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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Silversky » 02/07/2010 10:33 AM

Oops, sorry. Heh, that's okay.


A winter Kitrell with fiery coloring can be seen by most as an oxymoron. ( here?...) isn't exactly what people expect. At home in the summer and the winter, he usually keeps to himself. Others usually don't bother him, and if they do, he just avoids them. He doesn't mind the fact that he doesn't really fit his species. He's usually upbeat and happy, and he's a good artist.



Uh... using Neon as a placeholder name because I can't think of anything else. Obviously, feel free to change it.

Neon never really belonged. That doesn't bother him whatsoever, though. He loves his glow! His family might not accept him, but his new friends sure do.
Neon ran away to the city when he was younger, to get away from those who didn't appreciate him. Growing up with the nightlife, he loves parties and dancing and loud music. Above all, Neon likes to have fun. No one he knows glows like he does, but at least where he is now, people accept him.

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby snowfall » 02/07/2010 9:12 PM

Image Purine Sygriff

she is currently wandering in the craiss caverns with a Hollowheart and a Gyrraptor. she is a bit of a wimp, but a loyal one.she would rather be at home relaxing with blunt objects,than running from people or creatures with sharp ones. Could I have the 10 Keystone one please?
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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Silversky » 02/09/2010 6:32 PM

Thessur's last two:

Name placeholder: Echo, maybe?
Personality: Echo is a complete pacifist. She'd never hurt anything, even in self-defense. She tries to belive there's good in everyone.
She's very fast, and very light. She loves to run, and she loves nature. She's friendly, but she doesn't really seek out company. She usually can be found outside, since she hates being cooped up indoors.

Name...? no idea.
Personality: She's not the brightest, but she is extremely loyal. She loves people, even complete strangers, and she is very trusting. It's very easy to befriend her, and she will always be true to you if you do.
She's full of energy, always bouncing around with excitement.

And Arya's:
Techo doesn't seem that special, but he's smarter than he looks. Being mechanical, he isn't that in tune with his own emotions, but he's very good at reading others'. He doesn't mind being bossed around by people, and he usually yields to people who have a more forceful personality than he does. He likes to make other people happy, and he's usually kind.
He is extrememly loyal to whoever he is suppossed to protect. The instinct is written into his programming, and whoever created him designed him to be a very effective bodyguard. Since he's been told to protect Thalia, that's what he'll do- with his life, if neccisary.
Even if she doesn't know it yet.
He's also very good at keeping secrets. He's trustworthy, and if you tell him something he'll only share that information with others if it's absolutely neccissary. He'll never betray the one he's supposed to protect.
((since what you gave me is almost the 5-ks blurb already, I made you the 10-ks one~))

Poor Willow. She's extremely loyal, especially to her friends and family, but that can get her into trouble.
Willow is very trusting, and friendly. She'll do almost anything for her friends. She'd never betray anyone, and she'd never hurt anyone. Unfortunatly, her friends are more into adventure than she is. She's the more let's-relax-and-talk-about-the-latest-gossip kind of person. She lets herself be dragged along on adventures anyway, because she's worried that something will happen to her friends.
She isn't very brave. Faced with anything even moderatly bigger or more ferocious than she is, she'll tend to run from the room. She isn't that good with the outdoorsy stuff either, and she absolutely hates bugs. Her idea of nature is a beautifully manacured park with a shimmering lake and no mosquitoes.
So understandably, the Crais Caverns is one of the last places she wants to be.
Still, she decides to go anyway to support her friends.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Elektra » 02/22/2010 6:23 PM

I am so sorry for replying so late, but the personality is awesome!  Sending 10ks now.  :)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby snowfall » 02/22/2010 9:23 PM

lovely personality, though Willow just managed to defeat a small unknown creature and discovor a large amount of treasure.
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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby MillietheWarrior » 02/22/2010 9:38 PM

Large, detailed personality for both. I’ll give you key words that may help in the development.
Key words: Tough, protective, feminine, unafraid, proud

Habria Tao-ni
Key words: Sweet, soft-spoken, regal, proud, caring, gentle, loving

Total: 20 KS

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Elektra » 02/23/2010 7:48 PM

Back again.  Anyway, when you're done with all the other orders, do you think that you could do around 4-5 guys for me?  I'm working on a new pen, and I want to have as many with personalities as possible before going on, so you will most likely be seeing a lot of me, or at least until I'm finished with my new pen.  So for the personalities, I think that I'll just go with the short but nice 5 ks ones, since I am a bit tight on saving my ks, so the total would be 20 ks for four of them.  Thanks a bunch Silver!  :)

((Sorry if you don't like me calling you that...))

These are the first batch that I will need done:

Rose has explored the slums in the rp with Jobiehannah and I

Do whatever you want with this one, female.

