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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby MillietheWarrior » 07/19/2010 9:57 PM

The young girl practically bounced into the shop. Her eyes roved over the rows of toys in stock, and she practically squealed with glee. Her mother was waiting just outside the door, having given her strict instructions to ‘just buy ONE thing, and then come right back out.’ April was a good girl, and she was quite happy to do as her mother asked. She clutched the little bit of money close to her chest; as a three year old, she was never trusted with very many things, but she’d be darned if she lost the one thing her mother finally did trust her with. She was going to prove she was a big girl, and she could do things for herself. She marched straight up the counter, despairing at the fact that’s he couldn’t even see over it. “’Scuse me, Mistewr!” she called. “I wanna buy a dolly!” She walked to the side of the counter, and pointed at the Chocolate Cuniflare plush, before holding out her precious keystones. “I got money. Can I have him, pwease?”

{Item(s) sent}

I love adventurous tales like that. That uplifting feeling that comes from seeing unknown lands and the knowledge that you came across—nothing can replace it! It opens a path from which self-confidence, experience, and important friendships—from the sharing of life or death situations—are born! But hearing it just isn’t the same. I want to create my own magnificent story!

A great adventure!

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby clackno1 » 07/20/2010 12:11 AM

Veradis strolled into the shop, trying to keep her excitement from bubbling up. She did have a large smile. She needed a toy for that new puppy she was getting and this was the place to do it. Hopefully the toy wouldn't get too...destroyed. "One Chocolate Cuniflare plush please." she said and tossed the KS onto the counter. The last one, it looked like. She was one lucky girl. And that puppy was even luckier. A nice home with a loving mommy. Oh, she was so excited! She already had food, a bed, toys, treats, and all the necessities for potty training. Hopefully that would take too long.

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One day men will look back and say I gave birth to the twentieth century.
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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby Remedy » 07/22/2010 9:47 PM

A small Cupid Tricky stumbled into the store.  She looked around with big blue eyes for the counter and scooted on over.  "Excuse me, miss," she said in a scratchy voice, "May I get a Generic Pink Watch, a Generic Blue Watch, and a Generic Black Watch?  That would be 60 KS, right?"She coughed a little and rubbed her throat with her flipper.  If only she hadn't sang too hard, she would have her voice.

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby rivalette » 07/23/2010 10:07 PM


Dreamer and Tree

A Dreamsnare Sygriff and a Blossom Cavallion walk into the store. They walk around for a moment, then the Cavallion nudges the Sygriff.
"What is it, Tree?" she asks. Tree begins to write on a small piece of paper in pink ink. The Sygriff reads the note, then walks up to the counter.
"Hi, I'm Dreamer. I'd like to buy a Tabby Doll," she says, dropping thirty keystones on the counter.

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby Williamwolf » 08/22/2010 1:49 AM

Image Blood Batti

Well. He had been given some keystones to use as he pleased, this was such a rare treat. He must of done something special to get some Keystones. Not likely, this young Blood Batti really didn't ever do anything that was worth paying him for, even he was unsure of why he got to get something special for himself. The batti, Raw, was his name, entered what looked to be a toy store. It looked busy inside, his big ears twitched slightly, and he let his wings drag behind him as he let himself enter further into the store. Raw sniffed around, eyes looking up at all the people. using their own money to get something for themselves or for other people. Raw waited until he could speak up, flinching at his own name before continuing. "Excuse me," he pipped, glancing around at everyone as if he were going to be ambushed by all of them. " Chaos Kitty Doll....please."

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby Shaetani » 11/15/2010 11:24 AM

Biscoti the Hyper Kuhna had recently received the latest updates in her e-mail and as soon as she could lure a few KS out of Shaetani for doing... ick, chores; she'd rushed off to the store. Ducking inside the door, she looked around, her pink gaze searching and then finally fixating upon what she wanted. "THERE!" Grinning from ear to ear, she ducked behind the rows and made her way over to the pirate hats. Perfect. Carefully, so as not to damage the pirate feather, she grabbed Two Pink Pirate Hats and walked over to the counter with her tails waving behind her. Once there, she stared through the glass counter-top at the jewelry inside and let out a little gasp of pleasure. It looked like there was one watch left as well! "I'd like these two pink hats and the last pink watch if its not reserved." It was a pity there wasn't two of them but just thinking of how Kharma's face would light up at their matching hats made her feel better. Besides, maybe they'd re-stock by christmas, then she and Kharma could have matching hats AND watches. That would be totally awsome! "Thank you so much! Do you do gift wrapping as well? Wait, nevermind, I've got the perfect boxes to wrap them in at home." Oh, she couldn't wait to wear them, but she was determined to be good and place them under the tree.

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby HunnyBun » 11/21/2010 12:04 AM

HUN rushed into the store, she didn't have much time, afraid the store would be closed. She just had to get a quick gift for someone.
"Excuse me, can I please have one Khaki Fedora, and one Shi'Hana Doll please?"
She fiddled in a small brown bag and got out the KS. Placing the amount down she smiled.
"The Doctor will be glad when I get him the hat."
She smiled, she couldn't wait to see his face.

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We're waiting every night
To finally roam and invite
Newcomers to play with us
For many years we've been all alone

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby rayquaza7996 » 11/21/2010 10:01 PM

"That hat." The girl had been enamored by it, though her pockets were empty, and she strode away, frowning.

Lucia's love for the hat had been so obvious that Skettis and her spiritual companion, Tariel, had been forced to return to buy it as a gift for their friend. The small, glowing blue ungulate remained close to the Paragon as she strode over. She picked it up and tossed the keystones down.

