A very strange place indeed, this Shrine to the Holy Triumvirate is nestled within the icy peaks of the Fe'gan Mountains. You will find the warmth of spirituality here, together with works of great sculptural design based on the Holy Triumvirate religion. (+2 Fame)

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Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Flowza » 05/30/2010 12:12 AM

Image Aqua AlbieImage

вода pranced along the snow, a smile spread across as she lept in and out.  She never was quite fond of cold but who could resist a powdery substance that you could leap into without a care in the world?  Defiantly not a rambunctious, energetic, yet artistic young girl such as вода.  She had gone looking for adventure (and perhaps a little danger in the process) in search of a good time. She had no direction whatsoever but that was вода's philosophy of life.  Of course, she knew it was a very stupid idea to come to a freezing place but she wasn't really the planner type.  She had heard many stories about this area and something about a shrine, and creatures? Anyways, it sounded interesting enough. Of course, right then when she was having a wonderful time a anxiety feeling knotted in her albie stomach.  For the last couple of days вода had successfully resist the familiar pet peeve but there it was, the circumstances of loneliness haunted her and started to eat away at all the happy feelings that had filled her up only a moment before.    She despised being alone.  She sat down inhaling deep breathes of the crisp air, shivering as the cold wind blew all around her...
You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting a suburban war
your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored

We were already, already bored
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm movin' past the feeling

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Firetra » 05/30/2010 2:20 PM


After tring to find some rare mountain herbs, Gl'ac'ta sat down in the snow. His fur prevented the cold bite of the snow, but he was still cold. The herb he was looking for was a tipical medical herb. Except it could treat anything from a broken bone, to kidney failure, and even possibly (if  made right) cure a premature death ( killed before age 70). It was called a snowcloud because it blened in with the snow. He had searched for three days with all types of different spells and a magic telescope. But still nothing. This was Gl'ac'ta's last chance to find it before dark. He combed the mountain side for a hour before he came to certain site. It was a Aqua Albie lying in the snow! He quickly walked/glided to it from a ledge. Hi there! Whats a creature of the water doing out here in the snow?

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Flowza » 06/02/2010 8:51 PM

вода felt her heart jump as she heard a real live voice.  She looked up at the little creature in front of her and being вода and all, she gave her biggest and brightest smile.  He was kind enough after all to even ask why she was there in the first place. Well snow does turn into water... and vice versa too! ,she giggled.  Actually to be honest, which she always was, I'm here because of the many stories I've heard.  Something about a Shrine and creatures that you can find?  Anyways, since I looooovvveee adventuring I thought maybe I would travel up to this neck of the woods.. well technically its this neck of the mountians of snow but whatever!  She kept smiling at the creature, oblivious to how ridiculous her story sounded.  Then she cocked her head to the side and without any caution of privacy or politness she curiously questioned "Why are you here?"
You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting a suburban war
your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored

We were already, already bored
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm movin' past the feeling

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Firetra » 06/03/2010 8:42 AM

Oh I was roaming this area looking for this rare plant to use in some of my medicine. Although now I've walked all around this area and can not find it. I realy now think that its in the shrine. He then started to sit down.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Flowza » 06/03/2010 4:05 PM

вода gasped with exctitment.  Oh goody! Hes going to the Shrine too! Maybe he'll come with me!, she contenplated.  Since he could be the end to all her traveling with lonliness she decided to intoduce herself,I'm вода!, she exlaimed and of course without any hesitation she asked, What's your name?
You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting a suburban war
your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored

We were already, already bored
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm movin' past the feeling

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Firetra » 06/04/2010 9:02 AM

Oh my name is Gl'ac'ta. I have no special nickname or whatever just Gl'ac'ta. He then walked over to the entrance of a huge doorway. So you ready to go in or what?

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Flowza » 06/04/2010 4:22 PM

вода was pleased.  Gl'ac'ta ready for the adventure and so was she.  "Ready? Of course I am, thats why I'm here!" she joked.  She looked at the large wooden and marble door and stepped inside.   Hey, its kinda like a church in here! , вода marveled at the tall ceiling above her, studying the symbols imprinted on it.  вода perked her ears as she heard the soft humming chant only feet away.  She looked around her at the brown robed monks, realizing she was starring, вода hung her head.  It was rude to stare at strangers wasn't it?  At least thats what she was taught, one of the few polite things she knows about.  вода suddenly saw the most amazing stuctures of all in that church-like building.  There were three grand marble statues.  The one on the left was something holding a chalice with a scorpion at it's foot.  вода shivered at the thought.  In front of her was another figure type holding a stone lantern and a stone sphere in the other hand.  This confused вода but she just looked at the statue on the right.  It was another figure holding a mask with a hyena at it's feet.  Well this is just odd...  Beside the odd structures were three different hallways leading into darkness.  вода smiled at the mysterious of all this.   Which one she we go down? , she asked Gl'ac'ta.

(note: I got all this from the Shrine's Official Description  :P  )
You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting a suburban war
your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored

We were already, already bored
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm movin' past the feeling

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Firetra » 06/05/2010 10:22 AM

Lets go to the one in the center. The orb shows that he is a mage and it is possible that my plant may be down that hall thincking scince some mages were druids. He then began to walk down the hall . But when he got in there it was starting to get colder like it was outside. Then a few steps latter he found out why. In front of him was a terrarium. And probably in there some where was his plant. Wow!