Do whatever you want, Female

Do whatever you want, Female

If it's ok with you, I will be back with more after these have personalities.  :) :)

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Silversky » 02/26/2010 6:35 PM

Here's Millie's:

Sometimes you can’t protect everyone.
But you can still try.
Mylantia would do anything to help those she cares about. She’d fight anyone, go anywhere, if it meant she could protect her family and friends. She’s not afraid of anything mortal, anything she can see. If she can see it, she can fight it, and if she can fight it, she at least has a chance. She’s almost impossible to intimidate, though she doesn’t tend to try to intimidate anyone else, either. It’s sort of an unspoken agreement between anyone she passes by- you don’t bother me or my friends, and I won’t bother you. We can be friends too.
She’s very proud and sometimes she can be quick to take offense. She’ll defend you if she trusts you, too- even if you don’t necessarily want defending. She’s smart, too, mostly about people and the way that people act.
She does have a soft side, and she can be a great friend. If she trusts you, she’ll tell you anything. She’ll never betray you, and she has a good (though somewhat biased) sense of right and wrong.
The things that she’s afraid of are the things that she can’t see- she’s afraid of sickness, and darkness, and fear itself.

Habria Tao-ni:
If Habria ever had children, she'd be a wonderful mother. She isn't too overprotective or smothering, and she isn't too girly either. But she is very kind and gentle, and she'd never hurt anyone.
She's very caring. She'll help out just about anyone who needs her, and if she likes you she'll always be there for you. She's sensitive and she's good at sensing what other people are feeling. If you're sad, she'll comfort you. If you're angry, she'll help you. And she almost never will raise her voice in return.
She's quite calm and almost never gets angry. She's generally soft-spoken, always talking calmly even if you're not. She knows when to offer advice, and she also knows when you need to be alone.
She will stand up for herself, however, and if you don't understand that than you will find out as soon as you do something to jeopardize her or her friends and family. She's nice, and friendly, but that doesn't mean she's a pushover.

((ooh, Habria's personality kind of died, sorry. I hope it's long enough... my muse has been eaten by tests at school...

Arya, yours will be done soon, I just need a little break first~))

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Kyarra » 02/28/2010 5:31 PM

Hey Silversky!

I wonder if you could help me creating the personality for my Maya Kuhna.
I wrote down a little bit on my own, but in my opinion it's a bit rough around the edges^^

Here is what I've got so far:


"Not much is known about Yaaxil. Being more than 1.000 years old, he has seen and been through a lot ups and downs. The most impressive one must have been the fall of the high culture of the Mayas. Yaaxil was once the pet of a Mayan high priest and living in the Maya city state Tikal.
This priest was a master of ceremonies and he took a huge toll on human sacrifices.
But there are rumors in circulation, that Yaaxil himself was that high priest. They say, that he had transformed himself into a feline creature to survive the fall of the Maya culture and thereby founded the Kuhna species.
No one will ever know if this is true or not."

That is what I've got so far. He also is cold-hearted and wise. But I don't know how to put that into the personality. would be awesome if you could help me a bit!^^ I'd like a in-depth personality for him, so I guess that would be 20ks?

Oh, and the meaning of his name is "first" :D
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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Silversky » 03/15/2010 4:13 PM

Here are a few of yours, Arya. I'm so sorry it's taken this long~

Name: Ellai
Personality: Ellai isn't the kind of person you'd expect her to be, based on her species and all. She takes after her coloring more than her origins, being the kind of girly fluffy pink-loving girl who would normally freak out if she saw a bug. Which, considering she is a bug, is pretty ironic. She likes to be with her friends, and she tries to stay away from danger.

Name: Amythysta (Ama)
Personality: Ama likes people. She's fairly laid-back and doesn't get angry very easily, preferring to get along with everyone. She's usually quite calm, hardworking, and she is very loyal to her friends. She preferrs to stay out of any potentially dangerous situations, liking a kind of simple lifestyle. She has very little ambition.

Name: Mysti
Personality: Mysti doesn't like to be around other people that much. Preferring to stay alone, she likes to wander the mountains, living the way she believes her ancestors did. She's friendly once you get to know her, but when you first meet her she can seem quite prickly.

I'll add Rose once I read through her rp.

Edit: (sorry, I'm running short on time here so her picture isn't right here, but she's named so that doesn't really matter I guess)
Name: Rose
Gender: Female
Rose is very helpful by nature. She's also generous, and since she knows a lot about poisons and antidotes, many people sometimes find her for help with certain... problems. She's not very good at fighting, however, and she preferrs to stay out of dangerous situations, instead helping out anyone involved in the situation. She knows a lot about the forest.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Elektra » 03/18/2010 5:53 PM

Um, once your done with Kyarra's and any other jobs, can you do these pets?

A boy, hir name is actually going to be Meta, but you can do the rest as you like it

He's an Sulkuhna named Oro, other than that, he's kinda emo.

His name is Jakai, he's a punk, as his Human Form suggests.

Her name's aurora.  I don't have much else on her... :oops:  

A male, his name's Night Dancer.

