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Postby GrayGriffin » 12/03/2007 4:07 AM

Name: Ferdinald
Gender: Male

A strange girl sat on a rock, gazing up at the night sky. Her white, mottled ears twitched slowly back and forth. Obviously, she was waiting for something, but what? Finally, the shooting star streaked across the sky, cutting a white blaze in the night.

"I wish...for a pet that is colored like a cow. I mean a normal cow, not a Tuskow! A pet...that looks like me." Slowly, she stood up. "Please, hear my wish and fulfill it."

She walked from the plains, not even noticing the small silver bell that fell from her pocket. It landed in the grass, and tinkled once. As the girl faded into the forest, a white shape materialized. A Mekkayena. But this one was different, not possessing the usual violent glare and slavering jaws of his kind. Instead, his eyes were kind and benevolent, and he walked with the air of one that was a messenger of the Holy Triumviate. In his eyes, the bell had a brown aura, a touch of the girl's "life energy," if you would.

He picked it up delicately with one claw, as if fearing it would crumble before his eyes. Indeed, he had been sent to fetch this bell, for it merely had to be worn by a creature and they would take on its aura. In this case, it would make the creature white, with caramel spots. He did not know what else it would do, but it did not matter. All he had to do was find a wearer...but then he noticed how small the hoop was. No pet could wear it like that!

He took a string from...well, somewhere. He was a Favored One, after all. It was perfectly fine for him to defy the laws of physics. It was a bright red, and had one special property. Once you wrapped it around a living thing, it would hang tight and never let go. Perfect for making sure the pet didn't lose the bell while it was traveling to its new master. He tied it delicately around the small loop on top of the bell, then started off. As he passed by a pond, he leaned down to take a small drink, but forgot to secure the bell. It slipped from his grasp and fell into the pond. He made a grab at it, but missed and could only watch it sink deeper into the inky depths. With a sigh, he watched it go. He was Favored, but still, he dared not swim. At least no creature would take it and wrap it around themselves, he hoped. Later, when the sun rose, he would seek out someone and ask them to retrieve it.

He curled up and slept.


The little Kuni, Bubble, swam through the pond, his tail flicking back and forth. Most of the other Kunis still slept, but he was already up and about. He was, obviously, much more energetic than them. As he swam, he noticed a strange bell lying on the bottom of the pond. He approached it slowly, and perhaps even fearfully. However, his fear soon gave way to curiousity, and he scooped it up and began playing with it. Swimming to the surface, he tossed it into the air and caught it with his tail. Suddenly, the string whipped around, almost by itself, and bound his tail tightly. A pain shot through his entire body, and he fell downwards. Thrashing around, churning up mud, he finally lay still. Already, the change had happened.


The Mekkayena opened his eyes and yawned. Suddenly, a small creature broke the surface of the water. A Kuni...with the bell tied on its tail! He jerked straight up.

"I'm sorry...oh I'm so sorry."

"About what?" asked the Kuni, curious as to what this creature was.

"That bell...it's what did it."

"So? I can take it off!"

"No...you can't. That's the enchantment of the string. Now...I guess you must seek out Moofius, the cow anthro."

"Yay! I've always wanted to explore!" And with a flick of his tail, the Kuni vanished. Suddenly, he popped up again, much to the mechanical beast's surprise.

"What's your name?"

"I don't have one...I'm just the Favored Mekkayena. Well, what's your name?"

"Bubbles," muttered the Kuni. "My mother gave all of us names that had to do with water. I got stuck with the cutest."

"From now on, your name is Ferdinald. It's a much nicer name..."

"Yay! Thanks, Favored!"

"Eh..." the Mekkayena muttered as Ferdinald swam off. He was a hyper little thing, that was sure. Still, he had an endearing aura around him. With a sigh, he set off to find Anonomastos. The spirit had to be notified...


Ferdinald did not know how long he swam. Yet wherever he went, he could feel something urging him on in a certain direction. He always obeyed the feeling, since it would persist if he failed to follow it. So it went, until one day, when he awoke, he saw a strange Fellox standing over him.

His fur was every color of the rainbow, outshining even the beautiful Prismatic pets. White stripes the color of the clouds decorated his legs, and the clouds that gathered around him were the color of the sky. Even his shackles were beautiful, the same color as his stripes, and shining with a faint light. The mask over his face was the color of fresh earth, and the small stripes on it were the color of green grass. The insides of his ears, and the ribbon on his head, were the blue of a sparkling stream.

Somehow, Ferdinald knew this was the physical form of the whisper that had directed his actions.

"What are you?" he demanded.

"The Spirit of Nature. Or call me Anonomastos. It's Greek-nameless." The Fellox's answers were short and to the point. "I have come to tell you that Moofius waits around the bend. But I tell you not to go to her. Once you go to her, you will be bound to her forever, her pet until she decides to release you.

"I, myself, am puzzling over a problem. Long ago, in a dream, a mortal Polly stumbled into the lair of my enemies, those who would destroy what I protect. She did not know it, but if they attacked, she would never awaken in the morning. What else could I do? I came, and fought them, but was badly wounded. I had to leave this form... I would not be showing it to you if the Polly had not made a wish that I come to life, and come to her. I have not answered nor declined her call.

"So, will you return? If you will, then I will become the wind and send a message to Moofius, telling her that you will not come."

Ferdinald splashed back and forth, thinking, before finally speaking. "I will go to her-and you should go too." With that, he dove underwater and continued swimming. The Fellox watched for a long time, then leapt into the air and faded away, leaving a whisper on the wind.



Moofius sat by the stream, where a whisper had told her to. She dabbled her hand in it, and was suddenly surprised by a splash. A white Kuni with caramel spots popped out of the water's surface.

"Hi! My name is Ferdinald!"

-The End-
Crossing my heart
Open wide
You're my crystal and clover
All of me
Is dedicated to hold you

Swear to God
Double knot
What would you do if I stole you tonight? (Ahh ahh)
Why waste time? (Ahh ahh)

'Cause the world goes on without us
It doesn't matter what we do
All silhouettes with no regrets
When I'm melting into you
'Cause I belong in your arms
I belong in your arms

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Postby Terri » 12/03/2007 6:37 PM

This story comes in the form of a poem
Because yes, I'm just that cheesy.
'Tis 'bout a Kuni who far did roam
To find what he was, really.

But now, nay, lets' get not
So far ahead that we stumble and fall.
After all, poetry like this,
[insert something that rhymes]

Back to the beginning, to before the time
When this Kuni was well and happy.
Back to the start, the start of his life,
When things weren't quite so easy.

"Kunikuni!" said his sister, as newly hatched as he
And his parents swooned, clucked
And murred, "What a good little Kuni.'
They were glad to count their luck.

And next hatched his brother, who emitted
A low-pitched "koooooooooni.'
And once again, the parents swooned
'Oh, what a darling Kuni!'

But then his egg began to crack
And the parents stared on anxiously.
They hoped nothing their third child would lack--
What an awkward line that last one was.

And here the poem stops, because I'm too lazy to make the rest of the story rhyme. xD  Not to mention I'm pretty sure you don't want to wade through stanza after stanza.  So, to summarize:

When the third egg hatched, instead of an impressible species impression, the little Kuni let out a long 'mooooooooooo~!'  The parents stared, shocked.  You're thinking, 'oh, no...'  But it's nothing bad, I promise. ;)

'Squeee!' said the mother, immediately ensnaring her son in a suffocating glomp.  'How handsome,' said the father, bursting with pride.  Their little son was...special!  Covered in...unusual markings, too.  Oh, he had turned out whunderflii!

And that's when it hit them.  They would name their son Whunderflii.

As the months passed, Whunderflii grew into a wonderful young Kuni.  Everyone loved him, and he lad lots of friends, as well as a strange affinity for living on dry land. ^O^  But, despite the wonderful life he was living, he wasn't entirely happy.  He wasn't sad, no; after all, he's not allowed to have a sad backstory, now, is he?  He was merely...slightly-less-happy-than-he-could-have-possibly-been.  So, what did he do?  Well, he packed his bags, said a teary farewell to his family, and left.

