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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 03/29/2010 5:06 PM

after everyone was in, Layla looked over at the door and the rather large shop window,
furrowing her forehead once again. She guessed that it was build to withstand heavy storms
and such, but still, it got her kind of nervous. "Kuay, please go away from the door...
it should be able to stay close, but if not, you could be hit if it slams open."
She said,
just wanting to make shure that no one else got hurt.

Her head whipped arround when Gerik called, and her eyes widened.
Chester looked as if he was caught comitting a crime, not knowing if he should
be angry at the Garudor or not. Layla strode over to him, a worried and somewhat
slightly angry look on her face. "Take your shirt of" she said, her voice sounding sharp and professional, the complete opposite of how she felt. Chester looked uneasily at her,
then obeyed, allthough the procedur looked quite painfull. exept for the wound on his side
he only had some bruises,some of them looked pretty bad, but they really where nothing to worry
about just now. But the wound seemed to be rather deep and bled a lot. without further words, she tugged him over at the counter and told him to sit on the ground, so he could rest his back against the counter.
She grabbed the shirt, pressed it (a little too firm) against the wound, and glared at
Chester, some sort of anger in her eyes. "hold it there untill I come back.
Dont you dare to move"
She turned back at the others. "Ovir, I need some water. we dont have much with us, but I think in the back of the shop should be a restroom or a
kitchen or similar"
Ovir nodded, and rushed to the door behind the counter. luckily, it was open, and he rushed down the little hallway. Layla looked at Kuay "would you please come with me? I need help searching in the back of the shop for compresses, bandages and maybe some iodine to desinfect.it should all be back there, but 4 eyes see better then 2"Lastly, she turned at the Garudor, giving him a thankfull smile. "Gerik, it would be great if you could just stay with him and make shure he does not faint.If he does...simply kick him awake, he deserves it.""Hey!" Allthough she sounded like she had control over the situation, she really was panicking.She was no learned medic, she only knew what Hannah told her, and that really was not that much...and she only sounded so angry at chester, because she cared for him, and did not understand
his stupid behavior. By now, he should have understand that they where a team, and that they could
rely on each other, that there was no need to act tough...
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 03/31/2010 10:20 PM

Kuay cringed and scurried away from the door, much like a small child getting scolded by their parents.  In most ways, Kuay was like a child.  She looked at Layla with a sheepish smile.  "You're right, sorry." she mewed softly, inching a bit closer to the center of the room.  Though, due to her curious nature, her gaze drifted back onto the outside conditions.  She watched intently as the rabid winds threw up sand and debris against the window.

Stepping back to let Layla and Ovir attend to their injured friend, Gerik noticed Chester's slight aggravation and hoped he hadn't made the fellow form ill feelings towards him.  Being himself, his concern was always with others first than himself.  And by the looks of apparent blood lose from the gaping wound on Chester's side, he was in the right to be concerned.  Though, without hands, Gerik was left to play the semi-useless bystander - a role he did not like to take.  He began a short pacing off to the side, ready to jump in at a moments notice if he was needed.

When he was asked to stand watch over him, he happily accepted with a firm nod.  "Yes ma'am!" he grunted followed by a sort of salute with one wing.  Though he was being quite serious, the whole act seemed comical in a way.  He stared at Chester with anxiousness and tilted his head.  "Keep pressure on it." he cooed instructively.  "And if you feel faint, tell me.  Don't keep quiet about it."  Gerik was well experienced in the tell-tell signs of injury, though he had no experience in the actual field of doctoring.  Fainting would mean too much blood loss and was never good, especially if they didn't have the right supplies to turn it around.

Kuay quickly pulled her attention off of the evident storm and nodded without hesitation.  "Oh, of course!"  She padded over and began to first check the nearby shelves to any useful supplies.  For such a deserted town, their supply stocks were fair.  In most of the other desert towns Kuay had journeyed through, there were few to none supplies other than water and the local foods, which weren't many since most had to come from traders and wandering merchants.  It seemed some luck had been bestowed upon them yet!

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/01/2010 12:01 PM

Layla looked through the shelves a little more at the back of the shop,
feeling quite frantic.//maybe we should stitch up the wound?
no...first take a closer look at it.. what if it infects and...no, even worse, what if the bleeding wont
stop, no matter what we do? we are in a drugstore, not in a hospital...//
 She was nervous, and
couldnt really concentrate at one thing at a time. She growled frustrated, looking over the same shelf
the third time now. //focus! one step after the other. you cant let yourself panic
now...what next?  you have found the bandages, and the iodine is over there.but where...//
she asked, looking over at the slynx "have you found the compresses?"

