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Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 05/22/2010 4:04 PM

Image Stitches

"You poor dears! How unfortuante! Lost his mother, both of you sick. I can't go away after hearing something like this!" The woman bent down to the two kitties.
"Ma'am, I apreciate it but, I can't take this off you."[/color
]"Don't be silly. You're probably just as sick as your nefew, get both yourselves to Medica and get see a expert." The woman ordered with a soft smile before walking away, leaving a large bag of kestones on the ground next to the Duo.

She was gone a fair didstance before Doomsberry started to speak. [color=#BF0080]"Hey, Uncle Stitch, were gonna be rich, she soo fell for that you were amazing, even I was worried about you and I've seen the routeen like ten billion times!"
The Baby doom kitty exclaime bouncing up and down happily.
"First off, don't call me uncle, right kid? second-"
"But Stitch-" Doomsberry's eyes started to water.
"Secondly, we need to put some of those key stones away incase you do get sick, a fine mess we'd be in then. And thirdly you didn't do so bad yourself Doomsberry." That was asclose as the little kitten would ever get to a compliment, though no need to menion the fact that his look of concern for young Doomsberry had been real for a moment. That kid was going to go far.
"You mean it Stitches? For real?" Doom asked, his eyes as wide as sorcers.
Sttitches just rolled his eyes, which meant yes.

They padded along th roof tops with suprising agiloty for creatures, on first glnce that didn't appear to have legs.
"I'm bored." Doomsberry whined, eyeing his mentor expectanly.
"Yeah, yeah, let's keep it moving kid ." Stitch yawned widley. "We gotta find a place to sleep by sundown."
Doomsberry pouted but kept on walking.
"Allright kid. Sit down and I'll see what havoc I can cause, just give me a minute..."

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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Draco » 05/22/2010 9:50 PM

Name: Spade

A dangerous look crossed over Spade's face as he watched the exchange. That was his sucker. This was his territory. The doomkitten and his sidekick had intruded for the last time. Revenge would be his. Sweet, sweet revenge. He cackled on the inside as he leaped back ten feet, landing five feet up a wall, which he then pushed off of. He landed on top of a tall apartment building. Hopping along, he crossed the roof in two jumps. He leaped across a wide open space between buildings with silent ease. When he saw them in the distance, Spade disappeared down between two buildings, claws catching onto a window seal. Ears flattened against his head, the sabbit peered over the edge and checked the surroundings. The building was still under construction. There was a crane, abandoned for the day, and a wooden water tower. If the right chain of events happened, it could be disastrous. Or, more likely, the wrong chain of events.
A few moments later, Spade had chewed through a rope. The sandbag ballast dropped to the floor, and the thing it was holding steady went straight up. The thing it was holding steady happened to be a bucket of pink paint. Incredibly hard to get out of fur, but that wasn't really the plan. The bucket went up and over the hinge, and paint flew at the cats. He didn't stick around to see whether or not it hit. Wasn't vital, anyhow.
Now for phase two.
The bucket continued without the paint, slingshoting around the hinge and hitting a precariously perched wooden plank. The plank flipped through the air end over end, straight through the crane window, and hitting the start lever. Slowly, but picking up speed, the big sharp hook at the end of the crane chord swung through the air. It went over the cats, and collided with the water tower, hooking into the wood and ripping a side off of it. The water flooded out across the roof, intent of washing everything away.

Ah, what a simple rope could do. Spade snickered, and hopped through the wooden beams in the interior. He leaped out of the building just before the water cascade over the edge. He noticed that the crane had continued, and pierced into the water tower that sat on the building across the street. This one it took straight off the roof, sending it crashing down... right on top of someone's car. Oops. Oh well, he could blame it on the cats.
The crane finally stopped as the hook was embedded into a wall.

((That was fun to write.))
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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 05/23/2010 6:59 AM

Stitches let out a yowl of fury as the paint splattered his fur, miracululously, he had managed to shield the babydoom kitty who was now looking very much bewildered. The now paint splattered splotted stiches grabbed the small cat in his mouth before flinging him onto a roof, about ten feet away. Then the water came.