He went on a journey.

`+[insertjouneytaleofyourchoicehere?] #*#*#*# [aheadskip]~

But then, suddenly, he found himself lost.  He was new to these lands, but if he wasn't, he would've known that he was indeed in the forest known as Roraldi, not far from a little dwelling with a peculiar little paper sign tacked onto its door...

Out and About. ^___^ Please look around and enjoy yourself. And don't make Isaku mad, you'll regret it. ~__^

Oh. Dreeku's here too. Don't take anything and he won't hurt you. he's actually very friendly. I snuggle with him all the time myself. ^_^

Lots of love, Moofius Mania

As Whunderflii was wandering around, slightly lost, a face appeared before him so suddenly that he reared back, mooing in fright.


The Lucain had an astounded look on its face as it stared at the odd little Kuni.  Then it let out a short call.


"Mooooooo~" answered Whunderflii.

"Mooooooooooo?" asked Moopheus.

Mooooooooooooooo!" came the enthusiastic answer.


Friends at first sight.  Of course, Moopheus couldn't resist bringing the little Kuni back to his pen to meet his trainer.


And, well, to be short, here was Moofius' reaction:

SQUEEEEEEEE! ^O^ -hugglesnug-

"Mooooo~!" mooed Whunderflii cheerily, snuggling his new owner.  Was this where he belonged?  Apparently so.

And yet, wandering blood still ran in his veins.  He was an explorative little bugger, indeed.  But no matter how far he roamed, no matter what said adventure had in stock for him, he always knew where home was.  The little cowbell Moofius tied to his tail made sure of that.

And, as time went by, the name Whunderflii was dropped, and in its place the Kuni adopted a new title:

The Moofish.
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Postby Ghostlily » 12/04/2007 7:31 PM

-snags post- My spot! xD

Name: Cassaper?® (Cassy) {Cassaper?® is a mix of the latin word for 'brown' and the latin word for 'spotted.'--Pronounced: Kass-uh-per-ay}
Gender: Female
Piccy Here: Really Bad Picture...
Backstory: Sorry for the extreme long-ness...I actually had to cut out parts to make it fit in the 'short story' category. (Lily hath also a poem form! -gaspeth- It be down at the bottom of this entry.)

[center]Sigh...'Stupid class...can't believe that Mom ever signed me up for it...stupid...'


A long ruler came down violently on the small desk in which a single student sat, bored out of her mind.

"Cassaper?®! What did I just say?"

"If it's anything like the rest of your lecture, x plus three is the opposite of negative two. And it's Cassy. Not Cassaper?®, Cassy."
The small spotted Kuni held her pencil delicately between her small fingers, staring, bored, up at her Candle Shinzo teacher. She had no problem with talking back to him, for she knew he would not fight for long. Mr. Zyn Taelr only had to deal with her for the long school day. But that was quite enough for one teacher to handle. Cassaper?®, or Cassy as she preferred to be called, hated him. With a passion. A strong passion. She had her hypothesis about the lizard-like creature, but she wouldn't share any of them with him. If it weren't for the grand amount of Keystones Taelr got paid to put up with such an uncaring student, he would have surely quit long ago. But Keystones were Keystones, and, well, they were becoming hard to come by.

"I thought I just told you to pay attention!" Taelr snarled, baring his teeth in annoyance. "If it weren't for the money your parents paid to keep me here, I would have left ages ago. I knew I should have gone into doctoring...but no, Mother said I'd be such a good teacher..." Taelr had been reduced to muttering this last bit, but Cassy had caught his snippet about 'doctoring.'

"Doctoring?" she snorted. "Yeah, that'll happen. As soon as Terratopses fly!"

"It's..." Taelr paused, knowing that Cassy wouldn't care about the proper plural form of 'Terratops.' Snorting, he growled, "Oh, never mind. Just get back to work on your Algebra!"

Cassaper?® let out a little 'Hmph,' but turned to her paper, knowing that it wasn't worth the fight. She'd won this round anyway, she knew, and beyond that, it didn't matter. Looking down at her paper, she read the words, agony pounding the walls of her stomach.

y = x-[3 * 5(8 * -3)]

Man, this was going to be a long day.

"So what did you do in your lessons today?"

Cassaper?® sighed, trying to think up an answer to her mother's question as the older Kuni washed dishes in the sink. What had she learned? A bunch of worthless formulas to Algebra problems, punctuation lessons that she would probably never use, reading books that she didn't even care about...but Cassy simply answered with, "Oh, the usual."

"What's the usual?" her mother, Julcia, asked jokingly, as they had gone through this after-school ritual every day. When Cassy made a face, she laughed. The beautiful blue Kuni loved her special daughter. "Oh, just look at those cute little eyes! Such a beautiful blue! And precious spots! She's just adorable!" From the moment of birth, Cassaper?® had been thought of as 'special.' She ate only the best, received only the best, went to only the best schools...everything had to be as special as the extraordinary Kuni herself. Although Cassaper?® was thankful that she had such a loving family, she couldn't help but wish that she could be somewhere else for once. She wanted to be a nobody.

When Cassy made a face, her mother laughed. "How much homework do you have?" she asked, flicking her tail as bubbles floated to the top of the dirty dish water. When Cassy didn't answer, Julcia laughed. "Oh don't tell me that Mr. Taelr's overloaded you with homework again! Well, just work on it now and you should get it done in time to still have some free time tonight!"

"Yeah, but then he'll just give me even more homework tomorrow...so much fun..." Cassaper?® muttered, too soft for her mother to overhear her. Stupid, stupid Mr. Taelr. Cassy sighed, struggling up to her room, laden with books, ready to spend the night locked in her room, finishing the idiotic homework that her stupid teacher had assigned.


"C'mon Cassy! It's a perfect day to go swimming!"

Ah, joy! The weekend! And who better to spend it with then a best friend? Cassaper?® stuck her head out the window of her second floor bedroom. She could see her friend, Joy Tulini. Joy's lavender scales glittered against the sunlight, her wing-ears fluttering in the wind. She was a Shinzo, similar to Taelr, but of the main species. Cassy had always figured that Taelr was just grouchy because he was a Candle Shinzo. But Joy...well, she fit her name.
"I'm coming Joy! Just let me ask my mom!"

"'Kay, just hurry up!"

The Kuni leaped out of bed, her feet thumping on the floor. It was only 9:00, and her mother would still be sleeping. Her father worked in the morning, so she wouldn't be seeing him until afternoon time. The little cowbell, a gift from Joy herself, was ringing, actually softly. It seemed a special kind of bell, touched by the magic of friendship.
"I want you to have it. It's special, my mom got it in some strange market on the outskirts of the Tengel."

"And you're giving it to me?"

"Well, I...I don't want you to forget me. And I don't want to forget you...Take it. Please. You're my best friend, Cassy. And you always will be."

Cassy could still remember that conversation. She had given Joy a small necklace, with a teardrop jewel on the chain. It was quite beautiful, and each person had appreciated each others' gifts.

Flinging herself back into the present, Cassaper?® carefully opened to door to her mother's room. "Hey...mom...I wondered, can I go to the beach with Joy? We'll be back by 1:00-ish..."

"Hmmm....wha? Oh, yeah...whatever..."

Cassy smiled to herself. So easy!"Thanks Mom!" Running out of the room, she pounded through the kitchen, stopped long enough to tie a bag of Keystones around her neck, and then ran out to meet Joy.

"What took you so long?" Joy asked, eyes gleaming in the sunlight. Her lavender scales glittered, making her look even more beautiful. With her added teardrop necklace, it was a wonder that she didn't have any sort of 'boyfriend.' But no, she didn't want one, she had said. Relationships were just too complicated, as she well knew. She lived with her single mother, as her father had walked out on them. Joy had only shared the details with Cassaper?®, and no one else.