Sorry if it's a lot, and when they're done, I'll send the ks, and be expecting a tip with it.  :wink:  :wink:

If you knew knew what the bluebirds sang at you
You would never sing along
Cast them out cause this is our culture
These new flocks are nothing but vultures

Because they took our love and they filled it up
Filled it up with Novocaine and now Im just numb
And don't mind me, Im just a son of a gun
So dont stop, dont stop until your heart goes numb
I dont feel a thing for you

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Indigo » 03/23/2010 7:39 PM

Uh...never mind. A character turned up.

What are you looking at?

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Silversky » 03/24/2010 4:15 PM

Really sorry about the delay, Kyarra, I know it's been about a month. Anyway, here's what I've come up with for your Maya Kuhna:

Yaaxil has been alive for longer than just about anyone-- and in his mind, this makes him superior to most other creatures. He doesn't exactly flaunt his supposed superiority to everyone, but there's always a bit of a condescending air when he speaks to others. Being alive for over a thousand years has given him wisdom, however, which can't be denied. Yaaxil knows a lot about many things, not only scientific but also supposedly spiritual. He's very interested in ancient history and ancient civilizations, especially the Mayans. The strange thing is, he knows just about everything about the Mayan civilization and their gods and goddesses, and some of the information in Yaaxil's possesion has been lost to most people over the centuries.
Yaaxil's knowledge is explained by a simple fact-- he was very much alive during the rise and fall of the Mayan civilization. He likes to keep an air of mystery around himself, but most people have figured at least this much out if they believe what he tells them. What everyone is unsure of is exactly what role he played in the Mayan world. The common belief, and what he tells most of those who will actually listen, is that he was the pet of a Mayan high priest in the city-state of Tikal. The priest controlled many rituals, including human sacrifices. Consequently, Yaaxil doesn't mind the sight of death very much. He doesn't exactly mind hurting people, either, and he will rarely help others. He almost never shows what he's thinking, and he's very cold-hearted.
Some believe that Yaaxil really was the high priest. They say he was human, like everyone else, and they say that he changed himself into a feline to escape the fall of the Mayan civilization. Not a human any longer, and not a common cat or other creature, he became the first of a new species. They say that Yaaxil created the Kuhna race, using powers he aquired through his service to the Mayan gods.
Yaaxil tends to subtly encourage these rumors whenver he hears people speak of them, though no one knows for sure if they are the truth. It sometimes gives Yaaxil and edge over other people, so he will neither confirm or disprove the claims.
Yaaxil keeps a distictive Mayan look, with a headdress, Mayan jewelry, and ancient Mayan symbols. He's never tried to blend in, and he never will-- he doesn't exactly see the point of it. He keeps some traditional Mayan rituals as well, and he can sometimes be found chanting or sacrificing insects and small rodents. So far, human or pet sacrifice isn't one of them, but no one's sure exactly how long that's going to last.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Silversky » 03/26/2010 4:39 PM

Sorry for the double post~

Arya, I've got yours done~

Meta comes from a small village in the arctic. He wasn't born there; he was found as a kit in the middle of a snowstorm. He's always been fascinated by snow and ice, and he absolutely loves winter. He's also obsessed with the stars, and the night sky. Especially fascinating is the Aurora Borealis. He doesn't really have any idea what it is, but Meta is pretty sure that somehow that is where he came from.

Aurora is also from the arctic, though her species is normally found in much warmer weather. Being Biolune, she can seem somewhat unsettling to other pets; though she's actually very kind and generous. Her markings glow slightly differently than those of most Biolunes, giving her her name, since they seem to shine with the lights of the Aurora.

Night Dancer:
Night Dancer has a aversion to sunlight. He is basically nocturnal, staying out late at night and comeing back home exhausted in the morning. He goes into the city at night, where inside a crowded room with music blaring and lights flashing his Biolune colors don't stand out quite as much. In contrast to the way he usually behaves to try and seem popular, he's actually into a lot of mystical things, and he loves the stars.

What's the point of being happy if the world is shattering? That's basically Oro's philosophy. However, he isn't exactly depressed-- he's more of a passionate eco-terrorist.
...Which most people don't exactly see as 'better.'
He does like dark colors and stuff like that, but he objects when people categorize him as suicidal just because of their first impressions.

Jakai is a total punk. He's obsessed with heavy metal music, especailly, and he wants to start his own band-- though he doesn't exactly sing very well. He can be really loud sometimes, in general, and if he has an opinion on something, you're always going to hear about it. He's kind of dark, and he doesn't exactly show the best first impression. If you get past that, though, he can be a good friend.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: Need a personality muse?

Postby Indigo » 03/26/2010 10:09 PM

[flails in your general direction] Okay, so, actually I do have a job for you, it's just a different one. All I've got is: his name is Claptrap because his real name isn't pronounceable by most species, and he doesn't talk except for weird clacking noises. Just a basic idea apart from this would be good.

What are you looking at?

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