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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 02/07/2010 7:45 PM

"A twisted killer but not yet criminally insane, but if you work at it I'm sure you could get there some day. You know you're doing it for yourself and not the good of the world or something," He didn't kill children before they had time to sin or something of the sort, he killed for his own amusement. He thought he was a demon, not an angel sent to do holy work. "Nice metaphor, 'sacrificial lambs'," she quoted him, "very poetic," she could already see the irritation level rising, and yet she was still trying to get him to blow his top. Iyelen was talking about insanity when she could be crazy herself. She seemed quite sane, but then again, so did Raven.

Why did she impulse buy cigarettes? Why did he enjoy killing? She could tell they were driving him nuts inside, though. "How the heck am I supposed to know. Lack of sleep, half dead, not thinking straight, I could've thought they were a pack of gum. I barely even remember buying them," She'd just woken up one day and poof, there they were on her dresser. She'd actually thought she was hallucinating at first, it was such an alien object. "You really think threats are going to work on me? Huh, I thought you were smarter than that. It's odd how people like you, Raven, try to force other people to do their bidding when they might be able to simply ask nicely by using the word 'please'," she sighed, "But if you want to go through with the threat, be my guest. Just remember that I'm closer to the water than you are to me," the water was barely two feet from her. If he even moved to come at her she could toss the packet right into the middle of the pool.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 02/20/2010 3:14 PM

Raven took his paragon form out of irritation, and spread his wings to express his displeasure. Although the mesmerizing shine of his wings would not be as intimidating as the four piercing red eyes that sat in his skull but even they looked like blood red rubies and added to the fact that he was more beautiful than frightening. He was most likely only respected for his beauty than anything else, even though he would not admit to that. "Why thank you it pays to be one with words... even someone who can be qualified as insane could use some... how would you put it? Intellect?" He said his jaws a gape and eyes focused on her and narrowed.

The packet looked so nice at this point and had irritated him not to the edge yet but half way there. Even before he fell off the edge though he would still be aggressive and loose it, just he would not totally loose it. At this point there was obvious strain on him and he had bared his teeth trying to hold back his anger. Why was he bothering not like she wanted to live any ways, rate at the moment he just wanted to take her head off. "I know that threats don't work on you... and fine... May I please have them......" He said making a face as if he had just bitten into a lemon. Much like a child, Raven hated those it was almost as bad a putting soap in his mouth but more like on his ego.

(Sorry short muse is extinct and sorry i did not post sooner .3.)

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 02/21/2010 1:51 PM

Iylene had to tilt her head back slightly to see his face but her eyes still drifted to the wings. She could understand why someone would be intimidated by this. "Everyone has a brain," she said calmly, "they just need to learn how to use it is all," It all depended on whether you were better at reading, listening, or doing by example, or any other way that helped you to learn. You could get bored while listening but love reading. It all depended on the person.

She wondered how easily those fangs could slice through skin, flesh, and bone. They certainly didn't look dull. She found it odd how he was holding back so much to keep from killing someone who wanted to die, and she also wondered if she had annoyed him yet. It seemed like it, but it also seemed like he wanted to kill her and yet he was still holding back. Aimlessly, she took out a cigarette from the pack and turned it over and over as if to make sure it wasn't counterfeit. "You can't say it a bit nicer? Or maybe with a more pleasant expression?" she said innocently with a small pouty face, almost like a child. of course, there was nothing innocent about it. "Well, if you really don't want one..." she snapped the cigarette in between her fingers and let it fall to the ground before taking out another one.

(It's fine :3)

