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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Freezair » 04/23/2010 12:36 PM

Tierra hissed with her failed blow, but she would not give up so easy. She Spat fountains of Poison around the battlefield, trying her hardest to ensure a connection. Her tails lashed, too, dripping with toxin and ready to impart it if she connected. Her jaw smarted, but she'd felt worse blows. She was strong, and she was going to prove that strength!

I'm so cool (too bad I'm a loser).
I'm so smart (too bad I can't get anything figured out)!
I'm so brave (too bad I'm a baby).
I'm so fly
That's probably why it feels just like I'm falling for the first time!

I'm so green (it's really amazing).
I'm so clean (too bad I can't get all the dirt off of me)!
I'm so sane (It's driving me crazy)!
It's so strange
I can't believe I'm falling for the first time!

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Postby Kyrit » 04/24/2010 5:18 PM

(Sorry for the slowness. P= S'what happens when I have to keep asking Kodai questions about traits.)

Arctic's Forza:

Rolled a 5 - HIT
Attacker does 13 (10 + 3) total damage to the defender.

As Tierra is left at 0 Endurance, she loses before she is able to attack. Arctic Snail's Forza Del Male won the fourth round.

Well geeze. That had been oh so much fun.. She supposed she couldn't blame the Khimera for not being able to keep up with Forza. He seemed incredibly strong and just two hits managed to do enough harm to bring the Khimera down. She almost pitied the next person to have to go up against him, though it was possible that he could be beaten. Anything was possible, right?

"Well," she started out, frowning slightly. "That didn't take very long. Guess it's on to the next round then! Would Thunder's Typhoon and Shrewdberry's Drawser please step up? Looks like we've already managed to knock out half the competition, so it's on to the next group.
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Postby Jaykobell » 04/24/2010 5:31 PM

Level: 7
Toughness: 14
Exploration: 11
Endurance: 17
Intelligence: 12
Battle Traits: Spiked Body, Great Rend, Great Bite, Diehard

Well, here she was again... She still had no idea how she'd won her first battle, considering her opponent was, in reality, much stronger than her. And from the name of her next opponent, Drawser could remember that this 'Typhoon' the announcer had called... She was a Paragon, right? Oh, dear... This truly didn't look good, not at all. A Fellox was about the same size as a Hunter, but a Paragon... And obviously, the further you got into this tournament, the harder the battles would become. She'd need to brace herself for the battles to come... But first, she had to brace herself for this one.
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Thunder » 04/25/2010 11:42 AM


Element: Electricity
Level: 6
Toughness: 11
Exploration: 14
Endurance: 12
Intelligence: 13
Battle Traits: Conductivity, Resistor, Resist Death, Voltage, Great Rend, Winged Warrior

Typhoon was up again, and this time she was going against someone by the name of Drawser. Her last fight had been a quick victory, but how would she fare this round? Taking a deep breath, feeling the adrenaline pump through her veins, Typhoon stepped into the arena once more to find herself looking at a Hunter. Another feline? She felt a bit nervous at the sight of the creature. It was much larger than a Kuhna, although still smaller than her, but those spikes sent a shiver down her spine. This would be tougher, yes.


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Postby Kyrit » 04/25/2010 2:16 PM

Shrewdberry's Drawser:
Element: None
Toughness: 21 (+ 7 Great Bite, Great Rend)
Exploration: 11
Endurance: 17
Intelligence: 12

Diehard - Pet can attack one more time after reaching 0 Endurance.
Spiked Body - 2 damage to opponent when attacked.

Thunder's Typhoon:
Element: Electricity
Toughness: 15 (+4 Great Rend)
Exploration: 14
Endurance: 12
Intelligence: 13

Conductivity - Electric attack; one-time use attack.
Resistor - Halves electric damage taken.
Resist Death - +5 toughness if opponent does a critical hit.
Voltage - +2 boost to battle stats when allied to electric pet.
Winged Warrior - + 3 to toughness and endurance when in the air; must state that you've taken flight.

Typhoon attacks first.
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Thunder » 04/25/2010 2:25 PM

Typhoon gathered up her wits and took flight, soaring in circles over the Hunter. She debated on where to strike. The feline's whole body was covered in those dangerous spikes, so it wouldn't be easy to get a good shot without harming herself. Eventually she settled on Drawser's face, where it seemed that it wasn't as spiky as the rest of the body, and she swooped down, claws outstretched, aiming for the forehead.

(Winged Warrior)


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Postby Jaykobell » 04/25/2010 3:46 PM

Drawser didn't like this at all. Her opponent was a dragon. And while most dragons she knew were nice and wise creatures, she also knew very well that they were more powerful than many others. She gulped, fidgeting a little where she was. And from the looks of it, this dragon was faster than her, so Drawser would need to adjust to this. She'd gotten the upper hand last round... but not this time.

When the Paragon took up in the air, Drawser started to panic as to what she was supposed to do. How could she attack that Paragon while she was up in the air? But then the beast dove her towards her, and that's when Drawser saw her chance. Waiting for the Paragon to come closer, with her muscles tensed, Drawser bounced when Typhoon came close enough for Drawser to attack. With claws and fangs bared ferociously, Drawser hoped to land a hit at that Paragon.
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Postby Kyrit » 04/25/2010 4:14 PM

Thunder's Typhoon:

Rolled a 2 - HIT
Typhoon does 1 (1 + 0) total damage!
Typhoon takes 2 damage from Drawser's Spiked Body

Shrewdberry's Drawser:

Rolled a 1 - HIT
Drawser does 7 (3 + 4) total damage!

