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The House

Postby Kodai » 06/15/2008 3:48 PM

Hence nothing remains
for our

-The Judge
Special Ending, "off"

Image Kuhna License E Class: 19
Image Lucain License E Class: 17
Image Paragon License E Class: 10
ImageSoveris License E Class: 0

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RP Records

Postby Kodai » 06/15/2008 3:48 PM


[404] (The Breeding Area) - Cunha, Jinx
KR1: Aodh & Mynol [Kodai/Shrewd] (The Breeding Area) - Aodh
KR 2: Hannes & Evander [Shrewd/Kodai] (The Breeding Area) - Evander
KR2: Evander & Hannes [Kodai/Shrewd] (The Breeding Area) - Evander
Kuhna Room One: Rejet and Mordem [Toxic and Kodai] (The Breeding Area) - Mordem
[404] (The Breeding Area) - YK

[404] (The Breeding Area) - Hakei
Lucain Room 1: Sekas and Rynn (Kodai/Draiz) (The Breeding Area) - Sekas
Lucain Room 3: Lord Baal and Krew (Baal/Kodai) (The Breeding Area) - Krew
Lucain Room 4: Anthanaric/Kette [Shrewd/Kodai] (The Breeding Area) - Kette
LR1: Anthanaric/Kette [Shrewd/Kodai] (The Breeding Area) - Kette

Paragon Room 1: Kuruijini and Deadpool (Kodai/Kallile) (The Breeding Area) - Kuruijini
Paragon Room 1: Nacht x Kuruijini (Thunder and Kodai) (The Breeding Area) - Kratzer, Kuruijini
PR2: Silv & Lii'mak [Shrewd/Kodai] (The Breeding Area) - Lii'mak
PR: Kuruijini x Mitternacht [M: L, S?][Talcen/Kodai] (The Breeding Area) - Kratzer, Kuruijini


Slot 1: Shieba and Kodai (Terrace Park) - Catarina
Slot 1: Shieba and Kodai (Terrace Park) - Catarina
Slot 3: Shieba and Kodai (Whisper Forest) (Whisper Forest) - Kami
Slot 1: Shieba and Kodai (Whisper Forest) (Whisper Forest) - Kami


Round 1-3: Leader vs. Sedimus (Kodai vs. Talcen) (Spring Tournaments) - Leader
Round 2-2: Navvi Ione vs Leader (Kitsumi//Kodai) (Spring Tournaments) - Leader
Round 3-Volfax vs. Leader (Jackie125/Kodai) (Spring Tournaments) - Leader
Round 4: Leader vs Mira Mizaki (Kodai vs Thunder) (Spring Tournaments) - Leader
Round 5-2: Ares vs. Leader [Jobie/Kodai] (Spring Tournaments) - Leader
Round 6-1: Leader vs. Tennessee (Kodai vs. Millie) (Spring Tournaments) - Leader
Round 7-4: Chaotic vs Leader (Shieba/Kodai) (Spring Tournaments) - Leader

Round 1-2: Kaamil vs. Cassus (Kodai/Toxxic) (Winter Tournaments) - Kaamil
Round 2-1: Yelizaveta vs. Kaamil (Winter Tournaments) - Kaamil
Round 3-4: Morwena vs. Kaamil [Shieba/Kodai] (Winter Tournaments) - Kaamil
Round 4: Volfax vs. Kaamil [jackie125 vs. Kodai] (Winter Tournaments) - Kaamil
Round 5: Shawn vs. Kaamil [Gray/Kodai] (Winter Tournaments) - Kaamil
Round 6-4: Kaamil vs. Sedimus (Kodai/Talcen) (Winter Tournaments) - Kaamil
Round 7: Adey vs Kaamil (Thunder and Kodai) (Winter Tournaments) - Kaamil
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The Main Hall

Postby Kodai » 06/15/2008 3:49 PM

.:The Permanently Temporary Master of the House:.

Name: The Baron
Baron, the White Rabbit
/The Bah-rohn / The Whyt Ra-bit/

Species: Custom Diosol
Level 3.4
AP 10
Size S
Diet Herbivore/Mentivore
Element(s) Light
Strength: 11
Endurance: 13
Intelligence: 13
Willpower: 18
Agility: 5
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Dodge
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Create Illusion, Naturally Magical
Personality - Adaptable, Charismatic, Focused, Inner Discipline, Intellectual, Mischievous, Perceptive, Polygraph, Recognize Impostor, Smooth Talker
Physical - Aerodynamic, Dash, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Graceful, Human Form, Human Speech, Keen Hearing
Social - --

Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human, Quad
Text e38073
Out of the shop, in to the city. (Lamenolai)
Runaway (Private, PG-13?) (Whisper Forest)
[*Magic is Science [P/L] (Town of Nabias)
Wishes from an Innocent Heart [Kodai/Shieba] [P] (Roraldi Forest)

Perhaps the most mysterious of all those who live at the House, Baron simply arrived on the premises one day and ousted Falssankke from his seat of power, claiming to have direct authority from the Mistress of the House. Several of the residents know to whom he refers, but none can fathom how he knows her or even guess if his claims are true. He does seem to possess knowledge about the residents he otherwise shouldn't, and even certain unannounced guests have found that he welcomes them by name.
// Even Baron himself does not know what his origins are. He does, however, have a connection to the Lady, and that connection is what gives him his unnatural knowledge of all those connected to the House. There are some things that are secret even from him, though… //
Generally he is warm and welcoming, hoping that others will find him enjoyable company. However, he becomes curt when around someone he instinctively dislikes, and will attempt to excuse himself from such a person's presence as quickly and inoffensively as possible. He is also quite capable of being serious when the need arises (generally in matters of the House). Regardless of whose company he is in, he may say somewhat unusual or confusing things…
No one has ever seen Baron in his quad form. His humanoid form is completely human (hands, feet, no tail) except for his head, which is that of a white rabbit. Because he is never seen without his tuxedo, shoes, gloves, and jabot, no one knows what the rest of his body actually looks like. Some believe that his skin is pure white, while others believe that he doesn't actually have a body at all. That can't possibly be true, though – he feels solid enough…
// Baron does have a quad form that looks like an albino Diosol. This form is only used in extreme emergencies or when he simply feels like existing as a normal rabbit for a time. //
Baron is capable of placing charms and creating illusions, generally in order to either cause the viewer to become compliant or to distract the viewer while he makes his exit, although he may occasionally use them for entertainment purposes as well. The odd things that tend to happen while he is speaking (gravity seeming to reverse itself, proportions becoming distorted, perspectives becoming skewed) are not consciously initiated by him – or so he claims.
// The things that occur while he speaks are indeed not conscious acts. They are due to his strong magical nature and are simply side-effects. //

Arcana --
Zodiac --
White Rabbit - Jefferson Airplane, Surrealistic Pillow
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The Casino

Postby Kodai » 06/15/2008 3:50 PM

.:The Ace of Diamonds:.

Black Jack
Black Jack, BJ
/Blak Jak / Bee Jay/
-Female (XX) Gambler Gallizar-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 13/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 12/100
Fame 1/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Veteran Mind
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Avaricious, Intellectual, Perceptive, Persuasive, Polygraph, Recognize Impostor, Smooth Talker
Physical - Human Form, Prehensile Tail
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 5' 10" / 6' 03"
Length --
Weight 152 lbs. / 305 lbs.

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation Bisexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Form(s) Human, Quad

Although she is not one of the first residents of the House, she has been around longer than Baron, and is not fond of the Diosol in the slightest. Baron has the uncanny ability to see through BJ's intentions, and their personalities tend to clash. However, he allows her to continue to handle all monetary aspects of the House, just as she did under Fals's rule. He also permits her to continue running the casino she built (legally) in the basement.
Depending on the situation, BJ is flirty and vixenish or cold and harsh. Usually she acts in the former manner with casino patrons (or those whom she's trying to get money out of) and the latter is reserved for those who attempt to scam her in turn. Any endeavor involving money is approached seriously.
BJ is most often found in her human form (as the majority of people find that form appealing than her reptilian one). Her hair is silver and kept short, except for the wispy spikes that mimic her quad form's crest. Most interesting are her clothes, which runs the gamut from sleek and professional to provocative to tomboyish.
Aside from knowing a vast array of card tricks, cheating methods, and complex mathematics, BJ does not have any special powers.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Money - Pink Floyd, Dark Side of the Moon

.:The Scheming Joker:.

True Name
-Male (XY) Sabbit-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 12/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Spectral Strike
Normal - Dodge, Outmaneuvered
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Create Illusion, Dispel Illusion
Personality - Malevolent, Smooth Talker
Physical - Dash, Keen Hearing, Leaper
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Chaotic Evil
Form(s) Quad

BJ procured the Sabbit to act as a sort of mascot for her casino. However, it is just as likely to be found there as it is to be found poking its nose in other corners of the House. Baron and the Sabbit seem to have a great distrust in one another, and do their best to avoid the other's company.
The Sabbit is not a particularly sociable creature, biting at anyone who tempts its patience. It is not often seen, however, which is probably to the casino patrons' benefit.
// In truth, the creature is much more malicious and cunning than it lets on, and cares little for the other residents. It is quite content to sit in the shadows and plot, letting the others think whatever they like of it. //
It has the same appearance as any other of its species.
True to its species, the Sabbit can create illusions and charm others. It hasn't used any of these powers yet…
// The Sabbit's powers are so far developed as to be able to kill with its illusions. //

Arcana --
Zodiac --

.:The ?:.

--- (--) Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 13/100
Offense 4/100
Defense 1/100
Precision 1/40
Speed 1/100
Fame 2/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Diehard, Horrific Moan, Resist Death
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Witchlight
Personality - Malevolent
Physical - Padded Paws, Undead
Social - --

Genetics Custom
Generation First
Lineage --
Rental 3
Vastra - 3

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height  --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Dangerous, Deranged Deviant:.

/Koo-roo-ee-jee-nee / Koo-roo/
-Male (XY) Ambia Paragon-

Level 7.2
AP 10
Size H
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 16/100
Offense 12/100
Defense 11/100
Precision 14/40
Speed 14/100
Fame 13/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Aero
Normal - --
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind, Inner Discipline
Physical - Aerodynamic, Graceful, Human Form, Human Speech
Social - --

Marking(s) Belly
Wings --
Tail Fur
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 2
Mitternacht - 1 Ambia male, 1 Windgill female
Old Nago Form 6
Deadpool - 1 Nago, 1 Voidbringer female, 1 Voidbringer male
Nacht - 1 Grim female, 1 Grim male, 1 Nago

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 6'00" / --
Length -- / 25'
Weight 136 lbs. / 283 lbs.