"Ha ha," Cassy said sarcastically. "Let's just get going! We're wasting valuable swimming time, you know! I told my mom that I'd be back by 1:00-ish. Which means around 3:00 in reality." Cassy grinned, knowing that she could easily spend two hours longer with Joy than she had planned and get away with it. Without punishment. Flicking her tail, she ran forward, yelling over her shoulder, "C'mon, I'll race you there!" Even though she knew that Joy could easily overtake her, it was still fun. And they would get to the beach quicker.


"Beat ya again!" Joy shouted, as she trotted on the sandy shores of a turquoise ocean. The waves crashed against the shoreline, the tide starting to slowly rise. Shallow pools of salty liquid enclosed hidden treasures. Starfish, crayfish, clams...All the different wonders that could captivate such young minds.

"That's only because you can fly!" Cassaper?® shouted between breaths. She was panting from the long run, but her spirits weren't dimmed a bit. She was here, in front of the ocean, with Joy, her best friend. She was in her element. Swimming was her thing, although Joy was pretty good as well. But Cassy could see underwater as if it were air. She could stay under longer, dive deeper, swim faster...well, she was a Kuni...
Cassy ran past Joy, without another word, and did a little jump. Arcing magnificently, she descended into the deep blue depths, hearing a splash indicating that Joy had followed.

Ah, relief! The water was perfect, not too hot, not too cold. Cassy opened her eyes, and as her second inner eyelid closed over her blue eyes, she noticed a lavender shape diving down below her. Ha! So Joy thought she could outdo her, now did she? Cassy grinned to herself, bubbles escaping out her mouth and to the surface, and dived within the watery layers.

Soon, the pressure began to act upon Cassaper?®'s body. Although she could stay under for a long time, the pressure seemed to bug her. It felt as if her lungs would pop, her heart burst, the guts come exploding out of her skin. Other gory thoughts emerged inside her head, but Cassy was already heading up, towards the sparkling, dancing light of day. She could see the dark shadow of Joy, who had long before ascended to the surface, floating upon the breakers. She jumped as Cassy rose out of the water, did a somersault in the air, then came down with a splash.

"Showoff!" Joy said, laughing. She splashed the Kuni with her tail, but recieved an even larger amount of water in her own face, as Cassy's tail fin was quite big. A game of major splashing followed, and afterwards, the two friends floated lazily on the surface of the water.

"How about we swim for a little bit, then go over to your house?" Cassy asked, stifling a yawn. The gentle, rhythmic waves seemed to be lulling her to sleep, slowly, but surely.

Joy nodded, making a small splash towards Cassaper?®, and then diving down. This was definitely going to be a good day.


Cassy let out a groan. Monday. Nasty, boring, idiotic Monday. And to make things worse, she hadn't done any of her homework. Mr. Taelr would kill her. Not kill her, flay her. Oh well...she could possibly be able to get out of a detention...possibly...

"What shall we start with today...?" Mr. Taelr said, his voice almost a groan. Yet another day he would spend here, with a student that didn't care. "Algebra? Language? History? I guess it doesn't matter. You won't pay attention either way. Take out your History homework for me to correct."

Cassaper?® paused, then twitched her tail uncomfortably. "Um...well...you see...."

"Don't tell me you didn't do it! Cassaper?®, do you know how many times you forgotten to do your homework?"

Cassy rolled her eyes, not really caring. "A million? I don't know. Look, I forgot! I was...was with my friend, Joy...we went to the beach, and I forgot to do it! Why do you care so much?!"

The Candle Shinzo narrowed his eyes angrily. Lashing his tail, he leaned over Cassy's desk, eyes gleaming threateningly.
"Because, by doing homework, you learn. And if you don't, you'll be stuck here all your life. I know, it happened to me. Now, I'll let you off this time. But don't let it happen again. Do you understand?"

Cassy didn't bother nodding, or even making any reference to her homework whatsoever. She went straight for the thing that she was most curious about.
"What do you mean, 'it happened to me?'" she asked, eyes flashing curiously.

"None of your business!" came the reply, snappy and tinted with anger. "Back to work!"

"But I wanna know!"

"I said, back to your work! No more questions!

"Why, are you ashamed of what you did?"


"I wanna know!"

Cassy stared at Mr. Taelr, when he finally gave in. How...? Cassy shut her mouth, knowing that Mr. Taelr would begin quicker if she did. The Candle Shinzo let out a sigh, then spoke, his voice softer than before.

"I...I had always wanted to travel the world, see different places. I wanted to become a doctor, heal people, help people...I wanted to follow my dreams. But I didn't. And now...now I suffer the consequences..."

Cassy's eyes widened in sympathy, but suddenly narrowed. "Wait, so I'm a consequence?! I don't think so! You wouldn't even have a job if it weren't for me!"

Taelr studied Cassy carefully. "I suppose so. Cassa—Cassy...you really don't want to be here, do you?"

"Do you?"

"Hmm. I suppose not. But I suppose that you wish to be traveling the world, like I. Cassy...I'm urging you, go now, while you are still young. You are old enough to take care of yourself...I know that you would be fine on your own. And I know that you often wish to find adventure."

Cassy's eyes widened once more. Had Mr. Taelr actually call her Cassy? Her brain listened to the rest of her teacher's short speech, and she considered his words.
"Can...can you really help me? I mean...my mother...my father...they wouldn't let me go..."

"I think, that with the proper persuasion, they would. Now, do you want my help?"



[b]"No, oh no, you're just too young, Cassaper?®! There's no way I'm letting you go anywhere!"

Cassy let out a sigh, knowing that she'd have to explain again to her mother. "Mom, I can't stay here all my life. If I don't go now...when will I leave? I don't want to get too attached!"

Feeling quite flustered at the moment, and her cheeks bright red, Julcia glanced at Mr. Taelr, as if for reassurance.

"She's ready, Julcia," Taelr said, his voice strong and clear. "Just let her go." He nodded to Cassy, and the small Kuni moved forward, only to be squished by her mother's hug.

"I'll be okay Mom, honest!" Cassy protested. "Really, I'll be fine!""

Cassy's mother let out a sniffle. "I know...well...oh, be careful! And don't get yourself into trouble!"

"Hmph," Taelr snorted. "I doubt that's possible. But do take care of yourself, Cassy. I don't know what I'd do if you got hurt..."

What made her reach forward, Cassy didn't know. But she wrapped her stubby arms in a hug around Mr. Taelr's middle, and he, quite surprised, returned the favor.

"I'll be fine! Now, can I go or not?"


"So...tired...need...a place...to stop..."
Cassy stumbled onward, very tired at this point. She had been traveling for three days, and she hadn't found a place to stop since she left town. Glancing around, her eyes noticed something. Was it...a zoo pen? Is that what it was called? She approached a sign, her eyes reading it carefully.

"Moofius's...Home..." she murmured, glancing around.

"And who are you?"

"Wha--?!" Cassy's eyes fell upon a Candle Shinzo, this one younger than her old teacher. "Um...Cassy...please, please don't hurt me...I was only looking for a place to stay, and..."

The Candle Shinzo cut her off with a flick of his tail. "Do not worry! I am Flick. And if you are searching for a place to stay...I am sure my master would not mind you being here. She is very kind, and would welcome a new creature in this home."

"Wait..." Cassy paused, dumbstruck. Was she being invited to stay here? "Wait...you mean...stay here...as a home...?"

"Why not...?"

Cassy stared at the pen. It looked quite homely. "Well...I guess..."

"Great," Flick replied, grinning. "C'mon, I'll take you to Moofius."

Cassy sighed. Perhaps this could be a good home to her...and she needed a place to stay. Yes...perhaps this is what Taelr had wanted for her, this sort of life. Full of adventure, someone who loved her...this could work...Filled with a new determination, Cassy nodded her head. "Alright. Take me to Moofius."


