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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Silversky » 04/26/2010 6:05 PM

Sageeth growled, refusing to let the creature's power intimidate him anymore. With a half-roar, half-shout of fury and the thrill of battle, Sageeth charged at Forza. He attempted to dodge around the Werbetta at the last second, using his speed to out-manuever his opponent. If it worked, he could aim for Forza's throat, hopefully letting him damage his opponent more than usual. It would have to be All or Nothing.
A sense of power surged through the Lucain, and he put all his effort into this first charge.

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Postby Kyrit » 04/27/2010 8:07 PM

Arctic's Forza:

Rolled a 7 - miss

Silversky's Sageeth:

Rolled a 4 - miss
(Used a d4, with 1 being the number you would hit on.)

Sageeth has 8 Endurance.
Forza has 19 Endurance.
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Yomegami » 04/27/2010 8:14 PM

Wow. They both somehow managed to miss each other.

Forza grumbled a little under his breath. So much for the big epic death blow that would bring down the whole house. However, that wasn't going to stop him from trying to end it ferociously. Quickly, he whipped around and aimed a strike at the passing lucain's rump. If he couldn't take him out with all of his strength, he might as well humiliate his foe by knocking him out by spanking him.

((Forza: 2/9))
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Silversky » 04/28/2010 6:57 AM

He had missed? Sageeth growled in anger. He had dodged, but his claws hadn't found their mark.
Well, he wasn't going to let this stop him. He sensed Forza attacking from behind, and he began to spin back towards his attacker, hoping to catch him off guard and let his own claws hit.
He had to win, he thought to himself. If he won, he was guaranteed at least second place. If he lost, he would have to fight for third, and that was something he didn't appreciate.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Postby Kyrit » 04/28/2010 11:14 AM

Arctic's Forza:

Rolled a 4 - HIT
Forza does 21 (19 + 2) total damage!
Forza takes 2 damage from Sageeth's Spiked Body.

Silversky's Sageeth:

Rolled a 9 - miss

Sageeth has -13 Endurance.
Forza has 17 Endurance.
Sageeth has been defeated. (Diehard was used this turn, as he was below 0 once it was his turn to attack)

Forza wins the sixth round.

For a fish, Forza really knew how to do damage. Would he win the last round, or would Drawser take home the main prize? Well, that would have to be found out later. Khia had left the stage for a while, declaring that everyone was allowed a short break to recover from all the fighting. The break didn't last too long though. Probably an hour or so at most.

Soon enough, she was back on the stage and looking around for the next fighters. "Alright you guys. Just as I said earlier, the winner of third place is going to be determined now. I would like for Thunder's Typhoon and Silversky's Sageeth to come to the arena and prepare to battle."
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Silversky » 04/28/2010 2:33 PM

Sageeth hesitantly got to his feet. He couldn't exactly remember how he got out of the arena after Forza hit him. It was kind of all black and distorted. That had hurt.
Well, whatever happened now, he had to go back into the arena. This time he was facing a paragon, and that was really not a good thing. The paragon looked stronger than him, but at least not as strong as the Werbetta had been.
He snarled, leaping back into the arena. He'd keep fighting, and he would show them all that he wouldn't back down that easily. Even if he was fighting for third place, he had to fight as hard as if he were trying for the all-around winner's spot. Never give up, he knew.
The Lucain growled and paced back and forth, not acknowedging the ache of the scraches from his last battle. He was ready to fight again.

Toughness: 10
Exploration: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 10
Battle Traits: Spiked Body, All or Nothing, Diehard, Deft Opportunist.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Thunder » 04/28/2010 5:27 PM


Element: Electricity
Level: 6
Toughness: 11
Exploration: 14
Endurance: 12
Intelligence: 13
Battle Traits: Conductivity, Resistor, Resist Death, Voltage, Great Rend, Winged Warrior

Almost as soon as she had left her previous battle with the Hunter, Typhoon had been called out again. She blinked in surprise when she saw her target, a Lucain, who seemed to have fresh wounds on his body. Whatever the Lucain had been must have been monstrous. She shuddered a bit but stepped determinedly towards her opponent. She was told that this was a fight for 3rd place, and she was ready to go all out.


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Postby Kyrit » 04/29/2010 12:49 AM

Silversky's Sageeth:
Element: None
Toughness: 10
Exploration: 8
Endurance: 8
Intelligence: 10

All or Nothing - Damage equals half of remaining Endurance, 25% chance to hit; one time use.
Deft Opportunist - Opponent receives 4 damage when its Endurance is < 6.
Diehard - Pet can attack one more time after reaching 0 Endurance.
Spiked Body - 2 damage to opponent when attacked.