"The Purple Pirate Hat, I must request."

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You've been known to obsess over the future,

Do you think you'll get away from the past?

As you starve yourself just to make it through to midnight,

Consider what you might have found.

You think you've got a good thing now?
Ludo - Topeka

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby peanutrider » 01/09/2011 9:14 AM


Frostess walked around having never being out alone she was a little afraid.  Having a small frosty blue bag of hard earned KS that she was alowed to use on some thing she wanted.  While wandering around she saw two adorable plush.  Trotting over to the counter asking sweetly one Siamese Doll and one Russian Blue Doll please.

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I paint of your face that
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Would you then maybe come back
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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby Thunder » 06/05/2011 4:40 PM


The purple and black female Lucain walked into the store wearing a fancy Victorian style dress and carrying an umbrella. She hummed a little tune as she browsed through the store shelves. Suddenly, she froze in place as she spotted the top hats. They were so...refined. So...exquisite. She did a little dance of excitement and picked one White-Ribbon Top Hat and one Candy Top Hat off the shelf. She danced over to the shopkeeper and placed the items on the counter.

"I'd like to buy these, please!" she chirped. "That's 50 Keystones, right?"

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby Akuji Rin » 06/09/2011 5:21 AM

Akuji stepped calmly into the shop, perching her mask atop her head as her crimson eyes scanned the shelves. Jara would not tolerate her being gone long, however the Turkezilla needed something to keep her busy when she sat all alone in the courtyard. She calmly strolled along, dissatisfied with the easily-dismembered bits and pieces of many of the contraptions on display. She paused, however, when her eyes fell upon a soft, miniature version of the very one she was shopping for. She looked up and down the shelves once more, noticing that there wasn't another Turkezilla Plush to be found. Removing it gently from the shelf, she cradled it in her hands as she looked it over for any sign of defect. After she determined that there was nothing wrong with it, she waited for an open opportunity to speak with the keeper of the shop.

"If it isn't any trouble, I would like to purchase this Turkezilla Plush."

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby jobiehanna » 07/10/2011 5:19 PM


The kuhna that walked into the shop had a sad expression on her face, like she had just lost a child or relative. Which wasn't far from the truth. She was here to buy a doll in memory of her lost child. It was the least she could do for her daughter, and it would help keep her in their family, wherever she was. You see, she hadn't died, but had been stolen. All searches turned up empty, and Rhea couldn't help but wish that her daughter was safe with her captor. She hadn't read or heard of any body's found... yet. "I'd like to but one Russian Blue Doll," she said sadly, handing over the ks.

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And I was runnin' far away
Would I run off the world someday?
Nobody knows
Nobody knows, and
I was dancing in the rain
I felt alive and I can't complain

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby ToxxicRenegadeAngel » 03/11/2012 6:05 PM


Lazarus stepped daintily into the shop and sniffed, looking distastefully at the merchandise. He strode up and down the aisles, peering closely at this, staring at that, snorting at the other. His keystone purse, bound tightly to the belt around his neck, jingled forlornly, the few lonely keystones inside clacking together with each step. Finally he came to the clearance bin, and his expression softened.

Picking up a Broken Ursice Plush, he smiled, just a little, before turning and carrying it to the counter.

"Just this one Broken Ursice Plush please" he said, before bashfully blushing. "My...uh...special friend... fixes things like this for fun...It's not like I felt sorry for the poor thing, or like I came in here in order to buy something for her..." He shuffled uncomfortably from hoof to hoof as the cashier smiled, and turned to the cash register...

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby Thunder » 10/30/2013 1:36 PM


The man was rarely seen in the outside world. No one knew who he was, but as he strode by in his dark, floral clothing, waves of fear washed over all who laid eyes on him. Was he a specter, raised from the dead for All Hallow's Eve? Or was he some sort of demon in human form? At any rate, it was unnerving- and strange- to see such a man striding over into the Toys and Trinkets store with two top hats in hand.

Once he entered the store, he stepped over to Canvas and extended the two top hats to the young painter. A small smile, sly in connotation, formed on the man's lips. "Greetings," he murmured. "Perhaps you don't remember me, but I purchased these hats from your store...quite some time ago. Regrettably, they no longer fit my current tastes... I do believe you currently have a program where I may exchange them for certain goods, do you not?"

(Exchanging my two Top Hats for 2 puzzle pieces.)

{Puzzle piece(s) sent}

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Re: .:Toys and Trinkets:.

Postby Kylo » 10/30/2013 4:21 PM


After managing to put some of the puzzle pieces that he already had together he figured out that he was missing some of them. So as soon as he had heard about being able to exchange old unwanted items for pieces he had immediately began to dig through garbage cans and trash piles for the items that were listed. After a long days work of digging through rubbish he had managed to find exactly two items on the list. He kind of felt bad trading them in, he actually liked them, but he was determined to get the final puzzle pieces. Dumping one Lord Baal Doll and one Chaos Kitty Doll on the table he smiled at the person behind the counter. "Can I exchange these two items for puzzle pieces please?"

(I don't have the image but according to the ownership records I own 1 Lord Baal Doll and 1 Chaos Kitty Doll. I am exchanging them both for puzzle pieces.)

{Puzzle piece(s) sent}

Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
Falling from grace, I watch it all come apart
Knowing I could've changed it all from the start
I can't breathe, I need to break free
From the anger that is constantly inside of me
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