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Form(s) Human, Quad
Text FF0000


Arcana --
Zodiac --
A.D.I.D.A.S. - KoЯn, Life Is Peachy
You Spin Me Round (Like a Record) - Dope, Felons and Revolutionaries
Tomorrow Never Knows - The Beatles, Revolver

.:The Not-As-Bad-As-He-Looks Half-Demon:.

-Male (XY) Barghest-

Level 1.2
AP 10
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 10/100
Offense 4/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 2/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 4/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Dark Heart
Normal - Go Ethereal
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - Disease Immunity
Magic - --
Personality - Malevolent
Physical - Human Form, Human Speech, Iron Reminder
Social - Infernal Blood, Silent Shadow

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Chaotic Good
Form(s) Anthro, Human, Quad
Text [color=#]86C67C[/color]

Kratzer works in BJ's basement casino as the bartender (and enforcer of casino rules, if need be).
// Originally from another plane and born as a half-demon, Kratzer's true purpose is to walk among humans and coerce them into pledging their souls to the demonic army. However, he cares little for this and much prefers to spend his time living the way he wants to on the human plane (his natural plane is far too dismal for him to wish to live there). At one point in his life, he had two great joys in his life – a mortal girlfriend he loved dearly and a son on the way – but these were stripped from him by his sadistic demon mother, who killed the fully pregnant girl while he was out at work. //
Foul-mouthed and blunt, Kratzer isn't afraid to say exactly what he's thinking. He doesn't usually enjoy the company of others, but this may be due to the fact that the bars he frequents don't attract the best people. Kratzer does possess a gentle side, however, and it's not too difficult for most kind-natured women to reach it.
Kratzer's appearance in human form is rather unusual. He has brown shoulder-length hair (usually kept in a short ponytail) that has a small strand springing down in the front, which draws attention to his asymmetrical features. The right side of his face is normal, with a bright yellow eye, but on the left, there is only an empty socket covered with skin and a noticeable scar leading from the edge of his mouth up to his ear. His right arm is also striking, for the majority of the skin (everything but the tips of his fingers and the small area directly connected to his shoulder) is dead, looking and feeling very much like leather. These features carry over to his fox-like demon form and his intermediate anthropomorphic form (in this form, he has no head hair, but his body is covered in a light green fur).
// His mother is responsible for the injuries to his mouth and arm. The half-Glasgow smile and skinned arm were intended to 'teach him a lesson'. When Kratzer gets angry, his eye turns red. //
Even though he drinks like a fish, Kratzer is completely incapable of becoming intoxicated thanks to his demonic heritage. He also has a faster natural healing rate and a lifespan that far surpasses that of most normal creatures.
// Kratzer is about halfway through his life, being roughly 250 years old and having a life expectancy of around 500. //

Arcana --
Zodiac --

.:The Hellpuppy:.

-Male (XY) Venom Shielupe-

Level 1.1
AP 10
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 14/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 4/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 6/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Poison Immunity, Virulent Poison
Normal - Powerful Jaws, Rousing Speech
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - Disease Immunity
Magic - --
Personality - Disciplined, Fearless
Physical - Extended Life Span
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
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The Basement

Postby Kodai » 06/15/2008 3:51 PM

.:The Cake:.

Security and Surveillance System
/Seh-ku-ree-tee and Sur-vay-lans Sihs-tehm / Sas/
-Agender (OO) Velix//Viral Velix-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size T
Diet None
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 11/100 // 11/100
Offense 7/100 // 7/100
Defense 5/100 // 5/100
Precision 4/40 // 4/40
Speed 6/100 // 6/100
Fame 7/40 // 7/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating // Metal Plating
Normal - Extended Claws // Extended Claws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Intellectual, Perceptive // Chaotic Mind, Malevolent
Physical - Automaton, Voice Box // Automaton, Voice Box
Social - Grid (EII, Turret) // Grid (EII, Turret)

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral // Chaotic Evil
Form(s) Quad

Originally installed as an anti-theft/anti-cheating device for BJ's casino, SaSS seems to have taken over as an internal security system for the entire House (leaving Gar to take care of the grounds). Because of its original use, it is generally found in the lower levels of the House.
SaSS has a very logical personality, due to being a computer. It speaks in a cool, feminine voice. Occasionally it says some rather sarcastic things, which is odd.
// SaSS is actually self-aware and has its own personality, which is cold and even cruel. So far she is content to perform her experiments on those that become lost within her halls, but she is wary of the residents that regularly interact with her. She does her best to hide her true nature. //
It appears as a normal Velix. Some rumors say that, if SaSS's programming fails, it takes on an entirely different appearance… but these are just rumors.
// These rumors are true. If she were to ever give up the façade and reveal her true nature, she would appear as a Viral Velix. //
SaSS has no special abilities other than being able to know what is going on in any part of the House at any given time.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
You Know Her? - Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory, Portal 2: Songs to Test By – Volume 1
Don't Do It - Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory, Portal 2: Songs to Test By – Volume 2
You Can't Escape, You Know - Valve, The Orange Box (Original Soundtrack)

.:The Heat of 4000 Degrees Kelvin:.

Emergency Intelligence Incinerator
/E-mer-jen-see In-tel-ih-jens In-sih-neh-ray-tor / E/
-Agender (OO) Destructo Velix-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size T
Diet None
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 11/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 4/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 7/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating
Normal - Extended Claws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Automaton, Voice Box
Social - Grid (SaSS)

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Agender
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral
Form(s) Quad

EII is used by SaSS to dispose of anything that it deems a threat – though whether this means a threat to the House or a threat to its personal well-being is uncertain.
EII does not have much of a personality, as it is more or less a walking furnace.
It appears to be a normal Destructo Velix.
Other than being able to incinerate anything that can fit in its jaws, EII does not have any special abilities.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
4000 Degrees Kelvin - Valve, The Orange Box (Original Soundtrack)

.:The Noticeable Taste of Blood

Mobile Turret Defense Mechanism
/Moh-bai-uhl Tur-rhet Dee-fehns Mehk-ahn-ih-sm / Tur-rhet/
-Female (XX) Chaotic Mekkayena-

Level 2.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 18/100
Offense 13/100
Defense 8/100
Precision 12/40
Speed 10/100
Fame 2/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating, Powerful Jaws
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind
Physical - Night Vision, Voice Box
Social - Celestial Heritage, Scavenger, Grid (SaSS)

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral
Form(s) Quad
Text c3c0be
Runaway (Private, PG-13?)

Turret is the means by which SaSS enforces the 'security' part of its programming. Any thief caught within the labyrinthine halls of the lower levels is bound to run into this creature sooner or later, with unfortunate consequences.
When SaSS has not activated the efficient, ruthless hunter programming in her system, Turret is actually rather care-free and even silly, offering slobbery kisses instead of rapid-fire death.
Although she has the general appearance of a normal member of her species, Turret has a few modifications, the most notable of which is a completely robotic eye.
She does not have any special abilities other than an array of hidden guns.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
I Saw a Deer Today - Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory, Portal 2: Songs to Test By – Volume 1
You're Not a Good Person - Valve, The Orange Box (Original Soundtrack)

.:The Discarded Animatronic

Bonny Lad
/Bon-nee / Bon-nee Lad/
-Agender (OO) Animatronic Mekkayena-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet None
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 17/100
Offense 12/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 11/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 1/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating, Powerful Jaws
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind
Physical - Night Vision, Voice Box
Social - Celestial Heritage, Scavenger