The Test

By Ghostlily

Staring, bored,
At the wall,
Can barely stand it all.

The Kuni dreaming,
The teacher tired,
Of day-dreamt knights in shining atire.

Adventure calls,
In form of friends,
Together 'til the bitter end.

A cowbell for me, a necklace for you,
Friends forever,
Fighting never.

Teacher angry,
No homework done,
Has a talk, one on one.

Kuni decides,
To leave forever,
With only wits, sharp and clever.

Says goodbye,
To mom and dad,
Teacher's really, very sad.

But Kuni must go,
He understands,
She gives a hug, clasping hands.

Goes down the trail,
Doesn't look back,
She knows the trail holds no slack.

Tired and weary,
Finds new home,
Shinzo greets without a moan.

In Moofius's Pen,
She shall rest,
She has finally passed the test.

Heaven's gates won't open up for me
With these broken wings I'm fallin'
And all I see is you.
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Postby AmberGlaze » 12/04/2007 8:00 PM

Name: Bella El Pez (Means "beautifuk fish" in spanish)(Called Bella for short)
Gender: Female
Backstory: Will be posted soon! *goes to write more...LOTS MORE!*
With us, there is no such thing as individulaity...

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Postby drachoth » 12/06/2007 7:31 PM

Name: Zarya |Za-ry'-?£|
Meaning: It is of Slavic origin. Mythology: Zarya is a water priestess and                     protector of warriors.
Gender: Female

((If you need to you can copy and paste into a document for easier reading. I know I had too :P Also, sorry if it is long but that how the story goes and most of it I kneed.))
Today was like anyother day...Get up, get ready, go to school, come home, go to sleep. What was an artistic pet supposed to do? Sure she had friends, like, Bee, but that could only take her so far. No one else was like her. This was her pride and joy. What better for an artist than to be different! The problem was that  Zarya was bored!

Zarya decided to run away, sort of. Not to far mind you, just enough to get excitememt back into her life. While everyone was buisy with the war...that had no effect in the ocean, but everyone was still squirlly, Zarya was left with only 5% of the town actually there. This did give her freedom to do lots of things and go unnoticed.

"I can always tell when you're thinking up a plan." Zarya jumped from the noice. It was, of cource, Bee. "Oh Bee, you scared me." Exclamed Zarya, gasping for air. They were at Moofius' House, were Moofius had cleverly designed a "dry"suit for Ginger. A dry suit is the exact opposite from a wet suit. It is ment to allow aquatic animals enjoy the relm of land, and at the same time get all the oxygen they need from the water. But Zarya just used it to get around better on land. It was sort of like a giant hampster ball for her.

"Sorry Zarya, I was just wondering what you were thinking about this time."Ginger lauged and her bell rang in tune, creating a harmony.

"That's fine Bee. Do you ever feel bored?"

"Lots of times, but then I go exploring with a pack of adults and the boredom ceases. Why?"

"How would you like to go on an adventure with me?"

"That would be awesome, but you can't go anywhere on land away from Moofius's House. Moofius is still not sure if that suit will work for long periods of time.  Also I can't go in the water with you."

"But I know every nook and cranny of my town I need somewere else to search."

"I'm sorry Zarya, but I can't let you hurt yourself for excitement."

"But you go on adventures all the time!"

"That's different, I travel with adults, not by myself."

Zarya was very confuzled. Why would anyone do this to an animal? Keep it couped up like this? At least she had a loving family and friends who care. Zarya has heard about abandoned pets. As long as that bell is on her tail the adventure is doomed.

"Your time in the suit is running short for today,. I will let you know that there are a lot of dangerous creatures in the deep that like little Kunis for snacks."

"I know, I know. Yah, yah, yah, 'fearsome creatures of the deep' everyone knows about them."

"Just don't die on me."

"Fine, bye Bee."


This was harder than she thought. The bell wasn't attached by string. It was copper that was keeping this Kuni under watch. "If only they would trust me for more than a minute."Rummaging around her father's tool shed she found some wire cutters. Snip, Snip, Snip. All three bands were cut and the bell fell to the floor like a bar of gold in a pond. "Are you alright Zarya?"Called her mother. "I'm all right mom. I just accidentally hit the bell on the ground."She couldn't get caught lying because she was telling the truth...but not all of it. Packaging tape was used to keep the bell on her till she was ready to escape.

A few days later all the needed supplies were together. Enough to last her for a month. Just incase she got trapped she brought extra food. Zarya wrote a letter to her family and put it the mail box. It read...

"Dear Family,

    By now I have left for an adventure And will not return for a month. I have lived here long enough to have memorised each and every secret hiding place. Do not fret about my absense for I will come back. I thought ahead and packed extra food (Incase I get lost) and a map so I know where the Gorgeel herds and feeding grounds are. Once again do not worry I will be back.
"This should give me enough time to escape far enough away they won't catch me." She whistled happily back into the house. "Hey there sport, ready to kick some major butt tonight at the game?" Her dad was always trying to make her the son he never had. "Now Now George, ((Papa's name)) we can't have her up late tonight. Tomorrow is state wide carrer testing. You want her to have a good job right?" Mother always worried about my studies. "I guess so Lucile. ((Mama's Name.)) I just want her to lead a happly life, not one that is souly based on money." Zarya usually tuned these little arguments out. Each parent had a good point but neither could come true at the same time.

"I'm going to go to bed now. Bright and yearly morning!" This saying always stopped the arguing. Back in her room Zarya put all her 'escaping materials' under her bed and faked her sleep. This was extremely easy since she has seen videos of herself sleeping, a little younger yes, but still sleeping. Zarya waited an hour or so till she could hear the heavy breathing of sleep. Her parents'  room was right next to her's and the walls were paper thin. Quietly the covers were rolled of her. A sudden burst of cold told her to dress warm for the night would be freezing.

Since the town was underwater Zarya didn't have to worry about the floor creaking, as land creatures would, but the water's motion because of her could nock things over....

A few miles out of town and she was free for once someone wasn't always breathing down her neck at every move of her little feet. Her map!
Oh no, it wasn't in her pack. Zarya's parents must have seen it out and put it away for safe keeping! She didn't have time to go back and get it. "Keep calm,"she said to herself, "you can do this. Every Kuni has the gut feeling when a Gorgeel is around. Plus, I have my special eyes to see in the darkness of the sea."

She swam for miles, observing all the empty homes that no one lived in during the war. "What a waste. All the food in that house will perish before they come back. Tsk...tsk...tsk"At the end of the ridge Zarya looked down. The drop must have been at least 100 miles(international)! {160.9344 kilometers} A band of Goregeels were up ahead and the only way out was down.

The darkness was all around her. If she used her glowy eyes the Gorgeels would come over to see what was down here. "Come on, Lady luck. Help me keep clear untill the Gorgeels pass. Little did she know Zarya had stumbled into their lair. "Hello."a mouse like voice spoke, "Don't try to hide I know youre there."The voice had the faintness of a young Gorgeel.

"Um...Don't eat me."Zarya was ready to plead and beg for her life."

"Don't be silly. Sure I may be a Gorgeel but I've choosen a much higher road than the others."

"What do you mean?"

"Well my clan is carnivorous, as you may already know, but I am a veggitarian."

"What is a ve...vegg...veggtabe?"

"It's pronounce |Vegg-i-tare-E-an|. That is someone who chooses to eat only plants, not other creatures. Why are you down here?"

"I just happened to take an adventure away from my town."
Knowing what was best the gorgeel gave her directions.
Zarya followed each direction as if it was life or death.
Twards home she realized that the gorgeel had sent her home. A dark object was in the distance. Zarya could tell it was coming closer to her. A loud noise came up behind her. Stuck from fear all she could do was sit shivering in the ocean. "If only I had my bell I could ring for help. Well I guess this is it. " Zarya blacked out from the fear.
When she woke a Moofius was staring at her.
"Well lookie here. She's awake."
Zarya looked around and saw her worried parents crying joyfully at the news that she was awake.
"Your lucky I found you Zarya, we almost lost you out in the ocean."

