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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby Mousen » 05/09/2010 4:23 PM

Tweleve farmers in total stood with sythes, pich forks an buning torches ready to burn the whole jungle down is neccasry to find that one wilt florana and make her pay.
Moth gulped and moved acloser to the bright shubbery of the tengel. Casa picked up a small stone and flung it was the nearest farmer. "Oi! You! Cooee! Over here!" She called.
"Casa are you out of your mind?!" Moth exclaimed from her hiding place under a bush.

(Hey, this reminds me of Mouse hunt where thay blow up the house just to find that one mouse >-< It's sorta fuuny.)

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby jobiehanna » 05/12/2010 7:10 PM

JOcelyn felt addrenaline flowing through her viens. The farmer and his allies were approaching quickly, and it was her job to get rid of them. She growled deep in her throat and waited for them to come to her. When they got close to her she would hit them with her stick until they ran in the other direstion. This would be fun!

((It does!  ::3: ))

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby Mousen » 05/13/2010 3:34 PM

Casa smiled as the farmer approoched her she flew round his head he swiped round his sythe she doged it with ease siling to herself she bit he hand, the farmer yelled and clutched he hand, beofre he staggered backwards a few feet and passed out. "My teeth are lined with sedative." She explained to Joycelyn, flying around her beofr returning to the fight, the plants were spiky, and their tendrils were difficult to catch but the plants themselves were ealily chopped down.

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby jobiehanna » 05/24/2010 7:18 PM

Jocelyn proceded to beat the farmers with her stick until they ran away or were knocked out. It wasn't how she was used to fighting, but it was working. Her bright blue hair distracted the farmers quite a bit, and that helped to her advantage. Her friends were helping her out, and she was glad for that. As they fought against the farmers, Jocelyn noticed that they were beginning to fall back.

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby Mousen » 06/26/2010 9:08 AM

Moth sighed in relief, they were starting to win the seemingly impossible task of keeping her life, almost looked possible. Something she had never even considered. She'd always assumed she'd die at the hands of the vicious farmers. Fuse squealed as a farmer flung him into a tree. He looked up at moth who nodded, she slipped past the fight, his twitch seemingly worse then ever. It was better for him to go seek repairs than fight and get even more damaged. Moth ducked as a farmer swung a scythe at her. They didn't really want to fight her friends  but moth in their eyes was a danger to community and must be stopped.

Moth gasped she hadn't seen it coming until it was far too late. Her wing had been caught a well thrown pen knife. She was pinned against a tree, if she struggled she'd tear her delicate wings even more then they were already. She was trapped.

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby jobiehanna » 07/19/2010 5:55 PM

Jocelyn fought against the farmers. None of them were seasoned warriors, but their adrenaline rush was really taking effect in their fighting skills. And they just kept coming.
She saw a break in the farmers. It was her chance to get back together with the others. She ducked and ran, arms covering her head. As she was running, she saw a pen knife flying through the air. She followed its path until it struck the tree. She turned to look for the thrower of the pen knife. He was aiming another knife toward Moth. Jocelyn gasped and ran toward her friend. "Moth, look out!" she shouted.  But it was too late. The pen knife struck her and stuck her to a tree.
Jocelyn ran for it. The pen-knife thrower seemed out of ammo, or she hoped he was out of ammo. She reached Moth and saw that she really was stuck. "Let me help you," she said loudly above the ruckus. She grabbed the pen knife. It was stuck deep in the tree. She yanked on it, finally pulling it free. She hoped she didn't hurt Moth. "Let's get out of here," she whispered to her friend. Jocelyn went back to her draculi form. She could run much faster with four legs. "Hop on my back," she said before running away from the farmers. They could disappear and regain their energy and heal. Maybe recruit some warriors. They needed a plan. And a hiding place. "Know any hiding places?" Jocelyn said between breaths. She was panting slightly, but she was in really good shape. She could keep this up for a little while, though she would need a break soon.

((Sorry for the long wait. My muse kinda died there for a while.  :oops: ))

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby Mousen » 07/19/2010 6:04 PM

(We'll bring it to a close soon ^.^ I think~)

Moth smiled her eyes lighting up in thanks. By the looks of it the farmers were running out of puff. They were old, but their moment of madness wasn't over yet. They didn't intend to hurt Jocelyn. They just wanted Moth of their crops and away from any other plants. So to them dead was the best way to achieve that. Moth gasped for breath, her wing seemed to be okay, but it still stung. "Deeper into the forest" She panted. There was five maybe six farmers left from the 15 that had first gone agaist Moth. Many of those had been young farm hands. Easy enough. The ones left seemed to be the biggest most burly farmers. It wasn't looking to good.

(Fail and the wait's fine ^.~)

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby jobiehanna » 07/19/2010 6:09 PM

Jocelyn continued to run through the forest. The lower bushes slapped at her face and body. Some of them stung, but she kept running. They had to get away. As she ran the bushes became more scare and the trees more plentiful. It was odd. There were still bushes and lower plant life, but not as much as before.

((Okay :)))

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby Mousen » 07/19/2010 6:24 PM

Moth flew, a great deal slower than Jocelyn ran, but never the less, she managed to keep up all the same. Her winds were slow and flappy not like the streamlined dragonflies she usually saw around here. The plants that were affected by her... oddness were becoming less and less. Obviously since their was more trees an less light. Moth wasn't sure if it was a good or bad thing as she ran. She could almost here the sickening crash of dying plant life as she was sure the farmers must be chasing her. Though She could only hear her own rapid breathing and the sound of Jocelyn's footsteps. It was all too quiet.

(Casa has left the rp. (She got lost :P)

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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby jobiehanna » 07/19/2010 6:30 PM

It was really quiet now. The sound of the farmers was almost completely gone. Jocelyn slowed her pace a bit. She didn't need to go as fast. The farmers couldn't get them now, as the trees blocked the way. She was glad the trees were there, but it was eerily quite. Soon the underbrush was gone. Jocelyn stopped and looked around her. They were in a clearing surrounded by trees. The middle was nothing but dirt. "What is this place?" she asked Moth.  

And I was runnin' far away
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Re: Wilt florana's are a vital part of the ecology.

Postby Mousen » 08/12/2010 3:49 PM

"I have no idea." She replied. Sounding most surprised by the strange place; she could see no scorch marks or ash were their may have been a fire. Nor could she see any other reason  for the round clearing that was unnatural in it's perfection. "This doesn't seem quite right." She stated the obvious, yet again. Moth was nervous to say the least and even though only a few farmers remained they could be the end of her.

(Heh; this rp was from so long ago xD)

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