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Form(s) Quad

An animatronic model of a Mekkayena that was found discarded in the back of a warehouse. After some extensive cleaning and joint repair, it now stands at the entrance to the basement, playing a cute little tune on its ukulele whenever anyone enters.
There's an important note to be made here regarding this machine. Although it may look like a Mekkayena, it is, in fact, an automaton and is not actually a living member of the Mekkayena species. It is completely incapable of movement or speech outside of its programming. If you believe you have seen this animatronic in any other location other than to the right of the door to the basement, you have clearly run afoul of an illusion. If you believe you have been attacked by this animatronic... well, you're no longer here to discuss it, are you?
̸̷͈̘̫̬ͯͩ̉̈́͋ͫ̆̔̏̐ͬͬ̓I̹̮̩̯̟͖̰̼̣͚̣̹̲̼̯̔ͬͬ͋̈́̏͟ͅ ̶̨̢̻̬͖̙̊̂͑͊͆͌ͮ̔͘ ̸̧̬͚̖͈͖͈͇̘͖̫͚͇̞̮͙͍̟́ͨ̐ͥ̈̀ ̶̣̰͔̯̠̦͉̘̖͓̳͈͙͎̼̥͈͆ͣ̅́͘ ̛̱͔̖̱̣̥̦̫̱͈̼̝̦̼̺͎͍̌̎͋ͫ̃̽̚ͅͅ ̵̸̧̢͇͎͙͔̭̦̼̯͚̦͇̭̜͓̮̟ͤͥ̏ͫ̊ͭ̈́̏̄̐̓̑̾̓̏ͩ̎̉̚͟ ͪ̒ͫ̂͡͝͝҉̧͉̼̙̳̮̠̪̪͉̭̩̦̺̦̣̖̲͔̦T̡̗̼̬͖̫̬͚͆ͥ̉͒ͣ͊̃̎ͩ̾ͤͬ͊̏̎ͤ͊̇̀̚ ̴̩͎̳̞͕̺̹͖̤̮͕̅͌̓ͤ̍̊̐̔̄͗͆͑ͦ͐̀̚͟͜ͅ ̵̧̩̩̖̱̝̖̰͚̰͕̂̋̇ͤͫ̌̈ ̷̤̤̞̦͈͗ͪ́͠ ̸̴̬̺̝ͪ̑̀́ͧͦ̃ͯ̏ͬ̌͊̚̕͟ͅ ̛̳͓͔͕̪̫̞̳̰͇̯͖͉ͨ̄͗̋ͦ̔ͯ̎ͯ̅͋̔ͧ̍ͯͮ̄̂̀̚͜͢͡ͅ ̶̡ͨ͐̽ͤ̔ͭ̍ͯ͌ͩ̓͛́̚҉͏̲̣͚͎̲ͅ ͧ̔ͫ̏͋̍ͣ̋̋ͣ͂͂͏̵̳̯̪̳̺͙͓̼̹͕̳̞͉̣̤̗̯͜ͅͅ ̷̸͈̠͓̻͈̟̟̠̀́̐̀ ̸̹͇͚̜̝̮̫̭͈̠ͬ̒͋́̍̄́͒͐̇͐̽ͨ́S̸̥̜͕̝̭̦̹̪̗̝͖̦͗̌ͬͤͬ̐̀͒̄̾̋̐̉̊̀͟͟͞ͅ ̢̯͍͇̟̖̠̦̭̋̋ͧ̆́̍͒̅̿̏͛́ͤ̒͒ͨ̽͛ͣ͝ͅͅ ̧̛͌̍ͭ͊͡҉̛̥͔͚͈̲̬ ̓̓ͨͦ̌̑ͨ́̾̐̈̍ͤ͌͐͞͝҉̟̳̟̻̗̙̟͔̱̦̺̤̗̥̯̪ ̡̨̈́́ͪ̀͂̈͂͌̎͗̊̈ͧ̌̆̐͋̀̚͏̙͈͓̻̟̲͕̫̱̹̜̱̮̼̲͕̙͎ ͑͋ͭͫ̚͏̧̬̗̳̻͇͈̺̫̼̪̀͝ ̙̠͉̗̩͖̜̤͕͎̘̪̜̂ͯ̐ͤ̏ͬ̎ͪ̄̃͌̊͊ͩ̅̒̂̈́̊͜͞͞ ̛̳͈̤̳̻̫̰͕̲͕͈̳͙ͯͧͬͯ̋͑̂̀ͬͨ̕ ̵͔̗̙̰̝̦̌͐ͩ̑̎̓́͛ͮ̍ͤ̍ͬ͠͡ ̵̡̪͈͕̻͍͎̤͕͂̃̔̑̀̽̉̓ͣ͋ͦ̓ ̷̟̳̻̹̪̟͙̜͙̘͍̲̪̗̯̦̣̫̎ͬͯ͒ͫ̃ͫ̿̐͟ͅ ̩̯͓̥͉͈̙͈͓̦̜̩͕͎͚́͂̇ͭ̊̍ͯͥ̉ͪ̐ͭ̈́ͨ̋̚͠ ͊͒̾̉̀ͭ͏̛̬̺̜̻̹̪̞̞ ̔̒ͧͬͫ̇ͥ͐ͫ͋ͬ͠͞͏̞̬̲̟̻̩ ̴̸̤̟̩͖̟͎̤͇͉̳̦̺ͮ́̔̀ ̵̴̶̧̛͔͕̭̱̼̤̦̖̪̼͇̩͔̩̮͙͔̪̆ͧ̽́̅͆͛ͩ̍ͥ͂ͅ ̷͇͉͕̱̮͔͚̻̠͇͈̤͈̪͉̃͆ͬ̀̆̈́ͦͤͩ̆̂͆ͤ̏̀̚̚͞ͅ ̧̨͍͚̝̤̯̣͇̳͎̰͂ͤ̆̂̏̃͑͡͝ ̅͗̐̃̎̽ͪ̄͡͏̨̻͓̟̪̪͔͍̭̻̟̯͔̳̕͢ ̢̦̪͚̲̼͚̥̝͙͓̱̙͉̤̄͋̄ͯ͋̌̚ ͎͉̖̟̼̪̥͙͇̜̰͈̇̿͐̽̂́͑͊̏̊ͦ̀̒̆ͦ̆̈́͐́͟͟͜ͅ ̶̶̹͙͙̱̮͉̦̿͗̃ͪ̐̅ͤͣͧ͐͋̌ͪ̍ͪ͢͡M̶̵̨̼̖͖̘̪ͥ̾̓ͬͬ̊̋̃́͆̊̌ ̶̛ͩ̃ͮ̅̈́ͭ̈́̉ͦ͂ͥ͊̎͛҉͙̰̠̬̭̺͙̬͓͙̯̼̫͚ ͂ͫ̈͊̽͒͂̽͌͒͋ͮ͑̚҉̶̠̫̣̻͎͇̙̤̩̻̘̳̣͍͎͉ ̧̨̡̳̣͚͖͚̇͑͌̃ͦ̊̐ͣ̚͠ ̨̘̫͕͕̩̬̯͈͓̟̤̤̳̤͆ͭ͂̌͊͆́̚ ̵̈́̽̅̇̔̂̊̑ͯ̀̀̇̐̎͐̽̌̅̊͘҉̸̤̞̮̩̱͙̯ ̷̝͓̻̠̤̳͍̯̪̺̖͉̲̦̝͉͇͓͍͌̍ͤ̍ͮ͊ͣͣ̚̕͞ ̸̘̲̙̪͈̦̯͍̂͛̉̔͌̓͗̈̍ͪ̈̑͋͟͟ ̴̝͇̬̹͍͉̫͕̱͚̝͖̋͂͛̑̕͜ ̶̧͍̪̺͔̯̟͎̮͔̥͍̹̳͉̞ͯ̑ͬ̅ͨͬ̆̽̾̑̈́ͧ͘͢Ȩ̝̪̂̑͒̈ͧ͛̀͘ͅ ̢̛͚̝̟͍̜̪̤̭̮̦̯͖̫̰̍ͩͨ͂ͩͣ͒ͬͮ̀͘ ̗̳͎͕̱͎̳̫͒̇̇̇͟͞͡͝ ͍̮͈̙̮͓͚̻̗͍͕͚͉̍̌ͧͫ̓̀͘͜ ̧̳̞̬̼̜̪͖̣ͨ͆ͯ̑́ ̴͔̤̳̜̮̅̽ͩ͒ͥ̃ͫ̎̓̄̂ͫ̇̔ͤ͋ͫ͟͠
Baron calls it 'Bonny Lad', for some reason.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Survive the Night - MandoPony
The Show Must Go On - MandoPony

.:The Logic of the Looking-Glass:.

The Dormaus
External #1211100
The Dormaus
/Ehks-ter-nuhl Nuhm-bur Wun Too Wun Wun Wun Zee-roh Zee-roh / The Dohr-maus/
-Agender (OO) Maus-

Level 1.3
AP 10
Size T
Diet None
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 10/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 6/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating
Normal - Dodge
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind, Intellectual
Physical - --
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Agender
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad
Out of the shop, in to the city. (Lamenolai)

This Maus used to be just like its counterpart until the day it suddenly became irrevocably damaged. No one knows just how it happened, but ever since then, SaSS has refused to allow it to be plugged into its main system. Since SaSS hasn't made EII dispose of it, however, it must not be that harmful.
// The Dormaus had an unfortunate run-in with a specific transistor radio, permanently damaging its electrical impulses. Although it can freeze normal computers (until it is removed and the computer rebooted), SaSS's system is sufficiently advanced enough to protect itself. SaSS simply dislikes it due to its random, very-much-not logical nature. //
The Dormaus tends to put itself into sleep mode, but when awake, it is easily excitable. When plugged into a computer, the only accessible files are strange poems, random statements, unusual recipes involving rhubarb and rutabagas, and the word 'TREACLE' all hidden within illegible text.
It looks like a normal member of its species.
The Dormaus has no special abilities, other than freezing up computers.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
4'33" - John Cage

.:The Processed Specimen:.

External #9999999
/Ehks-ter-nuhl Nuhm-bur Naihn Naihn Naihn Naihn Naihn Naihn Naihn/
-Agender (OO) Maus-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size T
Diet None
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 10/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 6/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating
Normal - Dodge
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Intellectual
Physical - --
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Agender
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral
Form(s) Quad

The counterpart to the Dormaus, this creature acts as a USB for all the members of the House.
It does not have much of a personality, though it is much more calm than the Dormaus.
It looks like a normal member of its species.
Although it doesn't appear that this Maus has any special abilities, it is rumored that it holds a program that could bring SaSS to its knees...
// This Maus does indeed hold the program that can eradicate SaSS's personality and revert it to a normal supercomputer. SaSS is highly suspicious of the rumors, but seems to believe that her programming is superior to this 'chell.exe' application. //

Arcana --
Zodiac --
9999999 - Aperture Science Psychoacoustics Laboratory, Portal 2: Songs to Test By – Volume 1
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The Garden

Postby Kodai » 06/15/2008 3:53 PM

.:The Gardener That Rose Above:.

-Male (XY) Black Baal Dragony-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Herbivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 13/100
Offense 6/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Poison Immunity, Tough Hide, Toxin
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Plains Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Green Thumb
Physical - --
Social - Jailbird

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Interest(s) Errez
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Deity of the Gardens:.

-Male (XY) Purine Penticorn-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size L
Diet Herbivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 10/100
Offense 8/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 6/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Hard Hooves, Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Plains Dweller, Terrain Traveler
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Green Thumb
Physical - --
Social - Ascended Heritage, Defender, Sisigwad

Age Ageless (???)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) Rho
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Tortured Past With the Uncertain Future:.

-Male (XY) Jaager-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Acid
Endurance 16/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 4/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Lethal Dose, Miasma, Poison Immunity
Normal - Pacifist
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - Disease Immunity
Magic - Marionette
Personality - --
Physical - Undead
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Kamo Kuhna/Recessive Kamo Kuhna
Generation Second
Lineage Cunha/Jinx
Offspring 2 :: Hannes - 1 Kamikaze Kuhna; Hannes - 1 Kamo Kuhna

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Good
Form(s) Quad

With a love of flowers and gardening, and a distaste for fighting, he is not your typical Kamo Kuhna. While his sister Enyo used to live at the House, she attacked him on a regular basis, causing the scars that cover his body. These attacks are what led him to become extremely wary of female Kuhnas. However, after an outing with a female Skycracker that resulted in his first daughter being born, he realized that he could learn to live with other females peacefully.
However, after the birth of his first son, he was somehow knocked out and taken to the Metamorphose Medical Facility, where he was tortured and turned into a Jaager. The poor soul is now trapped within an undead body, with only a dim memory of who he once was.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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The Forest

Postby Kodai » 06/15/2008 3:54 PM

.:The Beast with Two Faces:.

/Ahs-gard/Uht-gard / Ay-Tee-Vee/
-Female (XX) Khimera-

Level 2.4
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 14/100
Offense 11/100
Defense 9/100
Precision 4/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 7/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Blade, Metal Plating, Poison Immunity
Normal - Extended Claws, Lunge, Pursuit
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind, Recognize Impostor
Physical - --
Social - Independent

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight 550 lbs.