"Where am I?"

"You're here at my house sweety. Everyone was worried sick at the news you were missing. Now that your found would you like to live with me?

"Darling, if you wanted to explore we could have given you to Moofius and both of you would travel everywere. We just didn't know you were ready.

"It's all right Zarya's parents. Most people don't know when their own children are ready.
The word shook the very core of Zarya. 'travel everywhere'
"I would love too. Of course I would come back often to vist. Right Moofius?"

"Why not? They do live right next door to my zoo."

"Then its settled. Tonight you will leave to go to...where ever you explorers go."
Zarya leaped out of the bed and huggled both her mom and dad. Moofius was indeed happy to have another beautiful pet to take care of and love forever.
*~*~*~*THE END*~*~*~*

Fan Picture:

In the end we're all just chalk lines on the concrete, Drawn only to be washed away, For the time that I've been given, I am what I am

-Five Finger Death Punch: Never Enough

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Postby Fallen_Snow » 12/08/2007 7:47 PM

Squee! Thankies, Thunder! I put it up in my post too. *winks* Since it's a bit big... O.O But gosh, that took FOREVER. I had to take a picture of it, then I had to Litho it, then it took 3 HOURS to color it up on Paint, not to mention all the editing and things I had to do. XP But I think it was worth it, it looks really good! X3
About you and me: it's plain to see,
We only ever want to stay inside and watch TV,
Because that's just as good a memory,
You're just good company,
And I am finally accepting that.

Remember the time when we stole the whole day?
And nobody knows it, we took it away,
And it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours
Now we own the night, and it can't be undone,
We'll never forget how it feels to be young,
Cos it will be forever mine,
And it will be forever yours.

I did not make my avatar.
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Postby Shaetani » 12/12/2007 12:51 PM

.Sorry if this is horribly long ^_^

ISOP restaurant and sign
The whole thing is under water, the sign is an abandoned clam shell with an ameoba on top to light it, the building is made of driftwood and pieces form wrecked ships (though the colored pencils came out redder than I wanted) and the roof is made of slate. The windows are made of seas-glass and the front door of seaweed. The starfish are paid to stay there for decoration.

Waffle the Female Kuni was born on a bright sunny morning in a ISOP restaurant, which stands for International Seas Of Pancakes. This particular restaurant was in the town of Shaltini near the Dead Sea. The restaurant was usually busy thanks to tourists traveling to the dead sea for its beneficial salt baths but the morning of her birth it was the off season. She was born in the kitchens, her mother being a waitress there, and the first thing everyone exclaimed over was how happy she looked, how brilliant her blue eyes were, and how even as a newborn she didn't cry. They didn't have any baby rattles there, so the head cook took one of the smallest bells and tied it to a piece of orange string. This got hung over the makeshift crib and as work picked up they went about their day with a happy glow to them. Waffle slept much of that morning, but as it came closer to lunchtime something odd happened. She woke, and reached up to swat at the bell. That little, dinky, kitchen bell that never seemed to ring true or loud enough to really be used in the kitchen to announce orders being ready sang. It rung out with a clear chime so sweet in its sound, so pure in its intonations, that it made everyone in the restaurant pause. It filled them with a sense of peace, am almost child-like happiness just to be alive on a day as glorious as this one. Waffles mother broke from the almost spell like trance and hurried over to the crib, reaching out to test the bell. For her, it dinked and clinked just like it always did. Everyone was amazed of course, and that glorious spring day continued. Waffles seemed to not only be the happiest baby Kuni born, but able to infect others with her innocent joy. Little did they guess then, she had a purpose in the world.

Earlier in the year, on the night of Halloween, another strange Kuni had been born. With the mark of a spider upon his head, and body and fins the orange and black of the holiday, he was a strange little Kuni. Named Kamikaze, he was left in a back ally to die, his parents scared beyond the ability to care for him. He didn't die. He fed off the fear, and as he grew, he began to invade other Kuni's dreams, giving them nightmares. This thrilled him, and over the winter, the town had grown strangely quiet and paranoid. It was as the seasons shifted into spring that Waffle was born, and his reign of fear lost its grip. The ISOP had lit up like a beacon of light and warmth, and Kamikaze was in a rage that whole morning as he tried to force nightmares into Waffles mind. He had failed, and as she struck the bell, its chime was like a lance burning into his mind. It hurt, that joy, and he fled to the ghetto side of town, where the dreams of others had already began to fade.

They both continued to grow, Kamikaze causing fear and pain wherever he could, and Waffle creating joy and peace to try and counteract the fear. The little bell she kept on its string, tied to her tail so she could never loose it. Things came to a climax in the fall. Kamikaze could not give her nightmares, but he had to do something, and finally, desperate, he planned a physical attack. Waffles was in the town park, looking at all the autumn colors of the coral, singing softly to herself as he approached. His headlong rush slowed as he got within hearing distance, his steps faltering the closer he got until finally he was face to face, her blue eyes meeting orange for the first time. Waffles had been singing, enjoying the day when the sound of another reached her and she turned with a smile. The kuni coming towards her was one she had never met before, and he had suck a darkness to her soul, she couldn't help but to raise her voice in song, to twitch her tail and try to sooth such a dark pain. They looked up at the same time, his orange eyes meeting blue. It was at that moment, as their worlds collided, that both of them fainted into slumber, to share a dream for the first time.

They had both left the town of Shaltini, its vision fading into the distance with that one last look goodbye. The sea was calm today, steady as the two made their way down a path neither had ever been before, yet somehow both seemed to know it. Neither of them would look at the other, their gazes diverted to the surrounding Oceanside, both of them on the alert for hydralisks, gorgeels, and all the other various aquatic life that might try to eat them. In that way that time was distorted in dreams, they both knew they had traveled for four days before the shores of their destination began to appear. They made their way onto shore, but here the dreams grew fuzzy. Both could see a figure in the distance, and could no longer see or sense each other. Kamikaze saw a brief glimpse of Taridan, while Waffle saw a brief glimpse of Moopheus the Lucain. The dream faded to gray as both began to wake up.

Waffle woke in her bed to the feel of her mother stroking her fin, the dream still quite vivid in her mind. She sat up, glancing about. "Mother? But, how did I get here? Where is he?" Her mother smiled. "Oh baby, I found you passed out in the park, and brought you home...There was another there, but I could only carry you, so I called and told the police about him. They'll take care of him if he's still there, don't worry." Waffle leaned back and relaxed, yet some part of her knew she would have to find him again, have to follow him...he was the cause of the towns fear, she knew that now, and where ever he went, she would have to follow and fix things. Make things happy again. A few months passed with no one in town having nightmares, and she knew it was time. Time to set out on that path she had seen in her dreams, time to find that vague figure. Her mother and the cook from ISOP gave her a sack with enough food for three days and threw a farewell party for her. With one last jingle of her bell, she left the town with fond farewells and happy thoughts; and set out on her journey.

--- Kamikaze's half ---

As Waffles mother took her away, the distance increasing between them had Kamikaze's dream faded until he woke once more feeling the terror of being abandoned as a babe. That female was gone, and he couldn't stay. Almost in a panic, he grabbed what few things he had and set out that day, racing through the waters to get away, racing along the path of his dreams, searching for the figure he had seen. Somewhere where that female couldn't find him and ruin his works, ruin his fear filled dreams. It took him five days to reach the shores of evelon due to having to pause his journey and search for food, but finally just as night was falling he made it to the beaches and watched as several odd creatures and the male human he had seen in his dreams frolicked on the shore. Kamikaze eavesdropped upon their thoughts enough to find that none of the creatures were harmful. Several were called Kuhna's, and one was a Slilkey, and as he watched them cooking clams over a fire he called to his human. He was home, for now. Yet something odd was happening as well. He found himself unable to force the kuhna kit to have nightmares. Irritated, he focused upon the nearby sea city and weaved his way into their dreams. He was pleased to find a war was brewing. There would be enough pain and fear there he wouldn't have to bother with trying to give nightmares to Taridan and his companions.