"Uncle Stitches?" Doomsberry asked, now on the ground, he padded through the wreckage, nerously as though afraid of what he might find. "Stitches!" He cried, now terribl afraid of what might lie under the wreckage of the splintered peieces of wood and upturned garbage cans.
"Here." Coughed a very downtrodden voice from behind him. Pain splattered, blood soaked, puffy eyed, crooked tailed but still Stitches.
"Stitches!" The kit yelled flinging himself at the unforutnate cat.
"OW! OW!Gerrof!"Stithches yelled, jumoing away from the affectionate Doomsberry. "I hate that Sabbit. I know it was him." He spat.
"Well it's the old sabbit/cat rivarly it's in your blood." Doom reasoned.
"Most of my blood is on the ground." which was true as Stitches seemd to be leaving a blood-paitn trail where ever he went, even the paint on him was covered in blood, it so it had fadened into a sickly red colour.

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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Draco » 05/23/2010 7:47 PM

Spade cackled from the cover of an alley, ready to run if they attacks. He wasn't much of a direct fighter. "Now, how's about you leave my territory? We wouldn't want any more accidents, would we?" Spade said, a vicious gleam to his eyes. "The next time it could be more than just a few scrapes and bruises. The next time it could be deadly."

Spade was experienced at running off intruders. Most of them weren't as lucky as theses cats. Many of them were dead. But he made a point of warning them before resorted to assassinations They just seemed to make a point of ignoring him until it was too late.
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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 05/24/2010 4:21 PM

Doomsberry tried to launch himself at the alley the sinister voice came from. Stitches, just grabbed the kits collar and flung him behind him in one movement, being a doomkitty Doom landed the right way up. He stuck his nose in the air as what he percieve to be a couldn't care less face. In truth he looked ore cute than uncaring.
"I don't think so Bugs. Isn't Elmer Fudd looking for you? It's wabbit season after all." Stitches put on a corny fake american accent, cleaning his claws idly. "You know, I heard sabbit's tasted real good in a pie." He mused to himself.

Doomsberry sat on the roof  his tail swinging back and fourth in anxiety, he was worried, he wouldn't admit it but he was worried. A bucket sat placed just out of Doomberries reach. He eyed it for a moment, before tipping it over the edge with his paw.

Stitches had a pretty good idea of when to run. Now was one of those times, he climed up the earest drainpipe an onto the roof where Dooms was, they ran, jumping roofs in almost complete co-ordination. The slowed down a good ten-fifteen minutes after they started running. "What was in that bucket anyway?" He asked somewhat hopefully.
"All I'm saying it that it wasn't water."
Stitched pulled a face and didn't question the matter further.

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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Draco » 05/24/2010 9:40 PM

Spade sighed as he leaped out of range of the bucket. Sabbits naturally had good reaction time. He leaped up onto the roof, debating whether or not to give chase. He decided not to give chase, and instead send on of his 'tax collectors' after them.  He had tried to teach them a lesson, but they wouldn't get another chance to learn it. He hopped out of the alley, onto a painting rig with the first bound, the roof with the second. He bolted to the edge and leaped, clearing the gap easily. He went a total of fifteen houses over using this method, and one across the street where he had to use the makeshift bridge made by the crane chord.
He ran down the gutter of the house he was standing on, and landed right on the doorstep. It was a nice apartment for the slums, but it wasn't where the 'tax collector' 'lived'.* The place he was staying at was an alley by the nice apartment. Spade crept over to the alley and looked around. He saw a large black and green shape appear from the shade, which grinned toothily.
Image Venom Hydrolisk

"And what can I do for you today?" Venom asked, smirking.

*The reason for the 'quotation' marks around tax collector is that he was merely someone who would do just about anything for money. The reason for the 'quotes' around the word lived was that he never stayed in one place for too long. Finally, the reason for the 'quotation' marks around quote is that they aren't quotation marks, but the author of this has temporarily forgotten what they are called.
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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 05/25/2010 6:58 PM

Doomsberry laid asleep, under a carboard box. Sitched however stood awake, he didn't feel safe sleeping even if it was a locked warehouse in the middle of town. He had managed to sneak in before the security guard locked up. He was glad of a safe place to sleep. It wasn't as though he were terrified, even the thought of death didn't worry him too much. It was Doomsberry, the small sleeping kit, who was using his tail as a pillow, and quite possibly drooling on him.