Thunder's Typhoon:
Element: Electricity
Toughness: 15 (+4 Great Rend)
Exploration: 14
Endurance: 12
Intelligence: 13

Conductivity - Electric attack; one-time use attack.
Resistor - Halves electric damage taken.
Resist Death - +5 toughness if opponent does a critical hit.
Voltage - +2 boost to battle stats when allied to electric pet.
Winged Warrior - + 3 to toughness and endurance when in the air; must state that you've taken flight.

Typhoon attacks first.
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Thunder » 04/29/2010 6:35 PM

Typhoon shook off her nervousness and took to the air, flying circles over Sageeth's head. Perhaps this fight would be easier than the last, seeing as her opponent was still worn from his previous fight. She couldn't help but feel like she was cheating a bit from that aspect, but here she was, and the only option was to fight. She folded her wings close to her body and zoomed down low just enough so her claws could graze the Lucain's back.

(Winged Warrior)


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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Silversky » 04/30/2010 6:42 AM

He had learned from previous fights that he had to finish this one as quickly as possible. Sageeth growled as the Paragon took to the air, for how was he supposed to attack when the enemy was out of reach over his head? But then Typhoon dove down out of the air to hit him, and the Lucain saw his chance. As the Paragon dived, Sageeth leaped upward, claws outstreatched, to try to score a hit on the Paragon while he could. All or Nothing, again.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Kyrit » 05/01/2010 1:15 PM

Thunder's Typhoon:

Rolled a 8 - miss

Silversky's Sageeth:

Rolled a 2 - miss

Sageeth: has 8 Endurance.
Typhoon has 15 Endurance.
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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Thunder » 05/01/2010 1:26 PM

Typhoon gritted her teeth when he blow missed the Lucain. But thankfully, his attack, which had seemed like it was going to be a very hard hit, also failed to land. She flapped her wings and turned around, darting towards Sageeth again with claws outstretched. I'll get him this time! she thought, and he hopefully won't get me!


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Re: § Seasonal Tournament: Spring

Postby Silversky » 05/01/2010 2:24 PM

No! He had needed to hit with that, it was probably his only shot. With a growl of anger, he turned to meet Typhoon's attack by diving under and trying to latch his claws onto her wing as she flew by. Maybe that would hinder her ability to attack him.
As long as the Paragon kept missing, Sageeth at least stood a chance.

All my life, I wish I broke mirrors,
Instead of promises.
'Cause all I see,
Is a shattered concience
Staring right back at me.

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Postby Kyrit » 05/02/2010 3:17 AM

Thunder's Typhoon:

Rolled a 3 - HIT
Typhoon does 12 (8 + 4) total damage!
Typhoon takes 2 damage from Sageeth's Spiked Body.
Sageeth's Diehard is activated.

Silversky's Sageeth:

Rolled a 4 - HIT
Sageeth does 2 (1 + 1) total damage!

Sageeth has -4 Endurance.
Typhoon has 13 Endurance.
Sageeth has been defeated.

Typhoon wins third place.

Well, what could she expect? Most of the rounds hadn't lasted all that long as it was. Why would this one be any different? Maybe, just maaaybe she would get to see something awesome in the final around. That Werebeta did hit quite hard though, so it wasn't looking too great for the Hunter. Everyone stood a chance though. Maybe he'd miss a lot and she'd get a good few hits in on him or something of the like.

"Alright. Well, Typhoon will be taking home the third place prize of 25 eggpoints." the Tonji Kuhna muttered, pacing around the arena. "This leads us to the final round of the tournament to determine who will get the grand prize. I need Shrewdberry's Drawser and Arctic Snail's Forza del Male to step up to the arena."
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Postby Jaykobell » 05/02/2010 3:54 AM

Level: 7
Toughness: 14
Exploration: 11
Endurance: 17
Intelligence: 12
Battle Traits: Spiked Body, Great Rend, Great Bite, Diehard

And... here she was. Again. How she had managed to get this far was beyond her. Was it luck? To be honest, yes, most likely. For the most part, it was thanks to luck. Although, this next opponent... well, he'd beaten up his opponent in the blink of an eye. She knew, right from the start, that she didn't stand a chance against him. But she'd been told to hold on and to fight until the end... and.. well, she didn't have much of a choice, did she?

She sat down nervously, her tail twitching from the anxiety. Her eyes flickered from one direction to the next as she waited for that opponent to come in the arena...
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