--- Chapter 2, The trip ---

On her first day out, Waffle didn't really encounter any joys or problems. She followed the sand road leading away from ISOP towards the depths, humming a tune under her breath and looking about in amazement. She had never gone this far from home before and as the waters depth deepened, the water became increasingly murky and chilly. Finally, tired, chilled and alone, she began to look for a place to rest. She eventually found two giant clams that blocked a small rock cave, and after sharing a bit of fruit with them, they were willing to let her spend the night in the cave, provided she didn't touch any of their pearls. She agreed and as they blocked the exit, she went to sleep, feeling secure.
Rock cave with the two clams, one sideways one shell straight on

The second day, after she paused to nibble on a vegetable sandwich for lunch, she began to get the feeling she was being followed. Unable to resist, as she rounded a corner she peeked around a rock and caught a glimpse of the --- gorgeel that was stalking her. Seeing she was spotted, the gorgeel chased after Waffles, who like any sensible gal fled for her life, trying to flee and yet stick to the path at the same time. The odd thing was, as she raced away, the bell behind her was tinkling and chiming and the gorgeel that was chasing her gradually slowed and fell back. She stopped all together, and there was a smile on her face as she turned to go about her day. Waffles didn't see the Gorgeel smile but gradually she slowed from her headlong rush and looked behind her, only to find herself alone. Thanks to her racing away, she had covered more ground than she had planned on, and as she drifted into sleep she could feel a vague sense of unease luring her onwards...She was getting closer.

The third day she woke a little later than usual but set out, still cheery despite missing her home and her mom. It wasn't long before she came across a small colony of Trumpetters, and she asked them for news, taking a moment to rest her fins and tail which were still slightly sore from her flight yesterday. They spoke of the war, and of some new creature that stalked the depths. Called Khalmar, these creatures had tentacles and one eye, and were just as large as the Gorgeels, if not larger. The odd thing about them was that sometimes they would hunt, and other times they would pass right by, as if they had more important things to do. Waffle thanked them for the information and continued on her way.

Night was falling, but Waffles was close enough now to feel the pull, to sense the chaos and fear that haunted the night and could not stop. She was drawn to this worry like a moth to flame, and after slowing her pace slightly she continued on into the night, determined to reach her destination as quickly as possible and end their torment and suffering. Finally, after what seemed like traveling through an eternity of darkness, the sun began to rise and the waters to lighten to a clear crystal blue-green. The sands were getting shallow and she could hear the rush as waves crashed onto the beach. It was dawn as she climbed from the surf, looking around with wide blue eyes until they rested upon Moopheus. He was standing there, silhouetted by the rising sun ad looking quite regal as he gazed out at the ocean. With her bell tinkling, she made her way over to him, staring up at him with eyes as blue as his markings. He was the one. She had seen him before, fuzzy and blurred in that vision, but there was no mistaking him. "You know the way home." Breaking from his thoughtful contemplation of the sea, Moopheus looked down at the creature, arching a brow. He knew the way to his home...still, perhaps Moofius would want to see this creature. He smiled, and their adventures in evelon began.
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Scribble Scrabble on the wall, who is the meanest of them all?
Riff Raff and Bark Gruff, I'm not scared of your huffing bluff.
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Postby ToxicShadow » 12/22/2007 1:18 AM

Okay, I wasn't able to go into all the detail that I wanted to, but I fret that I may not be able to work on this at all before the deadline. *sighs* I wish that I didn't procrastinate like I did. I've been bad about that recently.

Anyway, 'nough rambling. I fear the pictures about to appear. There will be pictures of everyone mentioned shown just you can see this all clearly.

Oh oh! Of course you can take this and change it up as you'd like. Go into more detail or whatever you like. The fellow is yours, after all. I just hope you enjoy the story and like my idea, even just a little.

Name: Komachi
Meaning: a belle
Gender: Male
Personality/Info in a nutshell: Quite the happy go lucky sort. No matter what happens, Komachi can get through it all be laughing about it. Even life and death experiences [not that they come along that often]. He enjoys singing silly made up songs, like about socks, pillows, marbles or two of his favorite subjects: bells or chocolate milk. He likes bells a lot, and treasures the gift that Moopheus got him. He wears that bell every where. Plus he enjoys when his cheerful friend sings with him. They make an interest duo. But what he may be known for the most is his horrible addiction to chocolate milk. He loves the stuff! The extent goes into that he'll drink off the floor if he has too, and has even figured out ways to drink it while swimming under water.



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Tyvek and Croyance De'Fait 'Croy'

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A nameless 'squid monster' Khalmar MK IV and Heugo


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Yanora and Okko

As all life stories go, we start off with young Komachi. Okay, so we don't go that far back, but far enough that the fella was still living in the wild.
Seeing as all creatures aside from Kuhna and Lucain are born in the wild, this was our wonderfully odd Kuni's life as well. But, as always, a time comes in each creature's life that he or she must leave the 'nest'. This was no different for Komachi either.

Sadly, the young, cheerful Kuni didn't have an idea of where to go when he ventured out into the world. The world was so big compared to the minuscule size of the pond that he once called home. It was so very easy for him to get lost - that's what happened. Poor Komachi found himself all over the place, in a forest, out into the city. He lived off of the land as much as he could, yet life was hard. Life was already difficult without a home or any friends, but his rare coloration seemed to cause even more problems to arise. Yet, somehow, the fella never let anything get him down.

He was traveling the edges of a city when two very odd humans came across him. One had black hair framing her face and odd amber colored eyes, the pupils slitted. Her attire seemed to come from more of a medieval time, corset, leggings and the like. She didn't exactly come off as a very cheery person. This would have put Komachi off, if only she hadn't been linking arms with someone who could be classified as a bright rainbow of colors. The girl had greenish blond hair pulled up in a crazy fashion and wore clothes of various colors, greens, yellows, pinks, blues. A wonderful array, altogether. Pretty modern, compared to her friend. How this two could be friends, walking around with their arms linked? Who really knows. Not even they themselves really did.

"Awww! Look how cute he is!" chimed in the brighter girl, Okko.

"Yea...He's...Cute...." the other responded, both of them seeing the Kuni waddling down the otherwise empty sidewalk.  

Upon hearing the two voices, the odd creature froze in his place. He stared at them momentarily before scampering behind the nearest trashcan in fear. He was pretty scared of people, at least the ones that traveled the city streets.

"How sad!" Okko spoke once again. "He's scarred! The poor little guy."

Yanora just nodded her head. She wasn't one for speaking, though she felt just as much compassion toward creatures as her friend did.

When Okko tried to run toward Komachi, Yanora grabbed her by the back of her shirt, forcing her to stop. [She was rather relentless with Okko.]
"You'll scare him even more like that." she stated under her breath.

Now, neither of them knew the gender of the Kuni, but saying 'he' always seemed correct in an unknowing case such as the one that came before them now.

They stayed where the were, quietly discussing the matter. Sometimes, the darker appearing one would have to remind the other to keep her voice down. Both of them would glance over at the Kuni who remained hidden every once in awhile. He was too nervous to come out with both of the humans still there.

Shortly after, they broke, coming to a mutual agreement. They both were ones for taking in any creature that needed a home, so they'd have to check up on this one. Besides, he was so dang cute! It was impossible for either of them to resist.

Splitting up, they both took to different sides of the trashcan he'd hidden behind, closing him in. Komachi didn't have time to run and, even if he tried, he was sure the humans could out run him. Dang stubby legs. So instead, he just tensed up and started to shake.

Much to his surprise, both of the girls were kneeling down with smiles on their faces. [It can't even be told how rarely one of them would smile.]