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 03/03/2010 8:33 PM

He nodded at her remark, yes every one had a brain it just depended on its size, capacity and which parts of it were larger than the others. “Yes that is true everyone does have a brain, yes depends on how you use it that makes you intelligent or dim-witted.” He repeated what she had said as his lips drew back further when she snapped the first cigarette in two pieces. His teeth glimmered more and his gums anchoring his teeth in were visible, saliva dripping off the tips off his back fangs. The powerful muscles that controlled the opening of the mouth were visible along with the closing ones, which lined his well-muscled neck. The thickness of his neck and heaviness off his skull would also give a good indication of a powerful bite. His flaming tail burned bright with his rage, his eyes glowed with the same sort of look to them.
Yes by this point she had gotten on his nerves, and he would admit it. She was pushing his limits but something deep inside said if you want to hurt her find another way because letting her live would make her suffer more than killing her. He scowled when she had made a pouty face at him, expressing the fact that he did not like the baby like act that she had put on. It reminded him of a look that some one once did in fount of him after they had torn a hole in his clothing and through his flesh. “But I do want one least you have something horrible happen that you would not like” He said thinking up ways to make her suffer, kill people around her in a horrible way, find a way to get up to the heaves and massacre her family, he needed something to destroy her. She seemed to find one of his weak spots but that was not his weakest point.
It had finally set in that he was not going to win in this situation. He folded his glittering wings to his back and flattened out his head into a none-striking position. It was as close to a submission that he would ever get to with out killing the person who put him in it. Then again Kozo seemed to get him into those positions even though he was much smaller than him and he would every so often take it further than those positions. “May I please have one…” He said in a calmer voice, his head off to the side. As soon as he left her he planned to plot out an attack, or kill off some people nearby. Which consisted of lovers mostly, better to kill the two than just one of them but killing one and having the other go mad would be just as fun.
He let out a sigh as he thought to him self. Yes a place filled with lovers and yet he had no one he cared for with him at the moment. If he were not in his paragon form his face would be flushed red, lucky for him he was not able to blush in that form. His eyes were now mellow, no longer burning with a fiery rage. He shook his head off the thoughts about his surroundings. He was getting to deep into his fantasy. What was he thinking?    

(Ha Ha long post to make up for short one and the fact that I don't know were I put the spaces in it >>;;)

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 03/06/2010 8:32 PM

The expression Raven made was quite disturbing and her eyes widened slightly. She tried not to show her reaction but it might have slipped. Only someone as twisted as Raven wouldn't be disturbed by the baring of teeth like an animal. He wasn't a human at the moment so it made it more bearable, but it still showed his immense strength and ferocity. Iylene felt herself go cold when she realized he was thinking of ways to kill or hurt her. Some of them probably didn't even include physical contact. She didn't have anyone there or anywhere, so that was out. If he just killed random people because of his anger from this meeting she might feel responsible, guilty.

Now he was threatening her. And he wasn't even threatening her. "Something horrible" could mean anything. He could massacre the whole town and wouldn't stop until he felt that he'd had his revenge which might not be until she was dead or mentally insane. Whichever came first. Now that was cruel. Revenge would never be the right choice, especially taking it to that level because someone refused him a smoke. "I really can't see the motivation. You're planning my demise and I've barely done anything," he could just be bored, she thought. Nothing better to do. Or he could be obsessed. or he could just be looking for an excuse to kill. He'd said it himself, he enjoys it immensely.

Iylene relaxed when he relaxed. He seemed calm and less threatening, even...vulnerable. It was quite a change and the irony of it seemed funny, but she wasn't laughing. "What are you planning to do if I don't give you one?" she whispered seriously, her eyes focused on him. She fully intended to give him one, she wasn't a bad person, just a bored one. She knew he would still plan once he had his cigarette, she just wanted him to think she was clueless about that so he'd be more likely to share his plans. Knowing about it might make her more prepared, but it probably wouldn't change her reaction.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 03/07/2010 8:06 PM

Raven continued rolling the thought of killing others over and over in his mind. Debating whether not to fallow through with his intentions or not. To crush her or not. But more of his mind was else were, thinking about the word love and what having a mate is like. He shifted his eyes back at her taking note of her fear. Oh how he enjoyed the taste of fear seeping out of some one who felt so defenseless, he could attack any moment and kill her and any one around him lashing out in anger. He gave a low chuckle at he a crazy look in his now calm eyes before he turned his attention back to the raising sun. The more the thought though the more he boar the expression of irritation and so he turned his attention back to her.

"You don't have to do any thing to become my target" He said as he lay down on the soft mossy grass. She did do enough to irritate him in to attacking her and so the threat was not for no reason at all. Although he did over react over something so small, he would never admit it and it seemed rational to him. " I am only motivated by my own anger... I need nothing else but a spark to make a raging fire." He said as the closed his four eyes. He would never understand why he got so aggressive, maybe he was just mental since he was a child? All he knew now was that he was irritated at his own emotions.

She wanted to know what he was planing? Not like he would tell her, then she would be all concerned and prepare her self for it. He stood up and flapped his wings creating a gust of wind as the first rays of sun light his his scales making them glitter. "What I am planing is something you don't need to know." He said with a snort and the look of some one too high on his horse. Plus she did not need to know what he wanted to do after he slayed the people either.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 03/09/2010 5:53 PM

Well, there went another sleepless night, Iylene thought. But she really couldn't be blamed for this one. Sure, it had been her idea to go for a walk, but she had no idea that a psychopath would show up. Or that he would offer her the one thing she could never have again. Yep, she could be at home then. Except that she'd still be awake. Laying in bed, staring at the ceiling. The first rays of sun blinded her and she had to look away. She yawned and rubbed her eyes, pulling her hair away from her face. Without the adrenaline keeping her going the week without sleep was really catching up to her. Her mind was foggy and her senses were dulled a bit, but she still heard Raven's little laugh. His expression had been frightening and all but her reaction had been small and really wasn't that funny. She'd had worse scares. "I've had nightmares scarier than you so don't get all cocky because you startled me. You're just about as scary as a spider on the wall compared to some of the dreams I've had," the sad thing was she never remembered what those dreams were ever about so she was unprepared every time one came. She was almost afraid to go to sleep because of them.