Chester looked after Layla untill she was out of his limited sight radius, and turned his head back
at Gerik. His eyes darkened slightly, giving away that he indeed was a little angry. He still
had the opinion that he knew best when he needed help, and no one should talk him into that.
He cringed again when the wound began to throb heavily. He looked down and tightened the grasp
on the shirt, before he looked up again. this time, his gaze seemed a little less angry, rather tired and accepting. He couldnt change anything on his current situation, so he might just accept the
help he was given, instead of acting hostile. He nodded to show that he understood, then
looked out of the window, watching the sand-dust that now was so thick that nothing could
be seen through it. "Any idea how long such a sandstorm lasts?" he said, sounding a little uneasy.
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 04/05/2010 3:39 PM

[[ Sorry for the wait; Easter was busy for me. ]]

Kuay, who had found herself looking through a shelf stocked with candies, shook her head and turned to another shelf.  On this shelf, there were aspirin bottles and all sorts of products for many different ailments.  "Not yet, but I think I'm in the right area." she called out to Layla.

She began shuffling through the products, but trying to hurry and read all of the descriptions clearly wasn't working well; Kuay wasn't the best multi-tasker in the world.  'Compresses, compresses, compresses ...' she kept repeating over and over in her head as she began to frantically shove things off the shelf.  She acted as though it was a race against time, and it could have been.  Finally, after shoving a few products from the shelf, she came across a couple of boxes that read "Compresses".  And it looked to be the kind with medicine already in it.  "Oh, good!  I found some!" she mewed, grabbing 2 boxes and running over to Layla.

Staring outside for a moment, Gerik turned back to Chester.  He wasn't sure of what to tell him.  He wasn't much of a desert dweller, nor had he ever took the initiative to frequently visit such hot and arid places.  In short, he knew next to nothing of sandstorms other than one should take shelter during one.  "None whatsoever.  It could last for over an hour for all I know, really." he shrugged helplessly.  He looked back in the direction of the girls, wondering what was taking so long.  He had sneaked a few glances at Chester's injury and it didn't look to be getting any better by itself.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/06/2010 3:22 PM

(no problem at all^^
gonna make this one more or less short,
my new school starts tomorrow, and I'd like to get
a little more then 5 hours of sleep for a change :P)

Ovir came back with a bottle of water and a towel, hearing what Gerik said and
nodded his head jes. "a storm of this size...well maybe not a whole hour, but pretty
close to it. and its not even at full force"
He was confident that they where save where they where,
but still, Sandstorms always made him nervous. He hadnt been in the desert
for ages, and luckily, hadnt witnessed one for quite some time...

Layla sighed in relief. She took the compresses and thanked Kuay once again.
allthough the Slynx seemed to think that she was...standing in the way sometimes, she really
was a great help, just as her Garudor friend. Hopefully she would see that someday.
She turned  back at the guys and strode over to Chester, taking a closer look at the wound.
while clearing the skin arround it with water, she observed carefully how bad it was bleeding
when there was no real pressure on it. It still was a lot, but her face lighted up a little.
"I think it should stop with only a compress, if you dont move much..." she said.

while Layla began to Vet Chester, the storm grew more furious, now howling loudly
and seriously darkening the windows. She looked up at the others, stroking back
some strai hair that fell into her face, and tried a smile. "this...might take a while.
If you want you can...well do whatever you want, take a look arround in the house
or something. You where a big help, all of you.
....stop dithering!"
she snarled, the fourth time now, glaring at Chester angrily.
yes, she could manage this...she was almost certain about it.
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 04/06/2010 6:52 PM

[[ xD  Yeah, you might need more hours of sleep for that. ]]

"I hope it fizzles out before it gets the chance to go full force." Gerik cooed, observing the darkening sky and whipping sands with a wary eye.  "Only a few minutes in and just look at those skies."  As he said that, a strong gust threw clumps of sand against the door, followed by a loud howling.  

Kuay sauntered down one of the store's isles, leaving Layla and Ovir to their doctoring.  She resorted to reading the labels of random products to try and calm her mind.  Her mind quickly wondered back to the odd disappearance of the locals.  "Why would people just up and leave." she mewed, mainly talking to herself.  She turned and walked over to where Gerik was, huddling close to him.  "And where could they have went in the middle of the desert?" she asked, looking up at Gerik.

