragon, Maji repositioned herself in front of a broken chair, fanning her tails out to hide it's presence she unsheathed her claws testing their sharpness against her tongue. Maji was of a Neutral Evil alignment; she followed the rules as long as they suited her, only fighting and hurting others when she deemed it necessary to achieve her goals, but as soon as a better proposition came up she would happily turn on her friends and disregard the rules - so, whether she won a prize in the pageant or not at least she would get to enjoy destroying this impudent Draculi. She didn't care whether she hurt or even killed him, if he was foolish enough to attack her and forced her paw so that she had no choice but to harm him, then he deserved what was coming to him. At least she would still get something out of harming him - both satisfaction and the chance to win a prize of some sort by defeating Hexle and she reasoned that she was still playing by the rules as it was the Draculi that had started attacking everyone first, not that she cared too much about following rules anyway.

Majimono waited for Hexle to turn and face her, she affected a scared look to hopefully make him think that she was easy prey. But as he reached her aiming for her neck she leapt nimbly to one side with the aim of causing the Draculi to run unchecked into the chair. Then with an evil grin and ominous chuckle Maji raised her paw, claws glittering sharply in the light, and prepared to swipe for Hexle's eyes.

(I presume we're in some sort of theatre?(Alignment Neutral Evil)

Come down from the mountain, you have been gone too long

The world is alive now, in and outside our home

You run through the forest, settle before the sun

Darling, I can barely remember you beside me

You should come back home, back on your own now

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Rabid » 02/15/2010 11:08 PM

Lie's eyes widened as Hexle charged at them. Really, what was the point of this? They hadn't done anything to him! Well, at least Lie hadn't, and that was what counted... Right? Timid creature that he was, Lie's first thought was to simply back away -  he didn't want to get into any fights, especially since the only experience he had with violence was on the receiving end. Well, he could always change his ways, right? Yes, he could! In hopes to gather up some courage for the madness he was about to pursue, he thought of all the horrible times he'd been though - all the mocking, the scorn, even the embarrassing trips that had honestly been caused by his own obliviousness. His delicate mind was already weak against the lies that he'd told himself, and it twisted his view of reality, turning Hexle into a compacted form of all his tormentors. Hexle - in Lie's fragile mind - had done horrible things to him, so it was only just that he do horrible things right back. His lawful neutral alignment declared that if it was just, it should - and would - be done, and so he arched his back, bared his fangs, and unsheathed his claws in preparation for what was coming his way.

This, children, is why you shouldn't use up all your energy on video games. x-x

There's reasons for these bags under my eyes.
The effort I don't give except in lies.
Maybe it's the weight of all the promises that I can't keep.
But the universe will not let me sleep.

Lets talk about the time I waste.
All the things I say I'd do but only say.
And nothing was done today.
But I still feel,
I shouldn't be awake.

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 02/19/2010 4:18 PM

Returning to his post on stage considerably more beaten than when he left it, Hexle made his way to the envelope sitting beside the podium.  Opening it carefully, he read it aloud.  "In third place this round, and our honorary mention, is Silversky and Veritas.  Congratulations on a job well done."  His mouth was moving, but in his head was a little version of himself dancing a jig and praising the higher powers that there was only one round left.  "Our runner-up for this round is Krypto and Florence, who will recive 10 KS for their efforts." Pausing quickly to lap a scratch that was particularly bothersome, he sighed before announcing the winner of the fourth category.  "And our winner for this round is AnimeTheia and Mojimono....although I personally feel--" the Concept creature was cut off by a pebble in the nose, causing a slight wince of pain from the small animal.  "Right.   AnimeTheia and Mojimono are the last to go on to the final round.  They will recieve 50 KS and a chance at first, second and third place along with Krypto, Rabid, and MidnightDraconia.  Good luck to you all."  

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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Re: The New Year's Evelon Pageant

Postby Pyris » 02/19/2010 6:00 PM

Hexle sighed as he stared at his instructions.  How many ridiculous things was that insane woman going to make him do?  What the heck was a Chesire smile?  A pair of sketched eyes rolled at the example picture below. Scoffing at himself, he attempted the grin, hurting his jaw in the process.  How was it possible to do such a thing?  Giving up, he merely read the card aloud.  "It seems there has been a strange fascination with Alice in Wonderland sweeping around the world.  All four contestants must pick a character from Alice in Wonderland and act like them in as close a manner as their pets can manage.  However, each character can only be played out once, meaning no one can use the same character, I'm afraid."  Blinking as the stage became a strange and eerie place he didn't off he went to sit on his podium.  Continuing where he left off he read, "Feel free to use any props from Alice in Wonderland as you see fit or respond to one anothers' posts and you have until February 27th to post.  Good luck to you all."

"If I died today, would you remember me forever?"

"Even if I die...Forever."

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