Drawser has 16 Endurance.
Typhoon has 6 Endurance.
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Thunder » 04/25/2010 6:13 PM

Typhoon gritted her teeth when the spikes and claws dug into her scales. "Ouch!" she cried, flying away from Drawser. That Hunter sure hit hard. She wasn't sure she would last long, but Typhoon told herself that she'd try her best to the very end. She tilted her wings and did a spin in the air, flying in Drawser's direction again. This time, she didn't use her claws, but she let out a burst of electricity that would hopefully hit the feline.

(Used Conductivity.)


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Postby Jaykobell » 04/25/2010 9:39 PM

Unlike the previous match, it seemed Drawser was the stronger pet this time around. She felt her claws digging into the Paragon's flesh, and she also heard Typhoon screech a painful reply, which was enough to make Drawser feel guilty. She didn't want to be here and to fight those pets... Ugh.

Drawser tried to remain focused on the battle, her bristling crystal fur bristling. She'd barely felt the Paragon's attack against her crystal hide, but this time... Drawser blinked and started to panic when she saw that outburst of electricity. Gritting her teeth, Drawser dashed forward with her claws extended, doing her best to avoid that electricity, and to hit that Paragon...
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Postby Kyrit » 04/26/2010 1:10 AM

Thunder's Typhoon:

Rolled a 9 - miss

Shrewdberry's Drawser:

Rolled a 3 - HIT
Attacker does 7 (3 + 4) total damage to the defender.
Drawser has 16 Endurance.
Typhoon has -1 Endurance.
Typhoon has been defeated.

Drawser wins the fifth round.

It seemed as though she couldn't get her hopes up about a battle lasting for an extended amount of time. Those that hit hard took down those who didn't far too quickly, so long as they could manage a shot. Sitting down on the table, she reached over her sleeping companion to mark off Typhoon's name from the list.

"Alright. Looks like Silversky's Sageeth and Arctic Snail's Forza Del Male are up next. Typhoon and the loser of this round will fight after this to determine third place."
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Silversky » 04/26/2010 6:57 AM

Sageeth walked into the arena confidantly, a self-satisfied smile on his face. He'd made it past the first round, so he'd make it past this too. Easily.
The Lucain looked up at the match set-up board, wondering who he'd be fighting against.
Uh oh.
It was that giant Werbetta, the one who had completely decimated his opponent.
This is not good.
Another Lucain Sageeth could beat easily; this was a whole different matter. Taking a deep breath, he turned to face the center of the arena and waited for his opponent. He'd put up a good fight, and maybe, just maybe, he'd still win.

Toughness: 10
Exploration: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 10
Battle Traits: Spiked Body, All or Nothing, Diehard, Deft Opportunist.

((sorry I forgot to re-post the stats and stuff last time))

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Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Yomegami » 04/26/2010 6:58 AM

Name: Forza Del Male
Species: Emperor Werebetta (Custom)
Gender: Male
Level: 8
Element: Dark
Toughness: 18
Exploration: 16
Endurance: 19
Intelligence: 13
Battle Traits: Arterial Strike, Great Bite, Spectral Strike, Spiked Body, Vorpal Strike

Well, he didn't get much of a break in between his last and his current fights. Not that it was a bad thing for him, as last time his foe didn't even get a chance to hit him. He had to wonder how long this one was going to last.

Once again, the werebetta strode out onto the field, the look of bloodlust again returning to his eyes. It didn't matter how difficult this new foe proved to be. He was going to take it down, plain and simple. The last one went down without too much struggle, this one was going to go down the same.

((Forza: 0/9))
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Postby Kyrit » 04/26/2010 3:40 PM

Silversky's Sageeth:
Element: None
Toughness: 10
Exploration: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 10

All or Nothing - Damage equals half of remaining Endurance, 25% chance to hit; one time use.
Deft Opportunist - Opponent receives 4 damage when its Endurance is < 6.
Diehard - Pet can attack one more time after reaching 0 Endurance.
Spiked Body - 2 damage to opponent when attacked.

Arctic Snail's Forza Del Male:
Element: Dark
Toughness: 29 (+ 3 Great Bite, +8 Vorpal Strike)
Exploration: 16
Endurance: 19
Intelligence: 13

Arterial Strike - 50% chance of doing double damage; must be stated in post, once per battle.
Spiked Body - 2 damage to opponent when hit.
Spectral Strike - +3 to Toughness when battling ethereal opponent.

Forza attacks first.
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Yomegami » 04/26/2010 4:16 PM

As he prepared to attack, Forza examined his foe, who turned out to be a lucain. He looked even weaker than the last thing he took down. The only thing was that, unlike the last foe, this one had sharp points. That meant Forza wasn't getting out of this fight undamaged, but he really didn't care. He had his own set of points his foe had to worry about.

The werebetta decided he didn't want this fight to last too awful long. So, his first move was to charge headlong at Sageeth, ready to deliver a nasty Arterial Strike onto his opponent's throat. That would likely end the fight extremely quickly if he could pull it off.

((Forza: 1/9))
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