Gerik was equally puzzled.  When he had been scouting the sand dunes from the skies earlier, there were no other villages remotely close by to this one.  Unless the population had taken refuge elsewhere in the city, they would have had to taken to the unrelenting desert surrounding them.  Not a wise or likely choice, he would think.  

"I'm not sure, but there's no need to worry about it now.  With this storm, all we can do is stay put and wait it out..."  He really didn't want Kuay to worry about it now.  She had a tendency to overthink things and get worked up.  Ruffling his feathers, he slowly planted himself firmly on the store floor.  'We might be here a while.  Might as well rest a bit.' he thought, finally feeling the ache of fatigue.  Kuay instantly followed his lead and curled up beside the Garudor.  She lay her head on her paws and sighed.  Not wanting to pester anyone else with more questions, she quietly watched the door, halfway expecting the wind to throw it open.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/08/2010 4:57 PM

It really took quite some time, but finally, after finished bandaging Chester's little headwound,
Layla was done. she leaned back and couldnt help to grin bitterly. "jeez Ches, You look like you've been run over by a train" He shifted slightly. "good, because that's exactly how I feel..."
He was so exhausted by all the blood loss and pain that he could barely keep his eyes open.
Still, he somehow kept awake, eyeing her as if he was sort of...afraid to do anything
without her permission. Maybe he was sorry for his 'lone wolf' behavior, knowing
how inportant it was to Layla that everything was spoken out and done in a 'we're a team'
sort of way.

Layla of course noticed this, but was not shure how to react. She was afraid to let him sleep
now. Of course, sleep was inportant for the healing process, and she knew that it would
be the best thing now.They did what they could, and keeping him awake might do more harm then good now. On the other hand, she was far to scarred by a similar situation in her past...

Ovir waited for one more moment, then sight.
"Its okay Layla. The bleeding stopped for the most part, and sleeping will just help him regenerate better" He went over to the luggage and pulled out the softest object he could find (some spare clothes, wich somehow found their way between the more important items) and placed it next to chester as a cussion.
"we dont have any rugs...so..." he sounded almost apologizing. Chester just shrugged and carefully
layd on his uninjured side "no problem...been sleeping on much more unconfortable things..."
with that, he slowly nod off. Layla was back in her Rexxel form, and hesitately curled herself up on the floor too, loosing herself in thoughts.

after about 15 more minutes, the storm was at it klimax. The door and window ratteled threatingly,
but kept in place. Still, it was quite scary to sit in a house that creaked and seemed to moan under the
force of the storm.  Layla couldnt stop her brain from spitting out  horror visions, of the roof coming crashing down or the glass of the window breaking and...  
She nearly jumped out of her skin when there was a loud ratteling sound from the back of the
shop that wouldnt fit into the other noise made by the storm. Her neck hair stood high up,
and she staggered to her feet, looking at the sorce of the new sound terrified.
"What the hell was that?!"

(dun-dun-dun!!! XD)
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 04/09/2010 7:23 PM

[[ xD! Mysterious sound, ohhh~  =O  ]]

The new, mysterious sound sent Kuay scrambling under Gerik with a loud yowl.  Gerik, more shocked by Kuay's reaction than the actual sound itself, hopped to his feet and thrusted his powerful wings out which in turn knocked several nearby items over.  "Ah!  What the heck was THAT!?" Kuay screeched from underneath her feathered bodyguard.  For a moment, she had thought an intruder had burst through the door out of the storm.

Gerik struggled to prevent stepping on the smaller Slynx as his eyes frantically scanned the area of the sound.  Whatever it was, it was some where in the back part of the building.  "Is someone back there?" Gerik called out before taking a few cautious steps forward and leaning to get a better view.  The lighting in the store was now much more dimmer than before the storm had begun to shield the sun.  

Kuay, keeping low to the floor, crawled after Gerik.  She was visibly shaken by everything happening; as if the storm wasn't nerve racking enough for the poor Slynx, now someone or something was in here with them!  Friend or foe?  Who knew!  "Gerik, don't!" she cried as the fearless Garudor inched forward even more.  Both jerked back in surprise as what appeared to be a shadow of something shot across the back wall.  Gerik chalked it up to his eyes playing tricks on him, but Kuay was convinced of another prescence.