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral/Chaotic Neutral
Form(s) Quad
Text c4b1ae / 3e140f
[404] (unknown)
Runaway (Private, PG-13?) (Whisper Forest)

One day, this creature wandered within the boundaries of the House and apparently decided to make it her permanent residence. The general consensus is that she used to be some sort of laboratory animal, perhaps even coming directly from Khimera Industries itself. Asgard, so far, has said nothing on the subject, however, and Utgard attacks anyone who asks.
// She is indeed a laboratory subject from Khimera Industries. Her past is riddled with experimentation and mistreatment, which shaped her chaotic personality. The turning point occurred when, unable to stand it any longer, she escaped the labs, killing 48 people in what was called the 'B Bloc Massacre'. //
The defining characteristic of this Khimera's personality is that she appears to have two of them. Asgard is the name given to the computer program that was installed in an attempt to control Utgard's violent behavior. As a program, Asgard is logic-driven and very calm and collected. Utgard is wildy chaotic, prone to attacking with little provocation and generally ill-tempered. A few residents believe that this behavior is due to the experiments performed on her at whatever labs she came from, and that there is a third, truer personality hidden within her.
// What was once a calm and curious creature has become twisted into an animal full of pain and rage. It may be possible to awaken her gentler side, but no one at the House wishes to tempt fate… //
She is only found in a quadrupedal form. Her biological base is a dark red, fading to an even darker shade down her limbs. A multitude of thin scars splays across her undersides. The metal is dark grey, and her blood is black. There are silver markings around her wrists, ankles, and mouth, which glow when activated (these markings seem to magically inhibit her ability to move). These markings do not often activate on their own, however, and only Baron seems to know how to activate them on command.
The Khimera has no special abilities other than the normal battle capabilities of the species.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Riot - Three Days Grace, One-X

.:The Kind-Hearted Giant.:

/Tai-oh-mah / Tai-oh/
-Male (XY) Common Bruma-

Level 4.3
AP 10
Size L
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Water
Endurance 16/100
Offense 13/100
Defense 9/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Extended Claws, Powerful Jaws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cold Adaptation
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Hydrodynamic, Hulking Figure, Human Form
Social - Independent, Tracker

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Human, Quad
Chaos and Calm [P] (Whisper Forest)
Fix the Sky a Little [Kodai and me] (Whisper Forest)

Originally hailing from the northern reaches of Norrega, Taiomah was cast out from his tribe for a reason he does not speak of and traveled south until he reached Whisper Forest. Having decided that fate wished him here, he has decided to stay.
// Taio was cast out for aiding a child that belonged to an enemy tribe. He could not let the poor boy suffer, even if he would "one day grow up and become a man that kills our own children". //
Gentle in nature, Taio lives in much the same way as he speaks – slowly and carefully, thinking over his actions. He does not actively seek out the company of others, but does not reject it, either, and actually seems glad when he has someone to talk to.
// Trained as a warrior, Taio is a capable fighter, but he greatly dislikes battle. //
In both his natural Bruma and human forms, Taio is very large (although not quite so big as Gar). He dresses in simple clothes created from natural materials such as leather and reeds.
Taio has basic powers over water, due to his species, but his best asset is his great strength and size.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Observer that Crosses the Worlds:.

Lune en Verre
/Loon ehn Vehr / Loon/
-Male (XY) Lunafly//Dreamsnare Yonyuu-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size T // M
Diet Nectarivore // Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 7/100 // 12/100
Offense 4/100 // 7/100
Defense 1/100 // 2/100
Precision 6/40 // 5/40
Speed 8/100 // 9/100
Fame 7/40 // 4/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Sonic Waves // Flyby Attack, Wingstorm
Normal - Elusive Foe //
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Forest Dweller // Cave Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - -- // Dream Weaver
Personality - Perceptive // Perceptive
Physical - Aerodynamic, Planar Travel, Shape-Shifter // Aerodynamic, Night Vision, Planar Travel, Shape-Shifter
Social - Lost Secrets // Lost Secrets

Age Adolescent (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height -- / 4'01"
Length 09" / --
Weight -- / 145 lbs.

Gender Identity Agender
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad

No one really knows why there's a Lunafly that flutters about in the forest. They're native to Roraldi, not Whisper...
// Lune lives in Whisper Forest specifically so that he may be close to the House, and to Kai in particular. He senses that the dragon has some sort of epic destiny, and wishes to see it unfold. Occasionally he travels to Roraldi in order to meet with his companions, Tai'bure and Tianala. //
As an insect, the creature called Lune does not really have a personality or interact with anyone in any way that could be attributed to one. He only flits about as a normal butterfly does…
// He is very child-like, curious about everything and seeming to lack basic knowledge about things such as social customs and emotions. On the other hand, he appears to possess a great wisdom about obscure events and other planes. //
Lune looks like any other Lunafly.
// On any other plane, he appears to be a normal Dreamsnare Yonyuu. //
The Lunafly hasn't exhibited any special powers other than those normally associated with the species.
//Lune has the ability to travel between the planes. //

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Three-Legged Half-Phoenix:.

-Male (XY) Blaze Tengumi-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Herbivore/Piscivore
Element(s) Fire/Light
Endurance 10/100
Offense 4/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Flame Resistant, Pyro
Normal - Sharp Beak
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Aerodynamic, Extended Life Span, Graceful
Social - --

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male Genderqueer
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Family-Man Kamo:.

-Male (XY) Kamo Kuhna-

Level 3.2
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 14/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 12/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Rousing Speech
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Padded Paws
Social - Independent, Track Cover

Genetics Dominant Kamo Kuhna/Recessive Kamo Kuhna
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 5 :: Jinx - 1 Calamikuhna, 2 Kamo Kuhnas, 2 Kindling Kuhnas

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Good
Form(s) Quad

One of the very first residents of the House, Cunha met Jinx early in his life. This was beneficial for the both of them, as the dark spirit within Jinx was suppressed and they both gained a mate in each other. Cunha provides for his family as a true Kuhna, hunting and catching all their meals himself.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Calamity No More:.

-Female (XX) Calamikuhna-

Level 3.3
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) Fire/Ice
Endurance 13/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 4/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Frost, Pyro
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cold Adaptation
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Malevolent, Smooth Talker
Physical - Padded Paws
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Calamikuhna/Recessive Calamikuhna
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 5 :: Cunha - 1 Calamikuhna, 2 Kamo Kuhnas, 2 Kindling Kuhnas

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Quad

Once tormented by the dark spirit of a past lover she rashly allowed to share her body, Jinx is no longer under his sway because of the bond forged between herself and Cunha. The spirit still exists, however, and she does fear for her Calamikuhna son, Aodh, but so far he seems free from the spirit's influence.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Balance of Peace and Violence:.

-Female (XX) Kindling Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) Fire
Endurance 10/100
Offense 6/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 5/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Extended Claws, Rousing Speech
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Padded Paws
Social - Track Cover

Genetics Dominant Kamo Kuhna/Recessive Calamikuhna
Generation Second
Lineage Cunha/Jinx
Offspring --

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length 3'00"
Weight 10 lbs. 10 oz.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Good
Form(s) Quad

Closely sharing the kind and friendly personality of her father, Kinder was the one that normally jumped to Evander's defense when their sibling Enyo attacked him. Of course, the only defense that could stop Enyo was offense, and so Kinder is not afraid of using force to defend the weak.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Territorial Water-Lover:.

-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 5.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 15/100
Offense 14/100
Defense 10/100
Precision 10/40
Speed 12/100
Fame 14/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Acclimation - Forest Dweller, Lake Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Animalistic Nature
Physical - Dash, Hydrodynamic
Social - --

Marking(s) Jacket Fox, Ringed
Mini-Marking(s) --
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 3 :: Risse - 1 female, 2 males

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 4'01"
Length --
Weight 142 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad
Fix the Sky a Little [Kodai and me] (Whisper Forest)

The first Lucain to find himself within the boundaries of the House, Hakei made it very clear in the beginning that he was not about to become anyone's house pet. Strongly disliking the indoors, this Lucain is most at home in an open space near a body of water. In fact, he loves swimming so much that the majority of meat in his diet is fish, and he actually lives in a small cave out in the middle of a small lake.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Plant-Based Half-Demon:.

Sekas von Gehasst
/Say-kas von Geh-hahst/
-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 3.3
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Earth (Plants)
Endurance 13/100
Offense 12/100
Defense 8/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 10/100
Fame 12/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Entangling Roots
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Forest Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Fearless
Physical - Dash, Human Form
Social - Independent, Infernal Blood

Marking(s) Jacket Fox, Vintage Striped
Mini-Marking(s) --
Generation Second
Lineage Hakei/Risse
Offspring 3 :: Rynn - 2 females, 1 male

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 6'02" / 4'00"
Length --
Weight 141 lbs. / 141 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Anthro, Quad

Having gained demonic blood from his mother, Sekas has powers over plants. Usually he uses these powers to make trees or flowers grow (he had a lot to do with the creation of the House's garden), but he can also use his abilities to hinder anyone who would attack him.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The One Always Looked Over:.

Kolec von Gehasst
/Kol-ehts von Geh-hasst/
-Female (XX) Lucain-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 13/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Forest Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Fearless
Physical - Dash
Social - Infernal Blood

Marking(s)Jacket Fox, Vintage Striped
Mini-Marking(s) Spades
Generation Fourth
Lineage Sekas/Rynn
Offspring --

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length 3'05"
Weight 103 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad

Despite being a quarter demon, Kolec has no powers to speak of. In addition, she feels that she is unattractive and will forever live in the shadow of her sister, Krew.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Blood-Red Rose:.

Krew von Gehasst
/Krehv von Geh-hahst/
-Female (XX) Lucain-

Level 3.3
AP 10
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Earth (Plants)
Endurance 15/100
Offense 11/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 9/40
Speed 10/100
Fame 12/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Plains Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Fearless
Physical - Human Form
Social - --

Marking(s) Dingo, Vintage Striped
Mini-Marking(s) Banded
Generation Fourth
Lineage Sekas/Rynn
Offspring 4 :: Lord Baal - 1 female, 3 males

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height  5'05" / 3'05"
Length --
Weight 129 lbs. / 102 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Anthro, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 674
Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM

Far Away

Postby Kodai » 06/30/2008 3:52 PM

.:The ?:.

True Name
Ash Paragon
/Ash Pah-rah-gon/
-Male (XY) DesertHorn Paragon-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size H
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 14/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Sandskimmer, Sandstorm
Normal - Tough Hide
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Desert Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Aerodynamic, Sand Camouflage
Social - Independent, Scavenger

Marking(s) Splotched, Spotted
Wing Type Crystal
Tail Type Spike
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --
Rental 2
Idriya - 1 DesertHorn, 1 Pipe

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song(s) --

.:The ?:.

True Name
-Female (XX) VoidBringer Paragon-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size H
Diet Animavore/Carnivore
Element(s) Fire/Metal
Endurance 12/100
Offense 8/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 4/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Blade, Dark Heart, Flame Resistant, Iron Forge, Life Drain, Pyro
Normal - Wing Buffet
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Swamp Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Aerodynamic, Night Vision
Social - --

Marking(s) Muddy, Scarbelly
Wing Type RazorWing
Tail Type Spike
Generation Second
Lineage Architect/Annihilator
Offspring --

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song(s) --

.:The Spiritual Inverse:.

-Female (XX) Windgill Paragon-

Level 3.2
AP 10
Size H
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Air
Endurance 13/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 11/40
Speed 10/100
Fame 7/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Aero
Normal - Wing Buffet
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind, Pure Soul
Physical - Aerodynamic
Social - --

Marking(s) Chaos
Wing Type Angelic
Tail Type Feathered
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 2
Silv'phelur - 2 Windgill females

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song(s) --

.:The ?:.

