Possibly the rainiest place on Evelon, Baian stretches for miles along the southern coasts. Thanks to the moist soil rich in minerals, wildlife here have developed unique adaptations. To travel through this thick, muddy area, most either take specially designed boats. (+2 Offense)

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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 12/24/2009 12:49 PM

Domovia frowned, paused, then shook herself. "Yes, yes...But Nyre...She's much more fragile than me, you see. Thin bones, and a small size," she murmured, before turning back to Etony. "I think she's more hurt than me. I'm not hurt too bad, just my wings ache a little." She shifted from foot to foot, uncertain as to whether she should stay and fight, or go find her twin. "Gods, but if Trea were here, she'd be able to 'play' with that bug...And I could find Nyre. What to do, what to do..." She paced a moment, then frowned. "What shall we do?" She asked this of Etony, eyes on him.

Nyre rose on unsteady paws, and tried to approach Crypt. But he was fighting, so she wouldn't get too close. Just enough so that she would be seen if she lost conciousness. Maybe he'd be so kind as to take her somewhere safe...Or not. Either way, she couldn't run or help herself, tuth be told.
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 01/05/2010 5:06 PM

Crypt turned his head around to Nyre, detecting some movement behind him. What the heck? She was moving closer? That wasn't wise. He was fighting some insane, territorial bug and she was moving closer to their clash/
"Nyre, if you know what's good for you, get back!" Crypt yelled out, then bring his head around to face his opponent, before it took advantage of his distraction.

Too late. Cetain had taken a note out of Crypt's book, lashing his tail out like a whip, scoring a mark in the side of the big cat's face. Crypt roared and swung out his tails again, this time ripping through through the membrane on the insect's wing.

Cetain hissed and backed off sharply. His insect eyes studied the damage a few times before his hissed again in annoyance and took off.

Etony ran up to Crypt, cutlass raised, his eyes darting around the area. When the area appeared to be clear, he sheathed the blade and held out his arm for his Ttee to climb up. Once the reptile was happily around his neck, he turned to Nyre, his face filled with concern.
"Are you alright?"


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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 01/06/2010 12:25 PM

Nyre stumbled as she attempted another step, and flopped down. She wasn't capable of speech at the moment, she answered with a whimper when Etony asked if she was ok. Then she was out cold, ears drooping and body going limp.
Domovia approached then, eyeing them both curiously. "Well now...What am I supposed to do? I can't lift her and fly home...Either of you guys know a safe place around here to set her wing...? Looks like it's broken," she murmured, almost to herself as she poked and prodded and tugged on various limbs on her sister. The unconcious Yonyuu put up no resistance or even whimpered at it, she was out of it.
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 01/31/2010 3:40 AM

Etony gave the girl one last glance before turning his gaze to the other Yonyuu.
"Well... I know this area pretty well, and there aren't any close towns to where we are." Etony started.
"But, there is one a little way out of the way of the swamp? It's not too far though." Crypt butted in.

Etony looked at Crypt, with some suspicion, but the big cat ignored the others glance. In his head he was ticking through a new plan, to try and get back to the tomb in which he came from, before he fell back into dust in which he came from.
There was a little town near the said tomb, and it would be a perfect way for him to get back there, and get back to full strength before his time ran out.
And he might have a few new scratching posts by the time he was done too. Excellent~


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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 01/31/2010 3:48 AM

Domovia didn't bother with suspicious thoughts, she merely acted. "I'll need to make something to carry her on, possibly strap it onto you, ya big kitten. Etony, I'd like for you to walk behind whatever I manage to peice together, and pick up the end if we come to a rock. If need be, I'll scout, and fight, so the path stays clear...Whcih direction?" she asked the big feline as she shifted to human form. Thumbs were essential for building things. She harvested a quick couple of equal-ish length branches, and drew out some strong thread, which she usually carried in any case, and tied the ends together. "Anybody got cloth?" she asked quietly.
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Postby Redd » 03/07/2010 1:11 AM

Crypt blinked in surprise at Domovia, quite insulted by her referring to him as a big kitten. He was a Khimera for Xu'hai's sake! Made to kill, it was only lucky that the trio had found him at the lowest he'd ever been.
Tony watched Domovia grab a few essential things for the litter and watching Crypt with wary eyes. He seemed quite taken aback that Domovia had spoken to him so. At the Yonyuu girl's question, he replied. "Yeah I have some sailcloth, that I normally rig together for a tent."
He pulled off the small pack that he carried and shook it out. It was a simple square of plain sailcloth, it had a few rings in the corners which allowed for ropes to be knotted through it which formerly had allowed for the Kuhna to pull it up into a tent.