"Oh no, no, no, no, no ..."  Kuay hunkered down and clapsed her paws over her eyes, expecting the worst to pop out from the shadows.  This was like a horror movie!  And with all the moaning and groaning and whistling sounds happening, it made it all the worst.  Another loud rattling sound shook Kuay all the more, sending her shrieking backwards and cowering behind the nearby Layla.  "We're gonna DIE!!!" she cried, letting her overactive imagination carry her away.

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[[ I couldn't resist turning Kuay into a scaredy cat. -lol- xD ]]
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/10/2010 5:42 PM

(daaaw ist cute ^^ Poor Kuay though...)
Layla could feel her heart pound as if it was about to burst through her chest.
Her tail swishing nervously behind her, she made a paw motion to silence everyone.
It was hard enough to make out any strange sounds, with the roars and howls of the storm
in the background, talking or screaming really wasnt helping now. She eyed the wall where
the shadow was moments before, then turned her head carefully towards Ovir, who stood
there as if frozen, only his ears twitching slightly. Chester of course woke up by all that
chaos, but kept his mouth shut after a warning glare of Layla.
//keep quiet...whoever..or whatever it is, it is obviously as much scared as we are...
otherwise, they/it would have...done something by now. right? right.//

Just when Ovir wanted to speak to the unknown party in the back of the shop again,
something got into motion, making a strange, irritating sound while doing so.
Tapping of feet, followed by a sound as if something metallic was dragged across the floor,
followed by a 'clonk' after every two steps. Laylas hair stood up even more, if that was somehow
possible, making her look like a an exploded kitten. And then, all of the sudden,
an old, shaky man emerged from behind an little shopping isle at the back, carriyng an
old, but none the less threating, rifle, using it as a cane. "Intruders!"
He shreeked angrily, lifting his 'walker' and pointing it promtly at the little group.
"Who are you? another group of those junkies that hang arround and steal what they can carry?"
He growled, his voice cracky and raspy. It did not seem to occur to him that a sand storm
was howling arround his house, and that they might just sought after shelter. Taking a
closer look, he looked a little out of it anyway.

Layla wanted to say something, but she kind of was too stunned (and scared) by that
gun wielding old man. He looked a little shaky, jes, but that did not mean that
he couldnt pull a trigger. Where was he coming from all of the sudden anyway?
Ovir tried to begin an explanation, but the man just snorted. "quite, son...
you! Blackbird. dont i know you somehow?"
He scanned Gerik Intensively,
one of his pale blue eyes twitching slightly. "I ask you again! what are you
doing here and why are you ruining my shop?!"
For some
reason, he seemed to only speak to the Garudor...for now at least

(Oh jeez, crazy old man. He does nnot really know gerik (unless you want him to^^)
he might just mistake him for another...)
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 04/11/2010 3:26 AM

Kuay clapsed her paws over her mouth in an attempt to keep quiet.  'This is all my fault; I knew it!  I'm bad luck for me and everyone around me!' her thoughts screamed.  Her ears twitched, picking up on the odd metallic clunking sound that resonated from the shadows and she couldn't help but sneak a peak at the approaching figure.  A short feeling of relief washed over her as she watched a man come into the light; at least he was no monster.   But her relief was soon chased away as he waved the firearm at them.  She let out a quiet gasp as her fur pricked from a mixture of fear and anxiety.

"Do-Don't shoot, pl-please!" she cried out, frozen in her tracks.  The poor dear wasn't the type to be thrown into this type of situation and remain calm about it.  Gerik, being thrown into action from the sight of the gun, quickly put himself between the stranger and the rest of the group.  He was the largest one there, and hence it made more sense for him to act as a shield should the man decide to fire on them.  

"Wait ... what?"  Looking the man over, he couldn't say the same; he had never laid eyes on this man before.  'Clearly this man is crazy.' he thought, letting the man's twitching and seemingly hallucinic attitude set his first impression.  Kuay looked at Gerik with surprise.  "You know him!?" she asked in a raspy whisper.  Gerik slowly shook his head in a no, not letting his eyes leave the man's weapon.  Hopefully, he wasn't a trigger happy lunatic.

"Sir, please ..." Gerik started calmly, eyes flickering from the man's intense stare to his 'crutch'.  "I can assure you we mean no harm.  We just needed shelter from the storm."  He motioned to a window that revealed the still very much present storm rolling about outside.  "Isn't that right guys?"  He hoped they had convinced the old man that they were of no threat.  The last thing they needed was another injured person...