True Name
-Male (XY) Carapace Paragon-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size L
Diet --
Element(s) Acid/Metal
Endurance 14/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Acid Rain, Blade, Miasma, Poison Immunity
Normal - Puncture, Wing Buffet
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Jungle Dweller, Swamp Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Aerodynamic
Social - --

Marking(s) Banded, Body Bar, Muddy
Wing Type RazorWing
Tail Type Spike
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Red Helmet's Extermination - Masami Ueda, Ōkami Original Soundtrack - Disc 2

.:The Cold Fire and Burning Ice:.

-Male (XY) Calamikuhna-

Level 10.4
AP 20
Size M
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) Fire/Ice
Endurance 20/100
Offense 17/100
Defense 14/100
Precision 14/40
Speed 16/100
Fame 11/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Freezing Touch, Frost, Pyro
Normal - Extended Claws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Witchlight
Personality - Malevolent, Smooth Talker
Physical - Hulking Figure, Night Blindness, Padded Paws
Social - Independent

Genetics Dominant Calamikuhna/Recessive Calamikuhna
Generation Second
Lineage Cunha/Jinx
Offspring 4 :: Mynol - 1 Darkflame Kuhna, 1 Hoarfrost Kuhna, 1 Infernal Kuhna, 1 Revelate Kuhna

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length 5'07"
Weight 26 lbs.

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Interest(s) Mynol
Mate(s) Mynol
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Quad
What's This, Now? [Private] (The Slums)
Seeking Help [Continued, Private] (Lamenolai)

Since he has extremely dilated pupils, he has trouble seeing in the dark. He is also twice the size of a normal Kuhna, but these traits don't stop him from being a quiet, thoughtful soul. Strangely enough, his fire powers are harmless -- it is his ice powers that can cause injury.
While traveling in the Slums, he happened upon a Volcanic Panzer beating up a tiny Darkflame. With the help of a Lucain named Eirian and a Khimera named Stribog, he managed to save the Kuhna, whom he eventually fell in love and began a family with.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ?:.

True Name
-Male (XY) Revelate Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) Dark/Light
Endurance 13/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 7/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Malevolent, Smooth Talker
Physical - Padded Paws
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Calamikuhna/Recessive Preluhna
Generation Third
Lineage Aodh/Mynol
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height  --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Nervous, But Trying, Father:.

-Male (XY) Blood Kuhna-

Level 5.0
AP 15
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 14/100
Offense 11/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 10/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Subduing Strike
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind
Physical - Human Form, Padded Paws
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Sulkuhna/Recessive Common Kuhna
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 5 :: Rejet - 2 Independence Kuhnas, 1 Sulkuhna, 2 Tainted Kuhnas

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 5'05" / --
Length -- / 3'03"
Weight 125 lbs. / 14 lbs.

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) Rejet
Mate(s) Rejet
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Anthro, Quad
A Pull of Fates [Private] (Roraldi Forest)

Generally fairly shy, he met Rejet during an arranged breeding at the Center. Upon finding out that she was not a normal living creature, Mordem became terrified of the Rejection Kuhna and raised the two kits he received from the breeding without her. However, upon meeting two of the kits she had raised and finding out that he was the only one that had a hope of stopping her seizure-like attacks, Mordem realized it was unfair of him to shun the rest of his family out of fear and decided to try to rejoin the family.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ?:.

/No-chee-mee-nay / Natch/
-Male (XY) Tainted Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 10/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 5/100
Fame 1/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Powerful Jaws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Malevolent, Smooth Talker
Physical - Human Form, Padded Paws
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Sulkuhna/Recessive Calamikuhna
Generation Second
Lineage Mordem/Rejet
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 5'02" / --
Length -- / 2'10"
Weight 107 lbs. / 4 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Anthro, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ?:.

-Female (XX) Independence Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 10/100
Offense 6/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 9/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Powerful Jaws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Human Form, Padded Paws
Social - Defender

Genetics Dominant Common Kuhna/Recessive Calamikuhna
Generation Second
Lineage Mordem/Rejet
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 5'00" / --
Length -- / 2'07"
Weight 106 lbs. / 3 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Anthro, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Extroverted Singer:.

-Male (XY) Ooputu Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) Fire
Endurance 10/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 13/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 4/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Flame Resistant, Pyro
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Extrovert
Physical - Extended Life Span, Hover, Human Form, Human Speech, Padded Paws
Social - Musician

Genetics Generation Ancient
Generation Second
Lineage Smoothie/Estelle
Offspring --

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 5'10" / --
Length -- / 2'10"
Weight 126 lbs. / 6 lbs.

Gender Identity Genderfluid
Sexual Orientation Pansexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Anthro, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ?:.

-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 11/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Blindsense, Powerful Jaws, Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation -
Healing -
Magic -
Personality - Disciplined, Perceptive
Physical - Human Form
Social - Independent

Marking(s) Mudbelly, Warrior
Mini-Marking(s) Psi-Eye, TearStain
Generation Third
Lineage Atem/Sage
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Figure in the Sapient Dream:.

Grey Man
Grey Man, Shadow Man, 謎の紳士, and other similar names; Dog, Beast, and other similar names
/Gray Mahn / Sha-doh Mahn / Nah-zo noh Sheen-shee / Dawg / Beest/
-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Mentivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 11/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Dream Weaver
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - --

Marking(s) Akita, Belly
Mini-Marking(s) --
Generation Second
Lineage Roadie/Renoxel
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Form(s) Anthro, Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song Bad Vibrations - Osamu Sato & Out Ass Mao, Lucy in the Sky with Dynamites

.:The Ink-Stained Angel:.

-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 11/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - City Dweller[/b]
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - [s]Hoarder
, Scavenger

Marking(s) Backsplash, Split
Mini-Marking(s) Coontail
Generation Third
Lineage Julian/Zoe
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Fortunate Wanderer:.

-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 11/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - City Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - Hoarder, Scavenger

Marking(s) Hooded, Hyaena
Mini-Marking(s) Coontail, Sunbear
Generation --
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
User avatar
Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 674
Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM

Chained by Fate

Postby Kodai » 06/12/2010 10:37 PM

.:The Dragon of the Accursed Bloodline:.

La'ran Amut Kaireibutasou
Kaibutsu, Kai
/Lah-rahn Ah-moot Kai-ray-boo-tah-so / Kai-boot-su / Kai/
-Intersex (XYY) Common Hollowheart-

Level 58.1
AP 65
Size H
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 70/100
Offense 66/100
Defense 64/100
Precision 40/40
Speed 67/100
Fame 40/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Flyby Attack
Normal - Powerful Jaws, Subduing Strike, Wing Buffet
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Pacifist, Pure Soul
Physical - Aerodynamic, Blind, Chromosome Anomaly, Human Form, Mute, Resurrected, Thought-Speech
Social - --

Age Young Adult (64)
Blood Type O Neg
D.O.B. 16 August 1947
Height 6'01" / 20'
Length --
Weight 136 lbs. / 217 lbs.

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) Capturing
Mate(s) Capturing
Child(ren) Ascentarion

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human, Quad
Text db640c
[404] (Basantha Shrine)
Return of a Monster [PRIVATE/TEEN] (Basantha Shrine)
Spiritual Journey [PRIVATE] (Basantha Shrine)
Coming to Terms [PRIVATE] (Aldrect)
Making our plans(Private) (H by Sto) (The Imperial Mess Hall)
Two Cats, Two Dragons... and the One Named Baal (H by B) (The Nearby Town)
A Good Boy (H by Sto) (The Nearby Town)
Stand up and fight for what's right! (Attack on Mardes) (Mardes Shrine)
Catching Up, Getting Together (open) (H by Sto) (The Imperial Mess Hall)
.:Questions running through my head:.[Private](H byD) (The Imperial Mess Hall)
Ah! Is Being You! [Private] (Roraldi Forest)
A Lesson In The Gods! ((Private)) (Aldrect)
A Lesson In The Gods (Continuation - Private) (Aldrect)
Runaway (Private, PG-13?) (Whisper Forest)

The third generation of his bloodline to carry a curse bestowed by Xai're. Ever since his hatch date, misfortunes have inexplicably befallen those around him. The most traumatizing of these troubles resulted in the death and destruction of his entire village. Distraught, he fled and wandered southeast Lambastia for 20 years before finding Kodai, leading him to the next leg of his adventures...

Arcana The Hanged Man
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Impossible Son:.

/Ah-sen-tar-ee-on / Ah-sent/
-Male (XY) Hollow Kanua-

Level 7.2
AP 15
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 16/100
Offense 11/100
Defense 9/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 10/100
Fame 12/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Hulking Brute, Padded Paws
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) Kaireibutasou/Capturing
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Quad
Text e3601f
Coming to Terms [PRIVATE] (Aldrect)
Ah! Is Being You! [Private] (Roraldi Forest)
A Lesson In The Gods! ((Private)) (Aldrect)
Runaway (Private, PG-13?) (Whisper Forest)

The son of the Hollowheart Kaibutsu and the Kanua Capturing, this creature's birth is a mystery. His 'mother' and sibling died during childbirth, but he is not in want of family, as Iiylis and even the Leader have helped Kai to raise him. Although he is nearly the size of a Kamo Kuhna, he is still a child with room to grow...

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Eyes of Iiylumiel:.

The Eyes of Iiylumiel
Iiylis, the Dark One
/The Aiz of Ee-loo-mee-ehl / Ee-lees / The Dark Wun/
-Male (XY) Resurrection Kuhna-

Level 19.1
AP 25
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 32/100
Offense 24/100
Defense 22/100
Precision 24/40
Speed 27/100
Fame 21/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Aftersight, Foresight
Personality - --
Physical - Blind, Padded Paws
Social - Celestial Heritage, Lost Secrets, Nemesis

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length 3'02"
Weight 6 lbs. 6 oz.

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) Iiylumiel
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral (Good)
Form(s) Quad
Text 1b9965
Return of a Monster [PRIVATE/TEEN] (Basantha Shrine)
Coming to Terms [PRIVATE] (Aldrect)
Two Cats, Two Dragons... and the One Named Baal (H by B) (The Nearby Town)
Runaway (Private, PG-13?) (Whisper Forest)

A strange Kuhna found during Kaibutsu's second visit to Basantha Shrine, Iiylis is actually a fragment of the Fallen Seraphim Iiylumiel's spirit. His purpose on this plane is to act as Kai's eyes, transferring his sight to Kai whenever the need arises. Occasionally Iiylis can catch short glimpses of events in the past or future.

Arcana Death
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Leader of the Hunters:.

the Leader
/The Lee-der/
-Male (XY) Sapphire Leader Hunter-

Level 30.3
AP 30
Size M
Diet Carnivore/Silicivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 38/100
Offense 33/100
Defense 31/100
Precision 28/40
Speed 29/100
Fame 24/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Combat Endurance, Efficient Commander, Extended Claws, Rousing Speech, Spiked Body, Tough Hide, Veteran Mind
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Spiritbond (Kaireibutasou)
Personality - Charismatic, Fearless, Focused
Physical - Extended Life Span, Human Speech, Uneven Gait
Social - Military Leader, Lost Secrets

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length 5'03"
Weight 544 lbs.