Stitches had considered many things, such as sending the kit to Jawan or even Medica, but that would look like giving up, somehing he wasn't ready to do... Even if the odds were stacked agaisnt him.

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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Draco » 05/26/2010 3:32 PM

The security guard was on his usual patrol. He didn't know what he was protecting, or why he was protecting it. He just knew that he was protecting it, and he was getting paid to do it. He also didn't know what had hit him, or why he was suddenly lying on the floor with fading consciousness.

Venom dropped down from the ledge above the door, and let the steel pipe clatter to the floor. He lifted his foot and planted it firmly on the locked door. Wooden, not too sturdy. He lashed out, and it flew inwards. His powerful tail swished from side to side along the concrete floor. His eyes gleamed. This would be fun. He walked into the warehouse. Crates were stacked as far as the eye could see. Which, due to minimal lighting, wasn't too far. He lifted his nose and sniffed the air. He couldn't see them, but he could smell them. He leaped into the air, catching onto the towering crate stacks. He began to climb, and kept going till he reached the top. He scanned the area from his new vantage points. He could see the cats from here.
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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 05/27/2010 6:26 PM

Stitches had been planning this all night. He had been waiting for it, going over every little detail in his head until it was almost flawless. Out of the many warehouses he could of chosen to hide in, he had chosen this one. It was an unexceptional warehouse, but it was what contained would make it exceptional.

Stitched grabbed Doomsberrys collar, and he ran, kicking the particular crate stack, it tumbled, onto all the others, they acted like domino's hitting each other making the air thick with splinters and dust. One stack contained boxes of fully grown ttees they escaped showering the floor with lithe wriggle things, the final stack toppled, it hit the warehouse's rusty corrugated it want right through knocking into the other ware house's wall, and the next and the next. Somewhere in the middle of the line of where houses an explosion knocked out the windows, the flames jumped form warehouse to warehouse easily, engulfing the whole thing in flames.
The ttees thankfully had escaped, finally enjoying the taste of freedom. In the chaos Stitches and doomsberry had managed to escape thy now watched the burning buildings with mild interest, beofre the scampered of into the inky blackness.

We’re all hysterical & going nowhere together.

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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Draco » 05/29/2010 4:51 PM

Venom growled. The cats were clever. His stack was falling, he had to get out. He leaped from it, landing on the next. It was knocked out from underneath, the crates separating from each other. He crouched low and leaped off, claws catching onto the next crate, which he swung off of. The crate spun through the air, into the chaos behind. Venom lashed out with his tail, smashing a crate hurtling towards him. He was showered in splinters and towels. he kicked off the next crate, going in a vertical slant. The amphibious assassin caught a metal girder in a clawed hand and swung himself upwards, lashing out with his foot at the skylight. It shattered, glittering like a thousand brilliant candles. He landed on the concrete roof of the building, and made a mad dash for the edge. The roof gave out below him as the building itself began to crumble, and Venom fell into the darkness below as the explosion hit.  A fiery inferno engulfed him as he gave a furious roar.
About thirty minutes later, when the dust had cleared, all that was left of the warehouse chain was a few piles of rubble and a few thousand Ttees. Nothing could have lived through that... right? One of the piles of rubble twitched. If you are familiar with concrete and girders, you know they don't twitch. A large piece of concrete began to move, and was flipped over. It began to roll down the pile of ruble, crushing a car below that had miraculously survived up until this point. A large black shape rose out of it like an avenging angel... or demon as the case may be. Its eyes were filled to bursting with hatred, a feeling of death surrounding the charred body. He stepped put one foot on a girder, and rose his head to he sky. He roared, proclaiming he would hunt them down. he would hunt them down and he would kill him. Because now, now it wasn't business.

Now it was personal.

((Hm.... He may be a tad angry.))
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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 05/30/2010 8:04 AM


"That was amazing Stitches!" The little kit ewxcalime sporting a ugly looking ttee, bu the name of crimble.
"It wasn't! That hydrosilisk is probably dead right now and if it's alive..." Sitched shuddered at the very thought. "We're going to have to get you to medica or-"
"No way! I wanna stay here with you!" Doomsberry exclaimed.
"It's too dangerous." Stitches said, flatly.
"But- But- Uncle Stitches!" The kit cried, tears welling up.
"Shush! I'll see what the sabbit's next move is, with his freind rotting in hell and all. Then I'll see what we're going to do with you." Stitches reasoned.
Doomsberry nodded privatly thinking that he could A. Take care of himself and B. That he was a damn site faster than Stitches. But that wouldn't matter, not unless there was a venomous hydosilisk on thier tail...