[Lvl. 13 -- 64] [Lvl. 9 -- 40]

[[ Strange old man.  xD;  I didn't know if you wanted me to control him or not so I'll leave it to you.  o3o;;  And I couldn't think of any good way he could know Gerik so he shall remain a crazy old man.  8D;;  -gets shot- ]]
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/11/2010 4:03 PM

(I have no problem with you controlling him, actually, I think it might be more fun
that way^^)

"The storm?" The man blinked confused, finally lowering the firearm a bit.
"Ohthatstorm!" He cackeled. "Oh my, if you think thats a storm, you're
clearly not from arround here..."
Eyeing the rest of the group, or at least the part he could see
behind Gerik, he got grumpy again. "So you decidet that you could just burst in here, ey?
ever heard of trespass? There's a sign reading 'we're closed' ...the youth these days..."

He pointed at the door, on wich there clearly was no sign at all, but that did not seem
to bother him.
Layla cleared her throat, speaking up with an a little more high pitched voice then usual.
"Erm...sorry to...overread the sign but we had an accident and one uf us got hurt, so we had to
find shelter, and no one was in town ..."
"Of course no one was in town just before a bloody
sandstorm, girl!"
He waved about with the rifle again, making her duck instictevely.
"At least not at the surface...tourists, Bah!". He turned his attention to Kuay, who looked
extremely scared, and got a little more quite again. "Now...what am i supposed to do with you, hm?
what about a little introduction first. My name is Albert, I own this shop...now your turn."

he still looked at Kuay, obviously wanting her to beginn the introduction round. well, at least he wasnt
looking like he actually wanted to shoot them anymore...
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 04/12/2010 1:59 AM

[[ M'kay~  I'll try to keep his odd characterness up.  xD ]]

Lowering his wings a bit, Gerik shook his head abruptly to the man's statement.  "No sir, not tresspassing-" he fumbled a bit through his words, being thrown off by the man's fast talking.  After saying one thing, he went right on to the other without pause it seemed.  And he was confused into silence even further when he turned to look at the closed sign that obviously didn't exist.  He let out a frustrated sigh; this man was just a bit too insane for Gerik.

Kuay, still attempting to stay out of the manic man's sight, caught part of the man's sentence over the howling wind outside.  She raised up slightly and opened her mouth to speak only to shoot back down as the man turned his attention onto her.  Her eyes flickered onto the gun once again.  Though he didn't seem to be willing to use it, she still wished he'd put the blasted thing down or something!  "O-oh, me!?" she squeaked, looking about frantically.  "Oh, uh, well ... I'm Kuay.  N-nice to meet you, Al-albert was it?" she stuttered, still a bit taken back by the sudden appearance of this supposed store owner.  She looked over at Gerik, wanting him to rescue her from this unwanted attention.

Gerik caught her glance and cleared his throat, making the man turn his stare over to him.  "And I'm Gerik.  A pleasure." he cooed with a slight bow.  The man gave the pair a questioning look, as though those were the oddest names he'd ever heard. "Thems' some strange names." Albert commented, letting a raspy cackle escape.  He then looked at the other three, eyeballing Chester with more interest, it seemed.  "And hows' about you three, eh?  Y'all got names' well?" he asked, again raising and shaking his rifle a bit towards them.

Kuay, remembering something from before, shot up again with surprise.  "Oh, sir?  Mr. Albert?"  The man's gaze drifted back over to her, making her slouch down a bit again.  "Yeah, cat?" "You said no one's on the surface...?" she continued slowly, dismissing his lack of name rememberance with a slight furrowing of her brow.  "So are you saying there's like ... an underground of some sort here?" she mewed with interest.  That would certainly explain a few things if there was.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/12/2010 4:42 PM

Albert tilted his head ever so slightly, looking back at Kuay.
"Of course there is! Some of these shacks arround arent that...well build.
and where would you hide the best from a storm? exactly, the underground."

wow, that actually sounded like an real, more or less logic explanation.