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral (Good)
Form(s) Quad
Text 7a9ee9
Return of a Monster [PRIVATE/TEEN] (Basantha Shrine)
Coming to Terms [PRIVATE] (Aldrect)
Two Cats, Two Dragons... and the One Named Baal (H by B) (The Nearby Town)
Within the Past [Private] (Craiss Caverns)
Runaway (Private, PG-13?) (Whisper Forest)

Once a proud leader of his people, the Leader was forced into a pact with the god Xai're and served under him for many years, committing many things in the god's name that he now regrets. He first encountered Kaibutsu while seeking out Iiylis (the Dark One) for extermination. After the events that took place there, the Leader now follows the dragon, bound to his soul and eternally grateful for the chance to redeem himself.

Arcana The Tower
Zodiac --
Song What I've Done - Linkin Park

.:The ???:.

-Male (XY) Silver Guardian Hunter-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore/Silicivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 17/100
Offense 12/100
Defense 10/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 3/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Combat Endurance, Extended Claws, Spiked Body, Tough Hide, Veteran Mind
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Spiritbond (Kheisa)
Personality - Fearless
Physical - Extended Life Span, Human Speech
Social - Lost Secrets

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral (Good)
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --

.:The ???:.

-Female (XX) Undead Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) Acid/Dark
Endurance 13/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 0/100
Precision 1/40
Speed 1/100
Fame 2/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Diehard, Horrific Moan, Resist Death
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Padded Paws, Undead
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Trikuhna/Recessive Kamo Kuhna
Generation Second
Lineage Sparrow/Kiki
Offspring --

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Return of a Monster [PRIVATE/TEEN] (Basantha Shrine)


Arcana --
Zodiac --

.:The ???:.

-Male (XY) Common Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 10/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 5/100
Fame 9/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - --
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Padded Paws
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Common Kuhna/Recessive Common Kuhna
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 3
Peppermint - Patriot Kuhna A, Patriot Kuhna B, Bubblegum Kuhna

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Return of a Monster [PRIVATE/TEEN] (Basantha Shrine)


Arcana --
Zodiac --

.:The Destroying Whisper:.

/Sin-ah-rah / Sin/
-Female (XX) Void Akail-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 11/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 1/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Dark Heart, The Will's Connection
Normal - Powerful Jaws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cave Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Charismatic, Malevolent, Smooth Talker
Physical - Night Vision, Prehensile Tail
Social - Scavenger

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Evil
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Shadow of the Void:.

/Seh-ro-vai-er / Seh-ro/
-Male (XY) Void Yonyuu-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet None
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 12/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 4/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Dark Heart, Flyby Attack, Spectral Strike, The Will's Connection, Wingstorm
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cave Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Fearless, Focused
Physical - Human Speech, Night Vision
Social - Lost Secrets

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 4'07"
Length --
Weight 50 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Neutral
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Sane-in-Madness Seer:.

True Name
-Female (XX) Nonaga-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size L
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 12/100
Offense 6/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 4/40
Speed 10/100
Fame 4/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Toxin
Normal - Puncture, Tough Hide
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Aftersight, Foresight
Personality - Intellectual
Physical - Night Vision
Social - Lost Secrets

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female Genderqueer
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
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Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM

Truly Epic

Postby Kodai » 06/12/2010 10:38 PM

.:The ???:.

Ammut Kodai
/Ah-moot Koh-dai / Dai/
-Female (XX) Lucain-

Level 14.3
AP 20
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 26/100
Offense 22/100
Defense 18/100
Precision 20/40
Speed 21/100
Fame 23/100
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Creative Mind, Inner Discipline, Look It Up, Loyal, Reserved
Physical - --
Social - Artist, Lost Secrets, Triumvirate Believer

Marking(s) Akita, Mudbelly
Mini-Marking(s) --
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. 4th April
Height 5'07"
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) Keere
Mate(s) Keere
Child(ren) Kaamil, Kami, Seylay

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human
Text --
Return of a Monster [PRIVATE/TEEN]
Spiritual Journey [PRIVATE]
Coming to Terms [PRIVATE]
.:Stolen In the Night (Private RP):.
Two Cats, Two Dragons... and the One Named Baal


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --


.:The ???:.

Kaamil Se'ultun
/Kaah-mihl Say-ool-toon/
-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 29.1
AP 30
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 39/100
Offense 38/100
Defense 34/100
Precision 34/40
Speed 36/100
Fame 38/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Snowshoes
Normal - Blindsense, Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cold Adaptation
Healing - --
Magic - Spirit Sense
Personality - Intellectual, Introvert, Look It Up, Loyal, Perceptive, Stoic, Traumatized
Physical - Extended Life Span
Social - Chosen One, Lost Secrets, Multi-Racial Blood (Dweller/Human), Triumvirate Believer, Weapon Expert (Scythe)

Marking(s) Dweller, Malamute
Mini-Marking(s) Psi-Eye
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. 13th May
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Interest(s) Kami
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) Keere/Kodai
Sibling(s) Kami
Half Seylay

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human
Text D391C1
[*Learning the Ropes [P]
[*After the Basics [P]
Two Sides of Darkness [P/Teen]
[*Everything Everywhere [P]


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ???:.

Kami Se'ultun
/Kah-mee Say-ool-toon/
-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 15.4
AP 25
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 25/100
Offense 24/100
Defense 20/100
Precision 20/40
Speed 22/100
Fame 24/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - Life Transfer, Medical Psychometry
Magic - Empath
Personality - Extrovert, Inner Discipline, Loyal, Optimist
Physical - Extended Life Span, Night Vision
Social - Chosen One, Lost Secrets, Multi-Racial Blood (Dweller/Human), Musician, Triumvirate Believer, Weapon Expert (Recurve Bow)

Marking(s) Akita, Mudbelly
Mini-Marking(s) Hearts
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. 13th May
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) Keere/Kodai
Sibling(s) Kami
Half Seylay

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human
Text BF6A29
[*Separation [P]
Two Sides of Darkness [P/Teen]
[*Everything Everywhere [P]


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ???:.

-Male (XY) Custom Bleeder-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size T
Diet Affectivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 10/100
Offense 2/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 2/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 0/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Freezing Touch, Spectral Strike
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Lifesense
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - Silent Shadow

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ???:.

/Mohr-tah-lih-tee / Mohr-tee/
-Male (XY) Corbine-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet None
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 13/100
Offense 8/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 10/100
Fame 6/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating
Normal - Resist Death, Sharp Beak, Wing Buffet
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind
Physical - Aerodynamic, Cyborg, Night Vision
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ???:.

/Eh-phe-meh-rahl / Ee-ther/
-Male (XY) Marrow Corbine-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet None
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 14/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 9/40
Speed 12/100
Fame 4/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating
Normal - Resist Death, Sharp Beak, Wing Buffet
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind
Physical - Aerodynamic, Cyborg, Night Vision
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ???:.

-Agender (OO) Custom Rabbot AC1-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Silicivore
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 13/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 10/40
Speed 12/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating
Normal - Combat Endurance, Lunge
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Recognize Impostor
Physical - Automaton, Leaper
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Guardian and Righthand-Man of Death:.

Mekkayena #1
/Mehkah-yeenah Nuhm-ber Wun / Doh-mohn/
-Male (XY) Custom Mekkayena-

Level 3.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet None
Element(s) --
Endurance ?
Offense ?
Defense ?
Precision ?
Speed ?
Fame ?
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --
Two Cats, Two Dragons... and the One Named Baal (H by B)


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Hyperactive Ex-Servant:.

-Male (XY) Fungal Rollaby-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 12/100
Offense 4/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 3/100
Fame 3/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Pollen Spores
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cave Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Jittery
Physical - Classification Nightmare, Night Vision
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) Sweeper

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Janitor with an Alkaline Tongue:.

-Female (XX) Pallid Rollaby-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Acid (Base)
Endurance 9/100
Offense 3/100
Defense 1/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Spit Poison, Toxin
Normal - Elusive Foe
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Blunt, Cynic
Physical - Leaper, Photosensitivity
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) Spunky

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Abandoned Child of the Mists:.

Mela, Melaru
/Meh-lah-roo-san-keh / Meh-lah-roo / Meh-lah/
-Female (XX) Gift Lucross-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size --
Diet None
Element(s) --
Endurance --/100
Offense --/100
Defense --/100
Precision --/40
Speed --/100
Fame --/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text --


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ???:.

-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 5.2
AP 15
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 15/100
Offense 14/100
Defense 10/100
Precision 10/40
Speed 12/100
Fame 14/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Extended Life Span
Social - --

Marking(s) Ancient
Mini-Marking(s) TearStain
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --
Half --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad
Text a7daa9
Shadows From the Past [P]


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Ill-Tempered Ferrywoman:.

-Female (XX) Lucain-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 13/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind, Fearless, Intellectual, Malevolent
Physical - Breath Holder, Extended Life Span, Human Form, Hydrodynamic
Social - Scavenger

Marking(s) Backsplash, Celestial
Mini-Marking(s) Coontail
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring --

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height  5'10" / 3'07"
Length --
Weight 146 lbs. / 105 lbs.

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) Hiyrmes

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Form(s) Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Winds of Discovery:.

-Female (XX) Demigoddess of Yepha Xíng Yún-

Level 11.4
AP 20
Size G
Diet None
Element(s) --
Endurance ?
Offense ?
Defense ?
Precision ?
Speed ?
Fame ?
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --
Half --

Alignment --
Form(s) Human, Quad
Text --
Spiritual Journey [PRIVATE]
.:Statue of the Mardes Shrine:.
Stand up and fight for what's right! (Attack on Mardes)
A sinner changed, meeting him again. (H by D)
Life is a precious thing... (H by D)
Gains and Losses (Private)
.:Love, Children, and Gods. Oh my!:. [p pg-13ish?]
Wishes from an Innocent Heart [Kodai/Shieba] [P]


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
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Keystones: 674
Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM

InDependents - A Neo Life

Postby Kodai » 06/12/2010 10:39 PM

.:The First:.

Kodai Ejiputo
/Koh-dai Ee-jeep-toh / Koh-dai/
-Female (XX) Saffron Sygriff-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 10/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Sharp Beak, Wing Buffet
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Time Warp
Personality - --
Physical - Aerodynamic
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Mutated Seer:.

-Male (XY) Wood Taigra-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 9/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Extended Claws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Jungle Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Padded Paws
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Destined Protector:.