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Flowza » 06/05/2010 3:27 PM

вода frowned in confusion.  During her travels she had heard rumors that the shrine had rooms filled with candles and one or twice she had heard that there was a room made of stone that was creepy cold but never had she heard about a plant room.  She stared at the terrarium, wondering what kind of purpose it could have in this church like place.  Well this is quite interesting, she commented.  водa wasn't the type of girl who would have patience for such a dull thing (in her opinion) but this thing was questionable.   So what kind of medicine are you making to find this special plant? , she asked, turning at Gl'ac'ta.

You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting a suburban war
your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored

We were already, already bored
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm movin' past the feeling

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Firetra » 06/16/2010 10:56 PM

Oh! the plant that im looking for is a very rare plant. It suppose to heal lots of ailments and things in that nature. One of my freinds is sick so this is what im going to do for him by makeing him a healing potion. He then started to walk around the green room to find the plant. The plant that im looking for is snow white and is a bit fuzzy on the leaves.

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Flowza » 06/20/2010 10:19 AM

вода pranced around the room looking at all the colorful plants, and of course, ignoring the plain ones.  She smelt every flower she could find, either using reactions of wrinkling her nose or smiling at the smells.  She saw Gl'ac'ta concentrating hard on finding his plant.  Maybe she should help him? He did come here afterall for his poor friend so it would only be right to do so.  She looked around the room, her eyes searching for a white plant?  She thought thats what it was (her memory isn't so good because of her attention span).  Out of the corner of her eye she spotted a red flower bed in the far corner of the room.  Placed in the middle was a white plant, as white as snow.  The red flowers were five feet squared seemed to give off a warning but to вода this only drew his attention more.  She pranced over and sniffed the flowers out of curiousity and immediatly wrinkled her nose.  "Gross!" , she yelled, not really caring about who could hear her.  She drew her eyes back to the white plant and called over Gl'ac'ta, "Hey! Look at this! I think its that plant your looking for!" She took at step into the flowers when she noticed there was no firm ground beneath it, just dirt.  It was too late now though because вода was falling into a black hole, screaming, and as far as she could see (which she couldn't) there was not bottom.

**edit: taking вода out
You always seemed so sure
That one day we'd be fighting a suburban war
your part of town against mine
I saw you standing on the opposite shore
But by the time the first bombs fell
We were already bored

We were already, already bored
Sometimes I can't believe it
I'm movin' past the feeling

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Firetra » 07/04/2010 9:28 PM

Great. A pit fall trap. He first studied it then he lept in. He narrowed himself and  shot strait down. He soon caught up with Boaa and caught hold of her. He then chanted some word Comand of decent and he then flung some powder in the air and their valocity slowed down increasingly. They then soon touched ground and He shook his fur down flat. Well that was fun wasn't it?

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Jaden Wolf » 07/09/2010 3:03 PM

((Is it not too late to join?))


Hearing a scream come from the terrarium, Krystsal stepped into the room. The scream seemed to come from the direction of the Hovering Poppies. Oh dear. Stepping softly in her human form, she quickly came upon the red flowers. Seeing a hole in the network of roots that held the flowers up, Krystal sighed. Hopefully this one didn't get hurt. They should really think of putting a sign up. She made a mental note to talk to the head Healer about it. Walking along her left, she came upon an intricately designed stone panel on the floor with a hand indent on it. Placing her hand on it, she shifted to her Slynx form as she panel slid back into the one behind it, revealing a stone staircase below it. Picking up a lit torch nearby (it had a handle on its side meant to be held by the mouth, she decended the steps quietly. Reaching the ground, she placed the torch in a holder and called into the darkness beyond the flickering flame-light.
"Hello, whoever is down here! Are you alright?"
Then muttered to herself, "Why did we put the Hovering Poppies above this corridor anyway? This place needs serious reorganizing.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Firetra » 08/05/2010 2:47 PM

Over here! he called at the top of his lungs. He then spoke.Light Then a ball of light appeared in front of him. Just follow the light we are right here!

Because I could not stop for Death,
He kindly stopped for me;
The carriage held but ourselves
And Immortality

- Emily Dickinson

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Re: Danger... what a perfect way to live by life {an open hunt}

Postby Jaden Wolf » 08/09/2010 6:32 PM

Stepping towards the light a short distance ahead of her, Krystal soon saw a patch of green fur.
"Are you alright? That was quite a fall. The exit's over here."
She smiled, not really seeing who it was she was speaking to. Then she recognized the words that were spoken not long before.
"That word you said just now, light...it's magic? I know that language, but I don't know how...do you know what it is?"
The slynx tilted her head, curious, the previous event forgotten momentarily.
You can pretend that when you hear my voice, darling, it's your choice not to fall in.

But it's all an act, 'cause I know exactly what you're wanting. You know it's what I'm wanting

Boy I know what you desire, oh, you're such a bad, bad liar

This could be perfection, or venom dripping in your mouth

Singing like a Siren, love me while your wrists are bound

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