"Ah anyway, on to the others."
He turned his gaze back at Layla and her team.
"I really hope you have less exotic names..."
After they all introduced themselves, only interupted by another giggling of
Albert at Ovirs name, His gaze stuck, once again, at Chester.
"Are those my bandages?!" He asked, voice sounding barely more like a hissing.
"ugh...jeah, jeah they are yours, but we really needed them, and we'll of course pay..."
"ergh...what a waste of material..." Albert sneered, still scanning him up and down,
with what semmed to be disgust in his eyes. "...Waste..?" Layla asked, but Albert already
babbeled on. "Well look at him. Skinny and pale as he is, he doesnt look as
if he'd even make it for another year, even without injuries...probably suffering from a lethal sickness too..."
Chester jerked up, growling furiously
"oh jeah?! I'll show you just how sick..." "CHESTER!" Layla shouted, both with anger and fear,
glaring at him. "calm down. I told you not to move, so lay down and relax!"
Chester obeyed, but not without throwing a killing glance at him.
Layla eased herself up a little. This whole situation was really getting a little
too obscure, and she just wanted to get away from here, preferebly with all
of her friends and herself without getting further harmed.
"Albert, I can assure you that hes...aside from the injuries...perfectly
"Pah!" Before they could get any deeper into it, Ovir decidet
it was time for an subject change. "You already told us about the underground...
would you mind to...show it to us? I think it would be very interisting for us
erm...tourists. And the wind gets us all a little nervous..."
He hoped that,
if they showed interest in his culture and world, he might calm down a
little again. with some natives, this old trick always worked. Plus he really was curious.
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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby SkyWolf11 » 04/13/2010 10:35 PM

Kuay had to bite back a comment on Albert's smartypants attitude to her question.  It wasn't like she had to hold back much, very rarely did she ever have much of a backbone to do anything her impulse wanted her to do...  

"What's that?  You want to see the underground, you say!?  Bah!  That's all we need .. tourists taking over our underground!" the old man babbled on, turning and swinging his gun at nothing.  The wind once again pushed and pulled on the old store building, creating loud groans and crackling.  "Afraid of the wind?  Ha, how spineless!  How y'all lasted 2 minutes here I'll nev'r know!" he scoffed, looking the group over with wary and demoting eyes.

Gerik looked up towards the ceiling and witnessed the dangling lights shaking ever so slightly.  'This place is looking more and more unstable as the storm grows.'  Kuay had noticed as well, though her attention was more on the rattling door behind them.  'Anywhere is better than this rickety old shack.' she thought with a inaudible whimper.

"Please allow us passage underground." Gerik pleaded, adding to Ovir's requesting.  Kuay nodded vigorously in agreement.  "Yes, please?  We won't tell anyone else if you don't want us to!  We just need a safer refuge from this storm." she mewed softly.  Albert's eyes flickered from the Garudor and Slynx to Ovir, Layla, and Chester.  Finally he let out an annoyed sigh and swung his hangs up.  He quickly turned and began limping back towards the shadows from where he had come from.

"Oh fine you pestering young'uns!  Foller me!" he growled hesitantly, waving a hand.  "If ya slouch, ya get left behind!"  Kuay smiled with relief, and stood, then started slowly after the old man.  Gerik, however, was a bit more wary.  His trust wasn't easily given away, and he had suspicions of the man's honesty.  But, against better judgment, he slowly fell into step behind Kuay.  He wasn't about to let her go anywhere alone with this guy.  He gave the others a questioning glance as he passed them.

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Re: Stuck (open!)

Postby ShadowStitches » 04/16/2010 2:03 PM

Allthough Albert babbeled on about those 'curious and spineless tourists' he seemed to keep
his promise. He shuffeled over to the shady back of the shop, knelt down at one point and
pulled on something. Only now, if you knew where to search, there where the outlines
of a trapdoor. Pulling on a big rusty handle, Albert opened the hidden door. For his age and
seemingly weak body, he seemed to still be quite fit. While opening it, the trapdoor made
strange stcrapping noises, wich explained what they heard earlier. Under it, there was a steep
staircase down to a rather moder, cold  looking corridor, wich was illuminated by neon lamps.
"Well then...dont dwally, come on now!" Albert said, again with a slightly insane cackle, and limped down the stairs Layla stood right behind Gerik, and swallowed hard. This was clearly not her thing...
old, dangerous, potentially about to fall apart temples? hell jeah. Clinik, cold and military looking
corridors...no way. Why was it so modern looking anyway?

She turned her head back at Ovir, who was supporting Chester. They couldnt let him stay here
alone, could they? Assuring herself that they could keep up with them, she turned her attention
back to the stairs she was stalking down. Albert was a little ahead of them, and so she asked,
in a low tone so he wouldnt hear it "Guys...do you think we can trust him? this all is
a little...strange if you ask me"
maybe she was just paranoid, but she decidet to ask the others
first. she was not too keen on running into any more problems right now...
Cannot say, I'm breaking the rules
If I can glue em back together.


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