-Male (XY) Organic Torken-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Herbivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 15/100
Offense 7/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 2/100
Fame 3/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Mother Nature's Son, Pyro, Raging Blaze, Tough Hide
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Forest Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Cursed Child:.

-Male (XY) Chaos Tali-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 8/100
Offense 6/100
Defense 2/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 8/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Powerful Jaws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Forest Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind
Physical - Aerodynamic
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Demonic Fae:.

/Sai-rehn / Sai-rehn-yai/
-Male (XY) Annelidrak-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Sanguivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 14/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 10/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 6/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Carapace Shield, Healing Touch
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cave Dweller, Forest Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Cynic
Physical - Aerodynamic, Tree Climber
Social - Fae Blood, Infernal Blood

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad

One of the 'displaced souls' of the House, this interesting creature claims to come from another world. He doesn't seem particularly interested in going back, however, and has made his home in the cave on the lake that Hakei is so fond of.
Siren is generally an irritable little thing, avoiding contact with others when possible and seeking to drive them away when not. He is foul-tempered, anti-social, and is not afraid to become violent if it will mean gaining his solitude.
// Siren does have a soft side – one needs to be extremely patient and able to withstand his outer attitude in order to reach it. //
Because of his mixed fae/demon blood, Siren has a rather unusual appearance. He looks like an odd cross of dragon and insect. Both of his eyes have thin scars running through them. He wears a thin silver chain around his neck, which almost seems to glow on starlit nights...
// Siren's scars are due to his 'unique' diet – he is only capable of ingesting his own blood (anything else makes him terribly sick). Each night, he gouges out his own eyes, feasting on the blood, and then uses his regenerative healing powers to restore them. The necklace is from his one and only true friend. He has kept it as her memento ever since her death. //
Although Siren is capable of healing magic, his personality almost ensures that he only uses this power on himself.
// Siren did actually use this healing ability on Riktch, when he found the poor Seraphent dying on his doorstep. Unfortunately, it was too late to save Riktch's life. //

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Trapped Fallen Angel:.

-Male (XY) Night Seraphent-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size L
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Light
Endurance 9/100
Offense 4/100
Defense 3/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 2/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Wingstorm
Normal - Constrict
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Aerodynamic, Night Vision, Undead (Spirit)
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Quad

As a Night Seraphent, most of the residents believe he has ties to Xai're and the Heavenly Vaults, but no one knows for sure, as Riktch does not speak of his past. He lives in the lakeside cavern that Hakei and Siren also call home, making sure to stay away from the irritable Annelidrak (Hakei is not so anti-social and is often out in the lake proper anyway).
// Riktch's past does lie within the Vaults, having been cursed and cast out for failing to perform his duties properly. Siren found him lying upon the outer rocks of the cave, bleeding out from a long gash down his belly. Although he was able to close the wound, he was unable to save the Seraphent's life… or rather, was unable to prevent him from transforming into a 'solid spirit'. Because Riktch is being punished by the Death God for his failings, he is not allowed a proper death and must remain in the mortal realm regardless of what befalls him. //
Quiet and pensive, Riktch is rarely seen during the day and does not often talk to visitors. The best time to see him is at night, when he gazes up at the star-filled sky with an expression of longing and sorrow…
Riktch looks like a normal Night Seraphent, except he has a very long scar running down his belly.
It is currently unknown if Riktch possesses any special abilities. Those that believe he is a fallen Seraph also believe that any powers he may have had were stripped from him as a part of his curse.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Discarded Reject:.

Przykry Sen
Przykry Sen
/Pzhih-krih Sehn / Krih/
-Male (XY) Common Tengumi-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 10/100
Offense 4/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Sharp Beak
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind, Traumatized
Physical - Aerodynamic, Extended Life Span, Graceful
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
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InDependents - Shades and Sages

Postby Kodai » 08/03/2011 3:15 PM

.:The Wandering Spirit and the Mischievous Kobold:.

Julian // Valdemar
unknown // Valdemar
Yamiejiputo, Yami // --
/Joo-lee-an / Yah-mee Eh-jeep-toh / Yah-mee // Fahl-duh-mar/
-Male (XY) Imeut // Male (XY) Scarab-

Level 7.1
AP 15
Size M // S
Diet Omnivore // Omnivore
Element(s) -- // --
Endurance 18/100
Offense 13/100
Defense 9/100
Precision 10/40
Speed 15/100
Fame 9/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Sandskimmer // --
Normal - Go Ethereal // --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Desert Dweller // Forest Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - Create Illusion, Dispel Illusion, Spellcaster (Illusionist) // Shape-Shifter
Personality - Intellectual, Perceptive, Reserved // Prankster
Physical - Dulled Senses, Extended Life Span, Human Form, Human Speech, Undead (Ghost), Undetectable // Human Form, Human Speech, Undetectable
Social - Musician // Fae Heritage

Age Young Adult (~4000) // Adult (~600)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 6'06" / -- // 3'01" / --
Length --
Weight 127 lbs. / -- // -- / --

Gender Identity Male // Male
Sexual Orientation Asexual // Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) -- // --
Mate(s) -- // --
Child(ren) -- // --

Parent(s) -- // --
Sibling(s) -- // --

Alignment Neutral Good // True Neutral
Form(s) Human // Human, Object, Quad
Text B77439 / 6EADD5
Forgotten Lore, Forbidden Lore [Closed] (Tengel Rainforest)
*~:.Ventures into the Unknown.:~* (Closed) (Whisper Forest)
Dissonance of Heart and Soul [P] (Lya Pointa)
Study Buddies [P] (Lamenolai, City of the Guardians)

Although considered to be residents of the House, Julian and Valdemar do not actually live anywhere near the place. In fact, they are on the other continent, living in a combination bookstore/residence in Lamenolai. As much as BJ would wish it otherwise, all of the store's (rather meager) earnings belong to Julian.
// This man's origins lie in the ancient sands of the desert of Wilt'no. As the son of a priest of their goddess of Truth, he was trained in their ways in order to become one himself. Part of this training included memorizing the rules of their Goddess, which included the forbiddance of learning anything to do with the art of illusions – something by its very nature that sought to conceal the Truth. As he grew into a teenager, Julian began to wonder if illusions could not be used in order to reveal the Truth, instead of masking it, and so he began to study the forbidden art. At 25 years, he felt he had learned enough in order to successfully present his ideas to the head priest. His ideas were struck down, however, and he was subjected to punishment from the very gods he had sought to serve. For his crime, he was sentenced to eternal life on the mortal plane – a horrific punishment indeed for a culture that believed in a glorious, perfect afterlife. Ever since, he has wandered the world, never staying in one place for too long lest the mortal people become suspicious of his never-aging form (he strives even now to be as truthful as he can with others, though the very nature of his existence requires some amount of deception). The most recent major event in Julian's life is his change to 'ghost' status. This occurred when a dear friend of his died while attempting to deliver twins. Becoming distraught, Julian inexplicably found the words to transfer his curse of immortality to her, restoring her life and ending his own physical existence.
Julian met Valdemar during one of his stays in an area near Roraldi, the impish little creature taking a liking to the man and deciding to attach himself to Julian's 'household'. They have been together ever since.//
Overall, Julian's personality is subdued and quiet, due to years of observing the world's ways and doing his best to not make many personal attachments. 'Scholarly' is probably the best term to describe him – spending the majority of his time pouring over books in an effort to occupy his mind. He does his best to be a genial host to his store patrons, and will do his best to avoid insulting others. If Julian takes a liking to a person, he (or she) can expect to be treated with the same level of hospitality and even enjoy a good degree of loyalty for the rest of the relationship. However, in the rare case that he distrusts or dislikes someone, there will be a definite frigid edge to his attitude (although he will still try to be as amicable as he can). He will do his best not to get tangled up in arguments, and very rarely (if ever) loses his temper.
Valdemar, on the other hand, is a mischievous creature that enjoys playing small pranks on others, especially if they're the uptight sort that can't take a joke. Considerably more extroverted than Julian, he enjoys showing off when he gets the chance, and loves getting the attention of women (more in the sense of them adoring him than anything else). His personality has been tempered somewhat from the years he's spent with Julian, though, and he knows enough to not mess with customers (at least, not in ways that could cause legal trouble).
Standing at about 6'06", Julian's height is probably second only to his hair in what people notice when they first see him. Dark, thick, and coarse, it sticks out from his head in what could be called a 'sunburst afro'. Julian is not overly fond of his hair, as its texture and thickness makes it nearly impossible to care for (not that he has a need to, anymore). His skin is also fairly dark, floating somewhere between tan and brown, with his eyes a true chocolate color. His clothing is conservative, consisting of suit ensembles and long overcoats.
Valdemar is nearly Julian's opposite in appearance (although his hair is also dark and has a unique shape), being about 3'01" with blue eyes, very pale skin, and never wearing more than a ragged cloth kilt.
// Of very private and personal note, Julian is castrated (part of his initiation into the priesthood). //
As an illusionist, Julian is able to create as well as dispel illusions, and because of the incredible amount of time he's had to practice, his powers are extremely strong. Any illusion he creates will appear to be perfectly real, as it will include all applicable sensory components (for example, an illusory rose would include scent, an illusory fire would include noise and heat, etc.). Perhaps surprisingly, Julian cannot witness illusions very well himself, unless they were created by someone higher in skill – his training allows him to recognize most illusions for what they are and thus he is able to see right through them. Other illusionists may have a chance to detect his illusions and even dispel them, depending on how skilled they are (amateurs have a very low chance, masters of the art and natural talents have a higher chance). Julian's senses of taste, scent, and touch are rather poor, and he also seems to be unfazed by temperature extremes.
Valdemar is also capable of creating illusions, but not nearly to Julian's extent. His are limited to small visual, auditory, and/or tactile events, and he mainly uses these to show off. Valdemar's main ability is shape-shifting; he is able to take the form of a cat or a ball of blue flame at will, in addition to his normal humanoid form.
// Now that Julian is a ghost, he possesses additional powers and limitations. He is capable of being visible without illusions for 12 out of every 24 hours and tangible without illusions for six. These do not have to be consecutive, and they may occur simultaneously (i.e. he may be both tangible and visible at the same time) so long as he has time remaining for both abilities. While intangible, he is completely ethereal and therefore unaffected by anything corporeal (objects or creatures that can affect ethereal beings have their full effect). While invisible, he is completely undetectable except as a presence or by those that can sense spirits. If forced to drop his personal illusion of appearance (either by being rendered unconscious or by having the illusion dispelled), he appears as he was at his time of death, bones becoming more pronounced and his skin taking on an unhealthy pallor. His senses of taste, scent, and touch have degraded further, now being only about half as effective as they were when he was 'alive' (which in turn were about half as effective as when he was truly living). //
// Although his simple clothing and lack of decoration might indicate otherwise, Julian has a fondness for works crafted from gold. This mostly stems from the fact that his culture thought of gold as a divine metal, but... who doesn't like shiny things?
He absolutely loves chocolate... which is a shame, as he can barely appreciate the taste anymore.
Julian's penmanship is either unintelligible chicken scratch or the most beautiful calligraphy you've ever seen, depending on the reason for his writing. His scribbling is confused further by the fact that he will often begin to mix languages when doing so, although luckily such writing is confined to his personal note-taking. //

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Blood Mage That Struggles Against His Nature:.