It took awhile of both of the girls cooing over him to get him to explain what had happened, but it worked. They soon knew of his situation- homeless and unable to find a home.

It wasn't a surprise that the girl offered him a place to stay. Yet it was difficult to choose who to live with. They both competed, saying why their home was better then the other's before the two came into realization. They shared a lake between their two properties. Neighbors, that's what they were.

That was that, Komachi found a new home living in the lake between the Caverns and the Estates.


Still, it wasn't home. Sure, he liked Okko and Yanora just fine, and they provided everything he needed, but it still didn't feel right.
He couldn't tell them so, since they'd both taken him in as they did. They were kind to him. Oh, what was there that he could do?

This little problem was solved on the truly most frightening day of his life.

He hadn't been staying them for very long, maybe a few days. And he had yet to see the lake in which they were talking about. He was kept inside, and watched like a hawk to make sure he was in good health and all. He was, but they still worried.

Komachi took it upon himself to find the lake instead. He missed the water and that huge lake was impossible to miss. For being something man made or, in this case, Okko made, it was incredible. It was divided on the boundaries of the two properties with a high metal fence, and the waters reached so far down that it was impossible to see the bottom even though the water was perfectly clear.

Oh happy day! The Kuni sprang into the water with newfound excitement, splashing and flipping. It'd been so long that he'd been in such a structure of water, he couldn't help himself.

Motion below. His brief joy was put to a halt when he saw a large silhouette beneath him. All he could do was stare. It grew bigger, and bigger....He didn't even realize that it could only be growing in size if it was drawing near, closer and closer. Spiky tentacles lashed out of the water all around him. Panic! Too afraid to move. Komachi was frozen in fear.

"Don't be such an bafoon!" A heavily accented voice shouted, the Kuhni only catching the words as he was flying through the air. He'd been tossed! But...not upward...He was spinning so much in the air that he couldn't see anything but a blur. It was chaos, ending only with a splash. He was in the water again. Instead of being still now, he was trashing about frantically.

"Aye, aye, calm down." A voice, also with accent but a different one then before, spoke up. Listening to the voice, the odd Kuni found himself staring back into the eyes of a slender black and purple finned creature, a Blackberry Slikey  

"Name's Croy." he announced. "You really should be careful in these waters." he began laughing. What was up with this guy?

Another splash. Komachi jumped, on edge. He was looking back at could have been Croy's twin, only if this one wasn't yellow. How peculiar.
"Tyvek." he said simply. "And my brother here is correct." They weren't related, but could somewhat remind people of Mario and Luigi, if they even had any idea who those video game 'stars' were.

There was a bit of complicated chatter between Croy and Tyvek before their peace was disturbed again. Poor Komachi. A disgusting monster tried to attack him here too! f*gged jaws snapped out of the water, the Kuni only surviving the attack thanks to the Banana Slikey grabbing a hold of one of his stubby legs and tossing him up into the air again. Croy went about kicking the "beastie" to thrust him back down.

"Not a good place for someone as delectable as you!" It was Tyvek who spoke, catching Komachi with his front legs. He laughed too. "Monsters on both sides. But you have us."

The proceedings that day involved Komachi being air born most of the time. He wasn't a flying fish!!! But the two Slikey's insisted this was the only way for him to be safe. One on each side, they'd continuously launch him over the fencing that divided the lake in two. After being tossed over so many times, it was simple to notice that there were squared spikes lining the top of the bars. If the Slikey's weren't careful, he'd be skewered.  What the heck!?
Over and over again, the Kuni tumbled through the sky.


About the same time that all this started, a particular Lucain got a little lost during his exploration.

His nose to the air, the orange and blue male was sniffing about. "Dangit! Where am I?!?" That's right, Mr. Moopheus was lost. Had been lost for the last few hours now.

His looks proved such things. His pelt was stained with mud and sticked poking out from every time he fell or tried to go through a thicket that was just too thick.

"Gah!" By now, the happy go lucky Lucain was a little frustrated.

Wait! Voices? Screaming? "What in the...?"

He sprinted forward toward the sound. Not a smartest idea, if someone was screaming in absolute fear you usually ran the other way.

He made his way out of the forest, and tripped over his feet quite a few times on the way, might I add, and into a rather humongous clearing. "Eh?" The place looked like it could be someone's property. He started forward slowly, his puppy-like curiosity suddenly building up. His two tails waged rapidly behind him.

His ears perked up on his head as the screaming neared him, oblivious that it was drawing closer to him. [Pretty hard to believe that Komachi and Moopheus were both that dense.]

Smacking him right in the face was a Kuni! Not that he knew, he was stuck upside in the mud. Stupid wing blades. He struggled to get up, failing miserably.

The white and brown splotched critter was staring at him. First in fear, still traumatized from being tossed about, he had to hold back hysterical laughter at the sight.

"Hey! Quit laughing at me!" Moopheus whined when Komachi broke down. Wiggling about like mad, he slipped from the mud and scrambled to his feet. Thank goodness there weren't any birds around that liked to eat Lucain! He looked even more tasty then a worm when he was moving like that.

"Sorry, but it's so funny!" Komachi couldn't help but to say, trying to bite his tongue.  

"Well take a look at yourself!" The Lucain barked, meaning how different the Kuni looked from usual. "What are you anyway?"

"I'm a Kuni!" Komachi replied with an oddly cheerful voice. He recovered from his deathly frightening moments in life pretty fast.

"I can see that. Whatta 'bout your spots?" Moohpeus asked, needed to find out more. His tails were ever lashing about happily.

"What about your's? You look a bit like me, with different colors." He was the reply.

"I'm my mistress' favorite colors! Moofius is such a nice girl. She and I are a lot like. We're both always cheerful, and we like games and people and talking and spots and orange and blue and bells. Do you like bells? I like the jingly sound they make. But Moofius and a lot alike. But I'm clumsy. My name is Moopheus, oddly a lot like her's Oh  no, I'm still talking!" He cut off his rambling as soon as he realized.

Komachi was staring at him wide eyed before shaking his head, which was more like his whole body. "Nice name. I like blue. The name is Komachi. What is a bell?"

"You don't know what a bell is?!?!" That was blasphemy. "You're coming with me! I have to show you a bell. You should meet Moofius too. I like you, so I know she will!" He totally disregarded the fact that he was on someone else's property, so the Kuni probably belonged to that person.

Regardless, the two started their odd adventure out of the forest of Okko and Yanora's property, chattering cheerfully the whole time. Moopheus fell a lot and Komachi was almost always laughing, but it was great.


Needless to say that Moofius did like Komachi and Komachi liked her too. And bells! They were so fascinating! Moopheus gave him one and a symbol of friendship between the two, and the Kuni decided to wear it everywhere. The little jingly sound was the best kind of music, it's only competitor being the songs he sung about the bell. It was wonderful when the Lucain would join in singing.

He finally felt at home with this Moofius women, and noticed right away that she had a tail and ears that were the same colors that he wore. It made him feel special, and he was almost constantly hugged to death every time she layed eyes on him. Good thing she learned to control herself. Not that Komachi minded, he loved the attention of the odd girl who he made his owner. He was able to contact Yanora and Okko, thanking them and explaining what happened. They didn't mind. They were happy just to be able to help him at all.

Something else that was learned has he was addicted to chocolate milk. One time Moofius was drinking chocolate milk [just because she was a cow anthro herself didn't mean she didn't like milk] and it spilled on the floor thanks to Moopheus knocking into Moofius' chair. He apologized sweetly and volunteered to clean it up himself, only to find that his Kuni friend was licking it off the floor. [O.o]

Strange as it was, Komachi had to be dragged away from the spill. "But it's delicious!" he cried, struggling against his mistress' efforts.

"But that's not healthy!" Moofius said firmly. She couldn't let her friend get sick.

Since that day, the Kuni had a lasting taste for chocolate milk. Chocolate wouldn't do, nor would just milk. It had to be chcolate milk. It as odd, but no one minded, so long as he didn't lick it off the floor or anything again.