Grey walls bar's on the window. It was a lab, yes.Bit it wasn't an upmarket lab, such as Eins, no way. This lab was a lower class lab, their method brutal and unrefined, second or even third class machinery stood in the dark rooms, they took whatever job the could to survive. Their lastest might be the mosr brutal yet.

(If you have a better plot plan I'll edit and delete that last part. ^.^)

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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Draco » 06/13/2010 2:49 AM

((What kind of experiment are we talking

Venom hit the ground running, straight at a building. He leaped, claws catching onto the roof. Swinging himself up, the enormous hydrolisk sniffed the air. A distinct smell of cats. He grinned toothily, and set off after them.

Spade watched intently from the shadows, and had to admit that the cat's trap was well set. He watched as Venom crawl out of the wreckage. The Sabbit was happy about this, as he had payed to hydrolisk in advanced. Leaped from the rooftop to one closer to the action, he refrained from being distracted by the blind elderly man down below*.

Venom landed on the rooftop of the cats, making no attempt to hide his presence. The roof almost caved in below him, as his bloodshot eyes honed in on the prey. "Any final words? No? Good, I'm not much of a talker." With that, he leaped, jaws agape and claws ready.

*Which was just as well, since the man was carrying a rather large shotgun, and was a hell of a shot.
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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 06/13/2010 12:57 PM

Stitches was to say the least surprised. He swore, extremely loudly and pushed Doomsberry off the roof. Yes off it, the kit landed on al fours before scampering into the blackness, very much concerned with saving his own pelt. His mentor forgotten in a moment of self preservation.

Stitches let out a yowl of pain as his tail caught between the hydosilisk's teeth, this was the end now there was no way in hell he was going to get out of this one. Not alive anyway.
"Can we think this over please? I mean how much is Bugs paying you? Back at the warehouse it's just business, right? Nothing personal?" He let out a whine as the claws pierced his shoulder. He was loosing and that was very, very bad. "Wait! I'll tell you were I hid every last penny of the money I conned, if you promise not to touch the kit!" There was no doubt in Stitches' mind he was going to die today. He may aswell try to save Doomsberry, hopefully he'd know that fighting back wasn't an option and he'd flee to which ever city was furthest away.

(I was hoping you'd come up with that...>D Don't you have all the fantastic ideas? I had an idea, but I lost it. Something very painful, ethically wrong and will end up in certain death?)

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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Draco » 06/14/2010 12:08 AM

((You know, in my first two stories with Venom, he was an experiment that broke out, and being hunted. This would explain why he moved a lot, his rapid healing, and his size.))

Venom stopped for a second, pondering the offer. How much money did the cats have? More than he was getting paid to do this, no doubt.

"I'll take that offer." Spade said, smirking. He had nothing against the kitten, and this way he wouldn't have to go look for it. Win win. He was a bit taken aback when Venom growled. "No, I think I'll take that offer." He retorted, grabbing the cat by the tail and charging at Spade. Spade leaped high in the air, over Venom. Almost. The hydrolisk grabbed him by the ears, holding him next to Stitches. He lashed out with his powerful hind legs, to no effect.

"How about this," Venom mused, "You tell me where both of your stashes are hidden, and you live."
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Re: Oh look... A doomkitty. [P, Draco.]

Postby Mousen » 06/14/2010 11:42 AM

Doomsberry pressed himself against the brick of a building. His breathing fast and erratic. It was useless, every plan he came up with, nothing would work, nothing that would keep both him and Stitches alive anyway. His eyes darted around, looking for something, anything, and escape, some inspiration, anything that might save his adoptive uncle.

Stitches in the meanwhile was taking inventory of his life, it had been short, too short, but it had been fairly happy,ish. He's enjoyed conning people, and giving Doomsberry a helping paw. That sort of thing.  

"That sounds fair. Why don't you get Bugs to go first. He's the most tricksy, he's planning an escape I can tell."


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