Without a word, he handed it over to the Yonyuu and moved over to the other Yonyuu and assessed her condition. He wasn't a medic but she'd make it to town, that was fine. But she'd definitely need a lot of rest to recover and she'd need to wear a cast for a good while too. Perhaps several casts.

[Post Count Recorded Up to Here]

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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 03/07/2010 5:06 PM

She took the cloth, held it up a bit as she bowed in thanks, and then began to work the sticks through the rings. She tied it tighter together, and then approached the Khimera, smirking. "Alright, you. Lemme stick this on your back..." she muttered, and then began to strap it to him, not caring if he protested or not. She would finish that, and then put her sister on the litter. She was starting to stir a bit, and whimpered. But, after a second, Domovia had her back to unconciousness. No sense in making her struggle unnecessarily.
"Alright, kitty. Point me in the right direction, and we'll get moving...If the harness feels ok to you?" she asked, showing a bare amount of concern for his comfort with the roughly made rope harness. She'd made it something like a sled dog harness.
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 04/03/2010 1:34 AM

It took all of Crypt's self-restraint to stay still and not lash out. The touch of another... it made him almost shudder in revulsion. In the end, perhaps it was his greed that kept him still, that and Etony's watchful eye. If he made another move against them now, he wouldn't be able to come home with a bounty.
If only Aziza could see him now. No doubt she'd just laugh at him. That stupid girl, he really did need to force her to work; only he and the other Kuhna, Morro actually tried to bring in an income.

He sighed and shook himself lightly to make sure it was intact and to brush away the feelings of humiliation.
"It's this way." He growled, heading in a northerly direction. "We best try and go at a fast pace. The walk isn't that long, but I don't think it would be too great if the girl's out for too long."

Etony nodded his head quietly in agreement before following the great cat's path. Something was... off. He seemed too keen to help. Why the change? He too sighed and shook off such thoughts. Perhaps all would be explained when they reach the town.

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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 04/08/2010 8:54 PM

Domovia nodded at him, and then started to run ahead of him. It would take a little while, but she'd make sure the road ahead would be as smooth as possible for Nyre. She glanced back, wary of the Khimera. Before, he had acted as if he'd known Nyre, and he very well could, but...Something in his eyes put the Yonyuu on edge like nothing else. Still, her worry for Nyre overrode her wariness...For now. But if she didn't see building soon, she'd snap the litter-ropes off him, and drag her back to Seru's stables on her own.

Nyre whimpered in her unconcious state, dreaming of strange things, violent things. Especially about that bug. The discomfort of her wing pain was driving her mad; she could feel it even in her subconcious. She mumbled almost inaudibly, "Stupid...Brittle bones..." and tried to shift around. But that made it worse, so she shifted a bit more, so she was on her belly.
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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby Redd » 04/23/2010 6:14 AM

(Skipping it forward a little bit~ To tha town~ There's gonna be trouble if Crypt reaches that Tomb~ You can read his bio if you haven't already about that tombs significance~ Third post from the bottom)

This town that Crypt knew of lay slightly north-west of the Swamps. It was a small, dreary town, where its inhabitants were highly superstitious and told gruesome stories about a necromancer who once lived, terrorised then died, just outside of the town.
Crypt was one of those lucky ones. He had met and had been on the good side of this necromancer, some 128 years ago. This necromancer had created Crypt from the skeleton dust within the tomb on the wild edge of the town.

He knew this town like the back of his hand, and he knew the people here too. If he referred the gang to a healer, then buggered off to get his 'fix' at the tomb... that would be perfect. He was too weak to take Etony on (he figured Etony the major threat at the moment) but afterwards he'd be strong enough to overpower the Kuhna pirate.

"Well... here's the town...?" Crypt started. "Uh... I have some.. business to take care of. So, I'll tell you where to go and I'll pop back around when I'm done."

Etony narrowed his eyes and glanced at Domovia to see what she thought. If she gave the okay, he'd attempt to stop the big cat from taking off so suddenly.
His attitude was alarming. What could he possibly do here? More like he'd go off then come back with a few thugs to beat them up or something.

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Re: Now, What Is Going On Here? {Private|Me and Seru}

Postby seruame » 06/18/2010 6:56 PM

"No, you stay here with us...I don't know anybody here, and I want to make sure that Nyre gets the best possible care while we're here...Or at least, transport to a better hospital; these people look kind of superstitious...I doubt they know modern medicinal techniques..." Domovia growled, turning to Crypt, baring her fangs slightly. If he tried to run, she'd pounce him. Maybe. He was bigger than her...
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