He's often found with chocolate milk and is only ever defensive if one tries to take it from him. Since he needs to live in water as well, he ended up learning how to drink chocolate milk even while swimming. Simply enough, he asks one of his friends to pour the milk into the water and he just swims up to the area and consumes all the liquid. It's not the best way, but he figured that it'd just have to do. As long as he got his chocolate milk, had his bell and his family, he was happy.

A pretty simple life, but one he was quickly learning to love it.


Not sure if this is relevant but I kept listening to 'No Nagging Anymore' by Froggy Mix when I was writing up the end part to the story. You may want to look into it. *shrugs*

I may edit this, for art and all that stuff too.

Art Edit:
Like we said we would, Okko and I conjoined in skills. So here is Okko art for this entry!

[center] Image

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Postby Moofius » 12/22/2007 1:28 AM

Foot steps can be heard and the door to the room opens slowly. All the participants have been assembled, many having brought their projects to work on them more.
Perhaps if they changed this, or put a bit of detail here...

Moofius stood before the group wishing with very powerful words to herself that she'd rented a room that wasn't so ... echoey.

"Hello contest goers," she started, holding the custom kuni in her arms; against her chest, "I'd just like to say that I'll give you till the end of the 22nd to tweak your stories, post an entry or make some fan art. Probably around 8 or 9 my time ( which is like The Yukon, B.C. , Cali. and down that line ) or whenever I get home. Then I'll have the topic locked and go over the entries. Some time on the 23rd (probably in the afternoon, again, my time) I'll announce the winner," She smiled, nuzzling the kuni, "Good luck everyone!"

With that the girl left the room, her tail flicking around clearly showing how hard that had been, to speak in front of so many. Crowds were NOT her specialty.
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Postby Swimmy » 12/22/2007 10:27 AM

Name; Nenharma
Gender; Female
Fanart; Image
Back Story;

It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining, the Matches and Pollys were singing up in the trees! No where could the day look any more inviting. All the trainers were out today with their companions. However, most of the crowd, and where our story takes place, is in 'the Sea City', or also known as Jawan.

Swimming merrily in the sea was a young Kuni, jumping in and out of the water. It swam up and down the length of the dock, watching the trainers and their pets spend 'quality' time. This Kuni, who went by the name of Nenharma, had always wanted to be loved and cared for by... oh, what did her mother call them, 'humanes'? Yes, that sounded right, humanes.

Nenharma was a very pretty Kuni. She was unique from the other Kuni's. She had spots all over her, which was not a bad thing at all, yet a good thing. The other Kuni's always admired her beautiful fins, so different from theres. Then, as if her beautiful, unique markings weren't enough, she had stunning blue eyes. They were eyes that would melt someone's soul, eyes that would cause any Kuni to wish they were their own. Her eyes, her gorgeous blue eyes, were quite the opposite of a 'normal' Kuni. Yes, her eyes were nearly the same color of the other Kuni's bodies.

Not giving up her swimming, Nenharma swam as fast as she could. She'd randomly leap out of the water to glance at the 'humanes' and their pets. She really, really wished to be one of- clunk! Nenharma's head came in contact with the side of the dock and she fell right back down into the water. The Kuni began to see stars as she stared up at the sky. The last thing she remembers seeing, was a giant thing with five fingers gently picking her up out of the water, and placing her in a bucket of water; that was it.

She awoke to find herself in a large, glass rectangular object. Her eyes nearly doubled in size as she began to swim around inside it. This water was warmer then the one she was swimming in outside, and to be honest, much nicer. Despite her confusion of her current location, she was pleased with this place. Many thoughts flew in her head, but the one she believed was the truth was that she had died and was now in something her mother referred to as 'heaven'. That was until she heard a small voice behind her, "Hello."

She spun around, it was a Kuni, just like one of the one's at home! She couldn't believe it, another Kuni! However, she remained cool with a friendly tone as she replied, "Hi."

An awkward silence then grew as the two stared at each other, as if neither of them had seen another Kuni before. However, the other Kuni broke the silence as it said, "Well, I guess I get to be your super, duper buddy!" Nenharm blinked a few times, "Super, duper buddy?" "Yes!" Squealed the other Kuni, "You're my new friend. We can be best friends!" Nenharma took a deep breath, "I guess so..." It was quiet for a minute, atleast until the other Kuni began to speak, "So, I guess ytou feel, a bit uncomfyt with this? That's okay, we can get to know each other, and then exchange names and stuff." Nenharma nodded slowly in agreement.

After another period of silence, the other Kuni began to speak again, "So, whaddya wanna do?" Nenharma was unsure, "Well, I'd like to go somewhere safe, and somewhere, where we won't be seperated. This way, we both know we're safe!" The Kuni nodded in agreemnet, "Alrighty! Ummm..." It's yellow eyes moved around the area until if saw something, different. Swimming over to it, the Kuni picked it up with it's mouth and tied it around Nenharma's tail. It was a bell, but not just any old bell, it was a special bell. This 'bell' was a gift from her new friend, who has not yet shared his/her name.

"This bell thing here will make sure that if we are seperated, we can find each other!" "But how?" Nenharma asked, she had never heard the sound of a bell before, until she wiggled her tail around. Ring, ring, ring! The sound was amazing, it was different, and beautiful. She smiled and began to allow her tail to sway. After a moment or two, her face lit up as she exclaimed, "I'll ring this here bell when I get, or if, I get seperated! That way, you can hear it and find me! It's perfect, oh thank you!" The blue Kuni smiled, "Anything for my new friend." Friend, that had a nice ring to it.

The two Kuni's then began to discuss what they should do. After only a few minutes of coming up with ideas, they both began to favor getting something to eat. When eating was the final decision, the Kuni chuckled and said polietly, "I'm going to reveal my name now. My name is Fang, and the reason I say this now, it because... well, I'd like to introduce to you my two other friends. I-" His next statement was interupted when the spotted Kuni smiled, "My name's Nenharma." Fang gave her a warm grin, "Nenharma, I think you and I are going to be good friends. Now, do you mind if my two other friends join us?" Nenharma chuckled, "Of course not. The more the merrier!"

"Cally! Engal!" Fang had shouted the names of his two other friends toward a building-like structure. Out swam two Kuni, one looking rather tired (Engal), and the other looking ready to explore (Cally). When they approached, Fang swam to their sides, "This here is my new friend. We're going out to catch some food, wanna come?" The two other Kunis exchanged glances. Then, Cally turned and said, "We'd be delighted. My name's Cally by the way, and this is my sister Engal." Engal didn't say anything to welcome Nenharma, well, she did give her a small smile. Nenharma smiled back, "My name's Nenhar-"

"Goodness girl! You have a bell on your tail!" Cally squealed, then swam over to poke it with her tail. Engal and Fang smiled, Engal smiled because of the noise the bell made, Fang smiled as he explained to the other two, "Well, incase Nenharma got lost, I thought it'd be nice for her to have a bell on her tail. This way, she'd ring it if she needed us, and we could assist her. It's hard to be new, I'm sure both of you remember. I wanted her to feel welcomed!"

Cally and Engal turned to face Nenharma, "Nenhar?", asked Cally. Nenharma chuckled, "It's Nenharma. You... nevermind." Looking over to Fang, she polietely asked, "Are we going to go to eat now? I'm sorry if I'm rushing it, or pushing it. But, I'm getting rather hungry." Fang nodded, "Sure, let's go."[/img]
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Postby Moofius » 12/23/2007 12:33 AM

My how time flies. It's 8:31 PM on the @@nd. Moofius returns to the room.

"Well hopeful winners it seems this contest is offciailly... CLOSED! The winners will be announced in a seperate thread some time tomorrow. It's gonna' be tough to choose, that's for dang sure," Moofius sighed, "Good thing I loaded $60 to my credit card. Just incase we get some runner ups," she giggled, "Good luck to all of you!"
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