Bluten von Gehasst
/Bloo-tehn von Geh-hahst/
-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 11/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Plains Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - Spellcaster (Blood Mage)
Personality - Fearless, Inner Discipline, Intellectual
Physical - Human Form
Social - Infernal Blood

Marking(s) Dingo, Striped
Mini-Marking(s) TearStain
Generation Fifth
Lineage Lord Baal/Krew
Offspring --

Age Adult (32)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height 5'03" // --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) Lord Baal/--
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good (Chaotic Neutral)
Form(s) Human, Quad

Nearly two-thirds demon, Bluten strives daily to keep the chaotic forces in his blood under control. Despite this internal struggle, he is actually rather hospitable to those who take the time to speak with him. Otherwise he does his best to stay out of the way of normal people, realizing that many fear or distrust him simply because of his occupation.

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Accidentally Immortal Watchmaker

Byron Holmes
/Bai-rohn Holmz/
-Male (XY) Clockwork Fellox-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Metal
Endurance 12/100
Offense 8/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 2/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Metal Plating, Spectral Strike
Normal - Pursuit
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Phylactery
Personality - Introvert, Perceptive, Recognize Impostor
Physical - Cyborg
Social - Independent

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Human, Quad

Like Yami, Byron has his own business and so does not live at the House. His watchmaking and repair shop is located in the bustling streets of Aldrect, not far from the main plaza.
// Although he normally makes his living by working on commissions, Byron decided once to try crafting something for himself as a way to relax and give himself a little gift. He never put its completion above his real work, but he did strive for absolute perfection, spending countless hours on even the smallest of details. Byron poured his soul into that watch – and now it is trapped there. Without any idea of how he accomplished it, the man now finds that he has inadvertently become a type of undead, finding the closest fit in the definition of 'lich'. //
He is a quiet man that, although friendly enough when forced into the company of others, generally prefers to keep to himself, focusing most (if not all) of his attention on his work. Byron does have the unfortunate habit of putting his work above his personal needs, occasionally causing him to pass out due to fatigue. If he does manage to find some down time in between commissions, he prefers to spend it reading the books he feels he ought to catch up on (sadly, his 'to read' list still remains longer than his 'have read' list).
Byron's arms are mechanical up to the elbow and his legs are completely so, although most people do not notice this due to his choice of clothing (full suit ensembles in tan and brown with a white or cream undershirt). His eyes are a bright reddish orange, which contrast with his dull grey-brown hair. His skin is rather pale due to spending the majority of his time indoors. In his quad form, he is more or less indistinguishable from any other Clockwork Fellox.
// His phylactery watch can act as a good indicator of his physical health. When Byron is at his best, it runs smoothly. Illnesses or injuries will cause the hands to skip, quiver, or spin. Oddly enough, the hands never seem to run backwards, regardless of the sort of state he's in. //
He doesn't really seem to have any special abilities, although he hasn't been put in a situation where he'd need to use any…
// Byron is incapable of dying from physical damage to his body. Bleeding wounds, virulent poisons, deadly diseases… Although they still cause pain, they cannot kill him. However, he can be instantly killed if his phylactery watch is damaged beyond repair (for example, if it is smashed or crushed), and any mental or spiritual methods of killing will have their normal effect. Partially damaging his phylactery watch can cause anything from minor pains to full incapacitation (depending on the severity of the damage). //

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Shy Zombie that Dreams of Love:.

Cormac Ó Fiannaidhe
/Korr-mak O Fian-nayeh/
-Male (XY) Kirund-

Level 2.2
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 10/100
Offense 11/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 3/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Life Drain
Normal - Stubborn Ferocity
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Fearless, Introvert, Malevolent
Physical - Undead (Zombie)
Social - Independent

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Heterosexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Human
Text #ced6c7
[* Where Irony Meets Reality [P]


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Couldn't-Care-Less Vampire:.

Lyall Scott
/Lai-all Skaht/
-Male (XY) Chaos Batti-

Level 1.4
AP 10
Size T
Diet Sanguivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 8/100
Offense 3/100
Defense 1/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 7/100
Fame 0/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Life Drain
Normal - Arterial Strike, Keen Hearing
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cave Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Chaotic Mind, Cynic, Reserved
Physical - Aerodynamic, Keen Hearing, Night Vision, Undead (Vampire)
Social - Independent

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Human
[* Where Irony Meets Reality [P]


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The --:.

-Male (XY) Ecoshinzo-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Earth/Water (Nature)
Endurance 10/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 10/40
Speed 11/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Aero, Deluge, Entangling Roots, Fissure, Frost, Mother Nature's Son, Pyro, Voltage
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Forest Dweller
Healing - Herbalist
Magic - Elemental Manipulation, Spellcaster (Mage), Weather Warper, Witchlight
Personality - Luddite
Physical - Hover
Social - Friend of Nature, Independent

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Human


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 674
Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM

InDependents - Celestial Bodies

Postby Kodai » 08/03/2011 3:16 PM

.:The Faces of the Moon:.

-Female (XX) Diosol-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Herbivore/Mentivore
Element(s) Dark/Light
Endurance 8/100
Offense 2/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 9/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 10/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Blinding Blaze, Creeping Shadows
Normal - Dodge
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Aerodynamic, Dash, Evasive, Extended Life Span, Keen Hearing
Social - --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Female
Sexual Orientation Asexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
User avatar
Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 674
Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM

InDependents - #DemonWorldProblems

Postby Kodai » 08/30/2011 10:47 PM

.:The Disillusioned Demon Prince:.

Prince Friedrich
Prince Friedrich
/Prins Freed-rikh/
-Male (XY) Glacial Bruma-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Omnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 13/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 6/100
Precision 5/40
Speed 6/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Dark Heart
Normal - Extended Claws, Powerful Jaws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cold Adaptation
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Malevolent
Physical - Hydrodynamic, Night Vision, Partial Blindness
Social - Infernal Heritage, Royal Authority

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Interest(s) Engelram
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Evil
Form(s) Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Loyal Demon Lieutenant Colonel:.

Lieutenant Colonel Engelram
Lieutenant Colonel Engelram
/Loo-ten-ant Ker-nal En-gel-rahm/
-Male (XY) Malphas-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 11/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 4/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 3/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Blizzard, Dark Heart
Normal - Combat Endurance, Constrict, Lunge, Veteran Mind
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cold Adaptation
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - Perceptive
Physical - Aerodynamic
Social - Infernal Heritage, Military Leader

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Homosexual
Love Interest(s) Freidrich
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Lawful Evil
Form(s) Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ???:.

-Male (XY) Cobalt Carpetfang-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size L
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 14/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 3/40
Speed 4/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Poison Immunity, Spit Poison, Virulent Poison
Normal - Constrict, Snatch
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - Infernal Heritage

Age Young Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Anthro


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The Rakshasa Lord:.

-Male (XY) Avalanche Panzer-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 15/100
Offense 9/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 5/100
Fame 5/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Blizzard, Freezing Touch, Snowshoes
Normal - Combat Endurance, Extended Claws, Veteran Mind
Passive Traits
Acclimation - Cold Adaptation, Mountain Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - --
Social - Infernal Heritage, Noble Authority

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment --
Form(s) Anthro, Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 674
Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM

InDependents - Dog-Eat-Dog World

Postby Kodai » 04/19/2012 9:25 PM

.:The Personified Darkness:.

Yami Kodai
/Yah-mee Koh-die / Why Kay/
-Male (XY) Fallen Luhna-

Level 3.2
AP 10
Size M
Diet Animavore
Element(s) Dark
Endurance 13/100
Offense 10/100
Defense 5/100
Precision 8/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 9/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Dark Heart, Spectral Strike
Normal - Extended Claws
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Sprit Sense
Personality - Malevolent
Physical - Human Speech, Padded Paws
Social - Heretic, Silent Shadow

Genetics Dominant Preluhna/Recessive Preluhna
Generation First
Lineage --
Offspring 4 :: Ken - 2 Lantern Kuhnas, 1 Preluhna, 1 Trikuhna

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height  --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity Male
Sexual Orientation Pansexual
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Chaotic Neutral
Form(s) Quad

A very unpredictable and very dangerous dark creature that claims to have a connection to the mistress of the House. Despite his chaotic tendencies, he did prove himself to have some sense of responsibility when he defended his kits and their mother against an assailant. Although he claims that this is just in interest of ensuring the continuation of his bloodline, it's uncertain if this is the truth...

Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ?:.

Onibi Alender
/Oh-nee-bee Ah-len-dur / Bee/
-Female (XX) Lantern Kuhna-

Level 1.0
AP 10
Size S
Diet Piscivore/Carnivore
Element(s) Light
Endurance 12/100
Offense 5/100
Defense 1/100
Precision 6/40
Speed 8/100
Fame 6/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - Ray
Normal - --
Passive Traits
Acclimation - --
Healing - --
Magic - Witchlight
Personality - --
Physical - Padded Paws
Social - --

Genetics Dominant Preluhna/Recessive Trikuhna
Generation Second
Lineage Yami Kodai/Ken
Offspring --

Age --
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height  --
Length --
Weight --

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment Neutral Good
Form(s) Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --

.:The ?:.

Hollow del Irneh
/Hol-lowh del Eer-neh/
-Male (XY) Lucain-

Level 2.1
AP 10
Size M
Diet Carnivore
Element(s) --
Endurance 12/100
Offense 11/100
Defense 7/100
Precision 7/40
Speed 9/100
Fame 11/40
Battle Traits
Elemental - --
Normal - Powerful Jaws, Spiked Body
Passive Traits
Acclimation - City Dweller
Healing - --
Magic - --
Personality - --
Physical - Extended Life Span, Human Form
Social - Independent, Scavenger

Marking(s) Ancient, Warrior
Mini-Marking(s) Coontail, Spades
Generation Third
Lineage Anthanaric/Kette
Offspring --

Age Adult (--)
Blood Type --
D.O.B. --
Height -- / 4'04"
Length --
Weight -- / 148 lbs.

Gender Identity --
Sexual Orientation --
Love Interest(s) --
Mate(s) --
Child(ren) --

Parent(s) --
Sibling(s) --

Alignment True Neutral
Form(s) Human, Quad


Arcana --
Zodiac --
Song --
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Ultimate Explorer
Ultimate Explorer
Pets | Items
Keystones: 674
Joined: 09/01/2007 1:06 AM


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