"That's a stupid reason, that you're just angry. If you told me why you're angry I might be more sympathetic," she paused, "or I might not," she shrugged. He probably didn't even want her sympathy, but she'd still like to know why he was angry. If he really didn't know why he was angry then it was stupid motivation. He had to be angry at something. A betrayal, maybe dishonesty, even revenge. If he lied she couldn't make him tell the truth. He probably wouldn't even tell her anyways. Either he didn't want her to know or he thought it would bug her to not know. She didn't care that much, she just found it an interesting topic.

He was sticking to a "need to know" basis. She had expected as much. "Well, if it includes or has something to do with me then I think I need to know about it. I would like to know what's going on in that conniving mind of yours, even if I don't need to know about it. Besides, wouldn't you want to know what someone was plotting against you?" if there was even a slight chance that it affected her, which there was a high probability, then she needed to know about it. If it affected her mental and physical well-being she needed to know. Again, she couldn't force him to tell her. She could only appeal to his better nature, which she knew he had. Why else would he give her a ride unless it was part of some plan he had. She hadn't see any evidence of some plan yet, though.

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 03/21/2010 1:14 PM

Raven laugh grew lauder, and was more like thunderous rumble in his throat. What he found funny was her reaction to his little chuckle earlier, she acted all brave and even he could admit she was at least a little brave but not all that brave if she would be frightened by that look. Bravery was often linked with stupidity and for good reason, unlike in most fairy tails, that only read happy endings, most knights were killed by the dragon's crimson wind. Although the thing she had said to him got to his brain, and he quickly came up with a logical come back. "Yes yes, but dreams are never real, where I am real and can rune your life, unlike those dreams of yours... Not like your life is not already ruined, I would just make your every being ever more miserable... But in my option you kinda ruin your own life, don't you?" He said is his masculine voice that seemed to echo now.

He then turned his massive head to face her, his ruby eyes narrowed as he gave her a hard look. His wings now spread out wards again catching the suns rays, to warm up his cool black skin. "You want to know what I am angry at? It depends in what context you mean for my answer and even if I would answer you." He said as he arched his head into the air to look back at the crimson sky of dawn. The flame on his tail expanded in size as the sun lit up the sky, reacting to it's heat. "The sun raise is just as pretty as the sun set... Lovers must gather to watch them.... I can see why that is so." He said as the sun painted colors on his skin, bringing his more majestic side out. He would make such a nice man if only he was not so mean and nasty.

He had lost focus again but was quickly put back on track by her complaint about not telling her what he was up to. He never really planned things out and even if he did he never got around to it. He might kill if he is angry and fallow through with it but it was unlikely. "Not always... some times it is better if you don't know... and no I really have not been plotting any thing at all...." He said with as much of a frown as a paragon could have. Although this was much of a lie, since he still intended to kill a few people around here, his anger though seemed to have fizzled out for the most part, yet he was still irritated. When is he not irritated...

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 03/21/2010 1:14 PM

Raven laugh grew lauder, and was more like thunderous rumble in his throat. What he found funny was her reaction to his little chuckle earlier, she acted all brave and even he could admit she was at least a little brave but not all that brave if she would be frightened by that look. Bravery was often linked with stupidity and for good reason, unlike in most fairy tails, that only read happy endings, most knights were killed by the dragon's crimson wind. Although the thing she had said to him got to his brain, and he quickly came up with a logical come back. "Yes yes, but dreams are never real, where I am real and can rune your life, unlike those dreams of yours... Not like your life is not already ruined, I would just make your every being ever more miserable... But in my option you kinda ruin your own life, don't you?" He said is his masculine voice that seemed to echo now.

He then turned his massive head to face her, his ruby eyes narrowed as he gave her a hard look. His wings now spread out wards again catching the suns rays, to warm up his cool black skin. "You want to know what I am angry at? It depends in what context you mean for my answer and even if I would answer you." He said as he arched his head into the air to look back at the crimson sky of dawn. The flame on his tail expanded in size as the sun lit up the sky, reacting to it's heat. "The sun raise is just as pretty as the sun set... Lovers must gather to watch them.... I can see why that is so." He said as the sun painted colors on his skin, bringing his more majestic side out. He would make such a nice man if only he was not so mean and nasty.

He was sticking to a "need to know" basis. She had expected as much. "Well, if it includes or has something to do with me then I think I need to know about it. I would like to know what's going on in that conniving mind of yours, even if I don't need to know about it. Besides, wouldn't you want to know what someone was plotting against you?"

He had lost focus again but was quickly put back on track by her complaint about not telling her what he was up to. He never really planned things out and even if he did he never got around to it. He might kill if he is angry and fallow through with it but it was unlikely. "Not always... some times it is better if you don't know... and no I really have not been plotting any thing at all...." He said with as much of a frown as a paragon could have. Although this was much of a lie, since he still intended to kill a few people around here, his anger though seemed to have fizzled out for the most part, yet he was still irritated. When is he not irritated...

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby Silverin » 03/21/2010 1:14 PM

Raven laugh grew lauder, and was more like thunderous rumble in his throat. What he found funny was her reaction to his little chuckle earlier, she acted all brave and even he could admit she was at least a little brave but not all that brave if she would be frightened by that look. Bravery was often linked with stupidity and for good reason, unlike in most fairy tails, that only read happy endings, most knights were killed by the dragon's crimson wind. Although the thing she had said to him got to his brain, and he quickly came up with a logical come back. "Yes yes, but dreams are never real, where I am real and can rune your life, unlike those dreams of yours... Not like your life is not already ruined, I would just make your every being ever more miserable... But in my option you kinda ruin your own life, don't you?" He said is his masculine voice that seemed to echo now.

He then turned his massive head to face her, his ruby eyes narrowed as he gave her a hard look. His wings now spread out wards again catching the suns rays, to warm up his cool black skin. "You want to know what I am angry at? It depends in what context you mean for my answer and even if I would answer you." He said as he arched his head into the air to look back at the crimson sky of dawn. The flame on his tail expanded in size as the sun lit up the sky, reacting to it's heat. "The sun raise is just as pretty as the sun set... Lovers must gather to watch them.... I can see why that is so." He said as the sun painted colors on his skin, bringing his more majestic side out. He would make such a nice man if only he was not so mean and nasty.

He had lost focus again but was quickly put back on track by her complaint about not telling her what he was up to. He never really planned things out and even if he did he never got around to it. He might kill if he is angry and fallow through with it but it was unlikely. "Not always... some times it is better if you don't know... and no I really have not been plotting any thing at all...." He said with as much of a frown as a paragon could have. Although this was much of a lie, since he still intended to kill a few people around here, his anger though seemed to have fizzled out for the most part, yet he was still irritated. When is he not irritated...

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Re: Within light sleeps the dark (OPEN) pg 13

Postby clackno1 » 03/28/2010 2:24 PM

Now that she didn't like. Him laughing at her like that. He probably found it funny that she was trying to be brave, even though she wasn't. Bravery is when you do something you're afraid to do. If he doesn't scare her then how is it brave to talk back to him? He was probably just making himself feel better by thinking she was scared of him when she wasn't. He'd said it himself, killing isn't fun when the victim isn't scared. "Yes, you could very well make my life miserable, that's true. But doesn't it sting just a little knowing that you're not as scary as a figment of my imagination?", the only thing that really scared her more than those stupid dreams were snakes. She wasn't freaked out by pictures or the thought that snakes were nearby. Seeing a living snake in close proximity freaked her out. "I guess I ruin my life, but it's not really a life if I have nothing to live for,"

It really wasn't a hard question in the first place. What had first caused him to be angry? "Well, was it a specific person or a group of people? An event? Maybe someone broke a promise or misused your trust? Or are you just angry at the world in general?" maybe he'd been shunned as a kid, mistreated by someone. She couldn't name all the possibilities. Iylene was surprised by his next comment. It really had nothing to do with the conversation. What had caused him to bring up lovers in the first place? The sunrise was pretty. Was he remembering something about them? Reminiscing about an old memory, maybe someone he loved? Where were all the shrink questions coming from? She didn't care that much, him being unhappy just made her dissatisfied.

That little moment just have her more proof that he wasn't  really a cold-hearted, cold blooded reptile. he actually had a soul, no matter what he wanted to believe. He had a heart, and probably a conscience too. It might be better if she didn't know, didn't see it coming. It could save her a bunch a stress in the long run, yet she would get a lot of shock. Hard to decide. Stress was bad for her health, shock was bad for her mental well being. He didn't seem that angry anymore, and it was nice to hear he was plotting anything at the moment. It didn't seem like he was lying, but he still could be. There are some really good liers out there.

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